View Full Version : Let's Survey Your Gun Oil/Lubs and Solvents

11-25-2010, 07:58 AM
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. I should be out deer hunting but I needed a day of rest. I harvested a doe, 8 pointer and 2 nice longbeards with the bow, but gun season has been very slow for me - I have not seen a single deer in 6 days...WOW! Maybe this afternoon if it does not rain.

1. I have been using Remington Dry Lube and have had no problems of any kind. However, I just wonder if the moving parts are protected adequately from wear. (a.) What do you think about this product??? I also use Hoppes solvent and it seems to clean reasonably deep enough to suit me. (b). What do you think about this product?

2. I'd like to hear about your lube and solvent preferences and why you like them. Maybe this survey has already been done and if so, just point me to the thread, but I could not find one. I just saw an ad about Bob Marvel custom gun oil, but have seen good reviews about other brands. I am sure the conclusion will be they are all good, but some better than others. Just wanted to get some input so I can check them out for myself and also to help others decide. It might be neat to take a poll to see which oil was used most. If someone could tell me how the summary is put together. Please include price (with shipping) and where you purchase it, so we can look at price/oz comparisons.

You folks always seem to be honest and get to the point, so I sincerely appreciate your input. Thanks a bunch.

Too Tall Todd
11-27-2010, 11:00 AM
I use the sentry solutions tough glide on nearly all interior surfaces and their moly on the high friction parts, especially the bore. They're both dry so they don't attract dirt, lint etc. They protect we from mosture well also. Then I wipe the outside with their tough glide, or shield rag and I am ready.

11-27-2010, 01:50 PM
I use RemOil, Hoppe's oil, and some automotive products on occasion. I very seldom use grease but have been known to use the same stuff I use when I rebuild engines as a grease, I forget the name of it right now, but it is not lithium grease.

11-27-2010, 02:27 PM
TW25 in the syringe applicator


I don't know of any other lubricant company that puts out TECHNICAL DATA on each product they make. Now understand I don't understand most all of that data but they are not hidiing thier product under any false labeling either. As any person would know,, to get a product approved by the military for usage, has to go through more scrutiny than dolly Pardon standing naked on a stage...

11-27-2010, 02:51 PM
I like the Militec-1 conditioner, one of the dry lubes. Takes a while to apply but worth it.
I also use some wet lube, either Militec or Hoppes gun oil.
In addition to all that, the rails get a thin layer of TW25b.
I use a needle applicator of Zero Friction for those little, hard to get to areas.

Hoppes #9 or Hoppes Elite, both work well.
Silp 2000 Carbon Killer, works great on a HK P7 gas piston.
Eezox, (which is also a dry lube, but I largely use it to clean)
On occation I'll use some Ballistol, just to be different.

11-27-2010, 02:59 PM
I run Slip2000 EWL for pretty much everything from my AR, to my bolt actions, to my rimfires. I'll use Hoppe's #9 solvent when I shoot corrosive ammo.

I use axle grease on the M1 Garand.

same stuff I use when I rebuild engines as a grease, I forget the name of it right now, but it is not lithium grease.

Lubriplate :)

11-28-2010, 06:25 AM
It's been a couple of years since I bought any of that.

11-28-2010, 08:10 AM
When I bought my Kahr PM9 I was getting low on gun lube (Break Free) so picked up some G96 gun oil. It is been approved and used by the military, etc. and is a synthetic. Then, I was at my dealer and he gave me a sample bottle of FP-10. They both appear to be good products so not sure which to use on a regular basis? I did my Kahr preparation using the G96 and 125 rds later, no malfunctions.

Some of the lubes advertise they are a cleaner as well. It seems to me a lube can't be both - Hoppes or a "gun blaster" for cleaning and a lube for lube? Opinions please.

11-28-2010, 11:38 AM
Lubes come and go, it might surprise you to learn what CLP has in it and what it does (this from some one who literally bought the stuff by the gallon). That is what we used and Saf-T-Kleen solvent was the heavy stuff. Both worked pretty well with some elbow grease. CLP is just that Cleaner, Lubricant, Protector. That being said, most gun oils work well, some better than others, though in truth almost any metal lubricant can be used (yes I've used 3-in-1 before with no adverse effects), my advise looks like this, if you have a couple that you like, then get what is available and easier on the bill fold.

11-28-2010, 01:45 PM
Break Free CLP. what more do you need.

11-29-2010, 01:47 PM
Hoppe's Semi-auto cleaner
Weapon Shield
Militec 1 grease

Sometimes Eezox.
Gunzilla on my duty gun (Gunzilla supplied by my agency)

11-29-2010, 02:10 PM
Hoppe's #9 for bore cleaning, aftershave and mouthwash $4.99 Wally World... Mobil 1 5w20 motor oil for slides and anything needing lubrication, also good for hair tonic...$6.99 Wally World...Spray cleaner 3M Jocko brand brake cleaner or electronic cleaner if the boss is home because it has no smell like brake cleaner...Cleaning patchs are cut from old t-shirts in various sizes for bore cleaning and general wipe down...$.0.00 from getsome world... One word of warning...Don't mix CLP and Remoil, they don't like each other and will turn into goo...Found that out by accident...:eek: