View Full Version : Threat to national security

Jim K
12-23-2010, 07:04 PM
Greetings everybody,

Check out the following link.


Please be advised that the TSA can have the FAA suspend or revoke airman certificates by the simple act of notifing the FAA in writing if the TSA determines an individual is a threat. No judicial review is necessary and the is no legal recourse for the affected airman.

Now, I understand that most folks who frequent this forum are not airmen but patriots no less than me. I post this message not to diminish airport security but to point out the road the central goverment is going with our liberties. It seems to me that the central government does not trust it's citizens and is selling fear.

I welcome comments. Perhaps someone can peel me off the ceiling.

God bless the USA. What's left of it.

Jim K

12-23-2010, 07:37 PM
AND, someone correct me if I'm wrong but, these people that think up and implement regulations like this are not elected thus making them not so easy to be removed. Makes ya' feel all warm and fuzzy doesn't it?

12-23-2010, 08:34 PM
Is it just me or do most of these TSA agents look alot like former WalMart Greeters? I've only seen pictures, haven't been to the airport in a long long time but theres a similarity there for sure.

Jim I'm shorter than most but if you try to dangle a leg down I'll reach up best I can and you push while I pull and mayhaps we can get ya peeled off from the ceiling.
Not sure it'll be a worthwhile effort as I expect we'll both be on the ceiling again very very soon but it would be nice to spend Christmas on the ground for at least a little while.

Happy to help anyway I can.

12-23-2010, 10:19 PM
Is it just me or do most of these TSA agents look alot like former WalMart Greeters? I've only seen pictures, haven't been to the airport in a long long time but theres a similarity there for sure.
Jajajajaja you are absolutely right and I'm sort of an expert.
Because of my job I expend untold amounts of time between WalMarts and airports but it took a word from the great Bawanna to make me realize the similarity. :ohmy:

12-24-2010, 01:48 PM
Yep! We have elections for political posts, BUT, the Agency's are run by GS or green shirts. They have a way of almost always getting their way, sooner or latter. I guess we pay GS's high pay and tons of benefits so we get the BEST!!!!

Jim K
12-24-2010, 04:05 PM
Thanks for the offer Bawanna.
The wife walked in the room and ordered me off the ceiling. There's now a hole in the floor like a Wyle E. Coyote cartoon. My head's spinning but I think I'll be OK. I blocked the chimney, closed the blinds and turned off the lights. They can't find me now! Jajaja! (with an insane voice).

Seriously, Merry Christmas! Especially to Jocko.

Damn it's been almost a year without trading insults. Does that count as a radical personality change?

Jim K

12-24-2010, 04:27 PM
Thanks for the offer Bawanna.
The wife walked in the room and ordered me off the ceiling. There's now a hole in the floor like a Wyle E. Coyote cartoon. My head's spinning but I think I'll be OK. I blocked the chimney, closed the blinds and turned off the lights. They can't find me now! Jajaja! (with an insane voice).

Seriously, Merry Christmas! Especially to Jocko.

Damn it's been almost a year without trading insults. Does that count as a radical personality change?

Jim K

I'd say that it certainly counts as a radical personality change and one that has not gone unoticed. I've been reluctant to to bring up the subject for fear of a negative impact but I can in all honesty say your are definitely born again hard!
I commend you sir and hope that things continue as they have for this past year.

12-24-2010, 05:03 PM
Thanks for the offer Bawanna.
The wife walked in the room and ordered me off the ceiling. There's now a hole in the floor like a Wyle E. Coyote cartoon. My head's spinning but I think I'll be OK. I blocked the chimney, closed the blinds and turned off the lights. They can't find me now! Jajaja! (with an insane voice).

Seriously, Merry Christmas! Especially to Jocko.

Damn it's been almost a year without trading insults. Does that count as a radical personality change?

Jim K

were both past that stuff, not sure we meant it to be what it was back then. ur OK in my book and I mean that. enjoy the CHRIST-MASS season Jim and just shoot it like u stole it..

I have found that it is much easier to be a nice person than a complete a-hole, certainly for me makes sleeping alot easier to.

Merry CHRISTMASS to all u kahr guys. from the jocko household

by the way we have 4 inches of snow on the ground but the highways are clear and damn, I just had to get the new wifes 2011 harley out for it first test run of 60 miles. Got back OK, then started to snow and we now have about 2 inches of new stuff, but Santa gave me a window of about 3 hours to do some serious riding and I took it. No Milk shakes today though.

12-24-2010, 07:11 PM
Had to be one chilly ride astride the new Harley. My feet and fingers are frozen just thinking about it.
Glad you skipped the milk shake today and got back home before the window slammed shut.
Getting to be close to nighty night time for the kiddies on the East Coast, still early here in the west, sure theres lots of anxious little kids of all ages just aching to rip wrapping paper.

12-24-2010, 07:12 PM
Wow Jocko, a new 2011 Harley. Nice Christmas present. What model did she get? I ride a 92 Heritage Classic. Had to put a new motor in it last summer, I was riding with one of those full face helmets on, and the chin bar blocks my view of the oil pressure guage and idiot light. I was just cruising and then started to hear some racket from the engine. If I'd seen the oil pressure light come on might have been able to save the engine. Decided to send the motor back to factory rebuild shop and get her rebuilt. Runs like a champ again now. Shaved the heads .060, added an Andrews EV27 Cam and a Vance and Hines 2 into 1 Pro Pipe. Gets around a truck pretty well now without downshifting.
As far as that pilot getting in trouble, that is some real BS. Piss off some petty beaureucrat and there is all hell to pay. Can't believe they took his CC permit too.
The "sensitive security information" he disclosed was probably pretty obvious to anyone that has gone through a screening. The movie from inside the cockpit might have shown some stuff that most people don't know about. Sounds like some little guy with a little power and a big ego went on a power trip. Hope the pilot eventually comes out on top.

