View Full Version : Carry Ammo

11-26-2010, 02:36 PM
After I break in my new PM9 next week by shooting 200 rds of Winchester White Box 115 gr FMJ I want to use Speer Gold Dot +P JHP #23617 for carry ammo. Have used this in my Glock 19 and it works well. BTW, I have already followed the cleaning instructions on this site for the PM9 with the exception of polishing the ramp. Think I will see how it runs first.

My question is that I notice Speer makes a "short barrel" Gold Dot which has a little less ft lbs and fps. Is this necessary or can I just continue to use the standard Gold Dot JHP +P. What is the purpose of the short barrel ammo? Of course I will make sure whatever brand I use will feed and operate properly.

11-26-2010, 05:16 PM
The theory behind the short bbl stuff is this: faster powder=shorter tube needed for combustion, shorter tube needed. These days all the factory loads work pretty well, yes you may have some loss of velocity in the shorter PM9 bbl, but it won't be that appreciable. Bottom line looks like this, if that is the load that you like, and your pistol eats it, go with that load. It's kinda like the kid that looks for all the newest whizz-bang tacti-cool junk, when something that is around and has been around works.

11-26-2010, 07:05 PM
I agree that both standard Gold Dots and the SB version will work well in your PM9. The "less ft. lbs and FPS" of the SB's shown in Speer's ballistic tables is in comparison to standard Gold Dots shot through a 4" barrel, so the SB's may in fact be measurably faster when a 3" barrel is used. The actual benefit of using SB's in your 3" barrel would be reduced muzzle flash due to the faster burning powder.

Too Tall Todd
11-27-2010, 10:25 AM
The people who taught my Ccw class made a strong point to use the same ammo or its civilian equivalent as local law enforcement. So then if you are involved in a shoot the lawyers won't be as likely to tear you up for intending to kill by using "killer" ammo. Remember that I do live in northern California. It seems to make sense a lot of people discount that idea. Local s.o. Uses Speer gold dot which works well in my p9. However in winter what with the heavy clothes people wear (yes people wear coats in winter even in crazy Cali) I am switching to the hornady critical defense 115's which also work well in my p9. If anyone has any experience with either round please feel free to chip in.

11-27-2010, 10:44 AM
assuming you have the same caliber of gun as the law enforcement people. I think we make to much of this legal beagle stuff to. If it is for sale on the open market, I would seriously doubt if it could be held against you in a lawsuit. I certainly have never read of that scenario working. "killer" is a name not put on ammo by the ammo companies either. If it was, I would indeed stay away from it.

Hell our local Pd, the 8 officers carry 9's. 40's, and 45's. and every kindof ammo u can imagine as the department does not furnish defense stuff. We are a small town, so I would venture to say if you want to error on the side of caution, carry the same brand of ammo and caliber that your local State Police carry.

I really don't buy into that legal beagle stuff either, but that is just my 2 cents, and probabloy today it is not worth a penney. "deflation"..

course living in komifornia , one never knows what comes out of the mouths of some of these lawmakers, Course again u people reeleced BOXER, so i guess you like getting it in the a-s..

Have two brothers who live in komifornia and have for over 40 years, they are to old to move but they sure encourage their kids to get out of "DODGE".

11-27-2010, 04:27 PM
Thanks for the comments. Shot some Gold Dot +P JHP today along with other FMJ and it shot fine. Agreed, no need to look for "short barrel" ammo. The Gold Dot had a little more recoil but group at 7 and 10 yrds. was about the same. Another 75 rds of varied ammo and the Gold Dot will be my carry ammo. Loving this gun so far.