View Full Version : Florida may soon become an open carry state

01-07-2011, 05:33 PM
I'm not a big fan of open carry - I think it just makes you the first target. But I don't oppose it either for those who feel differently. However I can see one advantage of going OC - if your weapon inadvertantly "peeks out" while CCW you won't be arrested for not keeping it concealed.

FYI in a couple of months I'll be back down in FL visiting my dad. Last year during my annual visit I took the opportunity to obtain my non-resident FL CCW permit - something denied to me here in my home state of MD. So I'm really looking forward to the trip for a couple of reasons.


01-07-2011, 06:07 PM
We have the open carry option here in NC but I don`t avail myself of it.There are several reasons for this but the main one is that I don`t like drawing a lot of attention to myself What people don`t know doesn`t cause them any harm.
IMO open carry has a stigma of an IN YOUR FACE attitude that does more harm than good.Proponents say it is their legal right and they are correct,but they must be prepared to deal with the consequences of a hysterical soccer mom who thinks they are automatically a danger to Skippy and Babs.

01-07-2011, 07:09 PM
I have visions of Wynn walking around with two tied down Colts, tiparillo hanging out of corner of his mouth, (still wearying shorts if over 13 degrees, asking everyone if they's gonna whistle Dixie or go fer them guns!

Wynn, you rock!

01-08-2011, 05:14 AM
We have the open carry option here in NC but I don`t avail myself of it.There are several reasons for this but the main one is that I don`t like drawing a lot of attention to myself What people don`t know doesn`t cause them any harm.
IMO open carry has a stigma of an IN YOUR FACE attitude that does more harm than good.Proponents say it is their legal right and they are correct,but they must be prepared to deal with the consequences of a hysterical soccer mom who thinks they are automatically a danger to Skippy and Babs.

u are just so so so so right. :yo:

01-08-2011, 08:12 AM
We have the open carry option here in NC but I don`t avail myself of it.There are several reasons for this but the main one is that I don`t like drawing a lot of attention to myself What people don`t know doesn`t cause them any harm.
IMO open carry has a stigma of an IN YOUR FACE attitude that does more harm than good.Proponents say it is their legal right and they are correct,but they must be prepared to deal with the consequences of a hysterical soccer mom who thinks they are automatically a danger to Skippy and Babs.

I agree Dietrich. In PA we can open carry, but I'll guarantee you all local police will do everything they can to discourage you (detain you, question you). My feeling is that I don't want you to know I'm carrying......until it's too late. :eek: I like the element of surprise.

01-08-2011, 08:37 AM
Open carry is for attention seekers, I don't ever want people to know I'm armed

01-08-2011, 08:59 AM
For me concealed carry is like insurance on my car. I keep the insurance card in the glove box until needed. Pistol in it's holder is the same. To each his own though.

Although, I may want to show off my Car or my Kahr :D at times but in the right places only.

01-08-2011, 11:21 AM
We also have open carry, but I never use it except at the Diner at night when the customers have left, and I take off my jacket. All the employees know I'm armed anyway.

This reminds me of a news story I saw a few months ago in the Atlanta paper. It seems that the police arrested two losers trying to rob a gas station and store. Under questioning they admitted that their first target was a Waffle House in Kennesaw. They walked in and saw two customers sitting in a booth with 45's on their belt. They quietly left.

01-08-2011, 11:27 AM
Dang! I don't have any Colts or smoke and I believe in concealed carry with open carry a legal option... in case of inadvertent exposure.
Gun show this weekend. If I can tear myself away from this computer and go get our cash stash for emergencies, I'm going to look, at least. If I find a decent deal, I might buy something, but I have to then face Wifey. I kind of mentioned I might do this, but she probably doesn't believe me.:D I think I have my next birthday's gift still open... not sure... went nuts last year... bumper Gun Stuff Year... 3 Tupperware Kahrs, a tactical shotgun, and untold amounts of ammo and gun accessories.

