View Full Version : Come Into Bawanna's Famous Grip Emporium
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04-01-2014, 06:24 AM
04-01-2014, 06:33 AM
I imagine that using an opti visor would be better than a magnifier on a stand, because with the magnifier you would be glancing back and forth from your field of work and your eyes would have to adjusts every time. The visor would be in your field of view all the time.
BUT it would mess up my hair!!! LOL
04-01-2014, 09:53 AM
Hair is becoming less and less of an issue with me anymore. The opti visor is the ticket. I can position it so I can look under it to grab another tool etc. I also had a little TV, don't work as a TV but it plays video's.
When I find myself waking up with my face in the sawdust I plug in a movie. It hurts production some since I end up watching the movie but at least I don't nap with my face in the dust.
04-04-2014, 07:49 AM
beautiful work
04-06-2014, 11:35 PM
Man, Bawanna I sure do wish I'd have bought a model you could make me some grips. Your grips are gorgeous. Hey, I just had a bunch of timber cut and the stumps pushed up. A lot were maple , wild cherry, and some ash. Well and lot of pine but I don't reckon those are worth anything. Would the stumps have any cool looking grains in them or is it just burls I should look for. Gonna have to do it soon I've got to burn the brush piles to plant grass.
04-06-2014, 11:43 PM
Man, Bawanna I sure do wish I'd have bought a model you could make me some grips. Your grips are gorgeous. Hey, I just had a bunch of timber cut and the stumps pushed up. A lot were maple , wild cherry, and some ash. Well and lot of pine but I don't reckon those are worth anything. Would the stumps have any cool looking grains in them or is it just burls I should look for. Gonna have to do it soon I've got to burn the brush piles to plant grass.
I really can't say for sure. I know there are several varieties of Maple and some can be pretty cool and others not so much, don't know about Cherry.
I suspect it would be a lot of work to get pieces of it out, if it was burl or we knew it had some nice figure in it, it would definitely be worth the effort, they charge a ton for good wood.
I remember burning stumps and clearing trees. My whole place was solid woods. Did it mostly by hand until the end when I had a back hoe for a bit. Then I got hurt and the neighbor who runs a dump truck called in the cavalry and cleared a huge stump pile that I'd been working on for a couple years. Cleared, graded and ready for grass.
You find something that takes wood grips, I'll fix ya up. Gotta be something I got or can borrow. I can usually find most stuff.
04-07-2014, 02:47 PM
Cherry can have some beautiful grain, split them before you burn them!
04-10-2014, 10:41 PM
Thanks for the info gents. I'll have to keep my eyes open maybe I will find some gems. I do have a P90 my Dad left me I don't think he would mind if I altered it. In fact we used to restore antique furniture together the more I think about it I think he'd be proud. How do you think it would look with some nice wood grain?
04-10-2014, 11:15 PM
Everything looks good with nice wood. I've not looked at a P90 very close so I don't know what the grip is actually like.
Seems like they are pretty thin? If they are too thin sometimes wood doesn't always work.
04-11-2014, 03:52 PM
Not sure I'll have to take them off and break out the micrometer. Hey I almost forgot I also have an AMT Backup .380. haven't carried it in awhile. Also just thought ever done them for a Super BlackHawk have one of those in Stainless 44Mag too, she was actually the first handgun I bought. She'd be awful pretty with wood grips. I'm gonna have to look around the brush piles next day I get to feelin good.
04-11-2014, 04:23 PM
We must live in different universes, I don't have any of those 3 guns. You'd think I'd have at least 1 out of 3 but NOOOOOOO.
I'll have to network a bit and see if anybody around me has a Red Hawk or a AMT Backup.
Most of your brush pile wood would need a long drying time or time in a kiln before it would be suitable for a grip. It does funny stuff as it dries.
I got some wood, if we come up with a candidate match we can figure something out.
04-11-2014, 04:55 PM
I keep coming to this thread just to look at the great work done by Bawanna......It truly amazes me. Those are some of the finest hand made hand gun accesories I have seen.
I just keep looking here.
Just signed in for the first time in a year and a half and was glad to see this thread still kicking around. Some great work do you make them for CZ 75's yet?
04-11-2014, 05:21 PM
I still don't have a CZ75 but it is one of the ones on my want list. I don't know of anyone locally that has one to borrow either.
If I had a positive number bank account I'd go buy one right now and get to whittlin.
04-16-2014, 08:34 AM
Colonel, I'm looking into some retro USAAF grips for my Citadel Officer, using the Hap Arnold star instead of the modern USAF emblem commercially available. Is this doable, cut into the wood?
04-16-2014, 10:37 AM
You want it carved into the wood? I don't have much carving talent sadly. Is there a lapel pin or anything like that, that we could inlay into the grip.
I might try playing a bit and see what I can do. Not sure how well it would show up.
Bawanna did some grips for me as well. He does AWESOME work! Nice job on those grips Bawanna. You missed your calling! Everyone should visit Bawanna's Grip Emporioum ;-)
04-16-2014, 01:33 PM
You want it carved into the wood? I don't have much carving talent sadly. Is there a lapel pin or anything like that, that we could inlay into the grip.
I might try playing a bit and see what I can do. Not sure how well it would show up.
I hand't considered inlaying an enamel pin, or even just a cast metal pin, that might look pretty sweet. I did consider getting smooth grips, applying a decal if I can find one, and clearcoating it.
It looks like Alumagrip will laser etch a design for a hundred bucks.
04-16-2014, 02:34 PM
Grips out of aluminum!? Is that even legal? Blasphemy!
I did look at the site and the first thing I noticed was those blasphemous grips for double stack Para's. That might be nice. Those are the ones that started it all for me.
Nobody would make em for my LDA P14 Para, so I made my own. They have to be wicked thin though. Aluminum might be nice being that thin.
04-16-2014, 03:41 PM
Bawanna did some grips for me as well. He does AWESOME work! Nice job on those grips Bawanna. You missed your calling! Everyone should visit Bawanna's Grip Emporioum ;-)
what color were ur grips??? Just sayin./ I know he is very fond of PINK. :Amflag2:
04-16-2014, 06:51 PM
You bet he can inlay a pin! He's done the last two sets of grips for the Surplus Rifle Forum auctions, and they were gorgeous!
04-25-2014, 06:57 PM
I still don't have a CZ75 but it is one of the ones on my want list. I don't know of anyone locally that has one to borrow either.
If I had a positive number bank account I'd go buy one right now and get to whittlin.
I have a P-01 that you can borrow for a month if you wanted to make a bunch of grips for them. As for the bigger pistol, I do not. It is on my short list however.
06-01-2014, 06:16 PM
I generally don't like a checkered backstrap but a fella insisted. It's not bad.
These were new from Kahr. I just slimmed them down and checkered them. ( ( ( ( (
06-01-2014, 06:27 PM
other than looking ery Pink which I know is ur trademark. U did a damn good job. I like a checkered backstrap, more for looks than functionality, but u did a nice job on those grips.
Hint: Try some Birchwood walnut stain. Just sayin
a ported K40, I would bet that is one nice shooter.:59:
06-01-2014, 06:39 PM
Great job!
06-01-2014, 06:48 PM
Fantastical job, well done, great look'n.
I tried checkering, then gave my tools to a friend that could make'm work.
06-01-2014, 08:20 PM
other than looking ery Pink which I know is ur trademark. U did a damn good job. I like a checkered backstrap, more for looks than functionality, but u did a nice job on those grips.
Hint: Try some Birchwood walnut stain. Just sayin
a ported K40, I would bet that is one nice shooter.:59:
I thought about the stain, these usually just get darker with time and handling. Some don't want them too dark so I'm in turmoil as to weather to stain them or not.
I as a rule hate stain. It's like a box of chocolate, ya never know what your gonna get.
06-01-2014, 10:59 PM
I have done some woodworking. I choose the wood to match the look I want and it protect with clear finish. If I wanted to use stain, I'd just use pine.
06-03-2014, 07:06 PM
Great job as always!
08-21-2014, 12:18 PM
Haven't been here for awhile..............
Here's a MK9 set I just did for jgiord. I did the backstrap again as it felt kind of nice on the first set awhile ago. Thought I'd use him as a guinea pig and see if it works. These were from scratch and miraculously they fit his gun but it was a close thing. Still some fitting issues going on.
He indicated he'll be needing some longer screws so I sent him some. I can't comprehend why that would be. Has to be a minor frame variation somewhere. ( ( (
08-21-2014, 07:20 PM
Looking good from here!
08-21-2014, 10:11 PM
man bawanna you have some serious skills brother... and I thought you were limited to baby swingy thinga majiggys...
I make knives and really wished I could do that diamond pattern you have going...
08-21-2014, 10:17 PM
man bawanna you have some serious skills brother... and I thought you were limited to baby swingy thinga majiggys...
I make knives and really wished I could do that diamond pattern you have going...
I only done one baby swingy thinga majiggy, done a few pistol grips and a couple knife handles. Actually been checkering a lot of knife handles lately.
Speaking of babies we're waiting. Should be any moment now. Guess she had some contradictions last night but they stopped.
Hope she has it soon. We had to go in after all 3 of ours. I told the doc to put in a zipper instead of stitches. He loved the concept but didn't make it work.
08-21-2014, 10:21 PM
Contradictions... :-). Mrs b4 and I have those all the time. Best wishes.
08-22-2014, 06:38 AM
Praying for you all here.
08-22-2014, 10:40 AM
Branching out a little bit. Did some scratching on a fella's Bowie knives. Water Buffalo Horn. Checkers pretty nice. Hard stuff but clean. ( ( ( (
Guess man can't live by pistol handles alone???
08-22-2014, 12:04 PM
^^^ you checkered the pins? How'd you manage that? Great work!
08-22-2014, 12:15 PM
They are aluminum so the cutters walked through it to start and then I just used a needle file so I didn't wear out the cutters. Wasn't too bad.
The work you did on those knives looks great.
08-22-2014, 12:23 PM
08-22-2014, 06:04 PM
those almost look like Himalayan Imports, but..... not so much..
you're killing me here.... I assume you have a cnc or some high tech milling thing going on out in the garage??
at first I thought you were widdling with a butter knife and a finger nail file... :)
08-22-2014, 06:29 PM
those almost look like Himalayan Imports, but..... not so much..
you're killing me here.... I assume you have a cnc or some high tech milling thing going on out in the garage??
at first I thought you were widdling with a butter knife and a finger nail file... :)
They are in fact Himilayan Import Bowies. When I'm not here (I'm always here) I'm there. My fellow moderator and distant partner in crime planted the kuhkri seed a couple years back and while he found the cure apparently I'm still obsessed.
