View Full Version : Any interest in having a chat room available?

12-11-2010, 05:52 PM
I sure hope I'm not breaking any rules, but here goes:

I have tons of web space going to waste, and I thought I'd offer to put up a chat room where we could talk about our Kahrs in real time.
I'm not getting anything out of this, and wouldn't have to put a lot into it (or else I wouldn't offer, LOL) I have the webspace, and chat software is available for free. You have to look at some advertisements, but they aren't too distracting.
It would be a good place to kick back and get to know one another and talk about our common interest in guns and shooting.
It won't be monitored, I expect we can all be civil to one another.
I don't get any chat transcripts or anything, so you wouldnt have to worry about someone eavesdropping.
I don't think it would take anything away from our Kahr Talk forum, but I'll leave that up to you other members to decide.

12-12-2010, 11:21 AM
I'll say this, it sounds like an ok idea, but I don't see any real benefit. When we are on here, it is near real time especially for those who log in and monitor the new posts. We already have the general discussion area, and here lately the anything goes thread. A chat room may get a bit confusing as there are generally several conversations going at once, and it is hard to just jump in on a conversation. Added to the fact that some of us spend WAY more time here than we should, and a chat room might get to be a bit much. New folks wouldn't stick around long either if we had a chat room. Might look something like "Hi got a problem with my PM9, and could y'all help me out." We jump on it, get the problem fixed and get the thanks bye now routine, instead of letting them look around and see if they can answer their question with what we have. Bottom line, until I see some benefit for this site to have a chat room, then I'll say it may not be a great idea. If you wanted to donate some of that bandwidth to the site, I'm sure JustinN would be glad to talk to you about it. That's my opinion with that and $1.29 you can get a cup of coffee at QT all over town.

12-12-2010, 12:13 PM
I don't see any need.....not looking for a date. :yo::blah:
I think so many of us come here at all different hours, it really wouldn't be of any benefit. Great forum as is.:angel:

12-12-2010, 04:00 PM
Agreed with jeepster09 and jlottmc. May be neat on occasion, but don't see much need or benefit. Plus, if we get a chat room, Bawanna45cal's job may very well be put on the chopping block for all the time he'd spend in the chat room (and by job, I mean the low-pay low benefit LE one - not the lucrative deal he got here at KahrTalk). :typing:

12-12-2010, 04:59 PM
That LE job is always questionable anyhow so no worries there. I don't know nothing about these 1-800- call me chat lines and such. I suspect everybody before me on this thread has it pretty right.

I'll just hang out here and keep doing what I do, maybe a little bit less if my councilling sessions start working.

Thinking about getting on that Intervention show. I'm already at the first stage by admiting that I have an addiction to Kahrtalk. Ain't all bad though, I got some good buddies here. Some surely don't help in my efforts not to spend money on guns but I'm trying.

12-12-2010, 05:41 PM
I appreciate the offer, but to honest I don't really have a lot of time to spend chatting. But that's a very generous offer, thanks.

12-12-2010, 06:07 PM
Ok, just thought I'd ask. No hurt feelings or anything on my part. Just thinking of ways I could make myself useful around here. :)
Hope everyone had a nice weekend.

12-12-2010, 06:54 PM
Who said your not useful, huh? Your useful. Never question your usefulness or in my case your uselessness.

Everybody has a purpose and just as quick as I figure out what mine is I'm gonna tell the whole world.

mr surveyor
12-12-2010, 09:01 PM
hey.... I didn't get a porpoise when I joined up here... I didn't even get a can of sardines......:(

12-12-2010, 09:10 PM
hey.... I didn't get a porpoise when I joined up here... I didn't even get a can of sardines......:(

Now thats funny right there, I don't care who your are.

Sad as heck, but funny.

12-13-2010, 10:08 AM
Chat room?? :confused: I thought that was what this was. We have a General Discussion sub forum, but guys go there, butt in and ask questions about guns. Some guys pop in here and pop off with negative comments about things besides guns being discussed.

I guess we should all just sit here quietly and wait for someone to pop in and ask a question that's in his unopened(maybe) Owner's Manual... or without searching the hundreds of posts that may have covered his question, or the frequently asked questions on the Kahr.com site... not that I haven't done this a few times myself :blushing: It could get pretty boring.

This forum has loosened up a bit... maybe to the chagrin of the hosts, but it's definitely more fun and interesting. If a lot of us weren't lurking about or already chatting, this would be a boring place and probably a lot of us wouldn't bother to come here. It's a community and if you're discussing something of interest and someone jumps in and adds something helpful or even funny, most of us enjoy it. I believe in the Golden Rule and if you can't say something good, then make it funny, but not a negative put-down.



12-13-2010, 10:13 AM
I'm not here for grins and jollys and I'm only interested in serious information. Thread jackers and people that make a joke out of everything will be put on a pedestal and deeply respected as is their just due.

I can't believe I just wrote this stuff.

Your right on Wynn, boring is well boring.

12-13-2010, 11:36 AM
Dang! I feel guilty for not being here and participating much, but I haven't finished a lot of things... need to get about 15 to 20 Christmas cards written and mailed, clean up some of my present clutter... (Wifey will be off the next two days!) especially that in the "dining room" where the Christmas tree is displayed. At least I got that up.
I've been pretty busy shopping and getting things that I need, as well as some things I "need". I need to get ready for time with my wife and preparation for the holidays. My wife has to work on Christmas day/evening as well as Christmas Eve, so we'll have to squeeze in our holiday meals where we can.
I'm still waiting on some input for her gift. I keep telling her not to get me anything... I've bought myself lots... I mean lots of stuff that could be Christmas gifts.:rolleyes:
I guess I'll have to wait for another "opportunity" to gift myself a new gun... Dang! UPS just PASSED BY! I have all kinds of stuff coming and various ways. I think that I have things being delivered this week by all of the package services.

Well, I really need to get on those Christmas cards! Cheers for now!

Wynn:yo: :)

12-13-2010, 12:05 PM
KISS: = keep it simple stupid

12-13-2010, 12:09 PM
No anchovies, please.

12-13-2010, 12:10 PM
I kind of resemble that. Simple and Stupid in the same sentence?

Let me look up the definition of bawanna in the dictionary.

12-13-2010, 02:10 PM
Don't truly know. This is the first time I've tried a forum and it has been a good thing. I have never tried a chat thing and don't really know that I'd use one. Can't really tell you for sure.

mr surveyor
12-13-2010, 04:16 PM
has anyone seen the mate to my black sock?

12-13-2010, 04:32 PM
Look under the bed, and start picking up your own towel, I'm tired of picking up after you everywhere you go.

You can find a darn property corner you oughta be able to find a black sock. Look in the laundry basket, Mrs. Surv can tell ya what a laundry basket looks like.

12-13-2010, 06:06 PM
Bawanna, Mom wants you at the table right now or she says you're going to bed without supper. Hurry.

12-13-2010, 06:39 PM
Chatty bunch ain't ya!

12-13-2010, 06:53 PM
I ain`t even real sure what a chat room is but if it`s anything like when my wife starts talking,I`ll pass.She`s the Energizer Bunny of flapping your gums.
She once told me "You don`t listen!" Before I thought I responded "No Dear,I don`t care." That went over like a turd in a punch bowl.

mr surveyor
12-13-2010, 10:21 PM
found the sock...it was behind the milk in the fridge

12-13-2010, 11:10 PM
Always the last place ya look.