View Full Version : MK9 Wolff Guide Rod upgrade full of pics.

12-18-2010, 10:06 PM
After my last outing and coming to the conclusion i needed a heavier recoil spring in order for my MK9 to digest hot +P loads i purchased the Wolff steel setup. Its a combo pack of guide rod and springs for $35 +shipping.
Picked up an heavier set for my RIA Officers CS 1911 as it has the exact issue also. Both being new guns and having the same issue at the same time and jams that are identical made it kind of easy to diagnose both having a timing issue with +P loads.

I still need to function test it, But its a really nice heavy duty setup.
I ordered the 22.5lb springs in the combo and it comes with a standard power striker spring which i found no reason to replace,yet anyhow.

The package is pretty much what you expect from Wolff, Nice fitting and no flaws. I was concerned about the all Black rod system but the OEM captive setup is black also. I liked the Kahr stainless but the price of the Guide rod+shipping and then upgraded springs and shipping its almost twice the cost. Bedair doesn't list an MK setup or PM so that wasn't an option.

Plus i wasn't so sure about the captive setup and how long it would take for me to bugger it up, Im bad at stripping screws and destroying the heads of screws.
This extra power setup is a bit of a muscle job getting those springs compressed and into place in the slide. But it doesn't hang up or give you issues, You just need some strength with getting it in there.

Tons of pics so you see exactly what you get, Well i left what you get out but i took pics of what you "need" to see.









12-18-2010, 10:06 PM



My back pocket holster thrown in while i was posting pics.






12-18-2010, 10:16 PM
Plus a question to add to everything.
After cleaning my gun the last time i kept seeing gold colored shavings as it looked like someone tried to lube my gun with Goldschlager, So i took the slide apart for a good cleaning and inspection to see wth was up.
From what i could tell it was brass shavings from ammo cases, I never seen that one before. But everything internally was fine so i cleaned her and lubed her up and put the slide back together.
Is this normal ? And if so does it ago away?

12-19-2010, 01:24 PM
Thanks for the review! I am looking at putting one of these kits into my MK 9 ASAP.

12-19-2010, 01:35 PM
I have seen some brass in my P45 on a few trips to the range. I think it is ok for Kahrs to be that tight. Clean and lube properly, and you should have no problems because of it. Now that I think about it, I get the same tightness from a couple of my pistols, and think it has something to do with the extractor being a bit tight. I could be wrong, and can't really look at one right now as I'm at work.

12-19-2010, 02:21 PM
The gold flecks are coming from your striker channel; clean it out with some cleaner under pressure and you will find more; not sure if it is brass or something else....

check out the post on cleaning you gun and you will find more information about this; go to long and not clean that area and the striker will start to stick. Happened to me and I was pointed in the right direction on this site.:D

12-19-2010, 02:31 PM
I spray that striker channel out every time I clean, and still see some brass on occasion. Guess I need to break down and take the slides apart.

12-19-2010, 02:47 PM
I have been blowing out the striker channel with CLP, But it got to the point i saw so many fleks of stuff i thought something inside the slide was wearing fast.
So i tore the whole slide down for a cleaning and nothing in there is brass or that color, So that leads me to believe its being chewed off the brass shell casings.
I generally tear my slides down every 3rd cleaning as spraying them doesn't really do the best job and it also lets you inspect everything.
Its alot easier with 1911's tho, I had to chase flying parts when i took the MK9 slide apart last night.

I do like the Wolff guide rod and hope to retest the gun with more +P loads and see how it does, Should be perfect if my thinking is correct.