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05-22-2011, 07:39 PM
Actually this is one of the woods apparently where the grain pattern shows right thru the checkering.

I do like the pattern and as you suggested went below the trigger guard. I've done similar ones going corner to corner.

I'll go take another look and see if these are ready for the mailbox or need a little more attention.

05-22-2011, 07:40 PM
nice wrok bawanna, really is, ur very talented.. Now don't fall outta ur chair because ol jocko gave u a rare compliment either. Bank it for it might be your last one from me!!

Filling out a deposit slip as we speak.

05-22-2011, 08:49 PM
Awesome looking grips Bawanna! Have you had any luck solving the issue for the K9 grips?

05-22-2011, 08:59 PM
Great job Bawanna, those are really nice.

05-22-2011, 10:11 PM
Awesome looking grips Bawanna! Have you had any luck solving the issue for the K9 grips?

No sir. If anything I'm more confused than before. It seems the K9 is like the MK in that they aren't all exactly the same.
I have your name written down on my man cave bench. I'd really like to get a solid answer and more importantly a gun to fit too. I think there are a few folks that would like K's and Mk grips.

They area bit challenging but I like that once in awhile.

I like those Emereldas Tucson. Have a certain pazaazzz. I'm working on checkering some of that Box Elder Burl, the ultra thin ones I posted pics of not long ago. So far they are taking checkering very well.

05-27-2011, 04:11 PM
They look good. They Feel good. They fit good. I love them. Thank you, Bawanna!


05-27-2011, 06:40 PM
Awesome job, uncle B - they look fantastic! Thanks for the pic, Melissa, great background. Enjoy the grips.

05-27-2011, 07:20 PM
Your surely welcome Melissa, I'm glad they fit and feel good and most importantly you like em. Thanks for posting the picture, I thought I'd have to wait till next week.

Did the screws end up not poking into the mag well too far. The worked perfectly on mine but were right there, any more and they'd interfere with the magazine. They look good and like nephew said, great background and photo. Theres a place for you in advertizing at Bawanna Grips if we ever go official big time.

We have to find a quick change setup so you can wear those buckeye burl handles. Those are drop dead gorgeous in my book.

05-27-2011, 07:33 PM
Your surely welcome Melissa, I'm glad they fit and feel good and most importantly you like em. Thanks for posting the picture, I thought I'd have to wait till next week.

Did the screws end up not poking into the mag well too far. The worked perfectly on mine but were right there, any more and they'd interfere with the magazine. They look good and like nephew said, great background and photo. Theres a place for you in advertizing at Bawanna Grips if we ever go official big time.

We have to find a quick change setup so you can wear those buckeye burl handles. Those are drop dead gorgeous in my book.

Well, I called the store I bought the Defender from and lit a fire under them. So, the Defender was at my FFL today instead of next week. ;) Of course I took the Defender straight to the range. Also took the thin bushings with me and had my gunsmith install them while I was there. They were staked in, so I wouldn't have been able to get them out.

The screws don't interfere with the magazines at all. Could you make the buckeye burls into thin grips by shaving some off the back?

I would be honored to be a part of Bawanna Grips LLC. :D

05-27-2011, 07:45 PM
Your surely welcome Melissa, I'm glad they fit and feel good and most importantly you like em. Thanks for posting the picture, I thought I'd have to wait till next week.

Did the screws end up not poking into the mag well too far. The worked perfectly on mine but were right there, any more and they'd interfere with the magazine. They look good and like nephew said, great background and photo. Theres a place for you in advertizing at Bawanna Grips if we ever go official big time.

We have to find a quick change setup so you can wear those buckeye burl handles. Those are drop dead gorgeous in my book.

now there are two sets of ti-ty pink grips floating aorund out there. I no longer have a collectors item.:third:

They look better on her gun than on my J frame:banplease:

05-27-2011, 08:02 PM
It would be difficult and risky to thin the buckeyes down from the back, not a good surface. I might be able to pull it off. The risky part is theres a good chance they would get lost in all the confusion on my bench and end up on my Cbob by mistake.

I'll give it a try if you want.

05-31-2011, 03:31 PM
Good news! I am looking forward to the unveiling. Bawanna Super Thins has a nice ring to it. :D

Should be able to unveil shortly. Gave some to the post man this morning.

In my haste and lack of time I didn't even get a picture so I'll leave that up to you.

05-31-2011, 09:00 PM
Hey, Bawanna! If you ever get serious about about having a web site for your Grip Emporium, let me know. Here's something I threw together while watching TV tonight. http://www.wix.com/bawanna45/bawannas-grip-emporium#! (http://www.wix.com/bawanna45/bawannas-grip-emporium#%21)

05-31-2011, 10:47 PM
Hey, Bawanna! If you ever get serious about about having a web site for your Grip Emporium, let me know. Here's something I threw together while watching TV tonight. http://www.wix.com/mdhensley5/bawannas-grip-emporium#! (http://www.wix.com/mdhensley5/bawannas-grip-emporium#%21)

Goodness gracious darlin, you completely blew me out of my saddle or wheelchair I guess would be more accurate.

How cool is that. I'm totally pole axed here. I reckon before I or more specificially YOU did something like that I'd best get a business license and get legal. I'm not sure I could handle the want list honestly and still take care of my friends right here on Kahrtalk.

That is wicked cool though. Can people see that what you done or what happens to make it pop up for everyone. I gotta ponder this.

You knocked me plumb over, I ain't kidding.

I'm also pondering the beating I'll get if that picture of SWMBO goes live on the internet but we're leaving it for sure. No doubt about that.

06-01-2011, 06:21 AM
Do you really like it, Bawanna? If not, it only takes a second to delete it or change it. Yes, people can see it if they have the link or use google, but they would have to know what they are looking for. About SWMBO, we can crop her out of the picture if you want. Also, I can take out the false contact info and set up the site as just a place to show your grips rather than solicit new business. Just let me know what you want me to do.

06-01-2011, 07:24 AM
I'm ready to order, bwanna ..... the grips look cool, the pic of the drill is just the right ambiance, and I would have to vote to remove the SWMBO, as there are too many that cannot help but notice something like that and revert to prurient and base commentary.

06-01-2011, 09:06 AM
I think that was a nice photoshop there. Might be something to that grip making stuff for you after all. Just don't let it become work.

06-01-2011, 10:27 AM
Kind of what I was thinking last night. Maybe like a grip blog rather than solicitation? Jlott has it correct as much as I'd like to make grips full time I can't make em nearly fast enough to live on it. Might be a good retirement supplement some day. I really don't want it to become work.

I also want to take care of kahrtalk folks first and foremost. Old Lincoln created a real showcase when he started this very thread and I even checked with Johnh to make sure he was ok with it and he generously was ok with it.

I guess I gotta go with bigmacque on deletion of SHMBO. I probably should put that picture someplace else anyhow. Maybe put a picture of John Wayne or Ronald Reagan there instead.
What kind of grips do you need anyhow bigmacque?

Let me wrap my mind around this some more. I see websites all the time but never with nothing about me. Have to ponder. Pros, cons.

06-01-2011, 12:46 PM
Wow, Mr. B! That web site does look really good, kinda hard to resist. You have a lot to think about. Maybe you can buy some more productive equipment with proceeds here to keep it fun and not burn out on it. You certainly have the touch, so I hope you stay with it for your enjoyment.

06-01-2011, 12:53 PM
Wow, Mr. B! That web site does look really good, kinda hard to resist. You have a lot to think about. Maybe you can buy some more productive equipment with proceeds here to keep it fun and not burn out on it. You certainly have the touch, so I hope you stay with it for your enjoyment.

You are mostly responsible for kicking things into high gear here with the creation of this very thread. I can't thank you enough for doing that in the first place.

Been alot of help from everyone finding wood and stuff too, alot of new material to experiment with. Its been a long while since I played with any unmessed with wood. I think the last might have been that mesquite from Jlott which I was just looking at again last night with question marks running thru my head. Might send a couple chunks of it off to get stabilized along with that spalted maple you sent up. I suspect it would be really pretty and even more rock solid stabilized course then I'd have to make jlott another set of the new improved stuff to keep his new 1911 up to date. Never ending circle.

06-01-2011, 01:11 PM
Ahh no worries Mr. B. I like that Mesquite as is. I may have you do some inserts for the GP100, and a set of combat grips for my other 357 out of some of that if you get some breather time. Thing is, I have no idea what I would want to do with all of that right now. The other part is that I'm looking at a tabletop band saw, and a sewing machine (yes I said that, and it is for projects that are gun related), but then the curse-ed gun bug is back in full flare. I need to hit the lottery, or start robbing some drug dealers.

06-01-2011, 02:14 PM
I buy a lot of wood from these guys (http://www.bellforestproducts.com/), bwanna, and they're great at responding to "I'm looking for some ..... " requests. Tell 'em the Ishpeming Group sent you.

06-01-2011, 02:35 PM
Thanks bigmacque, I'll check em out.

Now tell me what you need handles for so I can put you on the list which isn't terribly long at the moment relatively speaking. Don't take much to keep me busy ya know.

06-01-2011, 02:42 PM
Well I'll tell you what I'll do .... I'm about 3/4 of the way into a pair for my Springfield Armory GI.45 Micro Compact; when I get them done I'll give you first look and you can critique my efforts.

Then we'll talk about the Combat Magnum.

I've twice purchased a 10lb box of Craft Wood from Bell; it's basically 10lbs of scraps. I've come out of that with some really cool looking wood pieces though, and most of them are just the right size for grips. That's where I found the spalted maple that I'm using for my current project. But I've picked out nice chunks of mahogany, ebony, purpleheart, tiger wood ... all sorts of nice wood from their craft wood boxes. It's $25 for 10lbs of scraps of some really cool stuff.

06-01-2011, 03:24 PM
Well I'll tell you what I'll do .... I'm about 3/4 of the way into a pair for my Springfield Armory GI.45 Micro Compact; when I get them done I'll give you first look and you can critique my efforts.

Then we'll talk about the Combat Magnum.

I've twice purchased a 10lb box of Craft Wood from Bell; it's basically 10lbs of scraps. I've come out of that with some really cool looking wood pieces though, and most of them are just the right size for grips. That's where I found the spalted maple that I'm using for my current project. But I've picked out nice chunks of mahogany, ebony, purpleheart, tiger wood ... all sorts of nice wood from their craft wood boxes. It's $25 for 10lbs of scraps of some really cool stuff.

