View Full Version : P380 black diamond finish durability

12-31-2010, 08:04 PM
Can anyone let answer what I should expect from the black diamond finish in regards to durability.

I just bought a p380 black diamond finish and the first time I stripped to clean my wedding band made a nice scratch in the finish - I thought wow what a bummer -

Today I took it to the range and put 123 rounds of assorted ammo through with only 2 stovepipes -

My question is - after i got back home I noticed the black finish is pretty marked up and you can actually see stainless steel on the left side of the slide where my thumb has worn right through the finish - not really what i expected on a $600 dollar pistol.

Does anyone else have some input ? It seems like this coating is little better than BBQ paint or did I get a lemon?

on the + side it is amazingly accurate - as good as my sig P238 and has very little recoil! trigger is phenomenal!


12-31-2010, 08:39 PM
Mine has been durable. Are you sure that its completely through the black finish?

01-01-2011, 07:04 AM
that dlc finish is rockwell at around 60, twice as hard as your stainless slide. It should not mark, not saying one cannot scratch it but I doubt if a ring will do it. Tale a pencil eraser and try scrubbing where yo are seeing wear marks and see if that take sthose makrs off. Stainless should not be showing on the slide at all.

I would take a photo of it and send it to kahr and ask for some advice, being it is new, and if indeed it is showing this wear, then IMO it is not right. The DLC is there because it is almost exactly like the glock tennifer finsih, extremely durable...

Without seeing the gun, I can only surmize what your describing to...

My P380 is the most accruate 380 I have ever shot, I can out shoot my PM9 with it, every time...makes no sense now does it...

01-01-2011, 09:47 AM
Mine has been durable. Are you sure that its completely through the black finish?

100% positive its right through

01-01-2011, 10:32 AM
DLC = Nitron = Ion Bond. It blackens, hardens and actually penetrates the surface of the metal. It will show some wear like Tennifer/Melonite QPQ, but not lose its protective qualities.

I prefer hard chrome or a ceramic hybrid like CeraKote as they withstand everyday wear better. Check out www.customizedcreations.com (http://www.customizedcreations.com)

That said, I still view a little slide finish wear as a badge of honor.