View Full Version : Having problems feeding? Try this!

12-04-2010, 12:02 PM
I've been having problems with my P40 feeding reliably while using the slide lock lever to release the slide when loading the first round of a magazine and also when shooting, it would fail to return to battery.

My solution? Use Hoppe's Elite Gun Oil in the 2oz squeeze bottle item # G02

I was using Rem oil in the 2 oz squeeze bottle but I had found that it would pretty much evaporate and leave the invisible Teflon coating only. It seems that the Teflon wasn't enough lubrication. I had issues with chambering bullets with more grains than 165. Even the 165s were jamming. I didn't have this problem when I had first gotten my used P40. I've upgraded the guide rod to the stainless steel part from Kahr and replaced the recoil spring months ago as preventative maintenance and for more rigidity(guide rod).

So far so good. I haven't been to the range yet but racking the slide with the slide stop lever and sling shooting has been 100% reliable so far. I had problems prior to using the different lube 75-90% of the time when using the 180 grain full metal jacket rounds. I was trying to chamber Federal Champion and Remington UMC Leadless rounds in 180 grain.

Yahoo! Image Detail for - http://media.ruralking.com/image.php?sku=003240304&nsize=300 (http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fs earch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dhoppes%2Belite%2Bgun%2Boil%26 b%3D21%26ni%3D20%26ei%3DUTF-8%26xargs%3D0%26pstart%3D1%26fr%3Dipad%26fr2%3Dtab-web&w=300&h=300&imgurl=media.ruralking.com%2Fimage.php%3Fsku%3D003 240304%26amp%3Bnsize%3D300&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ruralking.com%2Foutdoor-living%2Foutdoor-sporting-goods-hunting-equipment%2Fhunting%2Fgun-cleaning%2F4-oz-hi-viscosity-gun-spray-oil.html&size=24KB&name=Hoppes+Hi+Viscos...&p=hoppes+elite+gun+oil&oid=9df741adb4100143a54e0d1de5d2fc5b&fr2=tab-web&no=22&tt=91&b=21&ni=20&sigr=14am42mcj&sigi=11p2bob39&sigb=13s09rsqr&.crumb=IqkBIAjQDak)

I'm glad I didn't trade it in due to frustration. I'm very happy with my P40 now :D

12-04-2010, 12:05 PM
I couldn't find an image online of the oil that I have but the link that I posted is the closest. The kind that i have has a dropper type tip on it and it's two ounces. I think I bought it at Gander Mountain or Walmart. I'm unsure.

12-04-2010, 12:27 PM
try TW25 simply the best IMO. nice to know you solvedyour own issues to. One would not think just that lub change solved ur issues but it didn. Nice job, my hat is off to you..


oops sorry zorn, didn't mean to horn it, I postd when you did. I buy the TW 25 in their syringe applicator and like it better than the tube, for I can lay a small line of their TW25 right down the inside of the slide rails and never make a mess. TW 25 won't run, or dry out either.. Any lil will tend to want to run downward..

12-04-2010, 12:34 PM
Thanks. Ill try the TW25 one day. I didn't think it would solve the issue either but I was told to use Rem Oil by guys I've spoken to about what to use. Funny thing is, I actually bought the Hoppe's Elite before the Rem Oil. I didn't have as much of a feeding and return to battery problem until recently. I ruled the recoil spring out because I had replaced it not too long ago. I just thought about what was going wrong while cycling the slide and came up with the idea of too much drag. So I lubed it using the lube chart and all is well.

12-04-2010, 12:44 PM
I've always tended to run my semi's a bit wet, especially the Kahr's and SIG's. The result is, except for a couple of Taurus's that were bad out of the box, I haven't had a feeding problem in years. Recently, I've been using Militec 1 on the whole pistol, and extra BC or Hoppes grease on the rails, barrel, and barrel lugs.

12-04-2010, 05:49 PM
I just switched from Rem to Bob Marvels Gun Oil. Did not have any problem with the Rem, but noticed it dried up too. Don't know if I will like Bob Marvels either, but am using it now to give it a try. I had thought about trying the TW25B too. I heard good things about TW25B and Eezox. From the corrosion resistance tests on the forum, I believe Eezox has the best surface protection of those tested. However for the rails, etc..perhaps the grease like TW25B is the way to go. Perhaps using a combination of lubes depending on the purpose is a good thing. Have not tried either the TW25B or the Eezox but they are on the agenda to compare them. I make this stuff WAY too complicated...haha.

Who do you guys buy your oil/lub through? Thanks.

12-06-2010, 12:50 AM
I just discovered Militec 1 and I must say the stuff is pretty amazing. I heat treated everything with it first by detail stripping the slide and heating the barrel, slide stop, extractor, extractor pins, striker, and striker spacer at 140 degrees in the oven for 5 min. I use it after every cleaning with a light layer and I must say even after I use an oil remover like Breakfree powder blast all the parts treated still have a slick feeling. After 200 rounds the gun cleans up with a clean rag (but I go the distance and fully clean anyway :D ). I use Spec 357 on the barrel lug, the rails, and the bore.