View Full Version : No Ported Barrel for CW9?

10-28-2009, 04:49 PM
I wonder why there is no Ported Barrel for CW9?

10-28-2009, 05:10 PM
Personally, I don't need one. Recoil is pretty darn mild. It's not a gun I'm going to be firing 150 to 200 rounds on a range visit.

10-29-2009, 09:23 AM
I agree that with standard ammo, recoil is easy to manage. I expected to feel a noticeable and unpleasant difference b/w my CW9 and my Glock 17, but it was surprisingly minor. Firing Speer LE 124 g. +P, however, will cause the Kahr to jump. Since that is my carry ammo of choice these days, just need to be aware of it. Make sure you fire the ammo you will carry just to know how it feels. My everyday ammo of choice is plain ol Walmart White Box Winchester USA 115g. FMJ. I could fire that all day long in the CW9 without a problem.