I didn't realize I was conversing with a fellow wood butcher. Some of those craft wood boxes can be real gems. Is any of that stuff they sell at Bell stabilized or treated? Spalted maple is usually pretty fragile stuff till its treated to some resin.
I'll look forward to seeing them Springfield handles when you get em done but expect very little criticism from me. Knowing what it takes to make them makes me pretty easy on the report cards.
I'm gonna go look at the Bell site a little closer.

06-05-2011, 01:28 AM
Well, we had a couple of events here in the Tucson region today. First, we experienced our second 100 degree or warmer day of the year. Second, the faithful US Post Office delivered a First Class Package. :)


As you can see, not only was it sent First Class, but the contents are First Class as well. Yes, the "shipping protector" is a nice grip scale, already cut to rough shape. Mesquite I'm guessing. Bawanna thinks of everything! :)


Before you can say "Esmeralda also makes grips" three times, they were mounted on my Dan Wesson Classic Commander Bobtail (CBOB for short). It had been waiting patiently nearby, sans grips since yesterday. This picture of the left side illustrates Bawanna's remarkably elegant checkering and the unique support for the plunger tube, usually not possible with thin grips.


Here you can get an impression of how thin they are and how the plunger tube area is carefully kept at full standard grip thickness while the rest of the grip is carved away.


Here's the other side with matching checkering and a nice book end grain match. Notice how well the warm brown tones in the stabilized Box Elder wood complement the color of this natural horsehide, High Noon Speedy Spanky paddle holster. Is that cool or what!?

What you can't easily appreciate from just seeing these grips is how nice the mat finish is and the way wonderfully slender profile make them feel in the hand.

Notice the elegantly shaped and beautifully executed border around the checkered area. This is only possible with hand checkering and is a technique that first made me a fan of Esmeralda O'Sheehan, the queen of grip makers (http://esmeralda.cc/about_esmeralda.htm). She often did something similar back when she was completing her grips by hand.

Only someone who loves working with wood would be willing to include this kind of detail and aspire to this level of artistry. And, that would be our very own Bawanna!

I am absolutely delighted. :D

Thank you, Bawanna!

06-05-2011, 01:40 AM
It is I who should thank you Tucson, such a glowing and interesting report, right up there with the original Old Lincoln report that started this report. Right from out of the box, what a nice touch. I had to get a hanky, I was in near tears.
I'm obviously quite biased but those look darn fine or perhaps its good outdoor lighting and good photography. Your gun is also a book end match to mine which I love immensely.
I'm tickled that your pleased, and I thank you for such a nice write up.

06-05-2011, 02:38 PM
those grips tucson are just awesome. They look so so classy on that slow shooting 45, that maybe those grips might even speed up the round a tad.

I just kills me to have to compliment the "great one", for his head is so damn big now and I know it is not good for his health either to give him glowing remarks. so maybe I can temper that by saying the grips are just so so but your gun and that awesome holster make the grips look better than they are.

couse that would be a lie, so Have to stick with my statements.

THEY ARE AWESOME. We have a master loose on this forum and he should have his own cage to work out of on this forum..

BUT BUT THEY don't compare to the tit-y pink grips he redone for my J frame..

06-05-2011, 03:18 PM
I thought esmeralda was super with 1911 thins, but I think the old great one is now tops.

06-05-2011, 03:26 PM
Thanks for the kind words, Bawanna. I just call 'em how I see them.

By the way, today was an excellent day at the range. Very comfortable and the shape of the left grip provides a nice place for the thumb. Life is good! :D

Life is indeed good. Excellent day at the range would imply no cracks. I think the issues I had before were completely poorly stabilized wood and not my fitting. JohnH shot his 10mm with no report of cracks so I'm feeling pretty good.
Now if I can get the damn loading gate back in a 1894 I'm working on, they can be a royal pain. I can get a start on jimbar's Vaquero handles.
NIce day here, almost too warm to do stuff outside when your soft as me. I did pull a couple stumps this morning and that about done me in so back to the man cave.

Thanks for the nice words guys, remember I can that tire valve so when the head gets too swelled I just bleed a little off.

06-07-2011, 08:29 AM
Oh lordy those are some beautiful grips Tuscon! Please please Bawanna figure out the K9 grip issue my Elite is just begging to be wearing some of your fine work!! :D

06-07-2011, 09:56 AM
Wow, those are some nice looking grips. Great job Bwanna, and thanks for sharing them Tucson.

Yes Bwanna, much of the Bell wood is either treated or kiln dried, so it's ready for work. I've made some tables from a few large chunks of Bubinga, and several cutting boards, as well as a variety of kitchen tools -- wooden spoons, spatula's, stirrers and the like -- from several different species, at least one of which I've yet to identify. I'll post a pic and maybe you can take a guess too.

06-07-2011, 11:22 AM
I have not frequented the site much lately, very busy time of the year and shoot USPSA so I go to the CZ site when I do have free time to chat about my SP-01.

Bawanna....dude you do such great work I might have to just buy a 1911 so I can sport some of that fine craftsmanship you put into your handles. It is like gun porn when I look at this thread. They just keep getting better all the time.


06-07-2011, 11:31 AM
I have not frequented the site much lately, very busy time of the year and shoot USPSA so I go to the CZ site when I do have free time to chat about my SP-01.

Bawanna....dude you do such great work I might have to just buy a 1911 so I can sport some of that fine craftsmanship you put into your handles. It is like gun porn when I look at this thread. They just keep getting better all the time.


Thanks. Like everything else its an ongoing improvement process. I like making them and enjoy the critique and opinions I get right here. The absolute best part is getting them to people that appreciate them. The tire valve in my head keeps the swelled head at bay so I'm semi ok in that respect.
Some of the materials are new to me and "Better Stuff" as found by members here also. The wifes wondering why I get little packages all the time, it's people sending wood.
It's actually kind of a nice camoflage. Now when I get a package like my forth coming Silent Thunder holster I can just tell her, another piece of wood.
More work. Yee haw.

Incidently I've yet to find a CZ that I can borrow to build a set on. The quest continues. The wife just ain't buying the "I need one so I can make grips on it, it's not like I want to shoot it or play with it, or keep it with me all the time, it's just work" Not buying that at all....damn

06-07-2011, 03:55 PM
Thanks Buddy.....I'd let you use mine but I am using it very regularily right now. When someone lends you theirs I will be you best CZ customer. No doubt!

Keep up the excellent work!


06-11-2011, 08:31 PM
Well today was a relatively productive day in the bawanna wood butcher and sawdust factory. Got a set start to finish ready for Ms Melissa. Stabilized wood that she sent me and Jocko is gonna be upset. I'm not really good with color but wife says lots of pink!!! And she loves them and wants a gun just so I can get some of this pink nice looking wood and make grips for her.
Along with that fine piece of wood Ms Melissa included a set of Buckeye Burls that she knew I was just drooling over to see about possible thinning. I of course failed miserable and rather than toss them in the wood stove I hung em on my Cbob with some modifications for the bobtail and small details to please my preferences. I like em ALOT.
Evidence photos-






I covered the plunger tube and bobbed the corner for the mainspring cover rather than the typical notch. Seems to be more comfy with less of a sharp edge and I see alot of others doing the same thing so I'm a gosh darn copy cat in that respect.
Well heck, two shots of the right side and no shots of the left. What kind of a slip shod operation are we running here any how. Back to the drawing board.

06-11-2011, 08:35 PM

Ok, he said there shall be a left side and there was, and it was good.


I left these pretty thin but not ultra thin. I wanted to leave a little material for strength.
Per Melissa's instructions I left these smooth. If she feels the need later on we'll scratch some checkering on em.
For the record the Buckeyes went on my Cbob with her permission. I think they look absolutely marvelous.

Ok jimbar, your on the bench in the planning stages.

06-11-2011, 09:51 PM
:eek::eek::eek: Those look great, Bawanna! My Colt Defender will be girly now. :p The scales were advertised as red and black though...not pink.

I'm glad you liked the buckeye burls. They look awesome on your CBOB. :D

06-11-2011, 10:50 PM
And here I thought no one would bust me for Colt medallions on a Dan Wesson. I thought about swapping them out. Not sure how thick they are an they are glued in rather than on a post an peened on the back. I'll have to measure but those you mention would sure look good huh?

06-11-2011, 11:08 PM
jocko's gonna be sooooooooooo jealous of you Melissa!! Sweet work, uncle B. They look fantastic once again. I wouldn't put the pink ones on my show weapon, but I'm happy for Melissa and glad that she likes what she sees!!! Now I just need to make sure my wife doesn't see this page because she's gonna want some for our next investment. Now, for the buckeye burl - yowza!! Me likey. Me likey lots. The flow from light to dark. The swirls. I'll take two. Probably would be helpful for you though knowing what kind of gun it would be for though, huh? Or do you just provide the weapon along with the grips?

06-11-2011, 11:14 PM
Well we must think alike. I love Colts and I like the looks of these but they been bugging me all day. Just ain't right to have Colts on a DW. I like those you posted just fine but keep me posted on your research. I'll even put em in if youfind some you like.

06-11-2011, 11:55 PM
Well another similarity,my Cbob came from the used gun market as well.
All the way from North Carolina.

Nephew tell the missus no worries. Just give me a few clues and the whittling will begin.

Ill have to check with Melissa to see where she got this stuff. Shes good at finding wood I can tell you that.

06-12-2011, 07:45 AM
Ill have to check with Melissa to see where she got this stuff. Shes good at finding wood I can tell you that.

Bad Dog's Burl Source http://www.burlsource.com/

06-12-2011, 01:21 PM
Wow, a veritable gold mine of wood! I look at everything they had and really liked the Amboyna Burl. Absolutely beautiful!

06-12-2011, 01:37 PM
Now you done it. When my ole lady sees this, she's gonna want a gun to put grips on, and guess which kind she's gonna want.

06-12-2011, 07:53 PM
Bawanna, here's another option for the DW medallions. There are a few relatively cheap revolver grips with medallions on gunbroker.com. Maybe you could use the medallions from those. They would look great in the buckeye burls.


06-12-2011, 08:04 PM
Yup that would be a good option. I like the Colt medallions but I fear ole Sam might curse me in my sleep for having them on a DW.
I'll look around some, not any big hurry.

06-12-2011, 08:11 PM
Hare ya go Pilgrim: Numrich Gun Parts (http://www.gunpartscorp.com/catalog/Search.aspx?filter=Dan+Wesson+medallion)

06-12-2011, 08:15 PM
Here's another: Tombstone (http://www.tombstonegrips.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=TGG&Category_Code=Medallions)

06-12-2011, 08:18 PM
I like those alot. I don't think I've seen that style before, only the ones in the grips Melissa posted.