I still wouldn't mind getting the Secretary of de Fence job with Jocko. :D

Gotta shave and get to the Gun Show! Y'all take care and keep it clean. :)

Wynn :yo:

01-08-2011, 05:51 PM
I too am all about concealing my weapon, no need to make the natives restless and all. There are times that I wouldn't mind being able to OC like a quick run to Wally world or going home from work (though soon TX may allow carry on campus, I hope I hope)(y'all didn't hear that part though). I have open carried at the range and while hunting before, and usually still use an IWB holster. My 1911 has a kydex belt holster and mag carrier that I use then, my GP-100 has an old Safariland leather duty holster that I have used like wise, I have a couple of generic flap holsters that fit most of my guns. My new Smith has a three slot uncle Mike's that I would like to use more, and my new (to me) CZ52 came with a flap holster. Most of them just stay on my stringer in the closet, and I use my tuckable IWB's.

01-13-2011, 05:39 PM
I OC about 50% of the time. Most people are too busy with their I-Pod or I-Phone to notice that their shirt is on fire let alone what somebody else has on their side.

I would be willing to bet that the majority of people that regurgitate the myths about OC neither carry that way or do not see anybody that does, which is a sad thing I believe.

I hope FL makes OC not illegal, and those that live there carry with pride.

01-13-2011, 06:17 PM
OC just invites controversy. u will get challenged whether it is in florida or where ever. Why advertise. I carry with pride and have for 48 years,,,,inside my front pocket. I have been around alot of people who are totally uncomfortable around guns- PERIOD and they never knew I was carrying. I didn't lose any friends that way either or put them in a position that was uncomfortable to them and maybe me.

I feel I am just as protected as one who OC but I am not putting other people in a comprimising position. If there is a BG in my presence and I don't know it and he sees I am OC, I would bet I would be his first target, and I hate scenarios alot but I would think he would consider me a threat to what ever he intended to do, so there for eliminate the threat.

Indiana with a CCW permit will allow open carry but trust me u will get challenged by the law ALOT. And not all LEO people think we should have a gun even, so if one doesn't handle a challenge gingerly, they can make life very miserable for you. attitude plays a big part here as u well know but some cops have an attitude also. To me just not worth it .

all of our malls in my area have a signed posted at each entrance and their rules and regulations and one is NO GUNS ALLOWED period. U can challenge that but you will lose every time and you will be escorted out of the mall also... I walk proudly through all of those malls and never worry abit when it is in my front pocket and no one knows...

try walking in a bank with OC

01-13-2011, 06:27 PM
I've openly carried my Browning .22 while fishing, lots of snakes and other varmints here. Never saw the need for it while hunting pheasant and quail. Other than that I sure don't want anyone knowing I am armed, except the people I'm with at the time, and they may or not know. Depends who they are.
That statement about the robbers backing out of the Waffle House after seeing a couple of armed customers does give me something to ponder on though. I'd rather it'd been the employees with the guns on their hips. Here in Kansas we can open carry on our property, while hunting or fishing, or in your own business. I think we can open carry more places but not sure as I haven't been all that interested in it. But I remember a time when there were a lot of pickup trucks with gun racks and a lever action 30-30 or some kind of .22 rifle hanging there. Nowadays they'd be stolen as soon as you left your truck.

01-13-2011, 06:33 PM
no doubt hunting and fishing are totally different scenario's I have done the same and never felt like I was infringing on anyone or any place.. Hell they will steal the entire truck today!!!

It is an individal choice and I realize that and one can quote all kinds of scenarios and "make up stories" but in my case I have carried concealed for 48 years and not on time have I ever had to draw in anger or have I ever been challenged.(no one ever knew I was carrying) There is no doubt had I OC in 48 years, I would have lost count on the times I was challenged..

I live in Indiana and I can legally carry OC with my license through every state to get to florida where my daughter lives. I ride most of those trips on my harley and if you think I would even think of OC during that ride, u have another think coming... Heh but but but it is my right!!!!

01-13-2011, 06:42 PM
I've heard both sides of the debate, and have to say I'd rather we didn't mess with our laws down here. CCW is fine, for many of the reasons cited by other posters above, but mostly because it does invite controversy, unwelcome curiousity, and attention.

01-13-2011, 07:53 PM
OC just invites controversy. u will get challenged whether it is in florida or where ever. Why advertise. I carry with pride and have for 48 years,,,,inside my front pocket. I have been around alot of people who are totally uncomfortable around guns- PERIOD and they never knew I was carrying. I didn't lose any friends that way either or put them in a position that was uncomfortable to them and maybe me.