The two larger ones have been in their line for a long time. I wanted a smaller version that I could carry on my belt every day. So I contacted the nice lady (Nepalese) who runs the show and she had some made up to my drawings. It's a great little knife.
Many refer to it as the bawanna bowie or the IBBB. Itty Bitty Bawanna Bowie. Officially I think it's the Micro Mini AK Bowie.
I wear one every day. She had 18 made in first batch and they sold in one day. A second batch with a handle one inch longer for big hands sold nearly as quickly.
No milling machine, no butter knife, a lot like a finger nail file.
Look at it as one line at a time and not the big picture.
08-22-2014, 11:21 PM
No milling machine, no butter knife, a lot like a finger nail file.
Look at it as one line at a time and not the big picture.
wow... im seriously blown away !!!! I stand corrected, I'm not to familiar with the new kamis marks, and didn't see the other side of the blade for the ub..
are you talking about auntie yangdu ???
08-23-2014, 12:29 AM
Yes indeed. Nice lady and I consider her a friend. Met her last summer. Chatted with her this morning.
09-01-2014, 02:43 PM
Well I once again branched out a little bit and play with some Elk Antler a bit.
Sort of eased into it when another fella offered his bowie with a badly connected handle for a guinea pig. His turned out so nice to my minds eye that I jumped right into my own.
I'm really happy with how they turned out. Challenging but not nearly as tough to work with as the ivory etc.
Photo evidence. Mine is in the foreground with full coverage on the handle. I left the tang like original on the guinea pig but can easily shorten that a bit if the owner prefers. ( ( ( ( ( ( (
09-01-2014, 03:49 PM
Very nice indeed! The last time I tried to do that with antler the dang antler was 1/2 hollow.:( Have not tried it since.
Really enjoy see'n yer work!:biggrin1:
09-01-2014, 04:10 PM
Man those look good. Makes me want to take up a new hobby but I have no time.
09-01-2014, 07:29 PM
Fabulous job on those! Love the look on the Commander.
10-13-2014, 12:27 PM
I have a full sized SP-01 and compact P-01 if you still want to borrow them Col.
10-13-2014, 12:30 PM
So, I'm surfing on another forum and see some work that I think has had a familiar hand to it. I scroll down a little more and find that I am correct in that.
Bawanna's been holding out on us:
Photo credit: posted by Bookie here:
It seems he's added engraving to his repertoire as well:
(again Bookie's photo)
Well done Sir!
10-13-2014, 12:45 PM
Bookie is a heck of a guy and another very good friend that I've never met. He was a Huey Gunship pilot in Vietnam. Also built 400 black powder rifles the old fashioned way with no electricity complete including making his own barrels.
If you google Vietnam razorbacks you see him all over the place, wrote a book. He just sent me a copy, they are long out of print apparently.
Another fella over there made a really nice leather sheath for it and we put it together and sent it to him.
Engraving still is a long way from being in my repertoire. It was kind of scary to me on that part. Kind of a don't screw up, don't screw up, don't screw up kind of thing.
Thanks for the post Greg, I try not to get the two forums mixed up and neglect to sometimes put stuff that may interest each other.
10-13-2014, 01:06 PM
You're welcome Bawanna and really well done on that knife. Pugs75's work also looks top notch.
I agree that Bookie seems to be a heck of a guy. I've seen his posts elsewhere and his website: a few folks here might enjoy some of that: (
10-13-2014, 06:13 PM
If anyone is interested in one of these small bowies just shoot me a PM and I'll hook you up.
I know there are about 25 or so available last time I checked. If you want it rehandled I know somebody that can do that too.
10-13-2014, 07:56 PM
Gorgeous work as always!
Big bird
10-26-2014, 04:11 PM
11-11-2014, 07:54 PM
This thread has gone a little dormant, I suspect with winter coming on I might get a little more stuff done.
I just whittle this set out for Glockrocker. He sent me the slabs of Amboyna Burl, pretty stuff. Hopefully he'll find them acceptable.
I'll give them another day or so, might put one more coat of finish on them, but the 5 or 6 coats on there now might be enough.
For your viewing pleasure. ( ( ( (
And a little multi tasking in between sawdust sessions. (
11-11-2014, 08:18 PM
Wow! They really came out looking good Col.B
11-11-2014, 08:21 PM
All I can say is WOW! Those are absolutely gorgeous. You just made my day Bawanna. Now I gotta find a holster worthy of sporting them. I'm thinking Ostrich or Gator!
11-11-2014, 09:23 PM
Check out Galco too! Excellent job as always B, and the grandbaby is a perfectly acceptable reason to take a break!
11-12-2014, 07:44 AM
Beautiful grips....................did you notice that you both have the same hair:rolleyes:
11-12-2014, 07:51 AM
That is some beautiful wood there.
11-12-2014, 09:53 AM
Very nice! Including the distraction. :angel:
11-12-2014, 01:20 PM
Beautiful grips....................did you notice that you both have the same hair:rolleyes:
And the dog has the same mustache!
11-12-2014, 03:36 PM
Here's a set I made for Pappy42 quite awhile back. I asked him to post some pics in the Veterans day thread but he didn't do so. I liked them enough that I wanted to post them.
I just did the grips, (hippo tooth, incredibly tough stuff let me tell ya) and he then had them scrimshawed.
Turned out incredibly nice I thought. ( (
Hadn't heard from him in quite a spell but I tried an old email address and gosh durned if he didn't get back to me within minutes. Just happened to be Veterans day too which was so fitting.
11-13-2014, 12:00 PM
Those are very cool Colonel. Got to admit, first time I ever heard of Hippo tooth grips. I bet those were a beast to cut and shape. Very unique!
11-18-2014, 03:53 PM
My new Bawanna Custom Grips made it home today. Can't quit looking at them! Here's some pics with my Kimber sporting them. Thanks Colonel!
11-18-2014, 06:30 PM
Your most welcome sir. They look really good.
11-18-2014, 08:41 PM
As always, they turn a gun into gunporn!
11-18-2014, 10:55 PM
Those look good.
11-25-2014, 09:21 PM
Here's a set fresh off the bench. Made from the second set of slabs that Glockrocker sent me.
Fella I made em for wanted them a little thicker than standard, people usually want them thinner but oh well.
I lost the little tag but I think it's box elder burl, pretty stuff. ( ( (
01-18-2015, 08:14 PM
Been sidetracked of late but whittle out another set of 1911 grips. Stabilized Birdseye Maple. For not doing any for awhile they went well, pretty much done in one day. A good day. ( ( ( (
01-18-2015, 09:11 PM
Those are beautiful. They look great on that Ruger too...
01-18-2015, 09:22 PM
Wow, you really do have a talent at woodworking! Very, very nice work.
01-19-2015, 09:30 AM
Those are beautiful. They look great on that Ruger too...
I agree...on both counts:)
01-19-2015, 12:41 PM
Not bad, not bad at all! I still like the ones you made for me better. Don't need another gun but wish I had one just to get another set of beautiful hand carved grips of yours. Wonder if you could carve wood colored Kydex that could be laminated to those poly frames? Now that would be something!
01-19-2015, 01:41 PM
Not bad, not bad at all! I still like the ones you made for me better. Don't need another gun but wish I had one just to get another set of beautiful hand carved grips of yours. Wonder if you could carve wood colored Kydex that could be laminated to those poly frames? Now that would be something!
I've been thinking of late that you need a new set for dad's Colt, those are getting vintage and the grips that started this whole emporium thing.
I might have to see if I still have the soft wood models you sent up so I can make another set. I know I got it somewhere, I see it all the time.
I've often though it I could come up with a way to put wood grips on a Glock without making it even fatter than it is I'd die a very rich man, or at least a very busy man, me and rich don't seem to be getting any closer as time goes by.
01-19-2015, 07:34 PM
While I don't much care for Bird's Eye Maple, once again you have made a fantastic set of grips!
Well done!
01-20-2015, 08:22 PM
I've been thinking of late that you need a new set for dad's Colt, those are getting vintage and the grips that started this whole emporium thing.
I might have to see if I still have the soft wood models you sent up so I can make another set. I know I got it somewhere, I see it all the time.
I've often though it I could come up with a way to put wood grips on a Glock without making it even fatter than it is I'd die a very rich man, or at least a very busy man, me and rich don't seem to be getting any closer as time goes by.
I haven't taken dad's Colt out of the safe for a long time, probably aught too just to look at it. I don't need new grips but if you were to make new ones I'd want a little more slope on the outside of the release barrier, maybe with a little bit of thumb ridge. All that's just for looks as it shoots fine. I think you just want the first set back for the Bawanna Grip Museum. I look at those pics now and then and zoom in on the hand cuts. They look like diamonds and I'm still very impressed.
03-17-2015, 02:12 PM
After careful deliberation, I threw caution to the wind and did a bobtail job on my beloved Remington R1 last night.
It was an off day, I was tired, I knew the timing was totally wrong but me and patience plus the fact that the wife forgot to bring home fishing lures to assemble gave me the night in the man cave.
It was with bobtail or Dancing With the Stars and those dance outfits on the ladies just drive me nuts ya know.
Some would say I've ruined the gun for resale but it's mine and I don't ever figure in resale. I'm a buyer not a seller ya know.
Anyhow, all I got at the moment is a cell phone pic. New phone I'm too stupid to know how to work but I think I got it done. Technology and me don't belong in the same sentence.
Anyhow, here she be. (
I believe I sweated more doing this one than I did on the first one. Bluing turned out semi ok, I still have a little reshaping to do to make it 100 percent but the scary part is done. I spent more time putting the gun back together than I did on the hack saw.
For some reason the 3 fingered spring on this thing is just a pig to put in. Took me at least 6 attempts and over an hour to get it right. No problem with the others, I get it eventually. Last time I thought I had it figured out but alas it was not the case.
Old Lincoln, kind of give me a better description of this thumb safety your talking about.
Just on top or not as pronounced or what?
03-17-2015, 02:35 PM
Awesome job Col. B. That looks great! You increased the value in my book.
