View Full Version : My Dilemma
12-17-2010, 08:28 AM
Oh boy, here we go again... I used to own alot more guns than I do now...then I became a cop. I figured with the massive discounts that I received I would aquire many more firearms, especially Glocks..which they practically give away when you have a commission. Anyways, I'm in between jobs right now and not sure what the potential deoartment I may work for carries as far as caliber goes. The first Department I worked for issued the Glock 22 as the duty naturally I purchased a G27 for off-duty. Switched departments and sold it-didn't like it. Thats when I bought the CW-40...which by the way was not discounted and cost more than a Glock would. Gotta say I love it!! I tried it as a "trial" to see what I thought about Kahr. I will definitely spend the money and purchase a Kahr for offduty/back-up.
So here is my dilemma...When you work for a Police department, you must qualify with any gun you want to carry off duty or backup once a year. So unless you want to spend alot of time qualifying..if you can... you may only have one choice for off duty/backup. I was thinking that it would be in my best interests to purchase a gun that I could use for both. Thinking a PM would better suit me for a backup in a pocket holster. I'm not even sure what caliber this department specifies that you can carry so I'll wait til then.
Its kind of funny...when you have a ccw license you can carry any gun you want at any time without qualifying. When you are a police officer you must qualify with every gun you want to use. Doesn't sound like such a big deal but when the range Officer doesn't have time to qualify you, or the department is low on ammo, you don't have much of a choice. And that is why I own less guns now!!
12-17-2010, 08:47 AM
A good friend of mine is in law enforcement and carries an issued Glock. He has every model in the 40cal. His theory is to stay with the sword you carry, so his back up is a Glock too. He's Glock all the way and was disappointed when I went Kahr. As much as I love my PM40, I kind of agree with my buddy's theory to go with what you carry...consistency. But that's just me.
12-17-2010, 01:12 PM
I carried the glock 27 off duty, it was ok. I actually prefer the Kahr as an off-duty weapon due to size/weight advantages as well as trigger pulls. The G27 was ok, to me it was a little too big bulky. Again, I like to have a backup in my cargo pockets and can't imagine sticking any Glock in there.
12-17-2010, 02:24 PM
Here's 2.75 cents worth!
As far as sticking with the same make for both on and off, seems reasonable., BUT, it all really comes down to, what is your reaction to a life threatening situation!!! Most guys will react differently when in uniform that off duty. The point being with the proper training, you will have 2 go to "muscle Memory" lines. Your mind when in uniform goes for the array of weapons around you waist!!! Off duty your mind , Hopefully, with go the right place, e.i. holster or pocket. And thus your instincts will prevail, as practiced!! Thus two different situations, two different automatic reactions!
Now, Qualifying, The truth is most people and ALL departments don't have the time and money to assure the proper level of training in the use of lethal force.
12-17-2010, 02:28 PM
cs534: are u allowed when off duty and not in uniform to carry what efgver you want or must it still be what the department specifies. That would suck IMO.
I would think if ur in civi's and not on the payroll at that time, u should be able to carry what u wantto carry.. I would think if u can qualify with your glock u should be able to do so with an kahr, I would think it would be far easier than trying with a J frame smith..
12-17-2010, 03:54 PM
I try to shoot at least once a week, and I have nine 45's and one 9mm in handguns. Since I rotate the pistols I take to the range, I 'qualify', at least to my own satisfaction, every two months or less, and I'm very hard to please.
12-17-2010, 05:25 PM
cs534: are u allowed when off duty and not in uniform to carry what efgver you want or must it still be what the department specifies. That would suck IMO.
I would think if ur in civi's and not on the payroll at that time, u should be able to carry what u wantto carry.. I would think if u can qualify with your glock u should be able to do so with an kahr, I would think it would be far easier than trying with a J frame smith..
I should clear this up.. I'm not sure if the department I may be going to issues duty weapons or not. Generally if they do, you are limited to using that weapon for duty. As far as off-duty goes, most departments are liberal with what gun you have but caliber may be limited. Now I will always use the same caliber for off-duty/back up as on duty that way I can get practice ammo and self defense duty ammo at no cost. And that way if you are ever involved in any off-duty shootings the caliber is standard issue. Department regulations usually state that any gun you carry must be qualified with. Thats why it is difficult if you want to carry a few different guns from time to time.
12-17-2010, 05:57 PM
I try to shoot at least once a week, and I have nine 45's and one 9mm in handguns. Since I rotate the pistols I take to the range, I 'qualify', at least to my own satisfaction, every two months or less, and I'm very hard to please.
Same here and i go through quite a few brands. I would suggest you get the job first find out their requirements then do what is best for you.
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