View Full Version : PM40 Recoil?

12-19-2010, 12:07 PM
I keep reading about PM40 recoil and was just hoping for input on what I should do to improve my experience with it. I purchased one of the new lead sleds and had 8 cinder blocks on it. However, the 40's recoil tore out the back out of the sled and shred up my new welding gloves down to the skin. The barrel flip came back and rocked me on the top of the head so hard that I flew over backwards and it cracked my welding helmet. I woke up under the cinder blocks with the lead sled up my nose. The concussion blew out part of the lense in the helmet but I can still see out of my left eye. I am still a little numb on the left side but my right side has stopped twitching. Still haven't found my pinky finger. What bothers me the most that is that the mag released so easily and there was a failure to ejectulate. Do you think I limp wristed it? Perhaps you can suggest better ammo? I'm thinking I may have used the wrong kind of welding gloves and helmet. Next time I am going to try 4 valium instead of 2, bolt the lead sled down and weld some rebar to the back of the sled. Also, all of my shots were about 3' low and to the left. Do you think it's the sights, a faulty trigger or could the recoil could be bothering me a little?
Any advice? Thanks for your help!
(Just thought I'd get something started....haha)
Merry Christmas!

12-19-2010, 12:23 PM
Glad it's working out so well for ya, sometimes those mags don't pop free. Putting more rounds thru it should smooth it right out. The recoil is hardly noticeable with practice and I've found that I can get on target for followup shots sometimes in less than 5 minutes.
Don't sweat that missing pinky finger you only use that drinking tea with the Queen and how often does that happen ya know.
Thanks for the positive report. And remember Kevlar is your friend.

12-19-2010, 02:21 PM
LOL... one shot is all you need. You don't even have to make a hit with all that concussion!
Just be nice to everyone and hope you don't have to shoot it ever again!!
Merry Christmas to you and yours too,
James (Replay13)

12-19-2010, 02:38 PM
I hate when I can't find my fingers after shooting something like that. If the 40 is too much for you, I'll give it a home and let you get a PM45 ;)

12-19-2010, 02:53 PM
i keep reading about pm40 recoil and was just hoping for input on what i should do to improve my experience with it. I purchased one of the new lead sleds and had 8 cinder blocks on it. However, the 40's recoil tore out the back out of the sled and shred up my new welding gloves down to the skin. The barrel flip came back and rocked me on the top of the head so hard that i flew over backwards and it cracked my welding helmet. I woke up under the cinder blocks with the lead sled up my nose. The concussion blew out part of the lense in the helmet but i can still see out of my left eye. I am still a little numb on the left side but my right side has stopped twitching. Still haven't found my pinky finger. What bothers me the most that is that the mag released so easily and there was a failure to ejectulate. Do you think i limp wristed it? Perhaps you can suggest better ammo? I'm thinking i may have used the wrong kind of welding gloves and helmet. Next time i am going to try 4 valium instead of 2, bolt the lead sled down and weld some rebar to the back of the sled. Also, all of my shots were about 3' low and to the left. Do you think it's the sights, a faulty trigger or could the recoil could be bothering me a little?
Any advice? Thanks for your help!
(just thought i'd get something started....haha)
merry christmas!

port it!!

12-19-2010, 03:34 PM
Jeeeezzeee, I forgot to mention that it was ported and I lost a fingernail in the porting. I think that's what took off my pinky....haha

12-19-2010, 04:19 PM
garyb: my gun has a very "hairy" trigger, not hard to get it to go off..!!!!