View Full Version : Sudden extraction issue with my MK9

12-07-2010, 07:24 PM
I recently had a chance to play with my favorite off duty mk9. I have had this gun for over a year and had never had an issue until yesterday. Shooting from a distance of 15 yrds using both hands, i had a series of 3 stove pipes and one double feed.
When i first put the gun through its first 200 rounds i had only one stove pipe which was my fault shooting off hand, but nothing like this. I'm really concern. The ammo used was department practice ammo winchester fmj 124 grain.
Cleaned the gun out and will try again this week. If anyone has had similiar issues and how they fixed the problem plz let me know.

12-07-2010, 10:52 PM
Its slow over here in the MK sections at times, But eventually they stumble over here in a stuper and always give good advice.
Im new to the MK9, But not semi auto's.

If your stove pipe happens and a new round is also half inserted into the chamber when it happens, Below would be my best guess.
If i was having those issues id first look into my extractor. Look for a disassembly guide and take it apart for a thorough cleaning and check for issues.
It sounds like the extractor is gunked up and not letting the round go and the slide is catching it on its way back while stripping off a new round and then jamming.

If your getting stove pipes where the old round is ejected fine and the new round thats live gets stove piped and doesn't get chambered its most likley a weak mag spring not pushing the round up fast enough to get the round under the extractor correctly.
Also a weak recoil spring could cause this type of stove pipe as your slide is moving too fast for the mag to feed the round under the extractor correctly. Inspect your magazines feed lips and make sure they aren't spread out and stretched.

Make sure you examine your extractor's hook well also that there is little wear, Peening or broken off tips and pieces missing. Check its tension as it should be hard to move even with a small screw driver, If it moves with finger pressure you have a broken extractor spring. At least i think this gun uses one as most external designs do.

I wish i could be more help and better since i just bought my MK9 and im just applying what ive learned from other guns.

Good luck man and hopefully someone will be along shortly to help.
Last resort is always giving Kahr a call and get her sent home for an inspection.

12-08-2010, 11:11 AM
Put new magazine spring and recoil springs in the gun and retest. Might want to try a different brand of ammo even, along with the brand that is giving issues. U need to eliminate the possibles..

12-08-2010, 11:24 AM
Did somebody say stupor?

I think I'd go with TexasK9's plan and just clean and lube it well. Look over the extractor as mentioned but I'm leaning towards the gun maybe being a little dry and neglected.
That ammo should run fine, its good and hot enough which Kahrs seem to prefer.
If it don't fly of course the springs are the next angle of attack.

For what it's worth alot of the things that aply to PM's and the tupperware guns apply to the steel guns also. There are differences obiviously but very similar operating systems and quite often similar issues.

I'd not feel lonely over here in the steel Kahr world. They are great little guns and all this talk is making me want a MK added to my wanted T. I think I'm cursed.

12-08-2010, 07:36 PM
Thanks for the feed back!:)
I checked the extractor and there was no play in it. The magazine stay loaded at all times. try to rotate them every 3 months. Since i first purchased my MK about a year ago I have ran Duty Rounds Speer Gold Dot 147 grains and just recently switched to Gold Dot 124. Our department practice rounds have been Winchesters( white box) 147 and 124 in 9mm. so it was a big surprise to have the stove pipes.
Gave my MK a very good cleaning using Hoppes 9. As for the lubrication I used the Hoppes elite gun oil and for the exterior Hoppes weather guard lubrication. So gonna give it another run.
As i stated in my first posting, in 15 yrs of law enforcement, working under cover, patrol and now investigations, this has been the best little concealed carry gun I have ever owned and i have owned a lot of guns!! I am just ready to get back to the range and give it another run.
What i did notice dry firing it, was that my thumb tends to run up against the slide stop. So im wondering if that may have interfered with the cycling of the slide and caused the jam.hmmmm

12-08-2010, 08:02 PM
That thumb thing is not at all uncommon. Usually you'll get some slide lock opens with bullets left but it's easy to do. I and several others here kind of rounded off the slide lock lever and it seemed to cure that malady. Actually hear of it more on the PM's and CWs than the K's and MK's but very similar grips.

12-08-2010, 09:39 PM
If your thumb drags against the slide while cycling its possible that could create similar issues also.
Another thing is of you look at the side of the slide you have the notch you pull the slide release out of once lined up.
If your thumb was to also push up on the slide release lever while cycling it could be enough to make it stove pipe and not fully eject a spent round if the slide dragged over that recess in the slide.
You can see what i mean if you empty your gun of course and pull the slide back and put tension up on the slide release lever, The slide will catch there before it ever hits the slide lock notch.
And since it stopped there it wouldn't hit the ejector with the case and lock back like it would if the slide lock notch had been hit.

Im in no way gonna tell you how to shoot a gun, But the only way ive broken myself from doing that with my 1911's on the slide stop and even with the thumb safety if im lazy is to lock my weak hand thumb over my strong hand thumb and lock them both down so they dont do that stuff.
Ive already had this issue before with other guns.

The internet sure is hard sometimes to help diagnose things and explain them, When in person it would be cake.
Good luck kind Officer and i hope you get your favorite bug back in top shape.

12-09-2010, 06:39 AM
texas, try sahooting it left handed where the thumb will not be near that slide stop and see if the issue persist. Maybe even let another good shooter try it, if they can duplicate it, then you have issues. again eliminate the possables.

01-11-2011, 01:46 PM
Any luck ?

01-12-2011, 02:05 PM
Ditto on the "any luck" question.

I would try a thorough cleaning/de-gunking and minor lube first followed by a firm off-hand session (shooting) at the range to see if it persists.

If it functions flawlessly, try with the other hand (still shooting here) to see if it still functions properly.

If you still have the same issues with either hand, I would change out the springs (complete), clean, lube and try again. Also, don't forget to inspect the tops of the mags and the followers.

My MK has been stone cold reliable with any round FWIW.

(Hi Bawanna!!! :biggrin1: )

01-16-2011, 04:02 PM
Sorry for the slow response!
But took the gun apart went with basic Hoppes Lube and it functioned fine with only one fail to extract out of 75 rounds. shot Duty Gold Dot 124 grain hollow points and 25 rounds of american eagle 147 grain fmj. have taken it to the range one other time and it functioned fine with 25 rounds of winchester fmj (white box). Not sure if it was the lube that I had used orginally (first time to use) or just a bad day at the range. but i did make sure my thumb was a aligned alot lower!:D
Thanks for all the great advice!:yo: