View Full Version : ? About Sight Adjustment

11-04-2009, 08:56 AM
This is obviously a "me" problem and not a fault of the gun but I consistently shoot ~4 in. to the left with both of my Kahrs.
I can compensate for it but can't perform the necessary functions to correct my trigger pull, grip, etc. myself.
Yeah I know.. :p

But my question is : Has anyone tried to drift the rear sight on a Kahr? I've heard they are almost impossible without a sight tool.
Probably should just take it to my friendly gunsmith and save the headaches shouldn't I?

11-04-2009, 09:26 AM
How many rounds do you have?

I shot 3 to 4" left of point of aim when I first got the Kahr. I immediately wanted to adjust the sights. Jocko preached patience and practice.

So after about the 4th or 5th time out shooting (425 round count), I can almost consistently hit dead center.

I have proof right here


11-04-2009, 10:32 AM
Yeah Deadhead, I've got ~ 1000 rounds through both guns and I'm pretty sure it's me and not the guns.
I'm going to the range tomorrow and let some other guys shoot them and go from there.
I shoot to point of aim with my other guns. I think it's just the long trigger pull that's throwing me off. Just hard for an old dog to learn.

11-04-2009, 10:55 AM
Yeah Deadhead, I've got ~ 1000 rounds through both guns and I'm pretty sure it's me and not the guns.
I'm going to the range tomorrow and let some other guys shoot them and go from there.
I shoot to point of aim with my other guns. I think it's just the long trigger pull that's throwing me off. Just hard for an old dog to learn.

they willmove but they are a real bugger. I doubt if u can drift it left or right with a punch without damaging the sight. A sight pusher does great.

Left shooting groups are very indicative of a right hand shooter. My groups are right, can u guess what hand I shoot with??? It could be the sights need alittle TLC moving to . Are u seeing just the front sight totally clear and the target as your secondary vision. You can't see both totally clear, ur eyes won't let you do that and the front sight is definitely your friend. See it clearly and all the rest seems to fall in place to.

Also what distance are u shooting? 7 yards and under , test that way. My groups seem to go to hell at 12 yards plus. Kahrs are not the easiest to shoot tight groups with IMO, due to that loooong but very smooth trigger . If u can shoot a double action revolver with zero issue, then u can shoot a kahr.
More rounds down range helps but a 1000 should have u ready to go, I would think..

My groups after 25,000 rounds are certainly nothing to brag about either, but I can put every round inside the FBI "Q" target silhouette at 10 yards, so I do feel it will keep me safe. When I want to shoot them nearly in the same hole I grab my G19 tuned glock.:cool::cool:

11-04-2009, 01:12 PM
I shoot with some guys whose jobs (Fed.) require them to shoot for qualification, annually I think, and they are required to do weak-hand head shots at 10 yds.
Needless to say, I get a lot of "free" shooting instruction. Get laughed at too, on occasion.
I'm going to let them shoot the guns and go from there.
If they need adjustment I'll just take them to a gunsmith. I'd hate to mess my "sweet things" up.

11-04-2009, 01:39 PM
I absolutely cannot shoot weak hand, period. I am so left handed that mr right arm is just there for looks and balance!!!!