View Full Version : Urgent - new gun disassembly problem!!

11-24-2010, 01:37 PM
Just purchased my PM9 yesterday and am process of disassembly for cleaning. PROBLEM, I removed the slide release as per the manual and released striker but slide will not slide off the frame. There is about 1/2 inch of movement on the slide back and forth but will not slide off the frame. Please advise!! Thanks

11-24-2010, 01:45 PM
pull the trigger and then as ur releasing it, try to remove the slde. If that doesn't do it, take a rubber mallet or soemthingin that order and give the back of the slide a hit, It should come off.

11-24-2010, 01:55 PM
Will answer my own question in case any other new user runs into this. Tech support had me reinsert the slide release pin part way and rack the slide just a bit. Then, remove the pin again and move the slide forward till it stops and then pull the trigger. The slide will continue forward and off the frame.

Great tech support by the way - only waited 30 sec!! I'm liking this gun already. I returned a Kel Tech PF9 due to 3 different and numerous malfunctions in first 70 rounds. This gun appears much more refined. Can't wait to fire it. Yes, I am following the sticky on break-in. Great site here!

11-24-2010, 01:56 PM
Thanks Jocko! You are saying what tech support suggested. I figured I better get them right away before the holiday.

11-24-2010, 02:07 PM
Not to bash the Kel Tec too much - I fired a friends PF9 w/o any problems before I bought mine. The gun has a faithful following and apparently good tech support also. After several and different malfunctions I lost faith in the weapon for a carry BUG and several issues did not seem likely to improve with more break-in. A bad gun can get past any manufacturer. So far I'm impressed with the appearance and feel of the Kahr. It definitely costs more. Will give a report next week after I fire it.

11-24-2010, 02:13 PM
Not to bash the Kel Tec too much - I fired a friends PF9 w/o any problems before I bought mine. The gun has a faithful following and apparently good tech support also. After several and different malfunctions I lost faith in the weapon for a carry BUG and several issues did not seem likely to improve with more break-in. A bad gun can get past any manufacturer. So far I'm impressed with the appearance and feel of the Kahr. It definitely costs more. Will give a report next week after I fire it.


11-24-2010, 02:14 PM
Will answer my own question in case any other new user runs into this. Tech support had me reinsert the slide release pin part way and rack the slide just a bit. Then, remove the pin again and move the slide forward till it stops and then pull the trigger. The slide will continue forward and off the frame.

Great tech support by the way - only waited 30 sec!! I'm liking this gun already. I returned a Kel Tech PF9 due to 3 different and numerous malfunctions in first 70 rounds. This gun appears much more refined. Can't wait to fire it. Yes, I am following the sticky on break-in. Great site here!

GO THE THE TWO THREADS: pROPPER PREPPING OF YOUR NEW KAHR AND ALSO THE KAHR LUBE CHART. they will assure you of perfect reliability if you do all..

In the Kahr tech section.

11-24-2010, 02:35 PM
Yes, I have those threads printed out; great info. I do not have a Dremel yet, (waiting on Santa) so may not polish the ramp further. If I do, what kind of polish do you use? I read somewhere here I think to use the "red" polish. Not sure what that means or what I'm looking for when I polish?

11-24-2010, 03:00 PM
if u have any 600+ grit auto sand paper it willdo the same job, might take a few more minutes but certainly will put a shine on and remove no metal. More than likely your kahr doesn't need it but IMO it never hurts any gun. I aslo polish the inside of the chamber to......

Now jsut get out and run some rounds through it, that is what really gets a gun going right. Things just have to mate up sometimes and nothing better than sholting bullets out the end of the barrel either. Also the shooter and the gun also need to mate up to...

11-24-2010, 06:52 PM
Good on ya' getting the PM9. Do everthing Jocko says and you'll have a great running pocket gun. Congrats, Dusty Oh, and welcome to the forum.