View Full Version : New CW9 Owner - Questions

11-22-2010, 03:39 PM
This is my first post here, and thanks for letting me join up and learn from all the experienced Kahr owners.

I have a new CW9 because it was the best concealed carry choice that I looked at, and I looked at a lot of potential choices.

At any rate, there has been a lot of discussion about a wire part, very small, ....

that is held to the polymer frame with a tiny star head screw, which causes most of any problems such as mag drops, premature slide lock and failure of slide to lock back on empty mags when not stitting just right, if it's too tight, not tight enough, slightly bent or under the slide release. That wire is the cause of most polymer framed problems.

I've read quite a bit about this, and the above quote was by Glocktalk forum member gatorboy, who seemed to efficiently summarize much of what has been said about this from what I've been able to gather.

Does anyone have any experience with this, and have you replaced this part?

Also, does anyone think it's completely unwise or unnecessary to replace the MIM slide stop lever with a machined one from the P series, which is $24 new, and can be found for less than that used?

I love the thin profile and light weight of the CW9.

I chose it rather than the PM9 because I can get a firmer grip using a modified Weaver stance due to the longer magazine and grip. It just fits my hand better.

I chose it over the Walther PPS, Keltec PF9, baby Glocks, or Springfield EMP, all of which seemed nice and had their strong and weak points for concealed carry and handling, like anything else in life (series of compromises).

One last thing: I also chose the CW9 over the K9 because of the additional 7 1/2 ounces of weight in the K9, and because this will be my EDC weapon in light clothing/hot weather, and because weight is a big issue when dressed in lighter summer type clothing such as shorts and tshirts. I do not often use a rigid gun belt nor do I want to be forced to, as I prefer IWB carry. How durable are the polymer frames used on P/PM/CW series Kahrs compared to anything else out there?

Thanks for any and all information.

11-22-2010, 03:58 PM
the MIM slide stop is perfect. It will never give u one issue,. forget about that part.

that little springhy thing, also just forget about that to read the manual and again I say read the manual. if u put the slide lock lever back the way the manual tell s you, u will never have one issue with that little springhy. Don't mess with that screw. It goes into polymer and it never really tightens, it just strips, so leave it alone. Its purpose is to hold that springy into place. again read the manual.

go tothe kahr tech section and hit on PROPPER PREPPING OF YOUR NEW KAHR AND ALSO THE KAHR LUBE CHART. two excellent threads that will get you going the right way. U have a super gun there, u really do, so don't go looking for issues, just go out and shoot it like u stole it. If u have any issues come to this forum first and ask questions. these guys are super, very knowledeable and it cost u nothing.

To my knowledge I have never read of a broken slide stop lever on a cw series gun, although we did on this forum read of a forged slide stop being broken on I think a K9. So sh-t happens. Stop worrying about something that u have zero control over.

U do have total control over that slide stop springhy and if u follow the manual u will never have an issue there. I will tell you that I put a dab of grease on the slide stop tab that goes under that little sprngy thing. Just snaps in smoother. and I also put a dab of grease near the flat side of the inside of the lever where the round pin goes into it. That little groove on that pin actually snaps into the back side of that little springy thing.

That springy thing serves two purposes. 1. It works the slide stop up and down. 2That little grove on the pin is what locks that pin in and keeps it from riding out on the left side. I have had my PM9 apart probably 500 times and I am still on the original little springy and I have never touched that littler screw either. Same thing with that right side panel on the grip. just leave it alone. there is no need to take that panel off.


welcome to the forum. we ain't the best but IMO we simply are the best.. We ghave a new moderator that will be soon sending you a welcome to the forum fruit basket. In the basket will be fruits like Polesie,Reed,Boxer The fruits look different but they are all the same..

11-22-2010, 04:00 PM

Thanks for the fast and detailed response and information.

I appreciate it greatly.

I have read that you have put quite a few rounds through your original PM9.

Is the CW9 frame manufactured to the same durability specifications as the PM9 frame?

11-22-2010, 05:06 PM

Thanks for the fast and detailed response and information.

I appreciate it greatly.

