View Full Version : Kahr time (again)

12-04-2010, 12:02 PM
My old Kahrs
CW9 #2
Beautiful P9 w/ns
CW9 #1

I don't know what was wrong with me guys(I must have been going through something.. :rolleyes:)? These were all awesome carry guns...especially that P9(yumm) but I sold them all off for whatever reason..likely thinking I could get something better. Laugh, I ended up with a Taurus PT709 Slim, which has been my EDC since last March...It was an okay gun once I found ammo it "liked" but, two weeks ago it crapped the bed totally, out of the blue light strikes and FTEs like crazy....Its back to Taurus for repair. I've decided to sell the 709 once its returned. Then go back to a Kahr permanently.
The pistol will be for primary EDC and I really want another P9 with n/s

12-04-2010, 12:27 PM
Ahhhh... The return of a prodigal son is always a special occasion... Welcome home, dear boy... We greet you with open arms!

mr surveyor
12-04-2010, 01:04 PM
wow.... that admission of (add your own word here:D) really took some major courage. I'm impressed:)


12-04-2010, 01:49 PM
I'm curious. What made you drop your Kahrs, (especially that all black P9 with night sights), and change to the Taurus in the first place? Were there features, ergonomics, etc. that influenced your decision?

12-04-2010, 01:54 PM
Next time check with us first before you do something silly like that again! he he

12-05-2010, 04:15 AM
I'm curious. What made you drop your Kahrs, (especially that all black P9 with night sights), and change to the Taurus in the first place? Were there features, ergonomics, etc. that influenced your decision?
I didn't specifically sell the Kahr's to get the Taurus. The story goes sort of like this....I got a decent deal on the PM40 but hated shooting it(and it had some issues I had to have Kahr fix) so I sold it and got CW9 #1 which was a very nice pistol...At this same time that Black Diamond P9 was sitting at my LGS and calling me like crazy, so I succumbed and traded CW #1 in for it. Out the door the P9 cost almost $800...I LOVED this gun but worried sick about carrying such and expensive piece(I know..F'ed up aren't I...?) Locally a bud had a very nice CW9 we got to talking and ended up trading my P9 for his CW9 + cash. Enter CW9 #2. At some point a member here was posting he was having a hard time getting a CW9 in his area. I felt bad for the guy(Aray) and about that time I had the notion of switching to carrying a snubby revolver. We worked out a deal and off went CW9 #2....
I ItW appendix carry and I found out a revolver is awful to carry this way(or imo anywhere ItW). I sold the snubby, At this point I was down to either a used PM9 for ~$525 or the NIB Taurus PT709 for ~$350 The "financials" won out and ...well, here I am 9mo later....

12-05-2010, 05:53 AM
The story goes sort of like this....

What a saga. I see a movie deal in this. Barry Pepper in the lead?? Write in a dog and a love interest and I think you've got a hit. :D

12-05-2010, 06:08 AM
What a saga. I see a movie deal in this. Barry Pepper in the lead?? Write in a dog and a love interest and I think you've got a hit. :D

Dude!! "Love interest" wth...? This is a gun story, the the dog can stay but its got to have a pick-up truck not "love interest" jeez :cool:

12-05-2010, 11:06 AM
Its a sad story for sure. I think it would help if the dog had a boat and could clean fish. Just my nickels worth.

Glad your back just the same and you can still hang out with us with or without. I figure theres folks with kahr and folks looking for a kahr so it's all a wash.

The love interest could be material, like a T9 or an ininvented MK45 or whatever.

Don't run off no more, you need our counselling.

12-05-2010, 01:28 PM
I never totally ran off....I still have the AO M1 Carbine ......that kinda, sorta counts, right? :o

12-05-2010, 01:37 PM
Absolutely, that counts in a huge way!

12-05-2010, 03:10 PM
Should be getting the Taurus back with-in a month, I'll have to sell it. Then I can get the Kahr....Well that's my plan.
I might have to come up with some "creative financing" be for too long, though.....My only other hand gun atm is a full size Sig Sauer P220....I've been carrying it since Friday, I'm not real happy about this, in fact its torture :mad: I don't know how long I can stand it.

12-05-2010, 11:05 PM
I gotta say the Kahr is a very niche product that most times doesn't seem to appeal to everyone.
Im a 1911 guy and i cant see that changing anytime soon, But i needed a small 9mm and thats when the issues started.
Small 9mm's are in short supply really.

PF-9 too cheesy imo and Keltec quality will never impress me.

