View Full Version : Thank's & bye

12-07-2010, 06:07 PM
When I first came to Kahr Talk . It was due to issues with my PM45.
I received good ,fast help from Wyntrout , Jocko, & Bawanna . It has been a pleasure to chat with each of you over the past year. And, I thank you for your help and, insights.
I hope our paths will someday cross again. (But, NOT because my gun is messing up again. I Hope !)

Now, with that said .....................

Recently a situation arose which makes remaining a member on this forum impossible for me . I am a firm believer in leaving things as I found them. So I have attempted to delete every post/thread that I ever made here .
( In an attempt to NOT further OFFEND anyone.)

In hindsight. My mistake was to think of this place as sort of a chatroom. To hang out in and joke around. I now see that it should be used as a place to come to for help or answers . And, then move on.

So with that said......I shall now move on.

Thanks again, & Goodbye

Moderators /Admin........... feel free to delete my membership .

12-07-2010, 07:06 PM
If this isn't a chat room to hang out in and chat an do funny's I don't know what is. Surely we're limited in depth and scope of carrying on and making those funnys but I think we're a lot more lax than some and I believe thats what makes Kahrtalk so much better and more enjoyable than any others. We've sure seen our share of new guys that are taken by surprise by warm welcomes and shocked that they got off topic and didn't get tarred and feathered. I'm probably the worst thread jacker here or a close second behind Wyn anyhow.

For my part I'm leaving you in limbo for eternity. I'm somewhat privy to your current situation in a vague sort of way but I'm betting you won't be able to stay away. You've drank entirely too much kahrtalk koolaid to escape without major and extensive therapy.

If you make it, good for you, tell me how you did it. If you don't, slip back and drink some more kool aid.

Since I'm just a trainee lowly mod who can't even make my lights blink I have little say with regards to your future, your plug may be pulled but I think purgatory for you is more fitting.

mr surveyor
12-07-2010, 08:08 PM
did I miss something?

12-07-2010, 08:20 PM
When I first came to Kahr Talk . It was due to issues with my PM45.
I received good ,fast help from Wyntrout , Jocko, & Bawanna . It has been a pleasure to chat with each of you over the past year. And, I thank you for your help and, insights.
I hope our paths will someday cross again. (But, NOT because my gun is messing up again. I Hope !)

Now, with that said .....................

Recently a situation arose which makes remaining a member on this forum impossible for me . I am a firm believer in leaving things as I found them. So I have attempted to delete every post/thread that I ever made here .
( In an attempt to NOT further OFFEND anyone.)

In hindsight. My mistake was to think of this place as sort of a chatroom. To hang out in and joke around. I now see that it should be used as a place to come to for help or answers . And, then move on.

So with that said......I shall now move on.

Thanks again, & Goodbye

Moderators /Admin........... feel free to delete my membership .

Drama queen. :rolleyes:

12-07-2010, 08:30 PM
Adios amigo. Thanks for directing me to the PM45. I am glad I purchased one and you played no small part in that decision. Be well. Dusty

12-08-2010, 04:33 AM
Wait a minute.What happened? Didn`t ryoung used to have an avatar of a little cartoon kid from Southpark? What`s going on?

12-08-2010, 04:57 AM
Wait a minute.What happened? Didn`t ryoung used to have an avatar of a little cartoon kid from Southpark? What`s going on?

Yep, that's the avatar. I have no idea what's going on either.

12-08-2010, 05:52 AM
Looks like somebody got their itsy-bitsy little feelings hurt:7:

12-08-2010, 06:13 AM
Here's what I think...

12-08-2010, 06:39 AM
He spoke is mind and said his peace, so lets just let him go as per his wishes without any unnecessary comments. I think that would be best for all involved, so I am locking this one.