03-17-2015, 03:11 PM
After careful deliberation, I threw caution to the wind and did a bobtail job on my beloved Remington R1 last night.
It was an off day, I was tired, I knew the timing was totally wrong but me and patience plus the fact that the wife forgot to bring home fishing lures to assemble gave me the night in the man cave.
It was with bobtail or Dancing With the Stars and those dance outfits on the ladies just drive me nuts ya know.
Some would say I've ruined the gun for resale but it's mine and I don't ever figure in resale. I'm a buyer not a seller ya know.
Anyhow, all I got at the moment is a cell phone pic. New phone I'm too stupid to know how to work but I think I got it done. Technology and me don't belong in the same sentence.
Anyhow, here she be. (
I believe I sweated more doing this one than I did on the first one. Bluing turned out semi ok, I still have a little reshaping to do to make it 100 percent but the scary part is done. I spent more time putting the gun back together than I did on the hack saw.
For some reason the 3 fingered spring on this thing is just a pig to put in. Took me at least 6 attempts and over an hour to get it right. No problem with the others, I get it eventually. Last time I thought I had it figured out but alas it was not the case.
Old Lincoln, kind of give me a better description of this thumb safety your talking about.
Just on top or not as pronounced or what?
Well Done I'd say, and I'm picky as hell! :yo:
03-17-2015, 04:11 PM
Colonel, everything about that gun is drop dead gorgeous: the thumb safety, the hammer, the short beavertail, your bob-job...and of course those grips!!! Color me extremely jealous. :D
03-17-2015, 05:27 PM
Greg was mighty helpful on that hammer install. I really like it.
Thanks for kind words.
I'm gonna lock that Ruger up and forget the combo so I don't end up hacksawing a corner of it. I'm two for two, I know I'll screw up the third one for sure.
03-17-2015, 07:47 PM
Give yourself credit, that is an excellent job. Well done!
03-17-2015, 09:24 PM
It really looks great. Pics like that make me want another 1911.
03-17-2015, 10:58 PM
Awesome job Col. B. That looks great! You increased the value in my book.
I agree with ghat statement. Its now a custom gun.
03-17-2015, 11:07 PM
Someone needs to fill in for jocko so here it goes...:
"Lokks ok for a foking hundrd year old POS gun that shoots bullets so slo even ole jocko could get out of ther way. you need to get a real gun in 9mm."
I miss the old joker. someone go pull him out of hooters and tell him to get back on line. Wasn't he down near CJB or Wynn somewhere?
03-18-2015, 11:26 PM
Well done Bawanna...very well done indeed.
03-19-2015, 07:38 AM
Someone needs to fill in for jocko so here it goes...:
"Lokks ok for a foking hundrd year old POS gun that shoots bullets so slo even ole jocko could get out of ther way. you need to get a real gun in 9mm."
I miss the old joker. someone go pull him out of hooters and tell him to get back on line. Wasn't he down near CJB or Wynn somewhere?
That's not bad but something still lacking in the attitude.
03-21-2015, 03:14 PM
I took this Remington apart again this morning and did a little more fine tuning. When I did it originally I left the frame just a couple nano's high and one could feel the edge running your finger over it. One of the detectives at work has a bionic eye and sensitive hands and he picked up on it right away so today I fixed it.
I also think at long last I figured out how to put the main spring in on this thing without taking 6 attempts and a bajillion cuss jocko words.
Of course had to touch up the bluing again after more filing. I think we're ready for rotation now.
A couple more pics. ( (
My afternoon mission now is to whittle on some SP101 grips for those that was interested when I got my Surveyors mixed up. We'll see how it goes.
03-21-2015, 07:12 PM
That is one handsome warhorse!
03-22-2015, 09:54 PM
Started on some SP101 grip inserts today. Kind of tricky little buggers with not a lot to hang onto when filing and shaping and so forth but making progress.
The colorful ones are some sort of plastic, I think it was Armybrat sent me along with a bunch of mesquite and other wood.
Been anxious to play with it, it's like a box of chocolate, ya don't know what your gonna get until you get inside.
Right pretty stuff. (
Big Sexy
03-23-2015, 01:28 PM
Hey, Bawanna... I'm a fairly new member here, and I just now stumbled on this thread. You do very nice work, sir!
I've been on a custom grip kick lately with my own pistols, and have recently been trying my hand at making my own wood grips. So, from what I've learned from this experience, I really respect the work you've done!
03-23-2015, 02:39 PM
Welcome to the fold. You look at a grip a little differently when you whittled it out yourself, that's for sure.
03-30-2015, 05:49 PM
Started on some SP101 grip inserts today. Kind of tricky little buggers with not a lot to hang onto when filing and shaping and so forth but making progress.
The colorful ones are some sort of plastic, I think it was Armybrat sent me along with a bunch of mesquite and other wood.
Been anxious to play with it, it's like a box of chocolate, ya don't know what your gonna get until you get inside.
Right pretty stuff. (
Hey Bawana, That there Mica Pearl looks right familiar;) I can't wait to see what you do with it.:cool:
03-30-2015, 06:59 PM
It's neat stuff, like I mentioned ya don't know what your gonna get till you get inside.
I got you mixed up, thought it was Armybrat that sent it, but it was you what sent this and all that mesquite and some others. Haven't done much with it yet but it's setting where I can see it from the bench all the time, so it's time is a comin.
03-31-2015, 10:39 AM
You should still have a bunch of Mesquite from that log I sent you too. It makes mighty fine grips.
03-31-2015, 11:47 AM
I do indeed and I have it stacked neatly so it don't warp or do funny stuff and a true log it was.
Thanks for stopping by, you don't visit often these days.
Paging Mr. Bawanna....! Paging Mr. Bawanna....!
Would like to discuss you making a set of grip panels for my SP101. I will shoot (no pun intended) you a PM!
04-12-2015, 11:18 PM (
Damn! Note to self, Mica don't stretch like wood. Enlarge holes and glue in eschutions.
04-16-2015, 10:05 AM
Sorry that I didn't warn you about that. I gave some of that stuff to my shooting buddy and he made a great looking pair for his Kimber 1911 and one of the grip holes was a fraction off and after 5 rounds it cracked. He liked the way they looked so much he put a thin piece of aluminum behind both grip panels glued it down, He still has them on his pistol you can't hardly see the metal or the crack. He's happy
04-16-2015, 10:10 AM
Sorry that I didn't warn you about that. I gave some of that stuff to my shooting buddy and he made a great looking pair for his Kimber 1911 and one of the grip holes was a fraction off and after 5 rounds it cracked. He liked the way they looked so much he put a thin piece of aluminum behind both grip panels glued it down, He still has them on his pistol you can't hardly see the metal or the crack. He's happy
I did the same thing with one of my first sets of poorly stablilized slabs. The guy must not have his formula right and they were quite brittle. They were destined for our much loved and admired JohnH here. Thank goodness I decided to go shoot with them before I sent them, they cracked in the middle after about 3 shots.
I've found another place that does it right, don't get them very often, expensive but they are bomb proof.
These pieces aren't quite large enough for a 1911 grip but should work fine for the SP101 things or inserts. If I do any smaller autos I'll heed your advice and put some backing on it.
07-07-2015, 08:35 PM
I like to add another one of Bawanna's masterpiece collection to this thread, Thanks Colonel
07-07-2015, 11:07 PM
I'm glad that worked out airny. The planets aligned and it worked out fine.
08-10-2015, 10:58 PM
Bawanna's grips make my kimber 1911. Its that simple. Will never take them off. I really want to have a b-tail done on it and have him make a new set for the B-tail. but I cannot find anyone that does this work locally. Any suggestions where to send it? The gun shoots so well as it not sure I want to f with it.
08-11-2015, 12:09 AM
It's super easy to modify grips for a bobtail, in fact I often times put bobtail grips on a standard frame they work and look just fine.
If your willing PM me, I'll bobtail your Kimber. I've done 3 now and haven't lost a patient yet, course yours could be the first.
I think the main spring housing is like 75 bucks give or take and that's all we need. I'm hankering to bobtail one more, my MRI 1911C, just need the 75 or 80 bucks for the mainspring housing. Already got a good hacksaw blade and my bible (pays to pray some beforehand) still has a lot of miles in it.
Wait.....the serial number is on the frame right? That messes us up on shipping.
If your willing shoot me a PM and we'll figure it out.
08-11-2015, 12:25 PM
It's super easy to modify grips for a bobtail, in fact I often times put bobtail grips on a standard frame they work and look just fine.
If your willing PM me, I'll bobtail your Kimber. I've done 3 now and haven't lost a patient yet, course yours could be the first.
I think the main spring housing is like 75 bucks give or take and that's all we need. I'm hankering to bobtail one more, my MRI 1911C, just need the 75 or 80 bucks for the mainspring housing. Already got a good hacksaw blade and my bible (pays to pray some beforehand) still has a lot of miles in it.
Wait.....the serial number is on the frame right? That messes us up on shipping.
If your willing shoot me a PM and we'll figure it out.
do you have the jigs for relocating the main spring housing pin or is that included when purchasing a new main spring housing? Also, do you think that the stainless steel on the kimber will look different where the frame was ground compared to the rest of the chassis?
08-11-2015, 12:52 PM
I have the jig, it is not included, in fact it cost near as much as the mainspring housing itself. But I only use it as a guideline.
You need a really good drill press to effectively use the jig.
I got best results using my 25' Stanley tape measure.
You see very little of the frame area where it is cut. Usually by the time you file and sand to match everything blends in really fine. I did a blued one and just cold blued the cut area and you can hardly tell.
A person could bead blast stainless if they wanted a perfect match but usually it's not difficult to get good results.
I'll send you the jig if you want to try and do it yourself. It's not difficult, a little stressful making sure you get that new hole in precisely the right spot. After that the rest is a piece of cake, just hacksawing, filing and sanding to match.
08-31-2015, 01:38 PM
I give you the endless knot. Did some knife handles awhile back and he wanted this pattern.
It's buddhist or Hindo or something, I read up on it but have forgotten already.
Wanted to try it again since I thought it was cool. Tiger stripe maple didn't turn out the way I wanted, so I ended up checkering around it.
Just playing on a Sunday afternoon. They are super thin and feel really good on my MRI 1911C.
Not sure I like the overall look, perhaps a bit busy but they feel good. ( (
08-31-2015, 01:55 PM
08-31-2015, 07:40 PM
I like the look, team that up with a vintage look holster and you are good to go!
