View Full Version : The Perfect Gift
12-20-2010, 04:30 PM
I was in Charlotte this past weekend and decided to drop by the Bass Pro Shop there.I bought myself a fishing rod holder and some .45 cal. ammo boxes.When I came home this afternoon I found that the missus had wrapped them up and declared them to be Christmas presents.I was outraged by this at first but being a thoughtful husband,I decided to go into town tomorrow and buy her the gift I feel she so richly deserves.Can any of you tell me where I can buy a yeast infection?
I was in Charlotte this past weekend and decided to drop by the Bass Pro Shop there.I bought myself a fishing rod holder and some .45 cal. ammo boxes.When I came home this afternoon I found that the missus had wrapped them up and declared them to be Christmas presents.I was outraged by this at first but being a thoughtful husband,I decided to go into town tomorrow and buy her the gift I feel she so richly deserves.Can any of you tell me where I can buy a yeast infection? third ex-wife in Florida.
12-20-2010, 06:24 PM
So are these "presents" from her to you? Bought by you and paid for by you that she has commandeered? Ain't love grand....?
12-20-2010, 07:14 PM
About the same thing happened to my 2000 Precision Delta Bullets. I haven't even seen them yet.
mr surveyor
12-20-2010, 07:19 PM
mrs surv and I agreed to wait until after Christmas to get anything for each other this year. No pressure! THAT was my best Christmas present.
12-20-2010, 08:07 PM
mrs surv and I agreed to wait until after Christmas to get anything for each other this year. No pressure! THAT was my best Christmas present.
Thats the best present right there. Take advantage of the after craziness sales.
I tell my wife, heres the money, go buy whatever you want. You reach a point where you just run out of ideas and never get what they really want.
She told me to order my own bullets so she wouldn't get the wrong ones, good woman my wife.
Course tonight she tells me I can't even pick em up, nothing over 15# so guess I'll have to carry em out to my cave a handful at a time?
12-20-2010, 10:30 PM
Heard about the guy whose wife told him she wanted a shiney new present that would go from zero to 180 in three seconds?
He bought her a new scale!
That's about as good as the yeast infection.
12-21-2010, 08:18 AM
Ouch, you guys are killing me here. Too funny! I bought a vice for my reloading bench for the Mrs. to give me. Keeps shopping simple. ;) I wonder if the Glock 19 I have inbound could be from Santa? If so, do I get to spend the money again? :D
12-21-2010, 10:25 AM
I'd say the G19 is definitely under the radar and hence doesn't count. Feel free to make another selection and order freely.
I put a Parrot Vise on my bench a few years ago, I wanted the really nice one that Brownell's sells for like 300 bucks but got the 50 dollar version. It's been a great and useful tool since day one. Probably not as slick no doubt as the high priced brother but it works just fine for me.
12-21-2010, 10:49 AM
Dang! I keep telling Wifey to not get me anything... I've been buying so much stuff online that the delivery trucks get backed up sometimes. If I really want something I buy it. I'm not patient, though I'm a good procrastinator... well, an outstanding procrastinator.
I just wrapped my wife's last gift and I need to shave and go to Walgreen's and see if I can find a suitable gushy card about how special she is and how lucky I am to have her... all true, especially about the lucky part.
I just logged onto the checking account to check the spelling of Walgreen's and saw that the balance had gone UP! She just returned some stuff to one store. :)
12-21-2010, 10:52 AM
You sound like a gosh darn international spy there Wyn. Tracking the poor woman via her credit purchases.
She's on the move, car 2 back off, car 4 take cover position. Helo in position.
Bond, James Bond!
12-21-2010, 11:03 AM
She's been using cash, though, and I can't track that. She's no dummy, though she did get stuck with me... 25 years in March.:)
She tends to go overboard gifting. I hate shopping for anyone else, but it's kind of pointless to give her cash or gift cards.:D
Dang! I had better get going here. Y'all take care and
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!
Wynn :yo:
12-21-2010, 11:39 AM
Cash? That would be that green paper stuff that men used to have prior to marriage and children?
I think I hid one of them papers around here someplace. I'm home alone, scarely thought again, maybe I'll go look at it in a dark closet with a flashlight to make sure no one knows I have it.
I been hitched 25 last August. Poor girl didn't realize she'd be Florence Nightingale 25 years later. She was dealt a poor hand, thats for sure. Course I was dang lucky so guess it's a wash?
mr surveyor
12-21-2010, 12:38 PM
25 years????
I don't even remember the Silver anniversary thing..... come Jan 9, we're on 38 years.... now, what is that???? the Dirt Anniversary???? I can get some dirt together in the next couple of weeks, as long as it will fit in a wal-mart sack:D
12-21-2010, 01:05 PM
Two more years and you get the trade one 40 for Two 20's coupon.
Tell Mrs Surv I said this an I'm a dead man. Expect the first payment for your silence very soon.
12-21-2010, 01:17 PM
Problem is once you qualify for the twofer you can't handle it anymore. My 50 year contract will be up in 6 years but will probably get 1 year extensions to keep us on good behavior. Dang, I knew 50 was too long! You get used to the sweet things by then and it's hard to let them go.