I know we like pics, here's one of the scooter:

12-24-2010, 07:31 PM
It is going to be an interesting ride up to 11/2012. The agencies are marching toward regulating everything they can, the FCC = Internet; FDA=Food supply; State Dept=give away our defenses; treasury=super inflate the money supply; EPA=restrict natural resources; and more....

I think we realize they won't go after guns, but regulate ammo and reloading supplies (primers have hazardous materials, lead bullets are bad for the environment). Whatever they cannot control directly they will tax or regulate indirectly.

I have faith that America will survive even if it takes a prohibition type response and underground economy to do it. Then the sanity will hopefully return in January 2013.

12-24-2010, 08:22 PM
I know we like pics, try to show one of the scooter try to put one up you don't have to click on. Sorry for the duplicate post.

12-24-2010, 11:20 PM
Wow Jocko, a new 2011 Harley. Nice Christmas present. What model did she get? I ride a 92 Heritage Classic. Had to put a new motor in it last summer, I was riding with one of those full face helmets on, and the chin bar blocks my view of the oil pressure guage and idiot light. I was just cruising and then started to hear some racket from the engine. If I'd seen the oil pressure light come on might have been able to save the engine. Decided to send the motor back to factory rebuild shop and get her rebuilt. Runs like a champ again now. Shaved the heads .060, added an Andrews EV27 Cam and a Vance and Hines 2 into 1 Pro Pipe. Gets around a truck pretty well now without downshifting.
As far as that pilot getting in trouble, that is some real BS. Piss off some petty beaureucrat and there is all hell to pay. Can't believe they took his CC permit too.
The "sensitive security information" he disclosed was probably pretty obvious to anyone that has gone through a screening. The movie from inside the cockpit might have shown some stuff that most people don't know about. Sounds like some little guy with a little power and a big ego went on a power trip. Hope the pilot eventually comes out on top.

I know we like pics, here's one of the scooter:

wrecked her bike in sept going for a Milk shake, so I just got her a new 2011 streetglide with the 103 engine, ABS brakes in sedona orange. super super bike. She has logged over 125,000 miles since she has been riding. My bike is is a 2010 Screamin eagle Streetglide with the 110 engine and allthe bells and whistles. It is the PM kahr of harley Davidson's.
For me Riding Harleys is a passion, has been for me since I was 16 years old..10 trips to Sturgis over the years with her riding also has been something that most men dream about.

12-24-2010, 11:22 PM
I know we like pics, try to show one of the scooter try to put one up you don't have to click on. Sorry for the duplicate post.

engine rebuild is just one amazing thing. ihave been through that area of the engineplant whrer they rebuild engines. As close to a new engine as one can get IMO. I know of no wheel company that offers that service. they really don't make much money off those rebuilds either..

12-25-2010, 08:03 AM
Sounds like a couple of nice bikes you got there Jocko. I heard their rebuild department was really good, that made the decision to rebuild over buying a new motor a little easier.
Merry Christmas

12-25-2010, 08:53 AM
plus your case numbers stay the same as original also.

12-25-2010, 12:39 PM
Jocko, speaking about the PM9 and spilled milkshake (:D), what happened to your PM9 when you had the accident? I just wondered about any consternation the emergency responders, etc., had on finding that you were armed, and how your gun was handled.


12-25-2010, 01:46 PM
the chief of police was at the scene and he was a good friend of mine. when I was laying on the road yet, called him over and he leaned down to ask what I wanted. I told him I had a 9mm in my pocket and would he take it and give it to my wife when she arrives. It was a smooth exchange, not even sure any other person seen the transfer. He when she arrived gave it to her with the gun unloaded, magazine full, he handed her the gun in my desantis along with the one bullet. no problems what so ever.
He also knew I had a lifetime ccw permit as he wrote the application for me about 3 years ago. Nice to have friends when you need um.

12-25-2010, 02:52 PM
Very good. It's nice to have friends... and at the right time and place. :)

You just don't know how some people will react to a gun like that... call the police,the FBI, or Homeland Security! Or, if you're incapacitated, it could just disappear!

Wynn :)

12-25-2010, 03:07 PM
no doubt, it wold not have been a great scenario to work out but I am well known in this small town and by many of the leo's and state boys here also, so more than likely my ccw lifetime permit would have walked me through with zero issues. glad I did not have to address it though.

12-25-2010, 10:02 PM
you old geezers and your chromed out, cupholders, loud noise, slow scooters ha ha just playing sport bikes are more fun....

Anyways on the subject....why didnt the guy just report the safety and security issues with the airline to improve its problems? or was making youtube vids was just making everyone aware of the joke the security is?

Jim K
12-26-2010, 10:30 AM

I'm sure the pilot was making fun of airport security in a way he hoped would improve security. Complaining to the airline would be fruitless because they do not control security. The TSA controls airport security. The TSA is another unregulated police force under the authority of the executive branch of the central government.

The problem in my view is that TSA is looking for stuff instead of bad guys. The focus is on everyone who enters the secure passenger area. The sad joke is that we waste time searching Federal Flight Deck Officers instead of watching who has access to the aircraft. For instance: If Jocko was carrying his PM9 on my helo I would feel safe because I trust his intent. I would place my effort in making sure he is Jocko and not someone else.

This pilot did not post anything new on YouTube. Everyone who flies or fixes aircraft knows the problem and we do not underestimate the bad guys.

I suggest we change our airport security focus from searching for stuff to profiling, interviewing and identification.

If anyone has any "walmart greeter" thoughts, just remember those TSA folks have the authority to have you spread eagle on the ground.

Welcome to aviation Senor.

Jim K