09-07-2015, 11:44 PM
Here's the final product. Juries still out, they feel great, not sure about the look. I think they are growing on me though. ( (
And here's a knife I just finished. Planedude sent me the blade blank and some stabilized slabs along with some other stabilized wood I whittled some 1911 grips for him on.
Feel really good and a great cutter. I put it in the kitchen drawer to be used but I'm tempted to make a sheath so I can carry it. ( (
09-08-2015, 11:23 AM
That's a good looking knife, Boss! :)
I see there's still a sharp corner on that compact...decided to forego the bob?
09-08-2015, 11:54 AM
Haven't got round to it yet. I do see it a coming in the future though. Save up for the housing, already got a hacksaw blade.
09-08-2015, 12:43 PM
Haven't got round to it yet. I do see it a coming in the future though. Save up for the housing, already got a hacksaw blade. Thanks for the update...looking forward to seeing it done! Darn, don't know why I called it a compact, clearly Commander size.
09-08-2015, 10:07 PM
That's a mighty fine looking blade there Bawanna.
Glad you enjoyed the project. Pics of those gorgeous grips you carved for us as soon as they are available.
You Know though, if you keep cutting on 1911's like that your going to collect a nick-name round here like "Bawanna Bob"...:D
09-09-2015, 09:22 AM
Better nickname than
Bobbed Bawanna"!
09-09-2015, 09:24 AM
...but I'm tempted to make a sheath so I can carry it.
Thats the plan right there. That looks too good to leave in a drawer. I'd wear it to work to give the violets something to admire. You can call it a box opener if they complain.
09-13-2015, 10:39 PM
So a while back I was able to send Bawanna some grip panels for carving. These are for my son-in-law's Citadel. Let me say, this is a really good young man. I am pleased we were able to put these on his first 1911. The issue has been getting together to change the grip bushings for the short ones. The son-in-law works the electronic controls for oil/gas pipelines and he is on the road a lot.
Today though, the stars aligned and the job got done.
So... Ta-Da!
09-13-2015, 11:21 PM
It took a long time for this to all come together, I'm soooooo happy and relieved that it finally gelled and the job is done.
It might be camera angle but is the clearance cut for the magazine release OK? Looks off a bit but again, it could be the angle.
They look great on that gun and the fancy screws really fit in the picture well.
You made my weekend. Glad they are on.
09-14-2015, 02:48 PM
Man, that turned out sweet!
I received a set of ivory grip panels from Bawanna. I am having them scrimshawed. My daughter lives on Nantucket Island and has connections with scrimshaw artists (they are called scrimshanders). Below is the "before" pic of the gun. I am hoping I get the grips back by Christmas. Took a while to figure out what exactly I wanted on the grip panels. I hope they come out all right! (
11-22-2015, 12:13 PM
Got lucky once again, looks like they actually fit.
Thanks for posting that. I'm anxious to see what the scrimshanders come up with. It has to be an art form in itself.
11-22-2015, 06:13 PM
I am looking forward to sing that as well. Picked up a set of grips with an ivory disc in them and want to get them engraved.
I will say I am a bit nervous about it. These scrimshanders are pretty artistic and have great experience creating whaling scenes or similar nautical graphics. Not sure if they understand what gun engraving is supposed to look like. My daughter gave me a knife for my birthday with an ivory grip that had the image of a motorcycle on it. (I am in to bikes). At the time I was riding a unique cruising bike (Triumph Rocket III, 147 HP). Although the engraving is OK, it is not quite what I (as a bike enthusiast) would have expected. I tried to delicately, get this across to my daughter (who is also an artistic person). Hopefully, she gets it! In either case, whatever it looks like, I will appreciate it and be thankful my daughter did this for me (as I am with the knife!). I am also quite thankful to the big banana (that would be Bawanna) for the grip panels! ;-)
In case no one noticed..... The pen in the pic is a S&W pen. It has a picture of a Bull (Taurus) with a red circle around it and a red line through it. Just like a European stop sign. In the red line, are the words "No Bull Pricing". This is aimed at Taurus. ;-)
aaarrrggghhhh! Grip panels for my SP101 did not show up at Christmas. #1 Daughter has been too busy with the antique shop she runs on Nantucket, to get a Scrimshander going on the project. She says she will get on it ASAP. sigh...... Grasshoppa must learn patience..... :)
03-20-2016, 07:34 PM
I received a set of ivory grip panels from Bawanna. I am having them scrimshawed. My daughter lives on Nantucket Island and has connections with scrimshaw artists (they are called scrimshanders). Below is the "before" pic of the gun. I am hoping I get the grips back by Christmas. Took a while to figure out what exactly I wanted on the grip panels. I hope they come out all right! (
If they ain't pink, then I don't want any. Just sayin
03-31-2016, 01:14 PM
Did anyone try to compile a list of grips known to Bawanna? There is no catalog on the website. Specifically I'm looking for grips for Taurus 380. It uses the same grip frame as more popular Taurus 85. I have the newest model with the stupid roll pin. All known grips either leave back strap exposed or have massive finger grooves.
03-31-2016, 02:04 PM
The bawanna catalog includes guns that he owns or can borrow for a model.
I don't have a Taurus 85. I thought the 85 was a revolver, isn't the Taurus 380 an auto???
03-31-2016, 02:59 PM
The bawanna catalog includes guns that he owns or can borrow for a model.
I don't have a Taurus 85. I thought the 85 was a revolver, isn't the Taurus 380 an auto???
Did anyone try to compile a list of grips known to Bawanna? There is no catalog on the website. Specifically I'm looking for grips for Taurus 380. It uses the same grip frame as more popular Taurus 85. I have the newest model with the stupid roll pin. All known grips either leave back strap exposed or have massive finger grooves.
If Bawanna isn't able to hook you up, have you thought of modifying a set of the available wooden grips? It looks like there would be enough material on the wood grips in this thread (post #5) that the finger grooves could be removed: (
Personally, I like the the wood grips that came on my Model 85. They leave the back strap exposed and have massive finger grooves, but work so well that I bought a similar set for my S&W Model 60-9. I have a box full of grips that I went through searching for a set I liked on that one and I'm done with that now. :)
03-31-2016, 06:34 PM
There is indeed a Taurus 380 revolver...and a neat little sucker if I may say. I did for my J-frame similar to what Greg recommends. I couldn't find the right boot grips but I found some used combat grips and modified/shaped them myself. And there are plenty of 85 grips out there to play with. Satisfying experience IMHO.
08-16-2016, 06:08 PM
Yo Colonel! I see you did MK grips, do you have a pattern or loaner for a K9? Also, on page 73 you had some grips with a Christian Warrior theme, are you still able to get those pins?
08-16-2016, 06:37 PM
Yo Colonel! I see you did MK grips, do you have a pattern or loaner for a K9? Also, on page 73 you had some grips with a Christian Warrior theme, are you still able to get those pins?
I have an early style K9 of my own, same frame as my K40.
I believe I can still get that Christian Warrior Pin maybe in a couple different sizes, have to check. I still have those grips on my Magnum Research 1911G.
08-17-2016, 03:26 PM
My K9 was made in 96, do you think that your K40 will be the same?
08-17-2016, 04:40 PM
My K9 was made in 96, do you think that your K40 will be the same?
I think both my K9 and K40 will be the same.
12-02-2016, 10:16 AM
I haven't been on the site for over 2 years now. I see you have expanded your product line some. I asked years ago if you made handles for CZ 75's and you did not.
First thread I came to when I came on today was this one and you are doing awesome work. CZ's yet if so lets do some business.
12-02-2016, 11:32 AM
Sorry man, I still don't have a CZ75 but I still want one if that helps at all.
Frankly I haven't been making many grips lately, haven't for quite awhile. I need to get back to doing some.
02-11-2017, 04:39 PM
Been a long spell since I whittled any Kahr grips. Had a piece of Afzelialay ordered specifically for a K9 so had some time and went at it. Discovered a few tricks this time that really helped speed the fitting up and was much less frustrating. I did make a boo boo or two but the fit is generally excellent and they look pretty decent. (
Little blonde spot on the right side which I like, wish there was more of that. (
Nice matchup on the back side. (
Not bad on the mag well, tons of places that need to match up, mess with one, you mess with them all. (
Often neglected attention to the sawdust that must give it's life to produce a wrap around grip. ( ( (
Gun sort of looks like heck with tiny bits of sawdust. It's brand new never fired so guess I best blow it off a little more to make it look better.
02-11-2017, 06:09 PM
Nice, funny how when one works with wood you end up with a bigger pile of saw dust than the wood object created.
02-11-2017, 06:35 PM
And that's just what I could catch on the bench. First time I kept putting it in a box. The rest is of course settled all over everything in my man cave. Stuff's a bit dusty but I think it adds character.
02-11-2017, 11:29 PM
The wood is beautiful, so is the fit! You can be proud of this set. Thanks for sharing!
02-12-2017, 04:10 AM
Been a long spell since I whittled any Kahr grips. Had a piece of Afzelialay ordered specifically for a K9 so had some time and went at it. Discovered a few tricks this time that really helped speed the fitting up and was much less frustrating. I did make a boo boo or two but the fit is generally excellent and they look pretty decent. (
Little blonde spot on the right side which I like, wish there was more of that. (
Nice matchup on the back side.
Not bad on the mag well, tons of places that need to match up, mess with one, you mess with them all.
Often neglected attention to the sawdust that must give it's life to produce a wrap around grip.
Gun sort of looks like heck with tiny bits of sawdust. It's brand new never fired so guess I best blow it off a little more to make it look better. WOW! That a nice looking K9! Beautiful grips Bawanna!!
02-15-2017, 09:14 PM
Those are flat out gorgeous.
02-18-2017, 05:53 PM
Hung some Osage Orange on my little Uberti 45 Colt. I see I have to spend a bunch more time fine tuning the finish. Found that polishing them shows all the little imperfections.
Couldn't find an affordable or proper sized piece of stag so wanted to try something different. First time I'd removed one piece grips too. That top edge of the grip is bloody sharp and the fit was tight, cut my thumb to the bone pushing the factory grips off.
It was much easier to fit than I had anticipated. Very time consuming of course but not tough. ( ( ( (
Back to sanding I guess.
02-18-2017, 06:20 PM
Those grips and that gun are a thing of beauty.