Whats everybody think? Are those the ones?

Tucson, you want me to order up two sets, looks like they have two available. Guess I better go measure and make sure they are big enough. Won't matter to you, we'll make em fit, I got to be the same or bigger than the Colt pins.

Those buckeyes look better and better to me everytime I look at em. I hope looking at em don't wear em out.

What a candy store that Bad Dog Burl place is too.

06-12-2011, 08:29 PM
Bawanna, we could add a resources page to your web site so it would make it easier for people to find wood and medallions.

06-12-2011, 08:39 PM
Bawanna, we could add a resources page to your web site so it would make it easier for people to find wood and medallions.

Do I need to ask em permission before I list em or anything. I gotta get to work and do some stuff on that site. It's really looking good, my son was very impressed when I showed it to him this morning.

I'm still kind of leaning towards the showcase place more than a marketing place but make some when time allows, ya know what I mean.

I was gonna think up something for the about me page but I couldn't think of anything good yet.

06-12-2011, 08:49 PM
Do I need to ask em permission before I list em or anything. I gotta get to work and do some stuff on that site. It's really looking good, my son was very impressed when I showed it to him this morning.

I'm still kind of leaning towards the showcase place more than a marketing place but make some when time allows, ya know what I mean.

I was gonna think up something for the about me page but I couldn't think of anything good yet.

No, you don't need their permission. They would be happy to have more business coming their way. Not trying to rush you. Just something to think about for the future.

06-15-2011, 06:04 PM


06-15-2011, 06:19 PM
Oh my goodness gracious, those look spectacular! Awesome color contrast. So glad they made it today, I was hoping.

Do they feel good? You like the bobbed corner ok or prefer the usual notch for the mainspring housing pin?

Those gotta go on the website for sure when / if you find the time. NICE.

06-15-2011, 06:25 PM
Oh my goodness gracious, those look spectacular! Awesome color contrast. So glad they made it today, I was hoping.

Do they feel good? You like the bobbed corner ok or prefer the usual notch for the mainspring housing pin?

Those gotta go on the website for sure when / if you find the time. NICE.

They feel great! The bobbed corner looks good. Bobbed or notched...I don't really care. I already put a pic of the right side on the web site. :D Every time I see this one guy at the range, he wants to fondle my full size Colt. He loves those spalted maple grips you made.

06-15-2011, 06:36 PM
They feel great! The bobbed corner looks good. Bobbed or notched...I don't really care. I already put a pic of the right side on the web site. :D Every time I see this one guy at the range, he wants to fondle my full size Colt. He loves those spalted maple grips you made.

I notice the screws even are indexed/lined up perfectly. A trick WMD pointed out to me although I've never managed to pull it off before.
Well maybe when I get the matching set done for the Colt you can bestow the spalted maples on the guy. Maybe!
Beware of those one guys at the range that want to fondle your stuff, his intentions may not always be as pure as mine, or Dietrichs, or Jocko's or Mikey Kahrs, well maybe not Mikey Kahr, but Mr Surveyor and Jlott and Tucson.

06-15-2011, 06:37 PM
What are you trying to say Barth? it's not showing up. Got my curiosity all lathered up some.

06-15-2011, 06:39 PM
What are you trying to say Barth? it's not showing up. Got my curiosity all lathered up some.

Did you do a refresh/reload of the page? Try that. I can see it.

06-15-2011, 06:43 PM
Did you do a refresh/reload of the page? Try that. I can see it.

Still nothing, now it's deleted and I cant see it there either. Darn.

06-15-2011, 06:45 PM
Still nothing, now it's deleted and I cant see it there either. Darn.

Go here http://www.wix.com/bawanna45/bawannas-grip-emporium#!portraits (http://www.wix.com/bawanna45/bawannas-grip-emporium#%21portraits)

06-15-2011, 06:53 PM
Oh, I seen your grips on the website, I think we need both sides there. I was talking about whatever Barth posted and then deleted. LIke a picture or something that didn't work.

That's a great picture on the website.

06-15-2011, 07:03 PM
Nice pics, Melissa, thanks for sharing. Great job again uncle B. And yes, I'm on the no-fly-list for fondling - but I sure would like to shoot that Colt Defender a few times!! ;) No offense, but those grips are a bit too girly for me - but I'm glad Melissa will be enjoying them! And I think jocko wouldn't mind them too much either. :p (correct color emoticon even!)

06-15-2011, 07:22 PM
Oh, I seen your grips on the website, I think we need both sides there. I was talking about whatever Barth posted and then deleted. LIke a picture or something that didn't work.

That's a great picture on the website.

Oh, I thought you were talking to me even though my name isn't Barth. Don't know if that says anything about me or about what I think of you. LOL!

I added the other side to the website.

MikeyKahr, if you ever come to NE Georgia, I'll let you shoot the Defender, but you'll have to use the girly grips! :p

06-16-2011, 07:48 AM
I don't think they look girly at all. On my monitor they look more red. Are they actually a pink tint? I like colorful grips with lots of pattern. Those look like they are on fire! :D

06-16-2011, 10:20 AM
I don't think they look girly at all. On my monitor they look more red. Are they actually a pink tint? I like colorful grips with lots of pattern. Those look like they are on fire! :D

Funny, I showed these pictures to 4 different officers here and 2 of them said exactly that. They look like that Colts on fire.

It really is pink, real pink. I'm color blind so while they looked like they were on fire, the pink didn't jump out at me. I think they are perfect for Melissa and I'd wear em myself. Kind of nice to have a gun that looks like it's on fire.

06-16-2011, 11:44 AM
Still my favorite thread........Nice web site man very nice. I might just have to get you a CZ to use so you can put one on the site too.

You do very very nice work!!!!!


06-16-2011, 11:52 AM
Still my favorite thread........Nice web site man very nice. I might just have to get you a CZ to use so you can put one on the site too.

You do very very nice work!!!!!


Thanks man, I've got to come up with loot to buy a CZ, I've been wanting one anyhow.
I have to give Melissa full credit for that website, its absolutely amazing. I need to find some time to do some of the stuff she told me to to make it more complete.
It's sure a great place to store pictures and send people who want to see stuff I've done. I'm leaning towards just leaving it as a showcase rather than seek work at least for now. Might make a few as time allows from people that find that site.
Melissas one sharp cookie, she got them pictures from here I assume, some I'd forgotten I ever posted here. Many were thumbnails since I didn't know how to make the big pics.
She's definitely on my pay back list, no doubt more than I can ever afford.

06-18-2011, 11:42 AM
Bawanna, I OC'ed the Defender in a gun shop today and just about every salesman asked about the grips. :)

06-18-2011, 02:54 PM
Bawanna, I OC'ed the Defender in a gun shop today and just about every salesman asked about the grips. :)

How cool is that Melissa. Nobody turned a fire extinguisher on you thinking you were on fire?
Kind of cool to have something that sparks an interest from others.
How did they shoot? Feel good, tell me now cracks or malfunction. I think that was good solid stabilized wood. Should be close to bomb proof.
I been locked out all morning for some unexplained reason, able to watch the party going on but unable to participate.

06-18-2011, 03:03 PM
How cool is that Melissa. Nobody turned a fire extinguisher on you thinking you were on fire?
Kind of cool to have something that sparks an interest from others.
How did they shoot? Feel good, tell me now cracks or malfunction. I think that was good solid stabilized wood. Should be close to bomb proof.
I been locked out all morning for some unexplained reason, able to watch the party going on but unable to participate.

There's either a crack or a scratch beside one of the screw holes. I'm keeping a watch on it. They feel really good though.

Glad you were finally able to join the party!

06-18-2011, 03:12 PM
There's either a crack or a scratch beside one of the screw holes. I'm keeping a watch on it. They feel really good though.

Glad you were finally able to join the party!

There was like a void I think on the lower right side? It felt pretty solid and didn't look like it was going to go anywhere.

Go easy on the "crack" word around me less you enjoy watching old men cry.

Do keep an eye on it though, if it does do that nasty business mentioned above we'll go right back to the black board and do it again and try to get it right.

There's a life time warranty on those. My life time, not theirs.

06-18-2011, 03:34 PM
There was like a void I think on the lower right side? It felt pretty solid and didn't look like it was going to go anywhere.

Yep, that's where it is. I'm not worried about it since we had enough wood left over to make another panel for the right side.

Hey, could you make some panels for a Beretta Jetfire .25 if I send the old panels? I'm thinking about buying one for a pocket BUG. It's the cutest little gun!

06-18-2011, 03:54 PM
Yep, that's where it is. I'm not worried about it since we had enough wood left over to make another panel for the right side.

Hey, could you make some panels for a Beretta Jetfire .25 if I send the old panels? I'm thinking about buying one for a pocket BUG. It's the cutest little gun!

I'll have to look that one up. Don't recollect exactly what those look like. If the hook in the front and have just one screw in the back it's pretty hard to make from a grip without a gun to fit it too.
If you got the feeling you just gotta have it, go for it. I'll handle it (pun intended) one way or another.

I was gonna try and cut that other piece to see if we could do the Colt but decided to deep clean the man cave. I think I made a bad choice.

MW surveyor
06-18-2011, 05:05 PM

Just got in and first thing I did was open the package! Soon as it cools off I'm gonna go out to the shed and get my super fine grades of wet/dry paper and do some additional clean up work. Then tomorrow morning do some polishing. Will post after they get done and on the gun.


Melissa - cool site and really like those red/pink whatever color grips!

06-18-2011, 05:24 PM

Just got in and first thing I did was open the package! Soon as it cools off I'm gonna go out to the shed and get my super fine grades of wet/dry paper and do some additional clean up work. Then tomorrow morning do some polishing. Will post after they get done and on the gun.


Melissa - cool site and really like those red/pink whatever color grips!

Cool. I'm anxious to see how they look after you get done polishing. I don't really have a good polishing set up like I told ya before. If you get have the polish on those that you got on that barbwire stuff it should look pretty nice.
Hope I didn't go further than you wanted me too or not as far.
If it works and I ever try the barbwire I might have to shape em and send em to you for a polish job.
Glad you got out alive again. I think of you down there from time to time.

MW surveyor
06-18-2011, 05:35 PM
Mr. B

Thanks for the kind words. I think that you did more than enough as now I don't have to start with the rougher paper :).

08-14-2011, 12:37 PM
Wow, this thread had about a foot of dust on it, had to go back like 18 pages in the archives to even find it.

