12-26-2010, 06:29 AM
I think this is ok to post here, But i thought id share in my joy of the finish and return of my main ccw gun.
Here is the thread that chronicled a lot of the build and be warned the gun got very ugly before it got to look this good.
The refinisher: http://www.shootiniron.com/index.html
This is a small shop one man refnishing business and my gun ran behind time wise, But even tho im impatient i knew it would take time to make it look its best.
After 2 months at the refinisher who did a complete media blast and then parkerized the gun and then put a coat of KG GunKote in satin black on it. I took my PT1911 that was a stock blued gun with 2k rounds threw it.
I stripped it to the frame/slide and barrel and replaced everything from the pins and springs up with all high end machined parts that i hand fit myself. I even switched over to a GI style guide rod and plug as i didn't like the plug at the end with a hole in it as it couldn't be beveled. Then as i just mentioned i beveled and melted the gun to my liking and sanded the billboards off the sides.
The serial number is still legible on the slide. I spent many hours and i believe over 1 week sanding and filing by hand to get the billboards off and the lines smoothed and just right.
The trigger is amazing at about 4-5lbs as i do carry the gun but its very crisp with very little take up and no overtravel.
The gun was very tight after the rebuild and even tighter after the new finish as it does add some thickness to parts so alot of the gun has been fine tuned again for the second time by me.
BTW this is my main carry gun and i couldn't wait to get it back, I even bought an RIA CS Officers 3.5" in .45acp to carry while this one was getting refinished. But it will be back in the holster once again. The RIA will be moved to summer duty for IWB carry.
Over all it was a very fun project and expensive as heck, But well worth it in the end.
The pics:
Here is the thread that chronicled a lot of the build and be warned the gun got very ugly before it got to look this good.
The refinisher: http://www.shootiniron.com/index.html
This is a small shop one man refnishing business and my gun ran behind time wise, But even tho im impatient i knew it would take time to make it look its best.
After 2 months at the refinisher who did a complete media blast and then parkerized the gun and then put a coat of KG GunKote in satin black on it. I took my PT1911 that was a stock blued gun with 2k rounds threw it.
I stripped it to the frame/slide and barrel and replaced everything from the pins and springs up with all high end machined parts that i hand fit myself. I even switched over to a GI style guide rod and plug as i didn't like the plug at the end with a hole in it as it couldn't be beveled. Then as i just mentioned i beveled and melted the gun to my liking and sanded the billboards off the sides.
The serial number is still legible on the slide. I spent many hours and i believe over 1 week sanding and filing by hand to get the billboards off and the lines smoothed and just right.
The trigger is amazing at about 4-5lbs as i do carry the gun but its very crisp with very little take up and no overtravel.
The gun was very tight after the rebuild and even tighter after the new finish as it does add some thickness to parts so alot of the gun has been fine tuned again for the second time by me.
BTW this is my main carry gun and i couldn't wait to get it back, I even bought an RIA CS Officers 3.5" in .45acp to carry while this one was getting refinished. But it will be back in the holster once again. The RIA will be moved to summer duty for IWB carry.
Over all it was a very fun project and expensive as heck, But well worth it in the end.
The pics: