View Full Version : CW9 or P9

12-20-2010, 03:47 PM
I am in the market to purchase either a CW9 or a P9. I know the physical differences, but I am having a hard time justifying the extra $200 for a P9. They both do the same thing, don't they? For those of you who have experience and own one or both, what are your thoughts? Thanks... :) /:mad:

12-20-2010, 04:06 PM
If just as a range/fun gun the CW is great. If you plan on making this a CCW, then the P9 is the way to go because you can get it in all black, the polygonal barrel is better IMHO, you have a larger selection of night sights and at least you get one extra mag, (a $35 value). If none of those features matter to you in a CCW then, again, the CW is just fine.

12-20-2010, 04:17 PM
agree with what riplye 16 said..

12-20-2010, 04:58 PM
The CW9 or P9 will be my carry piece. (I have a K9 with "elite" trigger and night sights for the range.) I have 8 - 7 round magazines. Do you really think the polygonal barrel is that much better? I read now where night sights are offering for the CW series.

12-20-2010, 06:00 PM
I would (and did) get the CW9. Mine has been 100% reliable and very accurate. It is my go to 9 mm for carry. The polygonal barrel IMO is a no big improvement, and also means you shouldn't shoot hard cast bullets.

I added a Crimson trace laserguard, Traction grips, a 8rd mag for back-up and a Remora holster+mag pouch. All that stuff cost $200.... and IMO is much more useful for a carry gun then spending $200+ for a polygonal barrel, nicer markings and a dove tail front sight.


12-20-2010, 06:30 PM
Wow! Great use of $$$. I would like to standardize on 9 mm to avoid multiple calibers and ammunition. This gun would replace a P380 which is not reliable, has never been reliable and besides the 9mm packs a greater punch. Thanks.... great advice.

12-20-2010, 06:50 PM
The CW really is the best bang for the buck.I have about 2500 rounds through mine ,no issues not one.

12-20-2010, 07:27 PM
Nice photo BEARDOG!

12-20-2010, 08:17 PM
Thanks, I love my CW9!

12-20-2010, 08:39 PM
Wow! Great use of $$$. I would like to standardize on 9 mm to avoid multiple calibers and ammunition. This gun would replace a P380 which is not reliable, has never been reliable and besides the 9mm packs a greater punch. Thanks.... great advice.:);):o

12-20-2010, 10:24 PM
I have shot both guns and there isn't a nickels worth of difference between them when it comes to shooting and function. I saved the $200.00 and went with the CW and glad I did. At normal defensive distances you won't know the difference between the regular rifled barrel and the poly one. You can shoot lead bullets in the regular barrel. Dawson Precision has great replacement sights for the CW series and I'm told actually makes the sights for Kahr.

Save the money and buy more ammo. Don't forget to clean and relube before you shoot it the first time. Kahr has a 200 round breakin too.

12-21-2010, 12:10 AM
No, save your money and buy your wife/girlfriend a Kel-Tec for her purse.

Break-in? Manually rack it a couple a hundred times beforehand and save another $50 on ammo and buy yourself a box or 2 of Golden Sabers.

I agree 100% with jeff - poly barrel on a 3 1/2" gun? Come on, man.

12-21-2010, 06:15 AM
buy her the ruger lcp over the kel tec, IMO...both nice gun, I just thinkthe Ruger is much more refined.

accuracy wise, polygonal vs standard rifled, NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL.

Polygonal barrle do give alittle more velocity over standard rifled barrel and in a short barrel gun anything helps. Again, for me would have made zero difference tome if my PM9 had standard riflingin it. I do a real injustice to either barrel as far as accuracy goes.

You can shoot lead in a polygonal barrel, many do it, but you gotta clean it more often, . Most people don't reload and when I used to reload, I still used FMJ ammo.

No range around my areas but where I used to shoot with my daughter in Florida, they did not allow lead bullets what so ever. Lead is slowly going by the wayside for reloaders.

You can't go wrong every buying a cw kahr, your certainly not cheapening yourself in buying one either. Same internal quality as the best kahrs and for the money there is no gum make rin its class either.

12-21-2010, 10:43 AM
Why make the wife/girlfriend play second fiddle. Get her a CW all her own.

If I was your woman (now theres the scarey thought for the day) and you gave me a KT, you'd be looking for a new woman. Course if I was your woman I'd want a PM45 or maybe a Magnum Research 1911 for my thigh holster!

I can't help but think I've created a rather unpleasant picture here. Less than appealing for sure.

12-21-2010, 11:24 AM
I would (and did) get the CW9. Mine has been 100% reliable and very accurate. It is my go to 9 mm for carry. The polygonal barrel IMO is a no big improvement, and also means you shouldn't shoot hard cast bullets.

I added a Crimson trace laserguard, Traction grips, a 8rd mag for back-up and a Remora holster+mag pouch. All that stuff cost $200.... and IMO is much more useful for a carry gun then spending $200+ for a polygonal barrel, nicer markings and a dove tail front sight.


That looks exactly like mine......I love it too!

P.S. Friends don't let their friends buy Kel Tecs....unless the want to catch the ex who got the KT on the rebound


12-21-2010, 04:48 PM
:)"Hello CW9" -- Just returned from "Cheaper Than Dirt" as a proud owner of a new CW9. Thanks "Beardog" and "Jfrey" for the input! Did the clean and lube, installed a Steve Bedair SS steel guide rod and a Pachmayr #4 rubber grip; now working on racking the slide 1,500 times before going to the range. :59:

12-21-2010, 04:56 PM
nice gun, now just go out and shoot it like u stole it!!

12-21-2010, 05:28 PM
:)"Hello CW9" -- Just returned from "Cheaper Than Dirt" as a proud owner of a new CW9. Thanks "Beardog" and "Jfrey" for the input! Did the clean and lube, installed a Steve Bedair SS steel guide rod and a Pachmayr #4 rubber grip; now working on racking the slide 1,500 times before going to the range. :59:

Congrats! I think you will be very pleased with it. I just cleaned and greased mine before I shot it the first time and it ran just fine. Like I said before it has be 100% reliable even during the 200 rd break-in. Have fun at the range and let us know how it works for you.

12-21-2010, 06:03 PM
Will do...... :)