I feel I am just as protected as one who OC but I am not putting other people in a comprimising position. If there is a BG in my presence and I don't know it and he sees I am OC, I would bet I would be his first target, and I hate scenarios alot but I would think he would consider me a threat to what ever he intended to do, so there for eliminate the threat.

Indiana with a CCW permit will allow open carry but trust me u will get challenged by the law ALOT. And not all LEO people think we should have a gun even, so if one doesn't handle a challenge gingerly, they can make life very miserable for you. attitude plays a big part here as u well know but some cops have an attitude also. To me just not worth it .

all of our malls in my area have a signed posted at each entrance and their rules and regulations and one is NO GUNS ALLOWED period. U can challenge that but you will lose every time and you will be escorted out of the mall also... I walk proudly through all of those malls and never worry abit when it is in my front pocket and no one knows...

try walking in a bank with OC

It is amazing that we live so close to each other yet have night and day different rules/laws.

I am in SE lower MI and can legally OC in a bank/credit union.
Signs at malls just mean I go to a different mall, they must not want my money if they put up signs.

LEO's CAN NOT challenge you just because you are OCing here, they must have RAS (Reasonable Articulate Suspicion) to detain you, then can ask all the questions they want and you can walk away, they however Can not even ask for a permit or ID unless they have RAS.

I don't feel anymore protected then somebody that is CCing, but I also know on days that I have to work in the ghetto, I get approached by undesirables a lot less when I OC.
I just like the option of having a choice.

It allows easier conversation with folks that might otherwise not know what is or is not legal in the state (when folks approach me).
I have invited a few out right anti-gun people to picnics that OC groups have and they see it is just a bunch of folks having lunch and BSing about things they enjoy, so if that makes me an attention whore, then I guess I am guilty.

I will agree that there are times when CC is best, which is why I say I go about 50% of the time CC or OC.

You have to admit though the idea of not having to dress around the gun makes getting ready quicker. And I bet you could draw twice as fast from an OC belt holster compared to a pocket holster. It also allows you to carry larger guns that are hard to CC.

Here is a copy of the MSP legal update (7 page .PDF) that is sent to police departments by the MSP legal division. If you have a minute give it a read.
The group "Michigan Open Carry" has a good following and has pressured the police to not do illegal stuff. They get cities to drop unlawful ordinances etc.
It is an interesting read.

01-13-2011, 07:56 PM
I've heard both sides of the debate, and have to say I'd rather we didn't mess with our laws down here. CCW is fine, for many of the reasons cited by other posters above, but mostly because it does invite controversy, unwelcome curiousity, and attention.

Be careful.
The Brady bunch has also heard both sides of the debate and they would rather that nobody had a gun. Don't let a narrow view cause you to lose in the long run.

Nobody says you have to OC, but saying you prefer nobody does gives groups like the Brady's more leverage.

Gun owners need to stick together.

01-13-2011, 08:08 PM
The reasonable articulate suspicion is nearly universal in all states for any contact, not just OC. Police can't just stop anyone anytime and just harass them but it's also very easy to provide reasonable articulate suspicion on anyone anytime.

What Jocko and you refer to as a challenge I think is what is referred to as a Field Interview. This can happen for any number of reasons. Even just to pass the time of day. Your right of course in that if the officer doesn't have some real reason to detain you you can just walk away and if they are just passing the time of day they will let you.

The fact is if your open carrying you will be field interviewed or chosen for passing the time of day alot. Sure your not gonna get in trouble and depending on the size of your town, once all the officers know you they might just pass you by.

Here we have many secondary citable driving offenses. Most start that way and then they convert to ok for primary. Like wearing your seat belt or talking on the phone while driving. At first you had to do something else wrong. If an officer follows you and wants to talk to you he can find a traffic offense within blocks nearly always.

I'm not against open carry, I like it for the rare occasion when a covering garment might inadvertantly fall aside and show your gun.

Again it's to each his own, the ones that usually have issues are the ones who want to push and test the law and see if they can get a rise out of a cop and make him make a wrong move. They usually win, the pusher will usually lose.

Historically these Open Carry discussions can get pretty personal and heated, so lets keep happy thoughts, stay well grounded and civil.
Lets all join in with a few verses of Koombyya.

