View Full Version : first post - Range report

12-03-2010, 08:01 AM
New user here. Traded a Kel-Tec PT-9 (plus some cash) for a new Kahr CW9 on the first of December. I'd never held, shot or owned a Kahr before then. Took it home, read thru the manual. Cleaned shipping oils off, relubed w/ breakfree clp.

Yesterday I took it and a 100 round box of Winchester White Box Target 115 gr ammunition to the local caliche pit that serves as an informal range. Fired all 100 rounds. From the first round to the last, there were no misfires, failures to feed or eject, or any or kind of problem. Shot to point of aim at 7 yards, a little low at 10 and 15. All shots fired standing on my hind legs, 2 hand hold.

I was impressed. The pistol also fits the pocket holster I had made for the K-T. The only thing I think I can complain about is the lack of another magazine, and I'll order some of those.

The same dealer also had a used CW40.....


12-03-2010, 10:29 AM
Welcome Rayb. Seems like your on the right path and things are going just swell for ya.
Thanks for a positive good report, hope to see ya often round these parts.

12-03-2010, 11:41 AM
Welcome aboard rayb! Thanks for the range report:33:
How about some photos of your new pistola and accompanying, handcrafted
holster? We love gun porn.

12-03-2010, 11:47 AM
Welcome to the forum, and congratulations on the CW9. Thanks for the range report! I will take a wild guess and say you are hooked on the Kahr.

-- Richard

12-03-2010, 01:23 PM
Cool... My CW9 performed 100% out of the box too. You probably know but... you can also use the Kahr 8-rd. mags, with either regular base or with grip extension. Welcome to the Kahr Club!

12-04-2010, 08:34 AM
Cool... My CW9 performed 100% out of the box too. You probably know but... you can also use the Kahr 8-rd. mags, with either regular base or with grip extension. Welcome to the Kahr Club!

I did not know this, thanks for the information. I went to the web site to order additional magazines; none are listed for the CW9. I suspect that the P series magazines will work.

Is this true?? If not, which are correct?



EDIT: Answwred my own question, found it on back of the order blank....

12-04-2010, 08:45 AM
Welcome to the forum, and to Kahr.

12-04-2010, 09:14 AM
I did not know this, thanks for the information. I went to the web site to order additional magazines; none are listed for the CW9. I suspect that the P series magazines will work.
Is this true?? If not, which are correct?
EDIT: Answwred my own question, found it on back of the order blank....

Yeah... They recently changed their site... It IS kinda confusing the way they have the mag info posted now... seems like it was clearer before.
BTW, the grip-extension ones they're producing now are different than the one in the pic... base is uniform all the way 'round... better.

12-04-2010, 09:31 AM
cw45fahn. totally agree, the NEW WEBB SITE for me is a real cluster fook, and they call it progress???

12-04-2010, 08:59 PM
Let us know how that pocket carry works out for the cw9.

And Agree, that new website is no good. Too complicated for my simple mind. I think the old site was more "point and shoot"

mr surveyor
12-04-2010, 09:34 PM
I love to hear about happy beginnings.... they usually lead to long and pleasant relationships.

Now, you need to pamper your new friend with night sights....and be sure to fondle daily... and take her out occassionally (or daily as the case may be).


12-06-2010, 06:08 PM
I love to hear about happy beginnings.... they usually lead to long and pleasant relationships.

Now, you need to pamper your new friend with night sights....and be sure to fondle daily... and take her out occassionally (or daily as the case may be).


Second trip to the caliche pit was on 4 Dec. Windy, cold, glad to be down in the pit with some relief from the wind.

This time 100 rounds of wolf steel case 115 gr. Picked the steel case ammo deliberately, figured if there were to be any problems it might show up with that ammo.

Same result as first 100 rounds. Never a miss fire, feeding glitch or failure to extract. All rounds fed, fired and cycled perfectly.

Per the instruction brochure, my new Kahr is now officially "broken in".

Next test will be mixture of odds and ends of ammo to include snake rounds mixed in with hard ball.

I like this pistol.:laser:


12-06-2010, 06:14 PM
nice report, snake rounds, what are they?? Are they like the shotshells or something like the corbon glazer ammo. I think the corbon glazer rounds will feed and function like a 9mm...