PT709- Fine gun and decent quality, But its not a 1911 so any work means a trip back to Taurus which is something most feared in the gun world.

PM9/MK9 I put them together as they are more alike than different. But both are high quality and most reports of reliability is high. Cost can be a factor, But once you look inside one and pull the trigger you know where the money went.

Rohrbaugh- Paying $700 for my MK9 was hard enough, $1k that this gun cost and you cant even get me to spend this much on a 1911 let alone a tiny 9mm. But great gun if you have the money.

So in actuality i bought my Kahr out of necessity and it fit right into a spot i needed filled. The PM9 would have been $100 cheaper and lighter but i wanted a gun that was just at home at the range as it was in my back pocket as i don't feel extra weight back there.

I hope to hit the range tomorrow as ive been holding off so i could take my newly rebuilt 1911 along also, But the refinsher is dragging his heals and getting on my nerves now.

So yes i chose Kahr out of necessity, But now i think i may be buying more out of want. That PM45 sure is looking sweet, But i think people think im kinda loony carrying a 1911 on my waist, MK9 in my back pocket and a PM45 appendix carry. But its a rough world out there so i may be able to justify it.

12-05-2010, 11:11 PM
I have a Cbob 1911 on my hip and a PM45 on my ankle when I'm awake and sometimes when I'm not, so if thats looney, then I'm looney too.

The fact that my 1911 mags run in my PM45 makes it a very sweet combo also.

12-05-2010, 11:30 PM
I keep forgetting they share mags, And considering i have a 5" and a 3.5" 1911 and i carry both it would make a great addition.
My only issue is feeding another darned .45, I gotta start reloading if im gonna keep this up.
Thats why i went with the MK9 so i could afford to shoot it lol.
Ill admit i try and keep my gun collection to a minimum and only own guns that i need and fill exact roles. But sometimes i think i may have to break that rule and buy something just because i want too. :)

Usually at home i slip into shorts and house shoes, Yes im a man. But i like to be comfortable. But anytime im wearing normal street cloths my guns are on me also.
As a matter of fact im downstairs with my mom as i help take care of my older parents, But my 3.5" 1911 is next to me on the end table.
Whats funny is my mom who is on oxygen and in a hospital bed right behind me has a Walther PPS 9mm next to her also. She cant move very fast with a walker, But her 9mm makes her faster than any thug can run.

12-06-2010, 12:08 PM
Should be getting the Taurus back with-in a month, I'll have to sell it. Then I can get the Kahr....Well that's my plan.
I might have to come up with some "creative financing" be for too long, though.....My only other hand gun atm is a full size Sig Sauer P220....I've been carrying it since Friday, I'm not real happy about this, in fact its torture :mad: I don't know how long I can stand it.

I have two P220's and I'll admit they're a bit large for carry, even on the belt, but they are such nice guns............

12-06-2010, 12:19 PM
I've regretted selling nearly every gun I ever sold except Glocks as they are all the same and everywhere so I can always get another one any time I want.
They don't need no special purpose or fill any void or need. If it's cool looking, feels good, has potential to shoot good. I want it. Add it to the chest. Rifles, pistols, revolvers, black powder, pin fire, rim fire. shotgun, no matter, I want em all. I have 2 or 3 that are my designated go to carry guns and they pretty much stay the same, theres several that I occasionally slip into the lineup because they are proven shooters, similar in operation and I just feel like variety.
If it goes bang it's aces in my book.
I near bought a rifle at the gun show yesterday just cause I never saw anything like it, no idea what it was, never heard of it, kind of weird, right up my alley. Wrap it up.

12-07-2010, 04:01 AM
I have two P220's and I'll admit they're a bit large for carry, even on the belt, but they are such nice guns............
As far as I'm concerned the P220 is one of the finest handguns made. The problem is Sig they don't know how to make a good small carry gun ;)
Although, I hope Sig proves me wrong with their new P290 (http://www.sigsauer.com/products/ShowCatalogProductDetails.aspx?categoryid=70&productid=307)

12-11-2010, 01:29 PM
This has worked out nicely... :)
I have a friend, who works pt at gun shop....the place is in a little town, the owner charges high retail prices and its almost and hour drive. So I've never done business there.....My friend tells me he often doesn't get paid in money but adds up his time and will take a gun at wholesale = to his hours of work then re-sell it to make his money(err..two years knowing this guy and I just find this out :7:) ....Too make a long story short, I'm getting a NIB CW9 next month out the door for $400 even..