View Full Version : Come Into Bawanna's Famous Grip Emporium
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02-25-2022, 01:52 PM
Thanks bawanna - your grips found a new home, The bottom ones on the MK9 are the ones you gave a shave & haircut ( slimmed, sanded & re-checkered ) for the MK9 I got off boscobarbell. The Pau Ferro grips on the T9 have a sharp edge by the beavertail up by the web of my right hand grip, tempted to sand it down but there is a sheen on these factory grips - do you know what they use to shine them up? The grips look AMAZING - thank you so much! Haven't had a chance to shoot with them yet - I'll let you know.
02-25-2022, 02:40 PM
Thanks bawanna - your grips found a new home, The bottom ones on the MK9 are the ones you gave a shave & haircut ( slimmed, sanded & re-checkered ) for the MK9 I got off boscobarbell. The Pau Ferro grips on the T9 have a sharp edge by the beavertail up by the web of my right hand grip, tempted to sand it down but there is a sheen on these factory grips - do you know what they use to shine them up? The grips look AMAZING - thank you so much! Haven't had a chance to shoot with them yet - I'll let you know.
Looks like the wood is sticking out a bit on that T. I don't know what they use for finish but I'm sure any oil type finish or even like Linseed oil rubbed in would make it match pretty close. I'd start with a file, you'll be sanding a long time to remove that much wood.
02-26-2022, 06:27 AM
PK those are some absolutely gorgeous looking grips. Nice representation of how classy the metal framed Kahrs are.
02-26-2022, 08:53 AM
Thanks bird - can't wait to swap some uppers and lowers around and see what fits - gonna Frankenkahr me up a K9 Covert or a T9 duo tone with K9 frame - LOL !!!
02-26-2022, 12:06 PM
Thanks bird - can't wait to swap some uppers and lowers around and see what fits - gonna Frankenkahr me up a K9 Covert or a T9 duo tone with K9 frame - LOL !!!
I’m curious to see what you come up with and I’m sure others are too. Good luck with the hunt and the tinkering. Life is GOOD!:cool:
02-27-2022, 07:00 PM
Well - tinkered a little bit last nite. All of these are early model steel Kahr's - the MK9 is 98 , the T9 is 2003 , I don't know what year the K9 is but it's the old design with one notch on the side. Nothing swaps - the K9 upper doesn't fit on the MK9, nor does the T9 upper fit on the K9 - don't know if KAHR designed them that way or if all the models were done to different specs to keep people like me from Frankensteining Kahr's together - LOL! It's odd because most of the P's and C's swap out.
02-27-2022, 07:09 PM
That would be cool if they all interchanged. Could make some pretty cool combos for sure!
Thanks for trying what you could!
03-04-2022, 02:43 PM
I think bawanna's magic grips work !!!! - this is 5 head shots at 12 yds with the MK9, my very 1st shot went 3"-4" high then I knew where point of impact was. Never ever in my life have shot a 3.0" sub compact that well. This little 98' MK9 from boscobarbell looks and shoots like new - I'm impressed with the MK9 !!!!
03-04-2022, 03:21 PM
Congrats brother! Looks like you got a good one, and you know how to use it. I'd call that lil MK a keeper for sure!
03-04-2022, 03:30 PM
Thanks - found out its actually 13.5 yards to the steel - if anyone is ever in SW FL Fort Myers - it's a little hole in the wall range - all steel targets - called Shooter's LLC - Guns & Ammo in Fort Myers FL / awesome little place - say hi to Cody!
03-04-2022, 03:58 PM
Sounds/looks like a pretty cool place to choot!
03-04-2022, 04:08 PM
Once Cody know you can handle your firearm and not gonna shoot yourself you can pretty much do whatever you want? Usually mid-week - you have the place to yourself. We run dueling tree matches / start with 3 on your side on lanes 2 and 4 , your opponent has 3 on the right on 2 and 4 - who ever clears their side 1st - WINS!! Since I shot competitively, my handicap is 2 rounds in my mags, then I have to re-load - I let my buddies run full cap mags. I'll try and post a vid - it's hilarious!!!
It sounds like a machine gun firefight if we run with 25 round 22lr carbines or 33rd glock funs sticks in our AR'9 - let's just say we load up 10 - 12 magazines !!!!!
03-04-2022, 05:13 PM
Once Cody know you can handle your firearm and not gonna shoot yourself you can pretty much do whatever you want? Usually mid-week - you have the place to yourself. We run dueling tree matches / start with 3 on your side on lanes 2 and 4 , your opponent has 3 on the right on 2 and 4 - who ever clears their side 1st - WINS!! Since I shot competitively, my handicap is 2 rounds in my mags, then I have to re-load - I let my buddies run full cap mags. I'll try and post a vid - it's hilarious!!!
It sounds like a machine gun firefight if we run with 25 round 22lr carbines or 33rd glock funs sticks in our AR'9 - let's just say we load up 10 - 12 magazines !!!!!
Now that REALLY sounds like some fun! Wish it were a bit closer. I’ve got 1 place near me that allows double taps, rapid fire, etc. The others give you a hard time with anything but a slow cadence. Nuts, so I don’t go to those places anymore. I sure would like to shoot some steel trees though. That would be cool!
03-07-2022, 10:58 AM
Posted this in the Magnum Research thread also.
It's not secret that I do love me a bobtailed 1911. I got the CBob already bobbed, then after some prayer and a little whiskey I bobbed my Remington R1. Since the day I got this Magnum Research 1911C I've wanted to bobtail it. Guess it took me a long time to build up my nerve and break out the hack saw but this weekend was the weekend.