01-13-2011, 09:29 PM
I'm sorta wondering if the Fl OC law will pass now, given the tragedy in AZ this weekend. What was assumed to be a slam dunk before might not be so now. I'm thinking this year is going to be a year of holding our ground, and not so much making progress. I hope I'm wrong.

It is amazing that we live so close to each other yet have night and day different rules/laws.

Amen to that. Alas I'm on the bad end of the spectrum: no carrying at all in MD. I have to leave my own home state to use my non-resident FL CCW permit.

01-13-2011, 09:45 PM
Like others said, I would like an open carry law to prevent pestering if my shorts showed. But also if in the proverbial awkward parking lot situation if I felt threatened I could display my gun in a non-threatening manner to discourage the threat. If I did that now I would be brandishing and escalating the situation. If it were law it would be okay.

Not only that, if people see open gun a lot they become used to them and not alarmed. Another side is since I live in CA I know we'd see a lot of jewel encrusted guns of every color shape and size. Always good for a laugh.

01-14-2011, 04:27 AM
Be careful.
The Brady bunch has also heard both sides of the debate and they would rather that nobody had a gun. Don't let a narrow view cause you to lose in the long run.

Nobody says you have to OC, but saying you prefer nobody does gives groups like the Brady's more leverage.

Gun owners need to stick together.

You are correct. I defer to this remark.

01-14-2011, 05:50 AM
I like the idea of legal open carry, it gives concealed carry folks legal cover, should their weapon inadvertently be detected.:cool:

01-14-2011, 06:28 AM
Please don`t get me wrong.I strongly support the right to open carry,I just don`t prefer to do it personally.A couple of my buddies like to OC and both have had instances in which they were questioned by LEOs after someone called in a "man with a gun" call.I just don`t want the unneccessary hassle.On ocassion,someone who is legally OCing gets slapped with the old "Going Armed To The Terror of the Public" statute by an over-zealous cop and then they have to deal with that.
Here in NC when I was a boy,it wasn`t unusual to see a man with a gun strapped to his side.We were much more rural in those days but times have changed.There has been a huge influx of people from other places settling here,tobacco farmers are a dying breed and what used to be farmlands are now subdivisions.With these new folks coming in,inevitable change has come with them.They haven`t been exposed to firearms and they get nervous when people around them are carrying one in plain sight.If you OC,you must be prepared to deal with these folks and their 911 calls.Many aren`t prepared and because of their inability to deal with the situation,it makes us all look bad.I`m all for open carry if that`s what a person wants to do but they need to be ready to react in a calm,well informed and reasonable fashion.

01-14-2011, 07:44 AM
GEEE,That`s why I like it here,if this were any other board,this debate would have boiled over atleast 6 timis in 3 pages.I belong to another board based in my state,and boy people want you to accept their opinions and to hell with yours,not right.I`ve gotten drawn in a couple of times,and the funny thing is I`m only 45 but have been carrying legally longer than alot of these informed souls have been alive!If you wanna OC go ahead,I`ll simply wave and smile on my way by.I know it`s your right.But it`s also the right of soccer moms and such to feel comfortable doing their thing!Usually I end this type of post with"fire away"don`t think I`ll have to do that here.And by the way I conceal at least 1 everyday of the week!

01-14-2011, 09:30 AM
I agree. I like to think we're on a higher plain than some of the other forums. I'm not an authority as I usually only visit when I'm linked to something to look at.

I have took a peak at a few and some of them fellas are downright heart attack serious about stuff and rocket scientist too. Much to confining for Bawanna, he needs to breath a bit and not have to inhale flames from flame throwers or napalm.

01-14-2011, 09:35 AM
I can relate!Are you the bawanna from GTA?

01-14-2011, 09:58 AM
I can relate!Are you the bawanna from GTA?


Theres another bawanna lurking about? Whats a GTA?

This world ain't large enough for 2 bawanna's, whats up with this!

01-14-2011, 10:48 AM
He might b minus the first a,can`t remember!HMMM

01-14-2011, 12:16 PM
I can relate!Are you the bawanna from GTA?
Oh Christ,you mean there might be two of them? Lord,have mercy on us all!!