02-27-2017, 11:06 PM
I put some new sights on my beloved CBob tonight. Rather than start a new thread I thought I'd just tag it on here. I got a 10-8 U Notch rear sight in hopes that it would get along ok with my current front sight which is just a brass bead I made myself. I think I got lucky and everything measures like it should shoot where it looks. These are suppose to be the ticket to aid old eyes in picking up the sights better. A little more room on each side of the front post which is usually .124. Mine originally had a matching .124 rear notch. I opened it up to .140 last weekend to see if it improved and I thought it did. I was getting close to the night sight dots though.
I wanted to go all black, hence I ordered the 10-8 and went even wider with a .156 notch. So far I like it a lot.
It's also compatible with an XS standard dot too which I may try at some point in the future. The big challenge was figuring out the dovetail cut which as it turns out is a Novak Lo Mount. Easy. The front is supposedly a Kimber cut, one guy at Dan Wesson said Springfield so maybe those are the same.
I'd forgotten how hard it is to take a picture of a sight picture. Did the best I could. ( ( ( (
Took a bit of filing and sanding on the bottom of the sight to get the fit right but I think I got it near perfect. Good and snug and I didn't even beat it all up.
While I was playing I did the slide lock lever modification JG mentioned last week so I can push it straight in without making the very common but much hated idiot scratch on the frame. Weren't tough at all and I plan to do the rest when time presents itself.
03-12-2017, 12:09 AM
I took on a new partner in the workshop, today was her first day. She's only 2 but tries real hard and she's cute too.
Her job is to brush off the checkering sawdust every so often.
Here's a pic of her in action. She's moving so fast you can't even see the tooth brush. We was checkering a little knife handle. (
In between after she's cleaned everything else in the shop with the tooth brush she guards the work bench to keep spies and undesirables at bay. (
So cute!
Looks like she loves hanging out with Pappy....
03-12-2017, 09:08 AM
She is a cutie and it sure looks like that Ranch Hand is spoken for :)
03-12-2017, 11:05 AM
Definitely cute!!! Love to see them start out when they are young!
03-17-2017, 07:44 PM
100% cute!
03-17-2017, 09:16 PM
Colonel, I swear she looks like you, younger with no mustache. Only she's cuter. You have a good helper there.
03-17-2017, 10:10 PM
She's a blast, I have so much fun with her. Lucky we get to watch her and her new brother quite often. Sometimes kind of nice when they go home so we can get something done but we have fun.
04-20-2017, 12:31 PM
These grips make me nostalgic for the pre-polymer days. Simply beautiful job!
04-20-2017, 12:38 PM
These grips make me nostalgic for the pre-polymer days. Simply beautiful job!
Thank you for that. I'm not the only one that misses the wood and steel days.
Actually I guess I don't miss them, I still live them. Carry a steel 1911 every day. Hopefully always will.
04-20-2017, 12:39 PM
^^^ this! Thanks for the reminder. I've been focused on utility lately. But it's important to have some pretty firearms too. Bawanna makes them beautiful that's for sure.
07-05-2017, 02:07 PM
07-05-2017, 02:08 PM
It appears I can upload from my computer without any outside parties. So long photobucket we need to start seeing other people.
07-05-2017, 07:16 PM
Yeehah! PB has been screwing with me too!
07-05-2017, 07:38 PM
It appears I can upload from my computer without any outside parties. So long photobucket we need to start seeing other people.
What site did you use for that pic?
What about all the old photos on PB, can you move them to a new host? I've got several hundred there from a few years ago.
07-05-2017, 08:31 PM
I didn't use any site, just uploaded direct from computer. The downfall as pointed out on another forum is when we do this I think the photo gets stored on Kahrtalks space. There's probably a limited amount of space before it's used up.
The external sites allow tons of pictures but now who can I trust.
07-05-2017, 09:28 PM
I don't really trust any of those sumbitches. Wouldn't be surprised if the BATFE "owns" a bunch of those photo storage sites.
01-28-2018, 09:48 PM
In lieu of the fact that like one of my favorite country songs some folks think I've been hiding and/or died I thought I'd post some fresh finished"stuff". I'm alive and well but not in Tennessee.
Here's some K9/K40 grips I'm nearly done with. Putting them on tonight I see some shaping modifications needed and want to address the border of the "Egg" a bit if I can. They feel good but will be better. They are actually thinner than the factory soft rubber grips. These are 1.075, the factory rubbers are 1.125, so wood can be thin and sexy too.
Some pics.
With the K9 with some stabilized maple I did sometime back. ( ( (
Not sure what I was after here but it's wearing the factory rubber. I guess the cool thing is an old photo of me shooting a full auto MP5. Long time ago but I remember it was fun. (
Stick around, some pics of another 10/22 stock for a friend next post.
01-28-2018, 09:57 PM
This is a 10/22 stock I'm working on for a friend. Shhhsh, it's a surprise. He's got a miniature Schnauzer that's about the coolest little pal a person could have. We only see them once a year on vacation, although they did visit late last year when I hooked him up with a PM9 from a co worker.
They live in the opposite corner of the state so a fur piece.
I just put stain on the checkering etc tonight, probably need another application or two. (
Schnauzer in the buttstock of course. (
Pistol grip. (
Bottom of the forend. (
Front end sides (
Doggy and pistol grip on the other side. (
Other than the dog I didn't do any inlays on this one. Just lots of checkering. That dog his his world and he's had the 10/22 since mid 60's so their bonded. Hoping he's tickled with it.
01-29-2018, 03:48 AM
01-29-2018, 10:30 AM
That's some excellent work Bawanna!
01-29-2018, 11:12 AM
That checkering is awedome.
01-29-2018, 11:14 AM
Well ment to say awesome and tried to edit but the web site and my browser aren't playing well together.
02-04-2018, 06:12 AM
Holy Smokes Your Colonelness, that's awesome work. my brain isn't wired like that and I am envious.
02-19-2018, 06:07 PM
Year of the 10/22 or birth of a Charger Mares Leg.
Wlfman contacted me not long ago with a project that he thunk up and wanted to know if I was interested in playing.
When I heard of the plan I was actually quite excited and anxious to get to making sawdust. So with his approval here the tail or birth of a Charger Mares Leg.
It important if you try this at home to have a Charger since it started life as a pistol and is perfectly ok and legal and stuff. The way it sits here in my man cave is not ok. My 10/22 is NOT a Charger and doesn't say Charger on the action.
That being said I was happy to discover that the barrel taper and everything on the Charger is exactly the same as the standard 10/22 Ruger rifle. The barrel channel fits perfectly.
Before everyone falls asleep here's some pictures.
Here's the standard 10/22 stock shortly after I cut off both ends. It wasn't quite as stressful as bobtailing a 1911 since there are lots of standard 10/22 stocks out there and I have two more waiting in the wings in case I screwed up. (
Started sanding since I knew it was going to be a total refinish before we was done. (
More sanding and starting fabricate a buttplate. (
Took a big chunk out of the fore end to create kind of a snable. Hoping it helps keep the hand from venturing too far forward. (
Buttplate on. (
Standing next to a uncut 10/22 rifle. (
02-19-2018, 06:16 PM
Moving forward briskly, much much faster than real life here's the action in the stock after a few hours of checkering, finishing and head scratching. ( (
Contour up front and some scratching on the forend. (
With my Uberti 45 Colt Mares leg. (
With the missing appendage. (
Did a little scratching on the pistol grip too, seemed like the right thing to do. Also did bottom of the grip and top also but neglected to take a pic. (
So I think a few more coats of oil and this puppy will be headed back to it's rightful owner.
I think I might take it to work tomorrow for show and tell, a few co workers heard of this project and are kind of hoping to see it.
02-19-2018, 07:29 PM
I only have one word, right now. It’s, “...........(inhale).........(remember to inhale again).......”, and then, “.....Wowww......Wowww.....”. Lots of thoughts. “Wowww....”.
Bawanna, that is what I had envisioned, times Pi (at least). Thank you, so much!
Guys & Gals, Bawanna took our conversations in which I communicated general hopes, and then I said, “You have creative license to make it what it will be.” I believe I said something like, “You are the ringmaster of this circus, having gotten a glimpse of the audience’s general hopes and/or expectations.”
Originally, I asked to be completely surprised. But, boy am I glad I agreed to view some of the photos during the process (some of you probably saw some of the photos before I did, tonight. And, I am so glad Bawanna asked if I was ok with him posting photos in The Emporium before I got to see it in person (but gave me the option of waiting to see it in person, first.). I thought seeing the photos might add to my excitement, and I was definitely right.
Throughout the process, our discussions created an image in my mind. What you are seeing is that image, but oh so much prettier and better than what I allowed myself to imagine.
I went from initially questioning the necessity/purpose of the Ruger Charger, to really liking the concept, to wanting one (after Ruger quit making the Gen1 version), to finding one, to then having a crazy hair-brained idea to turn it into a Mares Leg (again, it is still a pistol), to realizing last year (after two neck surgeries) that the Mares Leg configuration would allow me to shoot it more ergonomically. So, I can understand if any of you are thinking, “What/why in the world...?”.
Now, I can go to the range with my son, with him shooting “his” Henry Lever-action 22, and me shooting what you see in the photos.
I’m going to stop now, since I can’t really remember everything I just typed, considering I am typing this on my phone. I’m gonna go back and spend some time looking at the photos again. Kinda like when I would sit at my grandparents’ house, reading the Sears Roebuck catalog. Really, I was re-reading the description of the three go-karts they offered, dreaming that one could be mine. Now, I get to look at these photos, KNOWING that the stock will be mine (as soon as Bawanna has gotten his play-time/show & tell time with it.) :-)
Bawanna, thank you, so much! I’m sure I will definitely have more comments to post after receiving it.
02-19-2018, 07:36 PM
Pretty cool project! I was asking myself, “Why???” But realized the only answer is, “Why not?”
02-19-2018, 09:10 PM
Still need a few more coats of oil so keep your britches cinched up for a bit. I'll take it tomorrow for show and tell, more oil tomorrow night, maybe one more the next day and off she goes maybe Thursday. One more might be enough but we don't want to short change those thirsty wood grains.
I'm tickled your pleased. It's kind of a relief. Ooooo I didn't screw up.
You forgot to mention your only absolute requirement was it wouldn't be pink. I normally only hear that from Jocko but just to be safe as I told you I sent back the pink stain. Thought it was right purty and I was partial to it.
