View Full Version : What to look for in a used PM9

12-06-2010, 10:45 AM
I am working on a trade between my MK9 and a PM9. Is there anything I should look for? Anything to watch out for? Any serial number ranges to avoid?

12-06-2010, 11:28 AM
Others here I'm sure are more knowlegeable about the serial numbers and stuff on the PM's but in your shoes I don't think I would part with your MK to get one. The MK's a sweet little shooter, I'd keep it.

I'm poor right now or I'd ask for a price on that MK myself. LIke to have one and I'm trying to catch up with that 10Kahrs fella. Good luck with that.

12-06-2010, 11:41 AM
I too like the Mk but do not have one. What is it about the gun that is making you want to trade?

The PM is a nice gun too by the way!


12-06-2010, 11:53 AM
I too like the Mk but do not have one. What is it about the gun that is making you want to trade?

The PM is a nice gun too by the way!


I'm looking for something that I can pocket carry AND carry IWB. When I bought the MK9, I wanted the PM9, but there were issues with barrel peening on the PM9.