View Full Version : ACLU files a pro-CCW lawsuit. Sorta.

01-07-2011, 10:11 AM
What do ya'll think of this?

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- A federal lawsuit filed in Sioux Falls alleges that the state's concealed weapons law is discriminatory because it requires the permit holder to be a United States citizen.

The American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit on behalf of Wayne S. Smith, a Minnehaha County resident who has lived in the U.S. for 30 years after emigrating from the United Kingdom.


01-07-2011, 10:21 AM
What do ya'll think of this?

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- A federal lawsuit filed in Sioux Falls alleges that the state's concealed weapons law is discriminatory because it requires the permit holder to be a United States citizen.

The American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit on behalf of Wayne S. Smith, a Minnehaha County resident who has lived in the U.S. for 30 years after emigrating from the United Kingdom.


is not a US citizen after sponging off of us for over 30 years, ship the fokker back.. along with the ACLU lawyers. I willchip in on air fare.:smash:

Longitude Zero
01-07-2011, 10:23 AM
If the man/woman wants to carry concealed they MUST become a citizen first. He has been here long enough to do that. If someone does not think enough of their adopted country, USA, to become a citizen then they have no business bellyaching about not being able to CCW.

Thus endeth the rant.

01-07-2011, 11:24 AM
If a person isn't a citizen of this country they don't get to enjoy the rights guaranteed to "citizens", therefore, he doesn't get a license to carry - plain and simple. What don't judges get this simple principle???? It's the LAW! ACLU needs to take a leap. Funny they don't take a case to defend a "citizen" of THIS country.

01-07-2011, 11:37 AM
Here in Washington you can get a permit or transfer a handgun if you are a permanent resident alien or used to be you acquired an alien firearms license.
Your still documented and in country legally, just not a citizen.
Before everyone lights up their weedburners to flame me, my wife falls into this category. Thus far she has not acquired a CCW since the state has only recently made up their mind how they want things to work, government confusion.

Reading some of the comments attached to the article reminds me of why our country is in so much trouble and also why I try to avoid this section.
Traumatizing at best.

01-07-2011, 11:41 AM
is not a US citizen after sponging off of us for over 30 years, ship the fokker back.. along with the ACLU lawyers. I willchip in on air fare.:smash:

Count me in. Where do I donate?

01-07-2011, 11:58 AM
i'm not a citizen either. they make you stand up, raise your hand and denounce your father country. i'm frankly totally against handing out citizenships for any other reason than birth and i'm ok with the taxation without representation part, but the day they reach foir my ccw i'm out of here. i'll take my taxes, guns and my american wife with me :)

01-07-2011, 01:02 PM
i'm not a citizen either. they make you stand up, raise your hand and denounce your father country. i'm frankly totally against handing out citizenships for any other reason than birth and i'm ok with the taxation without representation part, but the day they reach foir my ccw i'm out of here. i'll take my taxes, guns and my american wife with me :)

I sure in hell would not be over here in MY COUNTRY and bragging about this comment either.. That is a B. Sh-t statement to make IMO.

01-07-2011, 01:21 PM
Walk very softly guys.

01-07-2011, 01:40 PM
Bawanna,what`s the deal about Mrs.Bawanna? I always figured that she was some poor lady you clubbed over the head and drug into your cave.She should be given full citizenship without delay.

01-07-2011, 01:40 PM
If the man/woman wants to carry concealed they MUST become a citizen first. He has been here long enough to do that. If someone does not think enough of their adopted country, USA, to become a citizen then they have no business bellyaching about not being able to CCW.

Thus endeth the rant.

Constitutionally, and legally you are incorrect.

The Bill of Rights just happens to outline the *natural rights* of all persons, the ones ending up in the Constitution being merely what the Founders considered to be amongst the most important to enumerate at that time - but by no means all of the (Madison had , I believe 28 originally, in his first draft).

Thats just covering the philisophical viewpoint of the Founders from their own words - none of whom were born US citizens, of course, because no such country existed when they were born.

Legally, for a very long time, the right to own firearms has been recognized by the Federal Government for lawfully resident aliens, and many states offer ccw for long-term legal alien residents. Not only that, but this person in question long held the permit, until the "intellectual giants" of politicians in that State House decided to arbitrarily rescind them - sort of like such bodies habitually seek to curtail the rest of our rights, on their whim.

Do you want to be less supportive of the 2nd Amendment and Natural Rights than such stellar, freedom-loving bodies as the BATFE, and the Federal Government? I know I wouldn't want to be on that side of the team.

01-07-2011, 01:42 PM
Walk very softly guys.

I didn't make the stupid a-s comment either. I always walk softly but WTF..:smash:

01-07-2011, 01:51 PM
I sure in hell would not be over here in MY COUNTRY and bragging about this comment either.. That is a B. Sh-t statement to make IMO.

wow. im sorry, i didnt mean to offend you, in fact, i guess i'm still not sure what is offensive about my previous post. i just wanted to offer the angle from "the other side": what if you met your soul mate while stationed in germany and ended up staying th.ere - how would you feel if they stripped you of your rights unless you were willing to denounce america? would you do it? would you be comforted that "it is just a formality"?

as i said, i firmly believe that no matter where you live you will always be whatever you were born. i know my fair share of "naturalized" citizens who conveniently collected an extra passport just because they could, because it it can "come in handy". to me, that is like having two wifes. i love living here but i dont like the idea of citizenship through naturalization, i dont think that people who are not perceived as americans by other americans should have american passports, i DESPISE people who spit on their own flag whatever that may be, and if i was in charge, dual citizenship would not even be accepted.

i do see how some people may find above statement offensive but it is my very sincere opinion :)

01-07-2011, 01:53 PM
I am just less supportive of people who have been here for 30 years and never desired to be a citizen. to me kinda like a slap in the face to our country. I wanna live here all my life and get all the perks a U. S. citizen has but I don't want to be one of you. B.S. on my part. and shame on you for feelng that way. course what the hell do i know. My grandparents came over from italy the right way, did all things necessary to be U.S. Citizens and when it came time for them to take their oath, they were prouder than a peacock. They never forgot their old country (Italy) where they came from but wanted to be called U. S. citizens.. My grand parents and my dad and two uncles were never allowed to speak Italian outside the home, that is the way my grandfather and mother felt about being U. S. citizens..I am not less supportative of the 2nd amendment but I can also draw a line to. Just my 2 cents,

I just get so fokking tired of reading of people who have been in our country, many are illegals, many for years have been here as non U. S. Citizens and telling me and others how the cabbage should be cut. OR ELSE.

01-07-2011, 01:53 PM
Bawanna,what`s the deal about Mrs.Bawanna? I always figured that she was some poor lady you clubbed over the head and drug into your cave.She should be given full citizenship without delay.

Her parents are both full blood swede who had moved to Canada where my wife was born.
She's been in the US since she was like 2 or 3 complete with a resident alien card. She's just never bothered to apply for citizenship and felt no need too. I assume she's married to me which makes her a citizen. She's paid social security and income tax just like everyone else, all legal and documented unlike the multitudes that I assume many here are complaining about.
The rest is true, theres still drag marks leading to my cave, the knot on her head is nearly unnoticeable after all this time.

I see a potential powder keg brewing here and have heard from a few others with concerns so I'm shutting this one down. Sorry.