View Full Version : New Ejector Style for the CW45?

12-05-2010, 07:30 PM
Hey guys, long time lurker, first time poster...

Anyway, I have been learning a lot since finding the KahrTalk Forum, and want to say thanks to all of the regular contributors.

Anyway, I purchased a couple new springs and followers to transform some 1911 mags for the CW45, and I purchased a new ejector on a whim, since the one in my "new to me" CW45 was looking a little rounded. I have not had any issues with ejection other than getting some brass in the face once in a while.

here's the way my ejector currently looks... (stole this from another thread here...sorry, i needed it ;))

Here's the new one from KahrShop.com that I just received yesterday.

Is this an "upgraded" part? Who else has an ejector like this one?
I'm going to install it and see if it works like it should. I'm just curious because it differed from the one that is currently installed in my gun.

Thanks guys!

12-05-2010, 08:23 PM
Welcome Hoosier, no more lurking dude. I'm not an authority on those ejectors, never replaced one or heard of anyone needing too.
To me it looks like your old one is trying to make itself look like your new one by wearing in or something.
I honestly don't know for certain. I'm curious as well if it will work properly and hope you let us all know the outcome.

12-05-2010, 09:27 PM
Welcome aboard Marine!
Your old ejector looks similar to the one in my CW45, perhaps they send them oversize to allow fitting:

12-05-2010, 10:39 PM
Thanks Greg. You're the one that inspired me to start tinkering with the 1911 mags.

As for the ejector, I'm going to install it and head to the NRA range this week and shoot it.

Oh, and I'll be calling Kahr for some clarification as well. I will post the results of the shooting trip and the phone call for future CW45 owners' reference.

12-10-2010, 12:01 AM
WRONG ejector. Apparently, the one sent to me is for the PM45. They are sending me the correct one on the house.

Shipping dept. screwed the pooch, but at least the Customer Service was good!

12-10-2010, 01:28 AM
Thanks for the posting the follow up!
While this is a logistics error, it's good info: would you mind if I add your photo of the PM45 ejector to a post in this thread: http://kahrtalk.com/kahr-tech/1612-cw45-other-poly-45-issues-fixes.html ? If you would like to post it there yourself, the input would be very much appreciated.

12-10-2010, 10:12 AM
Just my personal opinion, but I wouldn't mess with the ejector unless there was a definite need to. There are lengths and angles involved that can lead to feeding AND ejection problems. Unless its broken or falling out, I'd leave it as is. Just my 2 cents.

12-11-2010, 01:07 PM
Thanks for the posting the follow up!
While this is a logistics error, it's good info: would you mind if I add your photo of the PM45 ejector to a post in this thread: http://kahrtalk.com/kahr-tech/1612-cw45-other-poly-45-issues-fixes.html ? If you would like to post it there yourself, the input would be very much appreciated.

Sure. Do anything you'd like with my posts/pics.

Why do you suppose the PM and CW ejectors are so different anyhow?

12-11-2010, 02:31 PM
I imagine that, with it's shorter slide travel, the PM45's ejector is longer to start the ejection sequence a little sooner thus giving the casing more time to clear the port.