View Full Version : Anybody got a recipe for this?

12-27-2010, 06:54 PM
Good evening all. Wife bought me a reloading set-up for my b-day and I am excited to start making some loads just to shoot at the range. Nothing fancy just poke holes in paper. The set-up is used and the guy had alot of odds and ends with it including some new un-opened 124 gr jhp's. I would like to make up a load with these but can not find any loads using IMR 700x powder. I say this because that's the powder I currently have on hand and was hoping to use. if any one has some numbers for this, I would greatly appreciate it and if not I am open to suggestions on a good powder to get to load these and use them up. Thanks in advance.

12-27-2010, 10:33 PM
Your a lucky guy to have your wife buying you reloading equipment!
What all did she get you?

I'd check the IMR web site for load data if you have not already done that.
What Are You loading...9MM?

12-28-2010, 04:34 AM
Yes I am and she reminds of that fact too! Sorry I didnt mention it but yes it is 9 mm. I did check the imr manual and they give a load for 124 gr jhp but not with 700x powder. Being new to this and only having reloaded a handful of .45 acp so far, I tried 3.8 gr for the 9 mm last night and the brass was almost full to the top. It just seems too full but what do I know...

12-28-2010, 05:21 AM

I suggest that you buy some popular powder, like W231, to use.
You are going to use it and won't go to waste.

Even after loading for a while, I would not try "free lancing" with an unlisted powder.
I think, if IMR700x was good for 9mm, the IMR manual would list loads for it.
Just keep it for something it is intended for and buy a proven powder for 9mm.

Did your wife believe you when you told her reloading would save money??
Good luck with loading.
just sayin'

12-28-2010, 12:04 PM
I agree with Tilos on this one. I've been using the W231 for quite awhile now in my 45's. I don't load 9 so haven't looked at recipes, but I think I wll.
I don't recall ever seeing the IMR700 when looking myself, not that it's not there, I've just never used it.
I think without looking that Unique and 2400 both work but I can attest to the W231.

I can't emphasize enough the don't freelance suggestion. Very bad things can happen. If you don't see your load in a manufactorers manual either in the book or online I'd not go there.

I also double check any recommended loads. It's awful easy to mix up a number, say 5.8 grains instead of 3.8 grains etc and if you take it as gospel you could be in trouble.

That being said the book lied to me on my last batch of 45's in regards to the overall length area. I took the book as gospel and didn't have the common sense to realize that what I suspected the problem to be was correct. How could the book be wrong. You gotta try your loads, start with their recommended length and then test.

12-28-2010, 03:19 PM
Thanks for the info there gentlemen. I got no problem adding powders to the list but just sort of feeling out what all I can do with one before I run out and buy for each caliber I'm loading. That would defeat my reasoning to the wife how much money I'm saving and all the time spent in the basement at the workbench! I'm in full agreement with not freelance loading also, I love all my digits and don't want any issues.

12-28-2010, 03:43 PM

Do some research on powders and if you are loading mostly pistol and no magnums there are several "good for all calibers" type powders.
Something else to consider is some powders meter better than others, being more consistent requires less weighing to verify.

Bullseye has always been a favorite of competitive paper punchers (called bullseye shooting...go figure) with Unique being another "all around" powder.
W231 seems to have been the "new" Unique for a while, now Titegroup is all the rage.
W231 has worked well for many in every caliber and meters the best for me.
FYI, HP-38 is identical to W231.

Powder is the least expensive component to reloading.
At 7000 grains per pound and a average 5gr load would yield about 1400 loads per pound.
That's "wife speak" for I need to buy a pound of powder..."and it will be safer than what I have."
just sayin'

12-28-2010, 03:53 PM
Very good info. I'll do some more reading and will be shopping for some new powder. Thanks for the proper domestic terminology!

12-29-2010, 02:11 AM
yes it is 9 mm. I did check the imr manual and they give a load for 124 gr jhp but not with 700x powder. I tried 3.8 gr for the 9 mm last night and the brass was almost full to the top.

Hello blt2fli,
700x is listed on the Hodgons web site with a 125 gr FMJ, but your just over max with whats listed there. I would load some a little lighter to start with and work up to the ones that you have loaded if you havn't shot them yet.
Have fun with the new reloading equipment!
James (Replay13)

12-29-2010, 05:05 AM
Good find on the powder listing.
It's been awhile since I've thought about using a different powder or even looked at a burn rate list.
Of all the endless "my favorite load" threads I've read I don't recall anyone raving about 700x.

So...now you have published data, load it up.
Don't get discouraged if it doesn't work out though.
The guy who owned your equipment before you liked 700x for something.
Did you find any of his loading records among the manuals?
You may be on to something here.

just sayin'

12-29-2010, 02:07 PM
Your 100 percent right. I never use the 700x either, its on the fast side for the 9mm, and one of the slowest velocities at max loads. Hodgdons lists it on their burn rate chart just before bullseye. Your W231 is a much better choice with all bullet weights.
I've been experimenting with longshot Its listed with the most velocity at the lowest pressures. It fills the cases up to about where the bullet bases are and no chance of a double charge. I'm getting good velocity out of my short barrel PM9, but I havn't tried any faster powders yet to see if they would do any better out of that short of barrel. Accurary is good so I'm at the, if its not broke don't fix it! lol. A lot of people are starting to use it so the reloading books will probably start listing it.
James (Replay13)