View Full Version : Lightning strikes again

12-01-2010, 01:22 PM
I went into the Diner yesterday to get my morning coffee at 8:30. I knew that CNN was coming in at 10:00 to interview customers about the economy, but I would be off to work before then and Vickie would be there to handle it. They arrived at 9:15 - no Vickie, so I showed them where to film. While the sound techs and camera people set up, I sat at the counter with the reporter who had flown in from Washington for the event.

After talking for 20 or 30 minutes, she said that she had changed her mind about the customers and wanted an interview with Vickie and me. We started at 10:45 and were having so much fun talking, no one noticed that it was afternoon.

I have no idea how long the finished product will be after editing, but it is called "American Sauce" with Lisa Desjardins and will be on CNN radio and TV later this month.

After the movie last month and now this, I'm considering a career change.:D

BTW, I wore my Kahr hat for the whole time.

12-01-2010, 01:30 PM
Dude, you scared me out of 10 years of life. I thought when I saw that thread title the gosh darn thieves had come back and stole your new collection. Weewh, what a relieve your just gonna be a celebrity super star.

You rock for wearing that hat. You make me so darn proud sometimes.

12-01-2010, 01:53 PM
Wow, a celebrity amongst us.
Been there, done that, only local.
I hope you experience was different from mine...

If there is any firearm content, your friend the reporterette, will edit it so you appear as a buffoon.

Try to get in the same camera shot as the person asking the questions.
That way it's hard to paraphrase or edit in another question to make your answer sound rediculous.
If they hung around before or after to film "the intro and fillers", that's when they filmed the "extra" questions.

They usually send a twinkie reporterette, because, well because men act stupid around them.

I hope yours was different.
just hopin'

12-01-2010, 03:17 PM
Wow, a celebrity amongst us.
Been there, done that, only local.
I hope you experience was different from mine...

If there is any firearm content, your friend the reporterette, will edit it so you appear as a buffoon.

Try to get in the same camera shot as the person asking the questions.
That way it's hard to paraphrase or edit in another question to make your answer sound rediculous.
If they hung around before or after to film "the intro and fillers", that's when they filmed the "extra" questions.

They usually send a twinkie reporterette, because, well because men act stupid around them.

I hope yours was different.
just hopin'

Not even close. Lisa is an experienced Capital Hill reporter and not close to a "Twinkie - believe me, I've dealt with enough reporters to know the difference.

No gun issues. The interview was about the economy and she talked more like a 'Fox" reporter that CNN. There was no liberal bias. She invited me to interrupt her at any time if I didn't like what she was saying.

I spent a lot of my younger life in radio and TV work and a great many of my friends are still commentators or reporters. I'm not as easily fooled as you seem to think.

12-01-2010, 04:06 PM
Please let us know if the aired version is the same as live version. I've always suspected they edit out and paste in to change the mood if not the facts of the interview.

12-01-2010, 04:16 PM
Dude, you scared me out of 10 years of life. I thought when I saw that thread title the gosh darn thieves had come back and stole your new collection. Weewh, what a relieve your just gonna be a celebrity super star.

You rock for wearing that hat. You make me so darn proud sometimes.

Sorry, maybe I could have put it better. It's just that after spending years in a self imposed anonymity, I suddenly got exposure twice in a month.

Yeah, I liked the hat thing too. No one said a thing, but if they weren't gun people, they probably didn't know what it was. I hate wearing a SIG, S&W, or Springfield Amory hat.

12-01-2010, 04:24 PM
Please let us know if the aired version is the same as live version. I've always suspected they edit out and paste in to change the mood if not the facts of the interview.

If I catch it. I seldom watch TV, and never CNN. I think Lisa was pretty straight though, and it's her show. She told me her neighbor and best friend in Washington is a reporter friend of mine, and I know he is very objective.

12-01-2010, 06:49 PM
It's good to know you've lived in that(their) world and can be comfortable in it.
I would just be cannon fodder, for sure.
Let us know when it airs, so I can track it down on line.

Now I know a celebrity, this could lead to you becoming one of those "on air" go to experts who argues with each other...probably pays good too.


12-01-2010, 06:55 PM
Maybe like a Johnny Carson. I could be the leader of the band, laugh at his monologues, cue the drummer for a drum roll now and then, and be the target of some of his jokes. Maybe I could even help think up some. Could double as his limo driver, and body guard.

I can't wait to tell people I know somebody that's somebody by golly.