01-14-2011, 12:51 PM
GEEE,That`s why I like it here,if this were any other board,this debate would have boiled over atleast 6 timis in 3 pages.I belong to another board based in my state,and boy people want you to accept their opinions and to hell with yours,not right.I`ve gotten drawn in a couple of times,and the funny thing is I`m only 45 but have been carrying legally longer than alot of these informed souls have been alive!If you wanna OC go ahead,I`ll simply wave and smile on my way by.I know it`s your right.But it`s also the right of soccer moms and such to feel comfortable doing their thing!Usually I end this type of post with"fire away"don`t think I`ll have to do that here.And by the way I conceal at least 1 everyday of the week!
I`ve often wondered.If a person isn`t capable of controlling theirselves while merely exchanging ideas on a forum,how in hell do they expect to handle themselves while carrying a firearm?It worries me.I too have seen people on other forums go berserk with very little provocation.In real life they are probably weenies but you never can tell.

01-14-2011, 12:58 PM
Oh yeah, I've had that thought try to squeeze into my brain too.

Is weenie on the internet the same as a mall ninja? Just want to see if I qualify.

01-14-2011, 01:21 PM
good point dietrich. a real tempermental person better think twice about carrying...

01-14-2011, 03:09 PM
Oh yeah, I've had that thought try to squeeze into my brain too.

Is weenie on the internet the same as a mall ninja? Just want to see if I qualify.I ain`t never really understood what a mall ninja was so I can`t help you there.but I can tell you that I used the word "weenie" in place of another name for a cat.

01-14-2011, 03:15 PM
Hmm, cat? Kitty, feline, worthless piece o, I think we have a failure to cummunicate here. Perhaps we should go back to penitentary fences and grease?

Weenie, little kitty? I'm so embarassed, this one seems to be slipping right over my head. Think, think, the little voices in my head are laughing and shouting STUPID! We're in a STUPID mans head. Half Man, all STUPID!

01-14-2011, 03:18 PM
Hmm, cat? Kitty, feline, worthless piece o, I think we have a failure to cummunicate here. Perhaps we should go back to penitentary fences and grease?

Weenie, little kitty? I'm so embarassed, this one seems to be slipping right over my head. Think, think, the little voices in my head are laughing and shouting STUPID! We're in a STUPID mans head. Half Man, all STUPID! PU$$Y Bawanna.PU$$Y!! Now are you satisfied? My Lord,I have suffered.

01-14-2011, 04:08 PM
I best go now, it's time for my nap.

01-14-2011, 04:28 PM
I best go now, it's time for my nap.

u nap on a window ledge????:rolleyes:

01-14-2011, 04:35 PM
Naah my cats hog most of the window ledges. I have woke up on my beagles blanket in front of the wood stove a couple times, does that count?

I'm still pondering Dietrich terminology here and he thinks he's suffered.

01-15-2011, 03:53 PM
Please don`t get me wrong.I strongly support the right to open carry,I just don`t prefer to do it personally.A couple of my buddies like to OC and both have had instances in which they were questioned by LEOs after someone called in a "man with a gun" call.I just don`t want the unneccessary hassle.On ocassion,someone who is legally OCing gets slapped with the old "Going Armed To The Terror of the Public" statute by an over-zealous cop and then they have to deal with that.
Here in NC when I was a boy,it wasn`t unusual to see a man with a gun strapped to his side.We were much more rural in those days but times have changed.There has been a huge influx of people from other places settling here,tobacco farmers are a dying breed and what used to be farmlands are now subdivisions.With these new folks coming in,inevitable change has come with them.They haven`t been exposed to firearms and they get nervous when people around them are carrying one in plain sight.If you OC,you must be prepared to deal with these folks and their 911 calls.Many aren`t prepared and because of their inability to deal with the situation,it makes us all look bad.I`m all for open carry if that`s what a person wants to do but they need to be ready to react in a calm,well informed and reasonable fashion.

Hopefully you guys can get the "Going Armed To The Terror of the Public" eliminated. We do not have that type of thing up here.
A few groups have been working hard to get silly ordinances/laws like that changed.
In the last year or two, most LEO's here are getting educated by said groups, it makes life so much easier. Most times they handle man with a gun calls very professionally, there is the occasional one that has issues with people having a gun, but they are not that common anymore.
Smart-phones that upload video as it is being recorded have helped with the education of those type of LEO's.