View Full Version : mag release....

11-24-2010, 05:44 PM

New member with a new P40.

So far, pretty trouble free. Followed the prep directions I found here and aside from a failure to go fully into battery on the first round of the first mag, 50 rounds of 165gr fmj and 50 of 165gr GDHPs it's been good to go. Slight vertical string (3 inches or so) about 1" left of center at 10 yards.

My one concern is the how far toward the frame the mag release button has to move before the mag drops. The button is almost flush, and maybe a little deeper before the mag drops free. I pretty much have to reposition my strong hand to get the button in far enough.

I thought I'd ask if this is common, or has anyone else had an issue.


11-24-2010, 06:26 PM
was that first round by hand racking or using the slide release button. That part will only get better with more rounds down range. the gun will smooth itself out.

Can't really answer ur release button question. At least yournot having pre mature mag release, so consider that a positive. I can't see why your mag rlease button would be any different than any other kahr, the all basically come out of the same mold.

I being left handed just love how my mag release button works..

11-28-2010, 08:57 AM
I agree that the mag release action on my PM9 requires too much effort to actually depress.
Sometimes the release works properly but most other times (using same magazine) the mag release stubbornly won't work. My other magazine gets the same result. It seems that an inordinate large amount of pressure is required to get the mag to release. This does not feel acceptable. A user should not have to 'fight' to get the mag release to work. No other weapon I own has this condition.

What is most troublesome is the inconsistancy in needed high depressing pressure to get the mag release to function properly.

11-28-2010, 11:11 AM
I don't have trouble depressing the mag latch or releasing the magazine on either my CW 45 or CW 9; neither requires the latch be pushed below the level of the frame to do so.
Mt first suggestion for both armdav8r (BTW: welcome to the forums!) and skytop is to contact Kahr and ask for replacement latches.

If you feel up to DIY, lets look at the dynamics of the latch.
It's basically a spring loaded bar that slides between to holes in the frame.
The bar is scalloped to provide clearance for the magazine and has a shelf machined on it to engage a cutout in the magazine thus holding the magazine in the pistol. This shelf should be smooth and machined level (or sloped slightly to the rear, away from the shelf's leading edge: leaving the edge higher).
Here's a photo with an arrow point to the edge of the shelf:

As a disclaimer: the following is what I would look for/do and are not "how to do it" articles.

Also, as both your pistols function as they are: I STRONGLY ADVISE GETTING REPLACEMENT PARTS, before attempting any work on your guns.

Lock your slide back and look at the latch's shelf for damage or uneven machining (possibly even a lip). If either is present, you might be able to clean it up with a little judicious stoning/file work. It occurs to me that debris in the spring's channel on the latch might also cause some difficulty in operating the latch (IE, making it harder to push).

As there is some play in the magazine well, I suggest you disassemble a magazine, then lock the slide back and insert the empty magazine tube. Try twisting the magazine while watching how far the shelf protrudes inside the magazine. With the pistol pointed away from you and the front of the magazine twisted to the left, you should have minimal engagement of the magazine and the latch shelf. At this point you should be able to determine if removing any material from the front edge of the shelf is feasible.
For example: in the photo below, the image on the left shows my CW45 with the magazine moved to where there is the least engagement of the magazine latch in the magazine (image on the right shows the most engagement).

An interesting (at least to me) aside here: I assumed that the latch in my CW9 was plastic as it's not magnetic on the ends that are exposed. However, I noticed that the shelf has some silver looking wear marks and a magnet is attracted to the shelf. I'm guessing it's some type of composite construction.


11-28-2010, 11:25 AM
the earlier model kahrs had polymer mag release catchs, but in the past couple of year they went to a metal catch for all of their kahrs. Not sure it that catch is aluminum or steel either, but if u have a polymer mag catch, the all metal ones will take its place.

11-28-2010, 11:57 AM
the earlier model kahrs had polymer mag release catchs, but in the past couple of year they went to a metal catch for all of their kahrs. Not sure it that catch is aluminum or steel either, but if u have a polymer mag catch, the all metal ones will take its place.
Thanks Jocko, I might go for an all metal one at some point.
Your reply did peak my curiosity, so I pulled the latch from my CW9 and it's as I thought: a composite build. The latch body is polymer, but the shelf is machined for a steel insert that is pinned in place:

11-28-2010, 03:18 PM

Thanks for all the input. You all made some excellent points. I'm on a trip right now, but I'll pull the mag release out of the frame tomorrow and have a gander.

I think I'll buy a replacement part and do some smithing on it. As it stands now, the shelf that the mag sits on is a might too long (wide?). I want a positive manipulation of the release during a quick mag exchange scenario, but not to the point it is now.

I'll let everyone know the results.


12-12-2012, 09:30 PM
I recognize this thread is two years old at this point. But, I wanted to say that I am having the same issues as the OP. PM9, about 800 rounds through it. I was going to use it for IDPA since it is what I carry 95% of the time. Practicing some mag changes at home and found that the mag release was hard to get pushed in all the way (has to be nearly flush with the frame). It's a little better with some magazines than others. I guess I'll start troubleshooting like Greg suggests and possibly talk to Kahr and get a replacement part in case i muck it up.