I thought I'd reawaken it to show a set of ebony RIA grips I finished FINALLY last night for Eaglefrgs brother. Figured he'd deserve at least a look at em since they are going direct to brother. I'm gradually getting a little bit of whittling time with high hopes of getting more.

For your perusal:





I'm now moving onto a hunk of Buckeye Burl for Melissa's Officer ACP. I hope.

08-14-2011, 01:03 PM
Nice Work!!!

08-14-2011, 01:22 PM
That is B-E-A-U-tiful!

08-14-2011, 01:46 PM
Those are gorgeous! That's a very unique checkering pattern. I like it!

08-14-2011, 02:42 PM
It's called skip line checkering. Some people like it, some people really don't. Most professionals who checker for some reason refuse to do it. I never could figure out why, its not difficult, it actually is slightly faster since you skip a line, one less line to cut.

I like it myself pretty well. Wish I could do it faster, just now way to speed it up, just a time consuming task. I enjoy it but get frustrated occasionally because I wanna move onto the next guy, hate making people wait.

I'm deep into some Buckeye Burl now for Melissa and only almost 1. Got em cut out and holes in the right place (yeehaw) so maybe I'll get some major progress this afternoon. I hope.

08-14-2011, 03:24 PM
skip line in many cases is awesome, the work u did on my Herretts stock which I fokked up with Hoppes #9 was awesome. I won't discuss the pink finish u put on the beautiful walnut grips, or did I just do that???

ur definitely the man bawanna, u can do with wood what I can ony dream about.

08-14-2011, 06:53 PM
skip line in many cases is awesome, the work u did on my Herretts stock which I fokked up with Hoppes #9 was awesome. I won't discuss the pink finish u put on the beautiful walnut grips, or did I just do that???

ur definitely the man bawanna, u can do with wood what I can ony dream about.

OK...I've decided that you MUST post a pic of the pink grips!

08-14-2011, 06:55 PM
Skip line checkering... hmmm... I thought maybe you had hiccups and was trying to pass this off as done with intent.

At least it came out "regular"... not bad.


08-14-2011, 06:59 PM



Well not alot of pink but heres another set headed for Melissa in the morning.

08-14-2011, 08:21 PM
Bawanna, those will be perfect on my OACP! :hippie:

08-14-2011, 08:52 PM
Bawanna, those will be perfect on my OACP! :hippie:

I surely hope so Melissa. One things for sure, if they aren't I know somebody who can try again and again until they are. And if they aren't I hope you'll tell me so, so we can keep trying.

They are thin. Without question they are thin.

I think they are gonna look great contrasting on a blued gun.

08-22-2011, 06:05 PM


08-22-2011, 06:15 PM
Melissa, you are the wizard at using bushes for a backdrop and making things look incredible. Some pretty color in that wood and the bushes look nice too.
You mentioned safety clearance, must have been down below along the back of the grip. Must be just a tad bigger than my old Colt, it had clearance.

No matter, thanks for posting some pretty pictures.

08-22-2011, 06:20 PM
Melissa, you are the wizard at using bushes for a backdrop and making things look incredible. Some pretty color in that wood and the bushes look nice too.
You mentioned safety clearance, must have been down below along the back of the grip. Must be just a tad bigger than my old Colt, it had clearance.

No matter, thanks for posting some pretty pictures.

Thank you, Bawanna...for the compliment and the awesome grips. You outdid yourself this time.

08-22-2011, 06:39 PM
They look great, Bawanna, wear them with pride, melissa5! That buckeye burl (if I remember right) looks great.

08-22-2011, 07:04 PM
Wow! Very nice Mr B. I thought the grips looked more gray in the earlier pictures, but Melissa made them look more violet which is great on that gun. Between the two of you it's a nice combo. No wonder you're so happy together!

09-14-2011, 06:41 PM
Bawanna, I don't shoot Dad's Colt much, but ran just a few through it the other day and cleaned it today. I had the bright light on it and was struck all over again at the beautiful grips you made for it, the ones that started this thread. I am still amazed as I spent about 20 minutes just looking at the perfect checkering and the thumb accommodation. Both sides are perfect and I appreciated your talent all over again.

I don't think you "get" just how talented you are Bawanna. You don't just manufacture grips, you create them, sculpting like an artist with clay. I'm not in the market for more or anything else, just letting you know I appreciate you and the work you do.

09-14-2011, 06:51 PM
Thanks much Old Lincoln. You indeed started a very huge thread when you started this one. Many members here are wearing handles because of you too.

Thanks once again for starting it and letting the cat out of the sack so to speak and of course for the kind words.

We're ready when you are when it's time for another set.

I'm still working on a set for a Vaquero for JimBar, FRUSTRATING (speaking of which he hasn't been around in a long time). And I'm thinking and planning a set for Thetmanski's new Kimber. I'm a bachelor starting tomorrow morning, family going to Missouri (land of John and Justin) and then on to North Carolina (land of Dietrich). Short trip but maybe I'll get to make some sawdust.

Thanks for keeping it alive........

09-14-2011, 07:18 PM

A sample to illustrate why visiting the first message in the thread has value.

You're right! It is certainly worthwhile to hit that "<< First" button. In fact, spending about an hour viewing the entire thread is well worth it!

10-08-2011, 08:30 PM
Here is the latest by Bawanna, a beautiful set for an MK9.





Those look oddly familiar...:madgrin:

10-08-2011, 08:36 PM
Tell me a success story with evidence photo's.

10-08-2011, 10:29 PM
Yup, YOU are a success story and this thread is only a small part of the evidence.

10-08-2011, 10:37 PM
Actually I think I sent those to qwikduc and they didn't fit but he thought he could make them work. I think. It was a long time ago.

10-09-2011, 12:11 PM

They fit fine. I had to square the reliefs for the screw tab portions of the frame on the back of the grips and shorten my 1911 Allen screws to keep them from binding the mags but other than that, perfect.

I was thinking the other day that I would trace the frame (both sides) on acetate as well as send you my original grips. This should show you what you have to modify for the newer model numbered MK's.

They always get compliments! :D

I was also thinking that I might politely request some G10 grips if you feel so inclined in the future...:D :bump2:

10-09-2011, 12:59 PM
Very Nice, I thought you (Bawanna) were not doing the MK9 grips for some reason. I must be mistaken ... and more importantly, I must contact you about getting some!

10-09-2011, 01:17 PM
Very Nice, I thought you (Bawanna) were not doing the MK9 grips for some reason. I must be mistaken ... and more importantly, I must contact you about getting some!

Actually these are the last ones I made and they are the reason that I haven't made any since. These I think were a year ago.

I really want to send out a finished product that fits and doesn't require any modification to work. Hopefully I'll figure it out one of these days.

10-15-2011, 06:51 PM
PM sent

10-20-2011, 03:53 PM

I haven't got around to making the tracing/template but perhaps this weekend as well as measurements.

OAN, I am purchasing a RIA Commander length 45 that I can use to "smith" some custom features and would welcome the opportunity to discuss some 1911 grip options. I'll send more info your way soon.

Talk to you soon.

10-20-2011, 03:55 PM

I haven't got around to making the tracing/template but perhaps this weekend as well as measurements.

OAN, I am purchasing a RIA Commander length 45 that I can use to "smith" some custom features and would welcome the opportunity to discuss some 1911 grip options. I'll send more info your way soon.

Talk to you soon.

Operators are standing by. I can do Rocks.

10-20-2011, 07:52 PM
:w00t: Can you do revolvers? I got a 329PD Smith I would like some nice finger groove grips......hmmmm kin ya? My gun would wear them proudly!

10-20-2011, 08:55 PM
:w00t: Can you do revolvers? I got a 329PD Smith I would like some nice finger groove grips......hmmmm kin ya? My gun would wear them proudly!

Revolvers are challenging and finger grooves even more so but I've done a few. What other grip might fit that? A 629 wouldn't fit would it? Can't think of anyone I know that has a 329PD. I'll have to research.

10-20-2011, 11:17 PM
What about just the inserts for a Ruger SP101 or a GP100?

Course I would then prolly have to do something for the Ruger Old Army or it'll get jealous and not shoot straight... at Least I could ship the Old Army to ya.

Dern the MKII would just get jealous and start that FTE mess too.

Did ya ever get the K9 issue worked out or am I just confuseded?

Seriously quote me a price on inserts for the SP101 sir. Cocobolo and checkereded.. Do I need to order the grip ferrules and ship you my inserts to work off?

10-22-2011, 09:53 PM
Revolvers are challenging and finger grooves even more so but I've done a few. What other grip might fit that? A 629 wouldn't fit would it? Can't think of anyone I know that has a 329PD. I'll have to research.

It is a N frame, I understand X frame grips also fit.


10-22-2011, 10:25 PM
OK, Ty_racin_fan, I'll search through my pile for some nice Coco Bolo, I think my SP101 22 has the same grip. I have screws and escutcheons so should be a drop in fit. Last pair I made I didn't even put screws in, just made them fit real tight in the rubber, they never fall out. But a 357 or 38 I guess we better put screws in.

We can address the others and the priorities present themselves. Might be a one way trip for that Old Army though.

Jeepster, I'll do a little research on the N frame, I thought the 629 was an N Frame but smith has so many models I can never remember them.
I'll see if I can find some pictures of the 629 Ebonies I made my son.

The K9's still in research and development stage and frustrating.

10-22-2011, 10:47 PM
OK for the 2nd or maybe only the first time in my life I was right. The 629 and the 329 are both in fact "N" frames. I got some models for that. Incidently the 625 is also an "N" frame which puts my want list back up to 5 again. I plan to tell Mrs. Bawanna I need a 625 so I can make your grips. Hope ya don't mind.

Maybe you can PM me with your wishes, type of wood, hand size Huge, Normal, Small, Girly Man. I'm kind of between Small and Girly Man myself.

Patience though, I've recently got quite an influx of request along with a small backlog that I've just been too busy or lazy to get done.

I do hate to make folks wait though so I better get with it.

10-23-2011, 06:40 AM
It is a N frame, I understand X frame grips also fit.


just not to hard to not want to fall in love with that Smith, super lookng gun, and about exactly the way I would want it to:cheer2::cheer2: I bet that fiber front sight just grabs ones eyeballs to..

course I would have to magna port it..

10-23-2011, 08:28 AM
As I write it is at Magnaport....I also have a set of XS sights sitting here for it.....then it is getting the "green/black" treatment. It would be lonesome and feel out of place if it was a different color than the rest of it's family :=]



11-02-2011, 06:26 PM
Santa dropped by my mailbox today and left a very nice surpise. Thank you Bawanna, the fit is perfect and don't they look nice on that Kimber? Really dresses the gun up, wish I could wear it to church. Can't wait to show it off at the range.
Thank you very much.


