View Full Version : Barrel Hood Breach Face Fit on 100% Reliable CW40

12-30-2010, 01:03 AM
"Houston" . . . *snap* . . . buzz . . . "we may have a problem" . . . crackle . . . beep . . .

It looks like the barrel hood on my brand new CW40 hits the breach face at an angle. Yeah, I was doing the clean and polish thing and feeling pretty good about the pistol until I saw this. I can easily insert a finger nail at the large end of the gap.

Any thoughts from the more experience Kahr enthusiasts? I'm thinking it is back to Kahr time for this sad puppy dog. As I walked out the door, the salesman said, "If you have any problems we will return to Kahr for service on your behalf at no charge during the first 30 days." "Yeah, sure, why would I want to do that?!", I thought to myself. :(

Here are some pictures. One with normal lighting and two back-lit.


Not really noticeable in normal lighting. Of course we just expect it to fit perfectly, so that's what we see.


With the slide back lit and off the frame, it really jumps out.


The view from the bottom is not too helpful because the light shining through the gap reflects of the breach face making the gap look larger than it is. Sorry about that. :o

12-30-2010, 04:37 AM
How does it look with pistol fully assembled (perhaps the fit is better with the lower lug in the frame and the slide stop in place)?

12-30-2010, 07:17 AM
Better yet; how does it shoot?
Take it out and put ~500 rounds through it and give us a report.
I would bet you're going to love that gun. I know I do mine.
Great little guns. ;)

12-30-2010, 07:23 AM
not sure there is an issue here. I can take my K9 slide off and see the same thing. Goes bang every time, shoots better than I can..

12-30-2010, 10:34 AM
not quite like yours is. I would keep an eye on it kand just shoot it like yous tole it. If it starts to peen in that area, then IMO that is the time to consult with kahr about it. I think now they will tell you that it is Ok, whether it is or not remains to be seen (or shot) but from kahrs standpoint, I think that is the answer your gonna get. You can email them your photos directed to EION Pryol and see what flows.

My PM9 is flush across that area.

12-30-2010, 12:46 PM
My CW9 has small gap on the left side...probably about 2-3 thousandths and is touching on the right side. So yours looks like it is quite loose. The thing I would worry about is if that is affecting the headspace.

12-30-2010, 04:15 PM
Are the barrel lugs free from burrs and locking is place like they should? Be nice if you could slip in another barrel then your barrel in another slide for comparison. My PM9 fits absolutely square.

12-30-2010, 04:48 PM
as does my old lincoln, but my K9 looks sorta like his does but has went bang for over 5000 rounds and shows zero signs of anything. I am going to say and make a SWAG (SCIENTIFIC WILD ASS GUESS) that kahr will tell him it is OK and within specs (for waht ever that means)

to be honest with you all until tusconmtb mentioned it, I had never even paid any attention to it as it was doing its job of going bang well, ...

12-31-2010, 12:21 PM
as does my old lincoln, but my K9 looks sorta like his does but has went bang for over 5000 rounds and shows zero signs of anything. I am going to say and make a SWAG (SCIENTIFIC WILD ASS GUESS) that kahr will tell him it is OK and within specs (for waht ever that means)

to be honest with you all until tusconmtb mentioned it, I had never even paid any attention to it as it was doing its job of going bang well, ...Yep. You nailed it, Jocko.

No worries. Off to the range this afternoon to enjoy the very nice trigger and get over thinking that $420 pocket pistol barrel would be well fitted. :o

Here is the response to my email to Kahr Customer Service . . .

Dear Mr. ███████,
Good morning. Thank you for the
question as well as the picture. I have reviewed it along with one of our
gunsmiths and we would definitely advise to shoot the firearm and see how
it feels/operates. If you should have any problems or questions after
shooting the firearm I would advise you to email me back and I will assist
you in any way that I can. Again, I thank you for the question and picture
and if there is anything I can do for you in the future please do not
hesitate to email or call.
Kahr Customer Service
508-795- 3919
www.kahr.com (http://www.kahr.com/)
www.tommygun.com (http://www.tommygun.com/)
To receive a RMA please complete our on-line RMA
Which can be found at http://www.kahr.com/rma.html
For visual reference of how to assemble/disassemble a Kahr pistol
For shipping information