View Full Version : True Grit

12-08-2010, 09:44 PM
anyone else looking forward to the remake of True Grit? One of my favorite movies from childhood. My dad took me to it . It looks like it is a lot "grittier" than the original.

12-08-2010, 10:42 PM
i never miss anything by the coen brothers. cant wait for it!

12-09-2010, 07:47 AM
Link? I always worry about remakes classic films with great actors like John Wayne, but you never know. At least it is a western, so they cannot bury the audience in pointless car chases, exploding buildings, etc.

God help us if it is 3D. :(


12-09-2010, 09:22 AM
Link? I always worry about remakes classic films with great actors like John Wayne, but you never know. At least it is a western, so they cannot bury the audience in pointless car chases, exploding buildings, etc.

God help us if it is 3D. :(


now wait a minute... you make it sound likes its ridley scott remaking it, casting lady gaga in the lead role :eek: or something.

between bridges, brolin and the coens i think its safe to say they'll do wayne justice - and then some. :popcorn:


12-09-2010, 09:30 AM
It`s a rare thing when a remake actually does justice to the original but I plan to keep an open mind in this case.As long as it`s good ,solid entertainment I don`t think the Duke will mind so neither will I.If it`s a stinker I`ll voice my opinion loudly.Sure hope they don`t try to put a love scene in with Rooster and Mattie Ross.Eww.Or worse,between Rooster and Le Beough[sp?].Double Eww.

12-09-2010, 10:23 AM
Agreed, remakes rarely do justice to the original but it should be good anyhow.
I remember the sequel to Lonesome Dove (probably the best western ever made) sucked really bad.
But the prequel, can't remember the name something Rose wasn't it? That was really good. You expected the characters to be different, they were all younger, Newt was just a little guy. It was good.
Guess we'll wait and see.

12-09-2010, 02:42 PM
I think it will be entertaining and like most Coen brothers films it will be dark and gritty but humorous...I liked the original movie but only because it had the Duke in it as the star but between Kim Darby and Glen Campbell's zero acting ability it made the film hard to watch...I really like Jeff Bridges in this role and like John said at least it's a western and not one of those si-fi computer animated action movies where 90% of the budget is for special effects and 9% is for advertising and 1% is used on actors and script....Sometimes producers get carried away packing a film with big name actors but with no script or story to work with but one very good western is called "The Quick and the Dead" starring Sharon Stone, Russell Crowe, Leonardo Dicaprio and Gene Hackman....Sharon Stone got top billing and actually paid Dicaprio's salary to get him into the script...If you haven't seen it give it a try, It's well worth a $10.00 DVD if you like westerns other than The Duke and Clint Eastwood...

12-09-2010, 02:50 PM
The Quick and the Dead was a great movie. Ive probably watched it 20 times. I think I even have 2 copies of it, not sure why. Stone did a wonderful job as did the others.

12-10-2010, 07:42 AM
Well the trailer looks good. Glad to see someone still thinks westerns are worth making. I am far more likely to watch one of those than most of the trash Hollywood cranks out these days. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!