11-02-2011, 06:42 PM
First time I've seen the Box Elder Burl on a blued gun. It looks real good to me. Every bit as good and maybe better than on stainless IMO.

You gotta clean a little better on the frame where the old grip left residue. I've been just bobbing the lower corner since I tried a set for my Cbob on a regular frame. I thought if felt better and looks pretty good to without the little notch.

Thanks for posting the pictures. In my haste I didn't even take any myself.

11-02-2011, 08:01 PM
Absolutely beautiful workmanship!

11-02-2011, 08:08 PM
Another beautiful set of grips to add to Bawanna's Grip Emporium.

11-02-2011, 09:27 PM
Blushing. Being the first checkered set of stabilized wood I was happy that the figure in the wood came right through. Can't hardly tell they were checkered which is kind of sad and kind of nice at the same time.

11-02-2011, 09:46 PM
Bawanna If you ever get caught up, let me know what a set of grips for a 1911
would cost me. Your grips are best looking Ive seen and would love a set.

11-02-2011, 10:05 PM
PM sent ruf45.

11-02-2011, 10:55 PM
I agree with everybody else Mighty-B. Love the boarder around the outside edge of the checkering. Very nice touch.

mr surveyor
11-02-2011, 11:22 PM
What about just the inserts for a Ruger SP101 or a GP100?

Course I would then prolly have to do something for the Ruger Old Army or it'll get jealous and not shoot straight... at Least I could ship the Old Army to ya.

Dern the MKII would just get jealous and start that FTE mess too.

Did ya ever get the K9 issue worked out or am I just confuseded?

Seriously quote me a price on inserts for the SP101 sir. Cocobolo and checkereded.. Do I need to order the grip ferrules and ship you my inserts to work off?

Don't let the B Man give you any B.S. about the SP101 grips. He made me a perfect pair of checkered grips for my SP101.... still perfect after 6-7 months of daily carry in the booger weeds on the job:D And, I detail strip the SP101 pretty often to clean out the native "environment" from my work place, and the grip panels just keep plugging along like the energizer bunny.

edit to add: actually it's been danged near a year.... man, Bawanna is getting old;)

11-02-2011, 11:44 PM
Actually tv racin fan received his set of inserts today too. He says they didn't quite fit but were close. I think they just need a little persuasion I hope. Anxiously awaiting pics from him.

11-03-2011, 05:29 AM
Very nice work!

11-03-2011, 06:04 AM
Oh I dint let him give me any gruff... nor did I give him any over the slight fitment issue.

Let me be clear.. they are SWEET!! I will order more.

Ya know how it is.. I put the cable to the camera up so I wouldn't missplace it... and of course I can not find it.

11-03-2011, 11:11 AM
It's in the last place you look.

11-03-2011, 12:22 PM
Yeah, I was to excited to get the pics out that I didn't see the residue left down around the bob until I saw the photos. I'll get that taken care of.

11-03-2011, 12:23 PM
Yeah, I was to excited to get the pics out that I didn't see the residue left down around the bob until I saw the photos. I'll get that taken care of. I was in a bit of a hurry as someone was coming buy to pick up my cat to take it to the vet.

11-03-2011, 12:59 PM
OK His n hers SP101. (she aint decided on her grip panels yet.. but mother of pearl is the front runner)



These picture do not do them justice at all.. I need to work on my photo skills for sure.

11-03-2011, 01:01 PM
Great job on those SP101 grips. I would have liked a pair of them when I had my Ruger.

11-03-2011, 01:17 PM
OK His n hers SP101. (she aint decided on her grip panels yet.. but mother of pearl is the front runner)



These picture do not do them justice at all.. I need to work on my photo skills for sure.

According to George Patton, only a pimp on a Louisiana River Boat would carry pearl, we need ivory!

I'm seeing another set needed here. I don't do Pearl or Ivory. I might have just enough of that Box Elder like on Thetmanski's kimber left. Maybe.
We can go blonde or purple heart. Zebra wood? Time is on her side to choose I got a lot of sawdust to make.

Not to toot my horn but those look pretty fair on you gun. Far better than the plastic by a long shot.

11-03-2011, 06:29 PM
Wow ... gives me a whole new appreciation for my wheel guns. I have both a 3" barrel and a concealed hammer 2". With grips like those I might shoot them more rather than just fondle.

11-03-2011, 07:46 PM
My father warned me about checkering. He said that if you did it too often that you could go blind! Are you into glasses yet?

11-03-2011, 08:07 PM
Have you ever done checkering on just one side? I like the looks, but on my carry guns I use "tuckable in the waist band" and every checkered grip I have used digs in to the skin after several hours. How would checkered on the right grip piece look????

11-03-2011, 08:41 PM
My father warned me about checkering. He said that if you did it too often that you could go blind! Are you into glasses yet?

Oh yeah into glasses. I can't believe I checkered with the naked eye when I first started. Now I use glasses and an opti visor to see. Probably should have started out right off with the optivisor.

11-03-2011, 08:50 PM
Have you ever done checkering on just one side? I like the looks, but on my carry guns I use "tuckable in the waist band" and every checkered grip I have used digs in to the skin after several hours. How would checkered on the right grip piece look????

The beauty of being able to checker is we can do whatever you want. I've made grips a little thicker on one side, checkered all of one side and only half the other.

Sometimes if you just cut the checkering but don't bring it to the points you get some grip benefit without the abrasiveness. You can take sandpaper and just knock off the points and achieve the same thing.

Since you only see one side at a time I doubt anyone would notice really.

I hope your not thinking checkering on that 329PD. There's plenty of challenge in those already. I've checkered revolver grips and its ok on like Smiths, don't care for it on plow handles like SAA's Ruger Blackhawks and such. I love birdshead handle single actions and they just gotta be smooth.

Try it, if we don't like it they put out heat in the wood stove.

11-03-2011, 08:55 PM
The beauty of being able to checker is we can do whatever you want. I've made grips a little thicker on one side, checkered all of one side and only half the other.

Sometimes if you just cut the checkering but don't bring it to the points you get some grip benefit without the abrasiveness. You can take sandpaper and just knock off the points and achieve the same thing.

Since you only see one side at a time I doubt anyone would notice really.

I hope your not thinking checkering on that 329PD. There's plenty of challenge in those already. I've checkered revolver grips and its ok on like Smiths, don't care for it on plow handles like SAA's Ruger Blackhawks and such. I love birdshead handle single actions and they just gotta be smooth.

Try it, if we don't like it they put out heat in the wood stove.

No checkering for me...just curious.

11-06-2011, 10:16 PM
Bawanna meets Osage Orange! This is a set in the works for Springer. He sent me the wood along with a plan. Thought I'd share since I wanted him to see that they are in progress. Springer a PM is forthcoming, I screwed up but don't tell nobody. Its a father / son set.
This is what the wood looked like to start. I was skeptical to say the least.


He wanted an "S" type checkering border and I used his little pattern as a template.




Crap, now I don't know if I got the pics in order or duplicated. I'll just hope for the best.

I got a few more hours to checker but it's another 3 day weekend coming up so I've had 3 in a row, so hopefully wrap these, and move on.
Osage Orange is kind of pretty given a little bit of love.

11-06-2011, 11:04 PM
wow - very nice!

11-07-2011, 06:26 AM
Bawanna, those are very nice! I really like the S pattern.

11-07-2011, 06:55 AM
Bawanna; Those are fantastic!!! Just what I had in mind...can't wait to get them on. Thank You!

11-07-2011, 07:20 AM
Just be sure not to put the toothbrush back in your vanity!

Nice work, seriously

11-07-2011, 10:14 AM
Just be sure not to put the toothbrush back in your vanity!

Nice work, seriously

No worries, it's the wifes.

11-07-2011, 10:41 AM
That "S" pattern is very cool! I hope you can add that to your kit as it's distinctive and adds class to an already classy job.

11-07-2011, 11:53 AM
Very unique, and very cool. That osage orange is a bear to work with isn't it?

11-07-2011, 12:12 PM
First time I've played with it. It's not real bad, borderline on the soft side for checkering but I've checkered a lot softer. It's pretty dense and heavy which is a good thing on grips.

It does seem to be toxic, I was remiss in wearing my dust mask and respirator as I usually am and I'm kind of paying the price. Not bad, been far far worse.

Don't like to wear all that stuff checkering for hours at a time, I use it when I use power but not filing or checkering. I probably should be, dust is dust, don't matter what causes it.

11-07-2011, 12:55 PM
Nice! That wood looks soft, almost like Cedar. I would worry about the effects of exposure to lubricants or even just normal hand oils.

But then again, it probably ages to an interesting patina. :)

It looks a little like cedar but thats about it for similarity. I think it's dense enough that it will be fine. I try to saturate it pretty good with linseed oil. Stain or something of that sort would no doubt get through and have an effect on the finish but normal oil and hands I don't think will be an issue.

It would be interesting to stabilize some of this stuff and see how it looks, maybe even add some dye to bring out the grain more.

We'll let Springer be our test driver on these and see how they hold up.

11-07-2011, 03:58 PM
The fellow that traded me the Kimber got to see and hold it with with it's new grips, and wanted it back. I told him he could have the pistol back but I'm keeping the grips and will put them on my Springfield. He decided at that point he didn't want to trade.
Bawanna, I was going to ask, do those grips need to be treated with some oil periodically? If so what would you suggest?

11-07-2011, 04:05 PM
The fellow that traded me the Kimber got to see and hold it with with it's new grips, and wanted it back. I told him he could have the pistol back but I'm keeping the grips and will put them on my Springfield. He decided at that point he didn't want to trade.
Bawanna, I was going to ask, do those grips need to be treated with some oil periodically? If so what would you suggest?

Not yours. That is stabilized Box Elder Burl. It's injected with resin under pressure with a few dyes added to it. It's nearly impervious to just about anything.
You can polish them on a polishing wheel or wax em with car wax and buff em out. Have to really hit em with a stiff toothbrush in the checkering to get the wax out.
Linseed oil or anything like that just runs off.
I'm told you can leave a piece of that outside and it will soak up water, but set it on a counter overnight and all the water will just run out.
Kind of neat stuff, wish I had a bunch more. When you file it or sand it, it's like fiberglass. It's all white, really gets into your nose and lungs as it's really fine. Probably causes liver failure in lab rats in Ethiopia. Just a guess.
Nice to create a little jealousy in the previous owner I bet.