02-22-2018, 03:57 PM
UPS ing her way home.
02-23-2018, 02:43 AM
UPS ing her way home.
I cant wait! I’ll post photos on Tuesday when it shows up!
I’m curious about the overall opinions from the peanut gallery, especially after I mount the RDS on it. I think the general consensus might be that the huge red dot sight I have detracts from the look. We will see. I also have two “leather guys” to turn to (at some point) after it arrives. I am waffling between a “quiver holster” worn over the shoulder, and a belt/leg Mares Leg holster. One leather guy makes custom saddles, and another (the guy that made my black alligator P380 magazine sheath that attaches to my belt) makes custom exotic-skin boots. The most popular boot being his alligator boots custom-made to each of your feet. He uses the scraps of alligator, shark, stingray, ostrich leg (REALLY strong!), and others to make fun projects afterward. Cell phone cases, wallets, knife sheaths, etc. I’ll post photos of those in a different area of the forum as soon as I get to 30 posts. Can you believe I have been a free-loading member here since 2012, and will hit the 30-post photo-permission level in 2018? That’s pretty sad.
Back on track, now...
I feel like a kid counting down the days until Santa arrives...
Edited 2/23 to remove the unfortunate extra “s” I inadvertently placed in the word “as”. And, replaced a period with a question mark. Spelling and punctuation do make a huge difference (ie. “Let’s eat, grandma!” vs. “Let’s eat grandma!”). That’s not my example. I borrowed that from someone on another forum.
02-23-2018, 11:06 PM
Well, in my excitement of planning to provide photos Tuesday when the stock arrives, I overlooked the fact that I will be out of town next week, so I probably won’t be able to post photos until Thursday night.
03-09-2018, 06:33 PM
Well it's Friday, maybe some more pictures soon?
03-09-2018, 10:45 PM
Nice work as always, Col.!
03-10-2018, 12:50 AM
Well it's Friday, maybe some more pictures soon?
It was a long week of travel. But, I have created the following PicStitch photo collages. I can’t believe how the natural grain of the wood “pops”, and how the project turned out. EVERYONE that sees it is amazed. I can’t wait to get to the range this weekend to dial-in the sight.
In short, this thing is awesome.
Three more photos will be in the next post. KahrTalk is limiting me, in this post.
03-10-2018, 12:52 AM
It was a long week of travel. But, I have created the following PicStitch photo collages. I can’t believe how the natural grain of the wood “pops”, and how the project turned out. EVERYONE that sees it is amazed. I can’t wait to get to the range this weekend to dial-in the sight.
In short, this thing is awesome.
Three more photos will be in the next post. KahrTalk is limiting me, in this post.
Well, I guess only one more photo is needed.
Thank you, Bawanna!,
04-11-2018, 09:55 AM
Just finished a set of MK grips for Steve. Being more computer challenged than me (didn't know there was anybody more challenged than me) he asked me to post his picture and comments for your viewing pleasure. (
My first message to him.
I'm not seeing a picture. So there wasn't enough clearance for the slide stop to drop down all the way?
Are you ok with the look or want another set with the pattern like Kahr sells? Darker, lighter.
I want you plumb tickled ya know?
His response
Ok I'm an old fart that can't figure out how to downsize pics for forum. So will send it to you this way. Along with my set of the matching pair of 1911 grips you made for my son and I. Yes, I needed to shave off approx 1/32"+ below slide stop lever, no big deal, just FYI. Joe, I am not ticklish, but I am plum quivering happy with these!!! THANK YOU!!!!
04-11-2018, 12:23 PM
Hey Bawanna, this thread is up to 215,000+ views. That almost makes you famous.
04-11-2018, 12:58 PM
Just finished a set of MK grips for Steve. Being more computer challenged than me (didn't know there was anybody more challenged than me) he asked me to post his picture and comments for your viewing pleasure. (
Wow...really liking that dark wood!
<gentle reminder that it'd sure be great if you could get around to making these for newer (circa 1998) MK9s. Hint, hint!>
04-11-2018, 02:31 PM
I need to find somebody close that has a newer MK9. Also been trying to talk my co worker into selling me the loaner I use for the old ones. Not sure why since I've had it for 2 or 3 years now and he don't miss it. Just asked him yesterday if he'd like to visit it, he said if I brought it back I'd have to take something else since he don't have enough room in his safe, told him to get another safe duh?
What do I get if I become officially famous? Do I have to do drugs and alcohol and have tons of money and do red carpet walks and stuff?
Outside the money, maybe I best lay low for awhile. Me being shy and all, them red carpet walks might not be a good fit.
04-11-2018, 02:34 PM
I was trying to figure out how you know how many views but I see it now. I'll have to look at that once in awhile.
What's the magic number for famous?
04-11-2018, 02:56 PM
You're probably famous already. I’ve actually seen references to this thread on another gun forum (can’t remember which one) where folks were looking for custom grips and were referred to Bawanna on Kahrtalk.
I’m sure the money is rolling in already, isn’t it?
04-11-2018, 03:54 PM
Not so much that I've seen, maybe the wife is hoarding it from the mail box?
I did get a nice windfall thanks to wlfman and his wife which was unexpected.
I don't feel famous, maybe it'll hit me tomorrow........................or the next day.
04-19-2018, 12:59 AM
You definitely earned that "windfall".
I love love love the dark MK grips you made for Steve. (Yep, triple love).
I sent a couple photos via PM/email of a Mossberg. Blonde. Don't know anything about it, but figure you would. Kinda the same color blonde I envisioned for the next Charger Mares Leg...
I'm doing my best to make you famous... All it takes is showing someone (Range Officer, gun-shop sales guy, gunsmith, etc.) the Charger Mares Leg with custom Bawanna stock. Their eyes bug out, then I offer to let them hold it (they are always afraid to ask, for some reason), and then they spend 5 minutes rubbing it. One guy SMELLED it, and that sniff was the final determining factor to assign the term "a certain level of bad@$$ery that an AR15 pistol, and an "off the shelf" custom 1022 rifle just don't have".
04-19-2018, 09:56 AM
Aww shucks, I love the sniff. I sniff a lot of guns myself. Cept AR's, nothing to sniff there. Put a wood stock on an AR and one would really have something.
04-19-2018, 07:06 PM
Definitely, no RED carpet, that's almost as bad as shag carpet!
06-17-2018, 09:14 PM
I started playing on my Charger Mares Leg this afternoon. I decided to attempt to use the original buttplate, just modify it and refit it.
Took a long time and still some fine tuning to do but it turned out ok so far. I doubt I would go this route again.
I cut the forend off as long as I could, remembering my carpenter days where we learned you can cut it shorter but you can't uncut it, course we didn't have all these wonderful expoxy's and glues like we do now days neither, so maybe we can put stuff back.
Still pondering on that end. ( ( (
Done for today, was kind of hot round here, the man cave stays pretty cool at least for awhile.
Time to hit the recliner.
Happy Fathers day to all you Fathers out there.
06-17-2018, 09:18 PM
I like where the butt plate is headed:cool:
06-17-2018, 11:02 PM
Sort of a blank canvas and nobody to please but myself. I went back at it for a bit, ended up cutting off the pistol grip and making it English style.
Cut out a hunk of the forend as I want something to remind my hand not to reach too far forward. It worked well on Wlfmans so I did kind of the same thing.
Rounded off the end of the fore end but not sure where that's gonna end up just yet.
I know the finish Ruger puts on these things is TOUGH. It don't sand off easy. I originally intended to try not to mess with it, but messed with everything so much I'm gonna have to completely sand it all down and refinish. That's ok. No time frame.
06-18-2018, 07:18 PM
Looks good so far! The only thing I have heard that would strip Rugeer's finish is acetone and even that is iffy. Good luck!
06-19-2018, 07:53 AM
I like it, so far. I didn’t think there was a way to use the original butt plate, but you proved that thought wrong.
I love what you did to the forend of mine, and I’m really interested to see the English-Style stock on yours.
06-19-2018, 09:36 AM
I'll get some more pictures first chance I get. Fella here at work thinks I ought to Remington it an put an ebony forend tip on it.
Pondering that. I did forend cut out just like I did yours to remind my hand not to travel too far forward. The sling/bipod base will act as a last stop but I want a early warning system too. Too late in the game to shoot a hole through my weak hand although I don't do much with it, cept it's handy typing I guess or keyboarding I guess they call it these days.
06-19-2018, 02:31 PM
Can't wait to see the finished product…..but take your time!
06-19-2018, 08:15 PM
Can't wait to see the finished product…..but take your time!
Yes! Keep all those digits!
06-19-2018, 09:29 PM
Here's a shot of the pistol grip modified to English style. Note the little piece I cut off. (
I put some electrical tape on the nose to see what an ebony forend would look like. I'm not sure it sings to me. Maybe shorten it a bit, maybe scnabel it a bit to give it some lines. Not sure yet.
It's bloody hot round these parts this week, probably just sit and sweat, pretend I live in Arizona next door to my pal Greg. (
06-20-2018, 07:37 AM
That’s what I thought it was gonna look like, once I learned that you were planning an English-style stock. However, I woulda never thought of that, had you not mentioned it. The pistol grip kept me from seeing the English style stock “underneath”. I’m looking forward to (hopefully) seeing more updates throughout the progression.
I’m gonna have to do a search for “ebony forend”. I don’t know if I have seen one of those in real life.
06-20-2018, 08:45 AM
You see it on a lot of Remington higher end rifles. It's just a black tip on the fore end. Sometimes they are square to the stock, sometimes they are cut at an angle. Pretty much just cosmetic.
I mounted a sling swivel for a bi pod last night and I might add a tip just to give me another half inch or so to make it look right.
I should have done that first in hind sight. I would have did the front cut not so far out. The base of the bi pod hangs over the cut just a bit.
Don't hurt a thing but cosmetically it looks like an afterthought. It's all about looking cool. And I was probably an afterthought myself so guess it all works out.
06-24-2018, 12:30 PM
I decided to change canoes in mid stream on my Charger Mares Leg. I reconfigured the front end straight eliminating the hump. My thinking is the bi-pod mount acts as a good positive hand stop. Makes a little more streamlined nose.
I still prefer the looks of the hump if a bi-pod isn't used but since this is a concept version I'll see how this works.
