View Full Version : The mouse "gun" that roared.

12-21-2010, 03:41 PM
Just had to say I took my new PM9 to the range yesterday and fired 125 rd through it with no FTF or FTE which was no surprise to me as I have owned a MK9 in the past. I was concerned at first that it was shooting about 4" high but as it turned out(I'm pretty sure) it was operator error.
It was dead nuts on as far as windage went and I think after I shoot it more(and more and more and more) The elevation will work itself out.
I did most of what was suggested in the thread on this board on prepping them. A few strange things that I did notice though. If you fire the pistol with one rd in the chamber and no mag in it, the spent shell drops out through the magazine well. Pretty tactical Kahr thinking of that I'd say.:w00t:
Also, like it was suggested here, I needed to do the pull the slide all the way back til it came out of you grasp loading of the first rd. I was shooting fmj so this sort of surprised me but I guess it's the nature of the beast.
All in all a pleasant way to begin a relationship with my new carry piece.

12-21-2010, 04:28 PM
sounds like a winner....

12-21-2010, 05:34 PM
I know the first round will chamber either way (slingshot or releasing the slide to chamber), but Kahr suggests (operator manual) releasing the slide to chamber a round from the mag. In another thread this became an issue. I've heard some folks have problems with the second round FTF if this the slide release method is not used, but this problem does not seem to be universal with all users or guns.... so figure that? Is it the gun or the user? We may never know for certain. Good luck with her.

12-21-2010, 11:11 PM
Also, like it was suggested here, I needed to do the pull the slide all the way back til it came out of you grasp loading of the first rd. I was shooting fmj so this sort of surprised me but I guess it's the nature of the beast.

Why did that surprise you? FMJ is universally the easiest chambering round design. Wide mouth hollowpoints are another story...

12-22-2010, 05:38 AM
It surprised me because like you said, fmj should be the easiest to chamber. If I just pulled the slide back and let it go(with the fmj) it would NOT go into battery. The slide would remain slightly open as the tip of the FMJ was stuck on the top of the feed ramp. When I did it with the above described technique it worked.

12-22-2010, 10:58 AM
If your like me and maybe most, we don't tend to read manuals on anything, UNTIL it doesn't work, for you can put the parts together etc. At least u admit, most of us just never talk about it..

12-22-2010, 08:21 PM
LOL, pretty much dead on Jacko.:bump2:

12-22-2010, 09:48 PM
If your like me and maybe most, we don't tend to read manuals on anything, UNTIL it doesn't work, for you can put the parts together etc. At least u admit, most of us just never talk about it..

If all else fails........read the manual.:75:

12-23-2010, 05:51 AM
It think with men it is kind of a MACHO thing to never read INSTRUCTIONS.

12-23-2010, 01:45 PM
Instructions? And those are?

Anyway last range report here. All positive of course. No surprises.. Shot another 200+ rds today. No FTF, FTE, or anything else. Super accurate. I love this pistole!

50 rds Blazer alum case.

12 or so rds Federal HST 124 grain +p (for +p surprisingly easy to shoot)

12 + rds Win 147 grain HP (white box from wally world)

75 rds South African FMJ

50 rds S&B fmj

Mostly posting this report as most of the other reports detail troubles of some sort or another and I think 99% of the Kahr's are trouble free like mine...


12-23-2010, 05:37 PM
Thanks for the report. I just came back from the range... over 700 rounds now and my PM9 is still 100%