11-07-2011, 05:44 PM
The previous owner has bought quite a few additions for the Dan Wesson I traded him for, so he's not too jealous. He did really like the way they dressed up the Kimber though. The checkering came out great, exactly to where my fingertips can get a good grip on it the handle. And I did clean up the marks left by the old grips. I'm very anxious to show it off now. It will be going to the range for sure on my next trip.

11-08-2011, 08:18 PM
Mr. B... I got out of the kiddie pool and re-reviewed all 43 pages of this thread...and your work is fantastic! No kidding. I am going thru my modest collection of firearms to see which would be most appropriate for a set of custom grips from your emporium. Beautiful workmanship. :)

11-08-2011, 10:28 PM
Mr. B... I got out of the kiddie pool and re-reviewed all 43 pages of this thread...and your work is fantastic! No kidding. I am going thru my modest collection of firearms to see which would be most appropriate for a set of custom grips from your emporium. Beautiful workmanship. :)

Operators are on duty and standing by to take your order

Well that's a little white lie and momma says a little white lie never hurt nobody. We ain't got no operators, and we really don't take orders too good but you figure out a tune and we'll try to sing along.

Make a plan and we'll try to make it happen.

11-08-2011, 10:43 PM
That osage orange is hedge tree is it not, with those big nasty green hedge apples? And those long nasty thorns? You sure can't burn it in a fireplace unless it's totally closed in, the stuff pops like's it's full of firecrackers and throws hot coals everywhere. If you have an enclosed Franklin stove it sure burns nice and hot though. I thought it would be a pretty hard wood. They used the branches for fence posts for a many years. It grows all along the fencelines here where the birds sat on the fence and eliminated the seeds. Usually good pheasant hunting along those hedge tree lines. It's often the only cover for quite a spell. Dad had it all along the edges of his field until he had my uncle bulldoze em all down and burn em up, so he could get a few more rows of crops in. Wish he hadn't done that, really ruined the bird hunting on the farm.

11-08-2011, 10:48 PM
I believe thats what Springer said. Truman or Eisenhower or somebody had lots of them planted in the plains states as hedgerows of some sort.
First I've ever seen it, never heard of it.

When they invented barbwire they used the wood for fence post. I'll have to look and see what a tree looks like.

It is pretty hard, heavy and dense. Got a nice look to it when sanded up pretty.

11-13-2011, 09:01 PM
Boy am I dumb. Working my laptop at my home computer desk and trying to type on the wrong keyboard. Duh?

Here's some pics of a set for Ruf45. The wood started life stabilizing a wobbly table for Tucson. Guess he thought it deserved better in life. Mr. Ruf wanted blonde so I thought they were a good match. Stabilized Box Elder.

I did regular checkering on the angle on the front and skip line on the back. Gives em a little flair. Kind of hard to see the pattern and I'm glad the colors and grain in the wood came right thru.






These will go out in the mail tomorrow Ruf. And Springer, your 2 sets will go out also.

11-13-2011, 09:06 PM
Bawanna Those look great, Really like the color and the way they are
checkered.You do great work

11-13-2011, 09:15 PM
Thank you Ruf, I sure hope you still say that when you try em on about Wednesday or Thursday. I really do.

11-13-2011, 09:19 PM
Iam betting they will just fine.will post pctures when I get
them on.

11-13-2011, 11:37 PM

Some great work you've done.

By the way, you were right about my split grip. The Sig RCS does / did have wooden grips. I'll see what they say and have for me in the morning.

11-13-2011, 11:44 PM

Some great work you've done.

By the way, you were right about my split grip. The Sig RCS does / did have wooden grips. I'll see what they say and have for me in the morning.

I'm sure they will replace them with no hassle at all. We'll work on some awesome grips for it given a little time, so the stock ones can live in a drawer. The factory's are actually putting some dandy looking grips on guns lately though. Some really nice.

11-14-2011, 07:04 AM
Bawanna you have some of that Box Elder left sir? How about some SP101 panels in that in the skip line checkering?

11-14-2011, 10:28 AM
Bawanna you have some of that Box Elder left sir? How about some SP101 panels in that in the skip line checkering?

Now I answered my own question from your PM. I don't have any more of this, they were grip shaped panels to start so nothing left.

I do have some blonde Myrtle wood that looks similar. It isn't stabilized but it should work fine for some SP101 panels. I can do the skip line on it.

Some folks don't like the skip line, your wife must be a classy lady. I like it myself. Most pro checkerers won't do it either, never could figure why, it's not hard to do at all and it's stylish.

11-19-2011, 09:39 PM
Got these from Bawanna a few days ago. Finally had a chance to get
them on today.I think they look great. Gives a old gun some class.
Thanks Bawanna



11-19-2011, 09:46 PM
Look good. Did the ambi safety cut and everything clear properly. I wish I'd known about the mag well funnel, they look great but I would have just covered the pin in the lower rear corner. Ties into the mag funnel a little better.

Do they feel good in your hand?

11-19-2011, 09:59 PM
They fit great,had to do a little work for my thumb gaurd. But was no problem.
They feel really good.

11-19-2011, 10:37 PM
You've had alot done on that gun. I love front strap checkering and it looks good on yours. The front slide serrations, nice. I've seen pictures of those thumb guards but never in person. Can't tell for sure how its attached, I feel kind of dumb.

11-19-2011, 10:41 PM
I did all the work myself. The just sits over the grip screw bushing and the
grip keeps it in place.

11-19-2011, 10:45 PM
Under the grip and over the safety tube?

You checkered the front strap and slide serrations yourself?

Dude I wanna be your good friend.

11-19-2011, 10:49 PM
Yes thats the way it fits. Did it all. Its not really hard ,but takes a lot of time.

11-19-2011, 10:58 PM
I've read about metal checkering and they said it was easier than wood but I ain't buying it. Thread files and needle files on my precious firearms leave permanent marks.

I've often wanted to try but chicken out. BUT I just had a idea. I got a chopped frame that would make a perfect test dummy. I might have to give it a try.

11-19-2011, 11:16 PM
Just get the right files and you shouldnt have a problem,Got mine from brownells.
Getting The frist lines started and squared up was the hardest thing for me.Once
there started it gets easier. just take your time and you will do fine. Practice on that
beat up frame and you will be good to go.

11-20-2011, 07:11 AM
Boy am I dumb. Working my laptop at my home computer desk and trying to type on the wrong keyboard. Duh?

Here's some pics of a set for Ruf45. The wood started life stabilizing a wobbly table for Tucson. Guess he thought it deserved better in life. Mr. Ruf wanted blonde so I thought they were a good match. Stabilized Box Elder.

I did regular checkering on the angle on the front and skip line on the back. Gives em a little flair. Kind of hard to see the pattern and I'm glad the colors and grain in the wood came right thru.






These will go out in the mail tomorrow Ruf. And Springer, your 2 sets will go out also.

I see PINK--again. do u have a fetish for Pink great one???:crazy:

11-20-2011, 11:13 AM
Yes I do and I'm not ashamed to admit it since the hinges broke on the closet door and I can't get it to close.

Pink is associated with chicks, and I dig chicks.

Sadly the plan to score some Koa (pink) fell through so I'm gonna have to find some elsewhere.

11-20-2011, 02:11 PM
Pink:eek: there more red in person,but in low light I see a hint of pink.
they look great so I have no problem with them,whatever color

11-20-2011, 02:13 PM
little joke between bawanna and I. grips look awesome, he makes the best that I have seen..

11-20-2011, 02:51 PM
Truth be told I'm color blind in addition to my long list of other deformitys so it's all pink to me.

11-20-2011, 04:39 PM
Well, as I always say, the first hundred years are better then the next.

11-20-2011, 05:37 PM
God help me, but I love the pink! Absolutely beautiful workmanship... no, artwork.

11-20-2011, 06:09 PM
Well I spent all day today working on some NAA grips for pur4. Was going well, covered in sawdust and all was right with the world.
I get to where they are actually looking like grips and they might even work and the disaster every wood worker fears most!:eek: A fokking ugly crack reared its ugly head. I'm beyond devastated mostly cause I know he's been waiting. Now its gonna be awhile longer.

Go ahead, make my day!




Got started earlier on a grip makeover for jeepster, guess I'll go do that for while and try not to screw up.

11-20-2011, 06:44 PM
I have had one of those for over 25 years, can't remember the last timne I ever shot it though. damn we sold hundreds of them back when I was in the firearm business..

11-26-2011, 12:11 PM
Anybody out there have a set of Smith & Wesson grip medallions. I'm doing a makeover on a set for Jeepster and he wanted some medallions installed. I have 2 or 3 Smith grip sets with medallions but they are in perfect condition and I really hate to knock out the medallions in perfect grips.
If you have a set of beat up and abused grips with decent medallions that would be perfect.
I think the sets I have are for L frames but I'll have to confirm. I'd be willing to swap the perfect grips for the beat up ones with good medallions. I don't need the grips, but hate to butcher em. Ya know.
Sometimes they can be found on auctions and ebay but right now I'm coming up empty.

11-26-2011, 12:43 PM
I have a set of horse head medallions given to me by my great grandfather, Mario buffatono. I might part with them. These grips will get u a free pass anywhere in lower manhattan, and west side chicago. I wear um lkke a necklace when on those two areas..:der:

11-26-2011, 02:52 PM
Anybody out there have a set of Smith & Wesson grip medallions. I'm doing a makeover on a set for Jeepster and he wanted some medallions installed. I have 2 or 3 Smith grip sets with medallions but they are in perfect condition and I really hate to knock out the medallions in perfect grips.
If you have a set of beat up and abused grips with decent medallions that would be perfect.
I think the sets I have are for L frames but I'll have to confirm. I'd be willing to swap the perfect grips for the beat up ones with good medallions. I don't need the grips, but hate to butcher em. Ya know.
Sometimes they can be found on auctions and ebay but right now I'm coming up empty.

Look on GunsAmerica.com. They have J-frame ones for about $35.

11-26-2011, 07:32 PM
Bawanna, over on the S&W forum, they gave out this email address to inquire about S&W grip medallions. dtchb@cox.net (dtchb@cox.net) Hope he is able to help.
Ebay had a set: http://www.ebay.com/itm/SMITH-WESSON-MEDALLIONS-PISTOL-GRIPS-1-PAIR-GD-/200679773396?pt=Collectible_Knives&hash=item2eb97254d4
Here is the link for the page I got those from there were a couple more:

11-26-2011, 08:00 PM
Very cool! Thanks thetmanski. I remember now trying to look from work and the IT people have our computers blocked so we can't look at ebay, there's a way they don't apparently know about but we don't need to go there.
I'm checking it out.