I also found that since the bi-pod that comes with the Charger locks in place I can mount it backwards with the legs folded to the rear. This makes a more compact package and still allows plenty of room for my weak hand to shoot it without using the bi-pod.
A Harris folds up if you put enough pressure on it. Still the Harris is a superior product but this is not bad and will work fine for this project.
This also keeps the legs behind the muzzle when shooting sans bi-pod so they don't get blasted every shot. Another bonus.
Then a bunch of time sanding and threw some stain on it.
Photo evidence or it didn't happen. ( ( ( ( (
I'll let that dry a spell and then decide weather to go shiny on the finish or my usual oil.
Think I'll go swap out the air horns from my tractor mower (deceased) to my zero turn. What's a lawn mower without an air horn?
06-24-2018, 01:43 PM
I'm liking the look of that:)
06-28-2018, 11:04 PM
I think I'm about to the end of the trail on this Mare's leg until I get some trigger time with it. I may scratch some checkering on it but I'm pleased with the feel and shape of it at this point.
Probably a few more coats of oil and we'll call it good. ( (
The modified buttplate worked out ok after some fine tuning. I so like rubber as they don't slide and fall over when you lean them up against something but this will work. (
Even with the bi pod off which it most likely will be there's plenty of hand stop with the sling mount and rail up front.
Zero chance of the hand going to far forward and getting perforated. (
06-28-2018, 11:10 PM
Now just maybe I'll get my other Mares Leg back? (
We tried the Charger on for size and she can shoulder it and the trigger is near perfect for her. Just might have her try it in a few weeks on vacation. If she wants too that is. Might be a bit early yet and I won't do it if many go with us to the range.
Don't want it too crowded or noisy for her. Have to keep it all pleasant and happy.
06-29-2018, 06:23 AM
06-29-2018, 08:47 AM
That turned out real nice.
01-27-2019, 10:15 PM
I branched out a little bit and found a use for all the little pieces of wood not big enough for grips. Also put my 15 year old hardly ever used little lathe to good use. Fella on another forum turned me on to pen making. It's way easier than I expected and a lot of fun. Plus it's pretty quick.
Made about a dozen so far and got a bunch more kits on the way. ( ( ( (
There's some Zebra wood, Wenge, Figured Hickory, Bubinga, a couple that came with the kit that I already forgot.
01-27-2019, 11:15 PM
Looks really good! Can't help but see the nice cyrves in that one. Bet you will be doing another with a couple more curves. I know you thought you outgrew that, but you're still a kid at heart!!
02-06-2019, 10:59 PM
Did a checker job on a fella 92 Winchester clone, didn't screw it up so build up my nerve and did some on my little Mares Leg. ( ( (
I got some pictures of his 92 but gosh durned if I can find them now.
This thread kind of died on the vine, thought I'd add a little Miracle Grow and see if it lives.
02-06-2019, 11:20 PM
Looking good there boss.
02-07-2019, 12:26 AM
Did a checker job on a fella 92 Winchester clone, didn't screw it up so build up my nerve and did some on my little Mares Leg. ( ( (
I got some pictures of his 92 but gosh durned if I can find them now.
This thread kind of died on the vine, thought I'd add a little Miracle Grow and see if it lives.
Look'n good! Years ago I tried doing some of that, finally gave the tools to someone with more abilities than I!!
02-07-2019, 12:54 AM
I love that, Bawanna!
That pattern looks great!
02-07-2019, 09:43 AM
Look'n good! Years ago I tried doing some of that, finally gave the tools to someone with more abilities than I!!
I got a lot of my tools just that way. Don't know that I got more ability than anybody but the timing was right. Sort of forced patience following getting squished.
Funny though, back then I could go all night checkering with the nekkid eye. Now reading glasses and an opti visor and frequent breaks. May be losing my mo jo.
02-07-2019, 12:42 PM
I got a lot of my tools just that way. Don't know that I got more ability than anybody but the timing was right. Sort of forced patience following getting squished.
Funny though, back then I could go all night checkering with the nekkid eye. Now reading glasses and an opti visor and frequent breaks. May be losing my mo jo.
Oh, I do understand how that works! Back in November of 2011, my body suffered some major trauma (a story for another day) that left my fine motor skills much less than fine!
I've long admired your work, you only get better with age, kind'a like a fine wine! Keep up the good work! :biggrin1::yo:
02-09-2019, 12:49 PM
What a BEAUTY, you should be proud of your work!
04-13-2019, 10:08 PM
Well I whittled out another Mares Leg stock for my little Ruger Charger. Went blonde this time. Really slimmed down the pistol grip and thinned the whole butt stock a little bit.
Did the old fashioned groove ala 03 Springfield on the foreend, I'm kind of pleased how it turned out. Didn't really have a plan, just sort of threw stuff at it to see what stuck.
Had an odd shaped but thin piece of Ebony so I thought what the heck, I'll inlay that up front. Got a good fit on that, I was surprised and probably lucky on that one. ( ( ( ( ( (
Guess we can blame all this on Wlfman, kind of glad he thunk it up. Got me a Charger and something else to play with when I can find a 10/22 stock to whittle on.
04-14-2019, 01:24 AM
That looks great, Bawanna!
I love the enhanced pistol grip, and the Springfield groove on the forend!
As for being blamed, I get blamed for a lot. I’ll take the blame for that stock, any day!
I have another idea I was gonna contact you about...
Cross your blond charger stock with your .357 magnum single action pistol with a 24” barrel. I’ll stop there, cuz I wanna be blamed for this idea, also.
04-14-2019, 08:34 AM
That looks real nice. I like that inlay accent too.
04-15-2019, 10:37 AM
Fine work Colonel....very fine work:yo:
08-24-2019, 09:43 PM
Did a checker job on a fella 92 Winchester clone, didn't screw it up so build up my nerve and did some on my little Mares Leg. ( ( (
I got some pictures of his 92 but gosh durned if I can find them now.
This thread kind of died on the vine, thought I'd add a little Miracle Grow and see if it lives.
YOU are the reason I came back here sir. NO offense meant to anyone else but I got a revolver or two since I was here and I need some grip panels.
08-24-2019, 10:59 PM
If I got one or can borrow one to fit too we can probably fix you up. Should have more time in another couple months.
09-07-2019, 06:54 AM
Bawanna completed a beautiful set of grips for my Dad's 1911 Colt Commander. The trick was to incorporate features never seen before to accommodate a bad thumb and hand too slight to comfortably grasp such a powerful and heavy handgun.
So step right up and look at Bawanna's craftsmanship.
This is an overview where you can see the thumb accommodation. My thumb doesn't move right to press the standard release. So I got an extended paddle release which sticks way above the standard grip, and way, way above the slim grips for this gun. Of course that presents a problem in that we don't want the mag choosing when to drop, thus the "Paddle Barrier". I can slide my thumb down across the release without releasing the mag unintentionally.
These are closeups of the Paddle Barrier - Soon everybody will want one! Note how well Bawanna fit it to the paddle.
This is the often neglected side of the gun. He did another beautiful job there also.
Did I mention these are thin? How about REALLY thin!! Perfect for my hand!
I asked Bawanna what kind of tool makes all these cuts on both panels. He said each one is done by hand taking 4 cuts. I thought about at least counting the number of lines but that's too much work. I'm flabbergasted at the attention and effort to turn out such a beautiful piece of work. I told him my hands would be shaking when I got near the end whispering "Don't screw it up now, bonehead!"
Now aren't these terrific!? This wood never looked this good on the tree for sure. Here's a big applause for the man! Thank you SO much for your craftsmanship and hard work, Bawanna.
That’s good work but u ain’t seen nuttin till u see my PINK grips he make for my model 60 fully engraved pimp gun!! He says their walnut with a Tink but they are PINK as a baby’s ass!! But I love um as I promised to never show them on this forum. Since that agreement he’s has made me 7 sets of grips. For my K9 ant stock s forearms for my model 12.. FREE FREE. Friends like that only come alone once. Just a shamecheclives in the northern part of komifornia annex.
09-08-2019, 07:42 AM
Bawanna completed a beautiful set of grips for my Dad's 1911 Colt Commander. The trick was to incorporate features never seen before to accommodate a bad thumb and hand too slight to comfortably grasp such a powerful and heavy handgun.
So step right up and look at Bawanna's craftsmanship.
This is an overview where you can see the thumb accommodation. My thumb doesn't move right to press the standard release. So I got an extended paddle release which sticks way above the standard grip, and way, way above the slim grips for this gun. Of course that presents a problem in that we don't want the mag choosing when to drop, thus the "Paddle Barrier". I can slide my thumb down across the release without releasing the mag unintentionally.
These are closeups of the Paddle Barrier - Soon everybody will want one! Note how well Bawanna fit it to the paddle.
This is the often neglected side of the gun. He did another beautiful job there also.
Did I mention these are thin? How about REALLY thin!! Perfect for my hand!
I asked Bawanna what kind of tool makes all these cuts on both panels. He said each one is done by hand taking 4 cuts. I thought about at least counting the number of lines but that's too much work. I'm flabbergasted at the attention and effort to turn out such a beautiful piece of work. I told him my hands would be shaking when I got near the end whispering "Don't screw it up now, bonehead!"
Now aren't these terrific!? This wood never looked this good on the tree for sure. Here's a big applause for the man! Thank you SO much for your craftsmanship and hard work, Bawanna.
I know this is an old article but I’ve been gone awhile. His workmanship is flawless an innovative to. This is a talent u don’t really learn, your born with it an over time you just get better. His other natural born talent that needs no refinement is his BULL ****🙈. He spreads it like a cement finisher🧕🏾 Now I’m back Bawanna, is this what u wanted🙈
09-08-2019, 10:58 AM
Works for me Jocko. Been so long since your were here, I've forgotten how to go about banning somebody.
09-13-2019, 01:30 PM
Good to kinda see those old pics. I can attest those not only looked good, they worked super well and solved a problem with my shooting hand. Still have the gun and will until my son finally gets a gun safe, then he gets everything except my ready defense guns. He's a super good guy and will continue the heritage (going back to early 1900's).
In spite of what others say, I liked Jocko and loved to hear his stories while he was still alive.
09-13-2019, 01:56 PM
Good to hear from you Old Lincoln, I wonder about you from time to time. I agree it is nice to have Jocko back.
One guy I love to harass and get harassed by and don't have a guilt complex about it.
It is good seeing some of these old pictures, might have to go back and take a gander at some again, course all those after photobucket messed with us are long gone.