12-06-2010, 09:10 PM
nice report, snake rounds, what are they?? Are they like the shotshells ...........

Yes, shotshells made by CCI, plastic capsuled #12 (I think) shot in a 9mm round. Desireable for summer outdoor activities in this part of the world. 44;s are better, 45's best, unless you are carrying a .410 shotgun, which isn't always practical..


mr surveyor
12-06-2010, 10:16 PM
I use a lot of shotshells.... well, not that many, but for SD from the nasty no-shoulder creatures that don't want to evacuate my work space. We carry either .22 shot shells in worn out revo's, or .38/.357 shot shells in revo's. They work well in revolvers. In semi-auto guns I think you will find them to be totally unreliable. Remember what it takes to actually cycle a semi-auto, particularly to retract the slide fully to eject the empty and chamber to battery the next round. Barrel pressure is your friend. With shot shells there is nearly no barrel pressure... there's no solid projectile to seal the lands and grooves to allow the pressure to build up.

And, yes, you do have to try them for yourself. My son was convinced he was going to carry his Kimber with .45 acp CCI shot shells while we were in the field. It ended up being a single shot that had to be cleared after each round, so he went back to the ancient S&W .38.


12-07-2010, 07:15 AM
Damn, a use for that scandium revolver I traded for a kahr.

Snake shot might have worked, because if you tried shooting 357s through it, it would try to rip your hand off!
The most I ever paid for a handgun, have a drawer full of grips for it, and I still hated it.
Here's the worst of it, I traded my model 60 too.

mr surveyor
12-07-2010, 09:43 AM
probably need to add to my confused statement about "barrel pressure" being the main ingredient of cycling the action.... actually it's more to do with the mass of the projectile and force applied to it through the barrel. But, the shotshell being made of small pellets (#12 shot in .22 cal and #9 shot in .38/.357 cal) divides the force reaction into many smaller units that leave the barrel at different times.... and a much lower velocity (which is paramount to the e=mc^2 formula for energy) due to reduced barrel pressure which focuses the powder burn energy on the projectile....... am I confusing enough here.....someone with a better handle on describing ballistics feel free to jump in and rescue my rambling butt:)


12-07-2010, 11:02 AM
I shoot somein my revolver but never heard of the shotshells working right in semi's except the glazer defense round, which I am told some air marshalls use so as to not penetrate the airplane..

12-07-2010, 11:38 AM
Speaking of pressure and slide action,
I see some strange brass and projectiles at the range, after police practice, and wonder what it is, maybe some here can tell me what it is.

I picked some up, but will describe it as best I can.
It's mostly 9mm and the back half of the cases are brass with the front half is white plastic or nylon.
The projectile is white also with a "tail" of softer streemer type white stuff.
Is this some kind of practice ammo?
Does it work the action of a standard auto?
just askin'

12-07-2010, 12:50 PM
New user here. Traded a Kel-Tec PT-9 (plus some cash) for a new Kahr CW9 on the first of December. I'd never held, shot or owned a Kahr before then. Took it home, read thru the manual. Cleaned shipping oils off, relubed w/ breakfree clp.

Yesterday I took it and a 100 round box of Winchester White Box Target 115 gr ammunition to the local caliche pit that serves as an informal range. Fired all 100 rounds. From the first round to the last, there were no misfires, failures to feed or eject, or any or kind of problem. Shot to point of aim at 7 yards, a little low at 10 and 15. All shots fired standing on my hind legs, 2 hand hold.

I was impressed. The pistol also fits the pocket holster I had made for the K-T. The only thing I think I can complain about is the lack of another magazine, and I'll order some of those.

The same dealer also had a used CW40.....


I'm a bit late, but I bought a CW9 two years ago to carry instead of my PF9. Almost the same size and just a tad heavier, but the CW is a much better and more reliable pistol. I sold the KT within two months. I've moved to a PM45 and the CW9 was stolen, so I'm now in the market for a PM9.

12-07-2010, 01:28 PM
Speaking of pressure and slide action,
I see some strange brass and projectiles at the range, after police practice, and wonder what it is, maybe some here can tell me what it is.