11-27-2011, 05:52 PM
Well another rainy wet day in the NW. Perfect for a man cave weekend.

Here's a makeover I'm working for jeepster's 329PD. He sent a set of aftermarket grips that were rather blah to save me some fitting time. Here they are untouched.

After a bunch of sanding I decided to make them true round butt rather than square as they arrived. I like the round for carry since it's sort of like a bobtail and eliminates that point at the rear of the grip. He also wanted more radical finger grooves which I did but probably not to the point of the sample photo. Here we are so far.



What ever finish was on these is tough and I see I have more to get off. Now I wait to see if I won a set of S&W medallions on ebay, lost 2 so far but I already had a high bid on a third so I didn't try too hard. Ends tomorrow and there are several so I'll get some somehow. Install those and back they go.
Jeepster if your looking let me know how we're doing so far.

11-27-2011, 05:59 PM
Also this weekend to mix things up I started over again on a set of NAA grips after the nasty crack incident last weekend. This time I went with Gaboon Ebony in hopes we would not have another crack. This time things went much more smoothly and they look way better than the first set.
These little buggers are a bugger to handle. Trying to stay small but have enough to hang onto is tough. Fitting so they don't rock is also a challenge or a nightmare depending on the day.
I wish I could remember who these are for. I know I got the PM so I'll have to look. They are for pur4. Sorry I had to look but my memory storage is sorely lacking. Anyhow here they be. Not sure if I'm done or not but I'm very close.



Was gonna start a set of 1911 but it's late afternoon and its back to the sweat shop tomorrow so I might just kick back in the recliner some.

MW surveyor
11-27-2011, 06:11 PM
Dang Bawanna. How many guns do you have? Looks like you've got a "test fit" gun for every grip that you make!

11-27-2011, 07:56 PM
Dang Bawanna. How many guns do you have? Looks like you've got a "test fit" gun for every grip that you make!

Yeah gotta have a gun to fit em too. I got a few.

11-27-2011, 08:42 PM
Hey Bawanna!

Shot one of those NAA "monsters" at the Pima Pistol Club range today, courtesy of a fellow member. It had about the same size grip as the one you are designing and was pleasant to shoot in .22 magnum. I couldn't hit jack schmidt at 10 yards, but it was fun. Thanks to Rob, who seemed to enjoy shooting my PM40. He's thinking about a CW45. I invited him to visit the forum and will remind him in an email later this evening. :)

I couldn't hang onto the thing with the minuscule plastic slab grips on it. No matter how hard I tried it was a shoot and catch scenario.
Jeepster, (I think it was Jeepster) sent me some after market rubber grips that just slip on over the frame. It's still a handful but at least I don't lose it every shot. Mine is just 22 but it's still a little dragon.
I haven't shot these and probably won't have time to before I send them off but they feel like there's enough to hang on to.
I was gonna checker a little section on each side but my boys said they didn't think it was a good idea.
After another hour or so of sanding and polishing I think I'm done so if pur4 could PM me an address I'll send em.

11-28-2011, 06:47 PM
I wanted to post a pic of the grips a gifted craftsman made for my son & I. My photos will not do them the honor they deserve! Thank You Sir!!

11-28-2011, 07:00 PM
Very nice indeed. Thanks for posting those. What did the son think. I never heard?

11-28-2011, 07:27 PM
He doesn't even know about them yet...but I put them in the mail Fri. He should get them this week, we'll see what he thinks.

11-28-2011, 07:44 PM
Well another rainy wet day in the NW. Perfect for a man cave weekend.

Here's a makeover I'm working for jeepster's 329PD. He sent a set of aftermarket grips that were rather blah to save me some fitting time. Here they are untouched.

After a bunch of sanding I decided to make them true round butt rather than square as they arrived. I like the round for carry since it's sort of like a bobtail and eliminates that point at the rear of the grip. He also wanted more radical finger grooves which I did but probably not to the point of the sample photo. Here we are so far.



What ever finish was on these is tough and I see I have more to get off. Now I wait to see if I won a set of S&W medallions on ebay, lost 2 so far but I already had a high bid on a third so I didn't try too hard. Ends tomorrow and there are several so I'll get some somehow. Install those and back they go.
Jeepster if your looking let me know how we're doing so far.

They are looking awesome!:eek: [Those actually are the factory grips the gun comes with. Pretty blahhh, thats why they needed a tuneup.]

11-28-2011, 07:44 PM
Those osage orange grips came out really nice!!! Great work Bawanna!!!

11-28-2011, 08:49 PM
"They are looking awesome! [Those actually are the factory grips the gun comes with. Pretty blahhh, thats why they needed a tuneup."

I just 2 minutes ago won the auction for a pair of them Gold S&W medallions. One other fella thought he was gonna hi jack em from me but I got home just in time to up my bid when he dropped his guard. (somehow they blocked ebay from our work computers, dumb arses!) You gotta get up pretty early in the afternoon to beat ole Bawanna.

I had to go up to 10.25 but I quickly looked and there weren't any others still in the bidding so I went a little more than I wanted to. Any how paid for em and I expect they'll be here in a few days. Hopefully I won't screw em up too bad putting them in.

Hey its not too late. You want me to break out my bedazzler. You can still be the first kid on your block to have bawanna bedazzler grips. Hello Kitty's got nothing on the bawanna bedazzler. Thunder is chomping at the bit for some so this offer won't last long.

11-28-2011, 08:57 PM

11-29-2011, 05:57 PM
I'll take them Bawanna Bedazzlers on my K45 and TK45.

Sent using Tapatalk

11-29-2011, 06:21 PM
I'll take them Bawanna Bedazzlers on my K45 and TK45.

Sent using Tapatalk

I'll put you on the list.

11-29-2011, 07:11 PM
They are looking awesome!:eek: [Those actually are the factory grips the gun comes with. Pretty blahhh, thats why they needed a tuneup.]

for me those grips look absolutely great without any medallions. The plainness of them really gives them class. I think they would even make me a better looking person:crazy:

Humm great one, u must have run out of Pink stain--huh?????

11-29-2011, 08:22 PM
for me those grips look absolutely great without any medallions. The plainness of them really gives them class. I think they would even make me a better looking person:crazy:

Humm great one, u must have run out of Pink stain--huh?????

Well I'm running a little low but I haven't gotten to that point on these yet. I need to order another 100 gallons or so. I think when this bawanna bedazzler craze grabs hold, the pink is gonna be a hot mover.
Note I said mover not seller. I suck at marketing strategy which isn't maybe such a bad thing. None of the Occupy Bawanna's front yard folks in sight or at least in range.

11-29-2011, 08:53 PM
Those grips are really cool. I have never seen any like that. Chalk one more up for the moderator Excellent.

11-29-2011, 09:24 PM
for me those grips look absolutely great without any medallions. The plainness of them really gives them class.

I'm with jocko on this one, those look absolutely fantastic as is, uncle B. Maybe the best I've seen of your work to date, and I'm serious about that. Makes me want a revolver real bad.

I'll put you on the list.

Hopefully not just on the list. But somewhere in the top 10%? Top half? Okay, anywhere on the list works for me.

11-29-2011, 09:35 PM
Hopefully not just on the list. But somewhere in the top 10%? Top half? Okay, anywhere on the list works for me.

How long is that list, anyway?

11-29-2011, 09:47 PM
The list really isn't terribly long but we have to remember I'm a one man band and it don't take much to make me busy.
Revolvers are tough for me. A lot of time in fitting and shaping, not so bad on slab type revolver grips where the inside is pretty simple. These wrap around with finger grooves are tough. I'd be no where near this far if jeepster hadn't sent the base model to start with.
Get alot more done if I didn't have a day job and helping with the wifes fishing lure gig kills most week nights.
We do whay we can.
I did some modification on the little NAA's at pur4's request and I think they look alot better. Lost the hump back and removed the points on the front. I'll post some new pics.
I think a dang cold is trying to take me down so I'm gonna coast tonight and try to kill it with scotch. (the active ingredient in cold medicine).

11-30-2011, 09:28 AM
Well, B, I hope you get that bug knocked down quick. :59:

Well, I ordered a Smith & Wesson Model 638 Bodyguard from Bud's. So I want to officially get on the list for some grips. They come with nice Uncle Mike's Boot Grips, but I would like some genuine Bawanna checkered small round butt wooden grip panels like on the classic Chief's Special. (I was watching Lenny Briscoe on Law & Order the other day using his trusty Chief's Special. What's good enough for Lenny is good enough for me!)

The ones from S&W are laminate. Durable, but I want something in solid wood, rosewood or walnut or something. I'm open to suggestions. (no pink please!)

11-30-2011, 10:09 AM
No pink? Kind of limits things. I'll take care of it jfootin. I'll try to track one down and borrow it so I can make some. Wife ain't buying the I need to buy one of these so I can make some grips story any more. Hasn't bought into that in a long time actually.

11-30-2011, 10:25 AM
Well, Mr B... You should start selling new guns as so many are buying guns just to get your grips on them. You know, cut down the supply chain a bit.

11-30-2011, 10:42 AM
My wife says that would never work. I'd open the box, fall in love and keep them all for myself. Good thought though.
Thought about it years ago but being deaf I'd have a tough time with it I think.

Don K.
11-30-2011, 04:57 PM
all I can say is WOW....If I didn't like the size/weight of my CW9 I'd be tradin up so I too could get a set of BFGE's. (Bawanna's Famous Grip Emporium )

Your skills and this site are awesome!


11-30-2011, 05:45 PM
all I can say is WOW....If I didn't like the size/weight of my CW9 I'd be tradin up so I too could get a set of BFGE's. (Bawanna's Famous Grip Emporium )

Your skills and this site are awesome!


Thanks for the kind words Don both for the site and my skills. Not to worry, I had a tire valve installed in my head so I'll just bleed out a little so I don't get a swelled up head ya know.

Glad you found us. After a bit here I suspect you'll loose the urge to trade and just add to. I've had this condition for many many years and while you never seem to have money in the bank, you got lots of toys to play with. That ain't all bad.

11-30-2011, 05:48 PM
well now u did it DON K!!!

11-30-2011, 06:29 PM
well now u did it DON K!!!

Hey didn't ya read the part about me using the tire valve you sent me with the last equestrian head. I might have to use it again, my head feels like it's gonna explode but I think it's a cold, not showing off or blushing or nothing like that.

