View Full Version : How to clean gun
11-30-2010, 07:46 PM
I am new to the forum and I have a new Kahr PM40. I am not a big gun guy, or should I say I wasn't a big gun guy until I bought my new PM40. I know how to clean the gun, but the basic way. The barrel and the rails, not more beyond that. Can someone explain to me the proper way, and maybe post some pictures to properly clean my new gun. I have about 325 rounds through her in one week. I am not sure that I am cleaning her the way I should. I have tried to search the forums but I can not find anything that helps me. I read the new gun maintenance, but I was more confused than when I started.
11-30-2010, 07:55 PM
Jocko's famous gun prep at gives has a lot of good info that would apply to cleaning and maintenence as well as prepping a new gun.
11-30-2010, 08:03 PM
Most guys who clean their guns fall into one of two categories I call detail cleaners, and dishwashers. For the record I'm a detail cleaner for whatever tiny little bit that might be worth.
I tend to use patches and the q tips on a wood sticks, dental tools whatever to get into the rails and tiny little places. I'll use spray cleaner/brake cleaner occasionally in hard to get spots once in a while but not frequently. I usually put solvent in the barrel first thing and set it aside to soak a bit while I clean something else. I try not to get solvent or oil on things that don't require it, like the polymer frame, sights, etc
The dishwasher type are the ones that light up if theres a solvent tank near by. Take the slide and barrel out, the whole deal goes in the tank with solvent running over everything, brushes get a lot of use. The gun will come out clean but completely unlubricated. If there isn't a solvent tank a can of gun scrubber or brake cleaner used to hose down the package goes into effect.
Nothing wrong with either method as long as the cleaner is removed, a little blast from an air compressor is good especially after a solvent dip. Then everything needs to be lubed, either for moving parts or corrosion resistance.
I tend to run a rag or patches on a brush up the mag well to wipe out dirt, dust, residue.
Kind of like polishing your Harley, if you see foreign stuff clean it off. If it should be shiney, shine it.
12-01-2010, 07:38 AM
It appears form Bawanna's post that I too am a detail cleaner. I'm also a dishwasher, maybe a couple times a year. That would depend on how much use the gun has had.
Just remember if you shoot it, clean it and lube it no matter which you are.
12-01-2010, 08:01 AM
Sig Sauer's web site has an excellent series of videos on gun maintenance, applicable to all guns. They cover;
Cleaning and Maintenance Intro
Look here, SIG SAUER (
12-01-2010, 09:15 AM
I was going to write some real good stuff but Bawanna already covered it.
I like the if its supposed to be shiney...shine it part!!!
12-05-2010, 09:38 AM
I use Otis gun cleaning products, which are very good. You can find them at most gun stores and Otis Technology (
12-05-2010, 12:09 PM
Detail cleaner......I actually find it relaxing after shooting the gun. Now if I could just get that mind-set after riding the Road King.(You know...the whole put it up wet thing.)
12-05-2010, 08:20 PM
Ditto on the "detail" type cleaning. I do that with my Harley too,..drives my son nuts, he doesn't do a lot of cleaning on his Harley, or guns.
I, like Bawanna, use Qtips and anything else on hand that'll do the job. I think it's theraputic for me. I do like "shiney " things....
12-13-2010, 08:23 AM
Just bought a PM45 and fired my 200 rds for break-in, so this is good info. I love the gun!! A friend said some solvents can be harmful to polymer frames if allowed to come into contact...Any suggestions here?
12-13-2010, 09:52 AM
I'm kind of a detail cleaner, like Bawanna. Every year or so, though, I will hose the gun out with degreaser to get any accumulated crud out and relube. One thing I do different than Bawanna is I use a small slotted screwdriver with a cleaning patch over it to clean out the slide rails, corners of the breechface, etc. For guns that get pocket-carried, I field strip them every 1 to 1-1/2 months, whether they have been shot recently or not, to get any dust & lint out of them. I do the same with all my carry magazines.
Also, for pocket guns, I use Eezox. It is a dry lube, which keep lint from collecting in the lubricant and potentially gunning up the works.
12-13-2010, 01:01 PM
I guarantee you 3m high pressure NON CHOLORINATED cleaner fround at NAPA #08880 will clean out any part of your gun without any brushing, slotted screw driver or anything. Trust me when I tell u it will do it and at less than $3 a can and absolutely positvely will not harm any part of your gun, be it polymer or blued either. One thrid the price of gun scrubber and damn near the same thing except I do think Gunscrubber puts some smelley stuf in to make you feel good about paying $8 a can.
I recommend wearing gloves when using any cleaner as it will take all the oil out of a gun part, so what do you think it will do to your hands also. It will dry them out as it takes the oils out of your hands also. be safer than sorry. and I mean any cleaner. If you have a cleaner that doesn't take the oil out of your skin, it ain't taken the oil out of the gun areas either..
12-13-2010, 07:57 PM
I agree with Jocko on the brake cleaner, but.... I follow up with a pretty normal cleaning after, just not much to clean but I do oil and lube always.
Those vinyl gloves don't hold up to well with the spray. By the time I finished they sagged and fell off my hands. But DO wash hands with soap and maybe some moisturizer after.
12-13-2010, 08:13 PM
Ditto on the detailing!!!!
There was a shooter at Perry one year that kept his 45's in a bucket full of ulta-filtered Kerosene. The guy's next to him shooting got sprayed,!!!
IMO, The two kinds of gun cleaners are the ones who over lube and those that don't lube enough!!
12-13-2010, 11:45 PM
Anyone know of a video up anywhere showing someone doing a good job cleaning an actual Kahr?
12-14-2010, 11:42 AM
I clean the magazine springs and follower after every session. If you do not do it every time, I would do it every other time. The springs and follower get real dirty with soot and fouling. I have almost lost an eye or two trying to put those springs back in :)
12-14-2010, 12:34 PM
I clean the magazine springs and follower after every session. If you do not do it every time, I would do it every other time. The springs and follower get real dirty with soot and fouling. I have almost lost an eye or two trying to put those springs back in :)
easy way to insert your springs and not get hurt is to with the visible witness round holes in the side of the magazine. just push the spring in as far as u can and then insert a nail across both holes. It will hold that compressed spring from doing anythingl then just put the floor plate in place.
12-14-2010, 12:38 PM
Anyone know of a video up anywhere showing someone doing a good job cleaning an actual Kahr?
not rocket science to clean a kahr. some choose to take every part out of the slide, personally that is what that little hole in the bottom of the sldie up by the breech face is for to clean that internal part without dissasembly, but what ever floats one's boat is OK. Once you get the striker channel cleaned, using that little clean out hole will keep that area perfectly clean-forever. I have over 30,000+ rounds through mine kand it has been apart once or twice and that was to put in a 5# striker spring, never with the intention of cleaning it..
Lower section, any spray gun cleaner will clean that area easily and perfectly, just remember to reluube or reoil the lower secion. Never IMO a need to take it apart, unless something breaks..
I won't discuss barrel cleaning, as everyone has their own special cleaners that work great and barrel cleaning is not rocket science either. Bawanna does it alot, so u know it is not rocket science..:D
One might want to refer to propper prepping of your new kahr, it does give a few dandy hints passed on to me by the members here. The kahr lube chart is IMO the best photo essay u can find. FOR ANY SEMI TO.
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