I picked some up, but will describe it as best I can.
It's mostly 9mm and the back half of the cases are brass with the front half is white plastic or nylon.
The projectile is white also with a "tail" of softer streemer type white stuff.
Is this some kind of practice ammo?
Does it work the action of a standard auto?
just askin'

It sure sounds like your describing a simunition round. You put a special barrel in your gun and it takes special magazines but it does cycle the gun. It's like marking round for real life training. Wear a little padding and face shields and you can actually shoot and get shot during scenarios.
Kind of like low powered paint ball or airsoft. Airsoft is getting real popular for training also.

12-07-2010, 01:48 PM
SIMUNITION: HUMM very interesting Watson??

Mr. Zero
12-07-2010, 03:53 PM
You have t be trained by the Simulnitions folks before you can buy any of their ammo or barrels. I have trained and been trained by this method and will tell you first hand that it is some of the most realistic training you will ever receive.

My first time trailing folks was for a small PD, all the guys were yuck'n it up and how they were going to kick butt. The first pair walked into a domestic dispute and I came out into a door way with a j-frame in my hand. I engaged them very slowly and shot both of them in the head from a distance of about 15 feet. I was not hit, and there was not a shot on either side of the door frame that was higher than my knee. They were humbled indeed.

12-07-2010, 04:11 PM
Humbled is a good word. It really does make the training life like.

I wish they would come out with barrels for the Glock 45's. Not out yet. We have to go back and use 9's. Still effective but different.

12-07-2010, 07:57 PM
I use a lot of shotshells.... well, not that many, but for SD from the nasty no-shoulder creatures that don't want to evacuate my work space. We carry either .22 shot shells in worn out revo's, or .38/.357 shot shells in revo's. They work well in revolvers. In semi-auto guns I think you will find them to be totally unreliable. Remember what it takes to actually cycle a semi-auto, particularly to retract the slide fully to eject the empty and chamber to battery the next round. Barrel pressure is your friend. With shot shells there is nearly no barrel pressure... there's no solid projectile to seal the lands and grooves to allow the pressure to build up.

And, yes, you do have to try them for yourself. My son was convinced he was going to carry his Kimber with .45 acp CCI shot shells while we were in the field. It ended up being a single shot that had to be cleared after each round, so he went back to the ancient S&W .38.


22 shot shells don't cut it for me. 22 mag is marginal. 38's and 9mm are the minimum I'll take for a walk in the pastures or turnrows, prefer the 44's and 45's.

Been throught the Taurus snub nose lite weight 45 auto revolver (cyinder would not turn after CCI round was fired) and the Taurus 45 Colt snub nose (NOT lite weight), but ok for the truck console.

The now departed Kel-Tek worked fine with the CCI shot rounds. Most of my full size 1911 style 45 autos cycle them ok as does the full size 1911 style chambered in 9mm.

"Snake guns" are sort of a passion, I see plenty of targets available in my work and travels.


mr surveyor
12-07-2010, 09:21 PM
I carried an old FIE 22 revo for years, as well as a tiny snub RG14, but only in copperhead country. When in cottonmouth country it's definately the .38/357 to the rescue. I pretty much carry the .357 now every day, and during "the season" (which is most of the year in NE Texas) keep the front two loaded with CCI's and the back three with 158 gr JSP .357 mag (and a speed strip with extras of both).

I never found the semi's to be totally reliable with the CCI's. Occassionally I might get 2 or 3 rounds to cycle, then back to a single shot action. I know there are folks that swear they have semi's that run them perfectly, but they must not have the same recoil springs I use, as well as having much lighter magazine springs.

Anyway, I'm glad someone out there can claim semi-auto success, but I gotta stick to the revolver.


12-08-2010, 06:18 AM
B and Mr.Z:
Thanks for the explanation and related experiences.
Even in paint ball, I have a hard time pointing a "gun" at a real live person.

Any simulation with noise, in addition to the surprise element, I'm sure, would be very humbling for me too.
Thanks for what you do...everyday.

Sorry rayb for the drift...more like a deep sea under current.