10-13-2019, 07:56 PM
Kind of been slacking making grips of late but the last couple weekends I been whittling some water buffalo horn. I tried a couple attempts at antler/stag and failed miserably. I've managed a couple knife handles but pistol grips seem to elude me.
Any this buffalo horn is kind of nice to work with, stinks something horrible but only when your working it.
I'm pleased with these as I wanted something special on "My" Wilson. Who'd a ever thunk I'd own a Wilson.
There's some voids on one side that I'll probably glue up and polish some more just to be safe. I wanted to go thin as I could and I'm pretty close, the grips that came on it were wafer thin and just felt great.
It's not a 380 and it don't need no magguts but it works just fine for me. Carry it every day.
Photo evidence or it didn't happen. ( ( ( ( (
Thinking about some gold leaf to make the Wilson stand out.
10-13-2019, 09:26 PM
Those are cool.
10-13-2019, 09:42 PM
I got the voids filled and can't even see them now. I need to do more fine sanding and polishing, just not quite where I want them yet.
Pretty happy so far though.
Lost my dremel tool on this one, been using it for probably 20 plus years, just flinched a few times and then quit.
Never looked at them before but thought I'd check the brushes, weren't any at all. I ordered a new dremel and then found some brushes I think will fit, I'll throw them in the old one and maybe it will come back to life.
Had to work the buffalo by hand which isn't a bad thing, takes longer to screw up without power tools. I did use my new bench belt sander and that saved hours of filing so that's worth something.
10-14-2019, 12:53 AM
Those grips look great!
10-19-2019, 11:51 AM
I have a real preference for thin on my beloved 1911's and wanting to get these worthy of the Wilson they ride on (at least for now) I went back at them with the sandpaper and thinned them down considerable more.
The good side of that is even though my void repairs worked well I removed enough material that the voids went away, a win win.
I avoided the belt sander and did it all by hand so I could sand all in the right direction so no cross sanding to remove, that worked reasonably well also.
Now I ponder if they are indeed thin enough (I think so) and then to checker or not to checker. Generally if the front strap is checkered one can get away with smooth grips but alas my front strap is not and at upwards of 250 bucks it most likely won't be checkered for quite some time.
I've checkered this stuff before and it works pretty well, hard like ebony which for checkering is good.
Some after shots. Pouring down rain today and I been under the weather for the last several days so maybe a little checkering action today.....maybe.....or not..... ( ( ( (
Hard to get decent pictures, I'm no photographer.
To checker or not to checker, that is the question. Maybe half and half?
10-23-2019, 09:50 AM
Those look great! At first I thought it was obsidian, which would make for some interesting grips. But the horn would have a better texture.
Colonel, I want to pick your brain on S&W Model 66 round butt stocks. I like the size and shape of the Pachmayr "Compact" rubber grips, but I want them in wood. No one seems to offer such an animal. I can get Altamont boot grips, but they have a kind of a pointy surface down at the pinky and I just know that's going to hurt. I could sand them rounded I guess. Am I the only one who would want "Compact" grips in wood? The purpose of wood over rubber is to not snag on clothing, and be small so they don't stick out much.
10-23-2019, 09:55 AM
Oh man and a 66 too. I've wanted one of those forever.
Let me ponder this some and do a little looking, research and head scratching.
Next Thursday is my last day before they open the gate and push me out to pasture. Maybe I'll have some time to address this.
10-23-2019, 02:40 PM
They're retiring you next Thursday? Hopefully that's a good thing!
I would be honored to patronize the Emporium if you conclude that such grips are feasible.
As you can see, the Compacts are just barely larger than the grip frame, unlike the combat grips which stick way down below.
10-23-2019, 03:57 PM
I have a real preference for thin on my beloved 1911's and wanting to get these worthy of the Wilson they ride on (at least for now) I went back at them with the sandpaper and thinned them down considerable more.
The good side of that is even though my void repairs worked well I removed enough material that the voids went away, a win win.
I avoided the belt sander and did it all by hand so I could sand all in the right direction so no cross sanding to remove, that worked reasonably well also.
Now I ponder if they are indeed thin enough (I think so) and then to checker or not to checker. Generally if the front strap is checkered one can get away with smooth grips but alas my front strap is not and at upwards of 250 bucks it most likely won't be checkered for quite some time.
I've checkered this stuff before and it works pretty well, hard like ebony which for checkering is good.
Some after shots. Pouring down rain today and I been under the weather for the last several days so maybe a little checkering action today.....maybe.....or not..... ( (
Hard to get decent pictures, I'm no photographer.
To checker or not to checker, that is the question. Maybe half and half?
The upper crust just keeps getting better. Bawanna, that was already a good looking pistol and your grips really accentuate that! I especially like the side with the more abundant white grain.
Well done sir:yo:
Those look great! At first I thought it was obsidian, which would make for some interesting grips. But the horn would have a better texture.
Colonel, I want to pick your brain on S&W Model 66 round butt stocks. I like the size and shape of the Pachmayr "Compact" rubber grips, but I want them in wood. No one seems to offer such an animal. I can get Altamont boot grips, but they have a kind of a pointy surface down at the pinky and I just know that's going to hurt. I could sand them rounded I guess. Am I the only one who would want "Compact" grips in wood? The purpose of wood over rubber is to not snag on clothing, and be small so they don't stick out much.
John and Bawanna, if I may interject here:
I have a Ruger Speed Six (similar in size to the 66) and previously had the Pachmayr Compac grips on it. (
I wanted to put wood on it, but I also like the profile of the Compac grips.
If you are interested, my solution does require a bit of sanding, but I am pleased with the results. I found a set of Herrett's Shooting Stars on eBay. The Herrett's don't cover the back strap like the Pachmayr, but I'm good with that. I reshaped them to mimic the Compac grips by rounding corners and sharp edges. I also thinned them down a tiny bit (personal taste). ( (
A little oil finished the job... (
10-23-2019, 04:59 PM
Those turned out superb.
On my Buffalo I too wish the left side had as much white streaks as the right, guess we can't pick our buffalo's that closely.
I did kind of a half checker on the left side and I'm happy that the white streaks show through the checkering like it's not even there so I won't lose anything when I do the right side. Stuff cuts pretty clean but it's hard and time consuming to checker.
Need to order some more cutters, they don't last long on the hard stuff.
10-23-2019, 07:26 PM
Those look great! At first I thought it was obsidian, which would make for some interesting grips. But the horn would have a better texture.
Colonel, I want to pick your brain on S&W Model 66 round butt stocks. I like the size and shape of the Pachmayr "Compact" rubber grips, but I want them in wood. No one seems to offer such an animal. I can get Altamont boot grips, but they have a kind of a pointy surface down at the pinky and I just know that's going to hurt. I could sand them rounded I guess. Am I the only one who would want "Compact" grips in wood? The purpose of wood over rubber is to not snag on clothing, and be small so they don't stick out much. If they made grips like those in wood for my SP101, I'd purchase a set in a minute. I've seen Pachmayr's Renegade, but I don't like the fit in pictures, especially in back of the trigger guard. I've read that fit is hit or miss. I've seen a few on Fleabay that would be close, a bit longer on the bottom, but very nice wood at $100 a set.
10-23-2019, 08:20 PM
I LOVE those Speed Six woodies! The only thing I’d add is some checkering.
I have the Chinese Pachmyer wood grips on my J-frame and they’re ok, but very fat.
10-23-2019, 09:36 PM
I LOVE those Speed Six woodies! The only thing I’d add is some checkering.
I have the Chinese Pachmyer wood grips on my J-frame and they’re ok, but very fat.
Are they checkered or smooth. Seems they would be easy to slim down.
10-23-2019, 10:02 PM
Those look great! At first I thought it was obsidian, which would make for some interesting grips. But the horn would have a better texture.
Colonel, I want to pick your brain on S&W Model 66 round butt stocks. I like the size and shape of the Pachmayr "Compact" rubber grips, but I want them in wood. No one seems to offer such an animal. I can get Altamont boot grips, but they have a kind of a pointy surface down at the pinky and I just know that's going to hurt. I could sand them rounded I guess. Am I the only one who would want "Compact" grips in wood? The purpose of wood over rubber is to not snag on clothing, and be small so they don't stick out much.
I, too, really love my 66-8 with Pachmayr Compac grips. Have you checked out Ahrends? Their S&W Tactical Grips page has pics of some rounded grips. Their Retro grips look pretty nice too. I was looking into purchasing one earlier, but can't bring myself to change out the Pachmayr's.
10-24-2019, 07:17 AM
Are they checkered or smooth. Seems they would be easy to slim down.
Smooth and glossy. If they were checkered they'd slip less in recoil I think. I actually just ordered some Altamont boot grips for it which I think will be ideal.
I did look at Ahrends, the "round butt smooth" looks good but the pinky rest area should be more rounded. For $80 I kinda expect not to have to finish their work. But they seem like they'd customize it with rounding and checkering if I ask. And pay more.
10-24-2019, 03:49 PM
All right...
J-frame comparisons time. On the left is the Altamont boot grip with gator texture, hot off the Amazon truck. They appear to be the exact dimensions of the Hogue Bantam grip but with a different profile just behind the trigger guard. Then there's the Bantam which clearly has a rounder pinky area. I think the Bantam is fantastic but the rubber is grippy. Then the Pachyderm Chinese made grips. You can see how much larger the Pachmayrs are.
The maximum widths are as follows:
Altamont: 1 5/32"
Hogue: 1 3/16"
Pachmayr: 1 7/32"
Doesn't seem like much but my wife says every 1/32" counts. I don't think she's talking about concealment, but I am.
10-24-2019, 04:17 PM
The Altamonts are my hands down favorite for looking cool. I have similar grips on my wife's J Frame, they feel really good to me and she likes them too.
The Pachmyers would be easy to remove some of that bottom wood. Don't know what the other side looks like but it could be done.
11-21-2019, 05:36 PM
Finally finished a set of Water Buffalo horn 1911 grips. I'm happy that the checkering didn't take away for the coloring at all, hardly notice it. Does help the grip considerable.
Now to decide what to hang them on. (
11-21-2019, 06:07 PM
Something in stainless would be nice...…………………………………………...
11-21-2019, 07:36 PM
I think so too, they don't sing well on a blued gun. I'll go there first I think I have one or two of those stainless jobs.
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