I have read that you have put quite a few rounds through your original PM9.

Is the CW9 frame manufactured to the same durability specifications as the PM9 frame?

The CW frame is every bit as durable as the PM. While suffering from a mild case of dementia from time to time everything Mr. Jocko said is true and you'd be wise to adhere to his comments. I know I do.
The term if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it is a good one to live by.
There are lots of good people here and a few questionable ones ready and willing to help each other or pick on each other as the opportunity presents itself
We're glad you found us and look forward to frequent input, hopefully positive from time to time from you and your CW which incidently will probably be the first of several. I think they are a bit addictive.

I'm sorry to say with the unseasonal weather sweeping the nation, including the darn white stuff falling on me right this minute in near blizzard conditions, the fruit baskets are on backorder. I'll see about some sort of replacement item but for now I send good karma to you and your new CW.

11-22-2010, 05:25 PM
The CW frame is every bit as durable as the PM. While suffering from a mild case of dementia from time to time everything Mr. Jocko said is true and you'd be wise to adhere to his comments. I know I do.
The term if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it is a good one to live by.
There are lots of good people here and a few questionable ones ready and willing to help each other or pick on each other as the opportunity presents itself
We're glad you found us and look forward to frequent input, hopefully positive from time to time from you and your CW which incidently will probably be the first of several. I think they are a bit addictive.

I'm sorry to say with the unseasonal weather sweeping the nation, including the darn white stuff falling on me right this minute in near blizzard conditions, the fruit baskets are on backorder. I'll see about some sort of replacement item but for now I send good karma to you and your new CW.

So does this mean we get fruitcakes again? :eek:

Welcome to the madhouse KahrCarry. :D

11-22-2010, 05:38 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum. The CW9 is a great pistol. I have over 800 rounds shot through my Kahr CW9. I have had no issues with my CW9. Break yours in and give us a range report! Shoot safe,

-- Richard

11-22-2010, 06:46 PM
Thank you Bawanna, dusty & rkirk.

I will definitely give all here a range report at my earliest opportunity.

I appreciate the friendly attitude and solid info offered up on these forums.

11-22-2010, 06:50 PM
Wheew, that was close, he didn't even mention the fruitcake. I gotta come up with a new plan.

mr surveyor
11-22-2010, 07:07 PM
Dear Mr. Moderator,

Being aware of your current dilema concerning the arrival of the Christmas Season fruit baskets, I would be more than willing to receive a shiny new MK9 in it's stead. I can't speak for our newest arrival, but would assume he would appreciate the downgrade gift as well.



(p.s. in the event you can't forward the MK9 for fruitbasket replacement, the PM9 would suffice)

11-22-2010, 07:11 PM
Dear Mr. Moderator,

Being aware of your current dilema concerning the arrival of the Christmas Season fruit baskets, I would be more than willing to receive a shiny new MK9 in it's stead. I can't speak for our newest arrival, but would assume he would appreciate the downgrade gift as well.



(p.s. in the event you can't forward the MK9 for fruitbasket replacement, the PM9 would suffice)

Thank you for your correspondence Mr. Surveyor. Your suggestion is duely noted and I shall immediately pass this foward to my immediate supervisor.
Personally I think it's a fine idea and I'm ready to move forward with enthusiasm.

mr surveyor
11-22-2010, 07:24 PM
Thank you for your correspondence Mr. Surveyor. Your suggestion is duely noted and I shall immediately pass this foward to my immediate supervisor.
Personally I think it's a fine idea and I'm ready to move forward with enthusiasm.

Mr. Moderator

I think I can speak for all of our esteemed members here at KahrTalk concerning this matter by expressing my utmost gratitude for your personal attention to this matter. You are making us all proud.


11-22-2010, 09:30 PM
To his moderatorship:

If SURV gets one, I want one too. It's only fair. I can get a fruit cake from Cabela's any day.

11-22-2010, 09:33 PM
To his moderatorship:

If SURV gets one, I want one too. It's only fair. I can get a fruit cake from Cabela's any day.

But of course, that goes without saying! It's all for none or none for all!! Seems like I got that a little twisted but you get the general idea.