12-21-2010, 04:09 PM
I keep buying my wife guns that she ends up not liking for one reason or another. The other day I was looking at a new p380 for her when I spied something else in the counter. I wonder how she'd like a new 1911!:w00t:
12-21-2010, 05:10 PM
I didn't realize there were so many of us here in the same boat. I had 20 years just a couple weeks ago, but this is the second time around.
My wife works at the bank so she knows all the cash and credit card stuff that goes on. It is hard to hide anything from her. I do have one small personal acct. at the credit union that I can stash some cash in once in a while. Now if I can just find something in the right color, size, shape, form and scent she will like. Somehow I don't think #9 cologne will work this year.
12-21-2010, 06:12 PM
I keep buying my wife guns that she ends up not liking for one reason or another. The other day I was looking at a new p380 for her when I spied something else in the counter. I wonder how she'd like a new 1911!:w00t:
Of course she'll like a new 1911. Don't forget about the accessories. Leather, extra mags, matching mag pouches........... It shouldn't be a stand alone gift with little thought.
You might look at the new MRI 1911, I think all the best dressed women will be wearing them this year.
And guaranteed to not make them look fat either.
12-21-2010, 07:50 PM
Hmm... 38 years... 38th Wedding Anniversary. Google:
This Wedding Anniversary does not have any traditional materials or symbols associated with it.
A Contemporary or Modern Thirty eighth anniversary gift has a theme of Beryl.
This Wedding Anniversary does not have any flowers associated with it.
This Anniversary does not have any Gemstones associated with it.
Beryl... WTF?
Hey... just trying to help. :)
mr surveyor
12-21-2010, 07:51 PM
most ladies would be disappointed if the item wasn't accessorized.
Yes, by all means.... holsters (IWB, OWB, Shoulder, Pocket, all that are applicable), matching belts, mag carriers, and certainly don't forget various custom grips.... you gotta match your boots....eerrr, shoes...
we sure need our "Lady's Touch" on these threads.... where is that awol girl?
12-21-2010, 08:05 PM
That video of the girl walking by the alley... her purse was left behind... good thing she didn't have her gun in it. The gun should be on your PERSON and accessible. The purse is often a target for theft.
I was married just short of 12 years the first time. We're very good friends... the three of us. I helped my ex choose a weapon and I know she knows how to shoot it. When we were married, we had family trips to the range... many times by ourselves... my two children, also... daughter 4-6 and son 6-7 years old. We all shot.
I would love to buy a revolver for my wife and offered to do so... well, I would kind of like to have a 7-shot .357 for her as a bedside defense. She had to stay qualified with the .38 revolver in the USAF... and then the Remington 870 12-gauge with magnum buckshot loads. For some reason, the powers that be in Europe at the time, thought the .38 not powerful enough... for use in a crowded underground command post!
She thinks the 9-shot .22 H&R is just fine. I do have Stingers in it, but know that she won't put the effort in to use a semi-auto pistol... sigh.
I can't get her to go shoot with me, either. We did go a couple of times, but she was ready to leave pretty quickly. :(
mr surveyor
12-21-2010, 09:09 PM
I know this is specifically a Kahr forum, and I do love my Kahr CW9, but since we don't have an "Other Guns" forum, this has to be the place. Mrs Surv has been forced to fire at least one round through each of my daily carry guns, each of which may be left on the night stand in the ready while I may have decided to carry an alternative during the day. Although she can get off at least one round (pretty darned accurately) from any of them, she just can't get off a second round quick enough in the time I would consider effective for defensive uses in any thing but the KelTec P32 I bought for her 5-6 years ago. The only defensive round pistol she has ever submitted to shooting a second full magazine through was my CW9, but she still cringed a bit while doing so. For the last year+ I have been waiting patiently for the appearance of a KelTec PMR30 to buy her for a "house gun". Thirty rounds of hot 22 magnum would be devastating in her hands. I have no doubt that she could send off 4-5 rounds of hot 22 mags, on target, in the same length of time it would take to recover from a single round of .380, 38 spl, 9mm and especially above. Although she can handle her .32 acp very well, I really believe I would feel better if she had 30 rounds of 22 mag in her hand.
And for what it's worth, she would NOT shoot a full mag through my KT P3AT, so I have no doubt she wouldn't shoot the same through a Kahr P380. BUt, in a pinch, I'd bet she would use my CW9 or SP101 on the night stand if it was more accessable than her P32.
oh, and since her best friend had a pretty good scare last week, and the knowledge that we've had two daytime "smash and grab" home burglaries in the immediate neighborhood in the last week, her attention has been peaked
12-21-2010, 10:22 PM
I beleive in useing the largest caliber you can shoot well. If that be a 22 mag. then so be it. A handful of 22 mag rounds is bound to ruin a bad guys day!
12-22-2010, 05:44 AM
While my wife can shoot just about anything, she still prefers her trusty " J " frame. She's a regular Annie Oklie with the thing. Using .38 special 148 gr hollow base wad cutters in it keeps recoil mild and the noise quieter than standard loads. She just does not seem to be interested in semi-autos and that's ok with me. You have to let them use whatever they feel comfortable with.
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