View Full Version : New CW 40 New Member

Cowtown 40
12-25-2010, 09:01 AM
I have been on Glocktalk several years and just now just this site. I am the new owner of a cw 40. Would love some input. This is probably user error on my part. This will be the third Kahr I've owned. Previously owned cw 9 and a pm9. Never had any probs with either. So Yesterday purchased took home and cleaned and lubed sparingly like I do my glocks. Shot approximately 275 rds. Had 10-15 times where the slide ftrb. The trigger would click as many times as I would pull it. But no bang. I would drop mag, pull slide back the unfired rd is in the barrel and would eject. Then would be fine for several mags. Any help would be appreciated. Merry Christmas!

12-25-2010, 09:53 AM
Make sure your rounds could not be causing it. If by chance the bullet is to long and it is hitting the rifling of the barrel, then the slide is not going into full battery, there fore causing light strikes. I doubt aht is happening but it can cause it. hav eno idea what ammo your shooting, so just check that parrticular round that causes FTRB to see if there is marks on the bullet..

Give it some more rounds down range, u might just need more to get it running right. Make note of when the FTRB ishappening. At the first of the session, later down the road, etc. Getting tired can also cause what your having also. Eliminate all the possable first. Make sure the recoil spring is on correctly. open end towards the front of the side. use the slide lock lever to ooad that first round to, . You owning two other kahrs know the drill for cleaning etc and lubing, so no need to tell you that part, but you can go to the kahr tech section and hit on.

Kahr lube chart, it is a dandy

Propper prepping of your new kahr. It might help you also.

Cowtown 40
12-25-2010, 10:32 AM
For the response Sir. It seems you are a very knowledgable and respected member of this Site. I shot 50 rds of 180 magtech fmj,200 rds of 180 Blazer Brass fmj. Some speer gd 165,155,180 jhp,Winchester 180 jhp. It occured with both brands fmj starting with 1st mag and sporadically up til last mag. It also happened with some of the jhp. Not sure which ones exactly. Yep, Im gonna clean her up real good and lube her per the diagram on this site and will report back after can return to the range. Thank you.

12-25-2010, 10:36 AM
Welome and Merry Christmas Cowtown 40.

Everything Jocko said and I might add that I run kahrs wet especially during break in. I think it needs to be slippery to let things happen as they should.
Curious on the ammo also, while they are not sensitive generally they do seem to prefer hotter loads. Any factory FMJ rounds usually run fine.
A light reload maybe not so much.

12-25-2010, 11:16 AM
I don't think ur ammo is the issue either, as you have tried different brands and kahrs are not ammo sensitive. I would follow Bawanna advice and run that sucker alittle wet , especially during the break in.

I read nothing that your doing wrong either. The fact that is is reliabe about 90% of the time tells me that the gun realy is breaking itself in yet. FTRB is also an indication of a very tight gun.

I would for me anyhow just pass on any HP ammo. very expensivie to be just using for breaking in. Shoot good fmj ammo, if the gun won't work right with fmj it won't with HP either. Save the bucks right now. For me the gun is not ready yet for defense ammo..

Cowtown 40
12-25-2010, 11:23 AM
Thanks again guys. I love this GUN!!! And am already considering a CW 45. It will probably be mid week before can return to the range already have 200 rds of Winchester White box 180 fmj ready to go. Can hardly wait to shoot her some more. Thank you.

12-25-2010, 01:49 PM
keep a good grip on the gun, my friend the cw40 is a handful. the 40 cal is a handful in a kahr. Many are guility of not getting the right grip on it. If you have any FRTB issues yet, I would suggest maybe letting another good shooter you know try it out. If he duplicates it, then you knwo you have gun issues, if he has no issues, u know you have some work to do. Again, just eliminate all the possables.

12-25-2010, 02:51 PM
Changing my grip eliminated the FTRB problem on my CW40. This is my first polymer framed gun, and I was limp wristing it a little bit. My 1911 .45 and Baretta Cougar .40 all shot fine as of course did my revolvers, so I never noticed I was developing a bad grip. It was just a slight change in grip, but it made all the difference in the world. I put my wrist more in line with the pistol instead of having it at a bit of an angle so that the gun didn't move back as much when shooting. I had two others shoot it, and they had no problems, so that and some conversation with the range master led me to change my grip. No problems since then. Funny, now that I think about it, I had no problems with my friends CW45, but it was well broke in and my CW40 was brand new.

12-25-2010, 02:57 PM
Another welcome here, Cowtown. You will get the kinks worked out of your 40 and really like it as it wears all the parts together. Be sure and grease the slide area 6 and the corresponding place on the barrel. My PM9 had a burr on the barrel that scored the slide and dragged there until I took it off.

12-25-2010, 03:05 PM
Changing my grip eliminated the FTRB problem on my CW40. This is my first polymer framed gun, and I was limp wristing it a little bit. My 1911 .45 and Baretta Cougar .40 all shot fine as of course did my revolvers, so I never noticed I was developing a bad grip. It was just a slight change in grip, but it made all the difference in the world. I put my wrist more in line with the pistol instead of having it at a bit of an angle so that the gun didn't move back as much when shooting. I had two others shoot it, and they had no problems, so that and some conversation with the range master led me to change my grip. No problems since then. Funny, now that I think about it, I had no problems with my friends CW45, but it was well broke in and my CW40 was brand new.

report, and what you did is u actually eliminated the possables by letting other good shooters try your gun. If they can't produce what you were getting then you knew it wa snot the gun. Nice job of diagnosing to. Guns can't talk or they could help us alot. If my PM9 could tak it would have a couple years ago said , sell it to someone who can hit something jocko:33:

Cowtown 40
12-25-2010, 05:15 PM
Thank you guys for all your comments. I will definitely be better prepared this next trip to the range. Yes, I cant seem to keep my hands off this gun since purchased yesterday. I thought possibly I might be limpwristing and or possibly hitting the mag release by accident. I know I did at least once because the mag dropped completely out the gun once. My hands started really getting sore around the 150 rd mark. I plan to get a Hogue Jr. tomorrow if can find one. Holding this little guy I can see how easily it is to get into that mag release by accident so have been trying new grips. Thanks again for all your help.

12-25-2010, 05:35 PM
u might want to even port it. look this site up.

\Magna-port.com They are simply the best, many on our fourm have ported their little kahrs and loved it. Every gun I have is magna port, My K9, PM9, not my P380. my g19 is. definitely will tame dwon the 40 cal kahrs alot..

Cowtown 40
12-26-2010, 10:18 AM
That is an idea. Right now money is kinda tight. My spending right now is on ammo. And more ammo to break this little 40 in right. I checked that web site and it really looks like soething for me in the future. I wanna get a cw 45 eas well. Thank you for your response.

12-26-2010, 11:49 AM
Welcome and congrats on the new pistol. I carry a CW45 and absolutely love it. During the recommended 200 round break-in period, I had maybe 2 FTF and that was it. I also put a Handell Jr sleave on it and I can now shoot it all day comfortably. It eats anything I feed it and shot to POA right out of the box.And the recoil is a bit less than my Taurus PT740 (40 cal.) Hard to go wrong with the CW line.

Cowtown 40
12-26-2010, 06:44 PM
I typed this once and lost internet connection. I got my grip sleeve today and traded for some addl mags. Also purchased some more ammo I'm ready for my next trip to range.