12-04-2011, 08:05 PM
OK, some final photo's before the post office.

First at pur4's suggestion I removed the hump on the ebony NAA grips and rounded off the front point that I kind of liked but after mods I think he was right, looks some better. I glass bedded the grips to the frame in hopes of keeping them from moving. I didn't get a chance to shoot it but I think they will work. Out they go tomorrow.



12-04-2011, 08:09 PM
Then a couple shots of jeepster's with the S&W medallions in and final finished. These will go out tomorrow as well.




12-04-2011, 09:01 PM
They look fantastic!

12-04-2011, 09:05 PM
Not sure what the heck happened to the second NAA picture. I redid the second one and it said it was there at preview and then presto slamma jamma it dissapears.

Jeepster I was so proud I remembered to install the S&W pins right side up. I was worried that's I'd space out and put em in upside down or sideways but all is good.

Hope they look good on your 329.

12-08-2011, 12:07 AM

Here's a few shots of grips I like. I need texture or stipling on at least 50% of each grip. I also like some gloss. We can trade PM to decide what to make. THANKS

12-08-2011, 10:23 AM
I am still wishing I could get some for my gun. I love coming to this particular thread. It is my biggest reason why I check back in on this site from time to time. I love to see beautiful guns and I love to see fine craftsmanship. I love to see someone who takes pride in their work and is willing to share his talent with others.


12-08-2011, 10:32 AM
I am still wishing I could get some for my gun. I love coming to this particular thread. It is my biggest reason why I check back in on this site from time to time. I love to see beautiful guns and I love to see fine craftsmanship. I love to see someone who takes pride in their work and is willing to share his talent with others.


What gun you got recoilguy? I'm buttered up enough.

Triggerman I'll start checking my wood and see what we can come up with.

FYI- The NAA grips did not fit pur4's gun. Turns out he has a 22 magnum and apparently the frame is just a tad bigger so the ebony will be coming back to my place.

12-08-2011, 11:01 AM
I have the CZ 75. Look at the Bersa thread I have a couple pics of a few of them there.


12-08-2011, 04:46 PM
Then a couple shots of jeepster's with the S&W medallions in and final finished. These will go out tomorrow as well.







12-08-2011, 04:50 PM
I'm extremely biased in these matters but those grips look awesome on your gun. They got just a touch of flash and blend well with the rest of the gun perfectly.

How do you like the feel of the round butt compared to the square? In the short barreled lighter models I think they are the cats meow. The longer one the square give a bit more stability with the barrel hanging out there.

Damn it, wish my arms were longer and my shoulders in better shape I'd be patting myself on the back.

I know, I know, I'll apply the pressure release valve so I don't float into the stratosphere and risk getting hit my Haley and the Comet's................

12-08-2011, 04:58 PM
They feel great, really good for carrying also, very compact. You may want to quit your day job....you are a true artist! SERIOUSLY :=]

12-08-2011, 04:58 PM
Another great set of grips, Bawanna sugar!

12-08-2011, 05:18 PM
Another great set of grips, Bawanna sugar!

Now I am blushing, she called me sugar. Your my girl.

12-08-2011, 05:20 PM
:wof:You can be her SUGER DADDY.....:w00t:

12-10-2011, 08:13 AM
I can't wait for you to figure out the MK's. !!

12-10-2011, 11:50 AM
I'll bet Bawanna would take a few of those guns he doesn't have in payment for grips! Think of it as a gift to humanity!

12-10-2011, 11:55 AM
I'll bet Bawanna would take a few of those guns he doesn't have in payment for grips! Think of it as a gift to humanity!

Those could be some mighty expensive grips! :eek:

12-10-2011, 03:17 PM
Those could be some mighty expensive grips! :eek:
Or perhaps one for each day of the week.

12-18-2011, 08:59 PM
Here's a set I just now finished on a Colt New Frontier Buntline. For the grandson of an officer at work. He's only shy of two but don't want him to get too late a start. All he gave me was a frame and cylinder pin. I found a cylinder and made the grips. Have some timing issues to work out with the new cylinder????




Made it before Christmas. Barely.

02-20-2012, 06:36 PM
Well I received a couple slabs of Black Micarta from Tucson or maybe MWSurveyor? I think Tucson but little matter. Damn nice who ever sent it.

Soooo, I decided to experiment with it this week and turn it into something. I soon found out its next to impossible to checker with conventional checkering hand tools, I suspect a power checkering machine would do it real nice.

So I tried the starburst style that Wilson has sold for quite awhile.
I'll try to post these pics in the right sequence of events.

I started with just the grooves, then son suggested the little radiused groove which didn't really blow my dress up. Too blah........

So I took some Osage Orange left over from another pair and inlaid that.

Still got mixed emotions on it but it livened it up some. They feel good in the hand. I'm gonna track down some more Micarta and try something similar only thin.

*Note to self- order a slim bushing tool. Every time I pull my slim bushings I screw up at least one. Oh order more bushings too.

Feel free to run suggestions and gentle criticism, you know how sensitive I am.

Also I put lazy aside and broke out the tripod. Not sure if it helped much but I gave it a whirl. Started to remove Mrs Bawanna's photo but realized like some place where they have their dog in the photo for authenticity, I left her for authenticity. Not that I'm like comparing Mrs Bawanna to a dog or anything. When the hole starts getting deep, stop digging.

02-20-2012, 06:40 PM
It's beautiful work Boss. I am partial to your first couple of shots before the inlay. I just like the monchromatic contrast between the frame and the all black grip.

02-20-2012, 07:27 PM
Wow...You mean you had some of my Osage Orange left over??? Kinda grows on you doesn't it? Just gets better with wear. Good job!

02-20-2012, 09:30 PM
Wow...You mean you had some of my Osage Orange left over??? Kinda grows on you doesn't it? Just gets better with wear. Good job!

I was trying to remember who you were Springer. You never did tell me what your son thought about them grips. I got enough to start over if he ain't happy.

I gotta keep better notes, I get all you guys mixed up all the time.

MW surveyor
02-21-2012, 02:39 AM
I knew that I sent them to the right home.

Good job on the bench clean up and also for leaving Mrs. Bawanna's photo :)

02-21-2012, 06:55 PM
He's got them on and loves them. Hang on to whats left and use it as needed, you do GREAT work. Just save enough if you get the MK thing worked out...I want some! Thanks and keep showing us the new stuff....

02-21-2012, 07:16 PM
I will be in line for MK9 grips... just PM me with the word that you are on it... !!


02-21-2012, 08:35 PM
Hmm...I like them with the inlay. It looks like sunshine!

02-21-2012, 10:38 PM
Hmm...I like them with the inlay. It looks like sunshine!

Thanks Melissa. Today or the morning after I felt they were just too thick and bulky so I broke out the files and took off all the sun rays, so they are smooth with the inlay. I think I'll try to put the sun rays back maybe this weekend.

I was so focused on the grooves and new stuff that I didn't work on the thickness enough.

The stuff is hard to work, very tough.

I'll post some more pics after the next modification.

02-24-2012, 02:35 PM
hey bawanna, i am looking for some grips for a ruger super blackhawk 357MAX. i inherited this from my father in law when he passed and think a set of white grips would suit it/his style better. i dont want synthetic grips and was actually considering having some carved from a piece of a birch tree from the yard of his cottage. is this in your ballpark? any ideas gripman?

02-24-2012, 02:40 PM
It's beautiful work Boss. I am partial to your first couple of shots before the inlay. I just like the monchromatic contrast between the frame and the all black grip.

wherein the hell did u come up with the big word tinman MONCHROMATIC:popcorn:

02-24-2012, 02:43 PM
Thanks Melissa. Today or the morning after I felt they were just too thick and bulky so I broke out the files and took off all the sun rays, so they are smooth with the inlay. I think I'll try to put the sun rays back maybe this weekend.

I was so focused on the grooves and new stuff that I didn't work on the thickness enough.

The stuff is hard to work, very tough.

I'll post some more pics after the next modification.

the reworked grips I can say I like them better. This sun rays stuff IMO just did not go with the gun. maybe for some woman:blah::blah:

but I think they would laugh ur or should I say roll u right out of ur Just sayin.

02-24-2012, 02:49 PM
wherein the hell did u come up with the big word tinman MONCHROMATIC:popcorn:

Vanna, I'd like to buy a vowel and a spacebar for Jocko please?

02-24-2012, 02:52 PM
I think I might resembl3e that remark!! Ihave to think on it for awhile. she still tend sto get alittle flutter out of my putter:blah:

02-24-2012, 02:53 PM
hey bawanna, i am looking for some grips for a ruger super blackhawk 357MAX. i inherited this from my father in law when he passed and think a set of white grips would suit it/his style better. i dont want synthetic grips and was actually considering having some carved from a piece of a birch tree from the yard of his cottage. is this in your ballpark? any ideas gripman?

That's probably doable. Birch works well on rifle stocks so it should be fine on a grip. You'd want to cut it and let it dry awhile to make sure it's done moving.
I have some Myrtle Wood which is pretty blonde. A special piece from his yard might be kind of cool though.

I think the Max is the same frame as the 357 and I have one of those.

I still got a set on the bench I'm playing with for Jimbar. They take a little effort to get them to fit right. I'm getting lazy I guess and when I get frustrated I set em aside and do something else. I get frustrated alot lately.

02-24-2012, 03:24 PM
That's probably doable. Birch works well on rifle stocks so it should be fine on a grip. You'd want to cut it and let it dry awhile to make sure it's done moving.
I have some Myrtle Wood which is pretty blonde. A special piece from his yard might be kind of cool though.
I think the Max is the same frame as the 357 and I have one of those.
I still got a set on the bench I'm playing with for Jimbar. They take a little effort to get them to fit right. I'm getting lazy I guess and when I get frustrated I set em aside and do something else. I get frustrated alot lately.

nice, no rush, let me know. my wife & i own the cottage now and i trimmed the tree last fall and saved the wood. figure itll be nice to use it and even considered taking a try myself but havent had the time and whenever i look through this thread i admire your work. i could always send you the original ruger grips with the wood to make it easier too. like i said tho, no rush, let me know

04-01-2012, 09:31 PM
Had to sort thru to page 15 of the General Discussion threads to find my emporium. I'm apparently slacking although it don't seem like it.

I whittle out some Sanchex Rosewood this weekend and inlaid a Navy Chiefs pin for an officer at work who is a Chief (who'd a thunk) and is going to retire from the Navy reserves later this year.

For your viewing pleasure.