I struggled a bit on this one, it's like I was left handed or something. The cut and hole went fine, but putting the gun back together kept going sideways. I lost the thumb safety spring and detents a couple times, looked for a long time with no luck. Had a spare I dug out and lost it first attempt. Grrrrrr. Then I stumbled on the first one I lost and while picking it up I found the spring for the spare. Life was good again. Like a dummy I was putting the spring in backwards, the smaller detent goes to the front duh......
Anyhow moments ago it all came together and not it's Scotch time for sure. I'm very happy with the results. The touch up bluing worked well and matched good. Feels good. Now I'm pondering the Wilson..........nah, I don't think I could do the Wilson, scratch that.
Man I sure wish we lived closer to each other. I'm not entirely afraid of risk, but I don't have the courage that you do. Might be because I can no longer drink?
You did a great job on it, from someone who also prefers a bobtail 1911. What MSH did you use?
03-07-2022, 11:41 AM
That's kind of a long sad story. I used an Ed Brown I believe on earlier ones, this time I tried to go cheap and bought one on Ebay for half the money, I think it's Sig. It's not quite as Bobbed but thankfully the pin is precisely in the right spot. The bad part is it didn't come with the spring and detent inside the housing, and the diameter is much larger and of course takes a shorter spring so it's basically worthless.
I ordered another Ed Brown and it should be here soon. I took the one off my Remington to fit the frame (much nicer) so when the new one gets here I can put the Remington back together and all will be fine and dandy.
The guys at the PD could believe I'd take a hack saw to a perfectly good gun, takes awhile to build up the nerve and pray I don't screw up.
Not quite as bobbed is not all bad. Some models which only come without the sharp edge at the bottom of the grip are much better than those that have it. I guess the bad thing would come from fitting grips to a grip that is not exactly industry standard. But that would likely pose little challenge to you with your skills.
I apologize for backing out of our trade. It had nothing to do with the deal, which I think was fair. It just came down to me not being able to part with my half of it. I guess not knowing what you've got until it's gone woke me up early.
03-07-2022, 12:01 PM
The thing with the less bobbed was it didn't reduce the frame enough to eliminate the original main spring housing pin hole. Just went down to the edge of it so there was most of a hole still exposed. I actually filled the gap with acraglas dyed black and it looked ok until I realized the Sig housing wasn't gonna work.
The Brown takes away the whole hole which is lots better.
I run bobbed grips on lots of unbobbed frames, just exposes the pin. No big deal.
I had reservations on the trade also so no heartbreak on my end. If yours had been a 9, I'd need a beach towel to soak up the tears.
I'm not sure why some bobtail grips cover the pin and some don't. But then I'm pretty new to the 1911 world so I'm pretty certain there's a logical reason for it that is so far beyond my understanding.
I've considered looking for another MK9 because I don't want to carry my MK9 Elite 2000 anymore, in order to preserve it. The MK9's are such a nice soft shooter due to the weight, in as small a package as you could want. If I happen across a good condition used one, Elite or not, I'll probably jump on it. And if it's in good enough shape to potentially be a worthy trade for your K9 then we may strike a deal yet if you're ready and willing at that time. This time around the purtiness of my MK40 just wouldn't allow me to let it go in spite of the fact that yours is just as nice. And worth a bit more.
03-07-2022, 01:25 PM
Bawanna I think you are a braver man than i am. I’d be worried I’d cut too deep into the msh and expose something that shouldn’t be. I take it you used an existing bobbed one for reference? The grips really make it a “Wow” too!
03-07-2022, 01:27 PM
Just re-read everything. The pin location was what would have had me second or triple guessing.
03-07-2022, 01:28 PM
The grip covering the pin is just choice really. Even on conventional grips, some cut a little notch out so you can remove the main spring housing without removing the grips. Same really for bob tails.
Usually if I'm removing the main spring housing I'll be taking the grips off any way so I just cover the pin up.
Putting bob tail grips on a conventional frame accomplishes the same thing, the pin is exposed, slightly less point to print on your shirt, sort of like the points on a wet T shirt contest which of course is highly encouraged and enjoyed by all.
03-07-2022, 01:35 PM
“slightly less point to print on your shirt, sort of like the points on a wet T shirt contest which of course is highly encouraged and enjoyed by all.”
“Ohhhhhh man! Did you see the 1911’s on that last contestant?!?!? “
03-10-2022, 05:09 PM
3 Bobtails in the box. Got the correct mainspring housing this afternoon so all 3 are on the track and ready to ride.
03-10-2022, 05:31 PM
Dang man! That’s a nice looking trio. I bet it’s hard to choose which one takes the ride with you each day.
Commander Classic. But all three are very nice. Good job Colonel! You've surely made the other two your own.
04-11-2022, 10:33 PM
Just put a wrap on a 10/22 modification. I've had the rifle for a very long time. I got a heavy barrel and put it in a laminate thumbhole stock which I thought was pretty cool at the time. Not long ago we found that my wife and youngest being left hand didn't get along with the thumbhole. About the same time I found an early walnut stock with the metal butt plate and hardware. Course I couldn't find my standard barrel so I had to buy another one.
Then I did a stock for a friend and put some Miniature schnauzer pins in it. He loves his little schnauzer and the timing was good, he was getting very old and he crossed the river (the dog) a few months later. Anyhow he gave me his original stock. Starting to ramble here......
Anyhow I did up this stock and thought I got two nice standard barrel just laying around, so the dim bulb went off and I thought I'll open up the barrel channel and put the heavy barrel on. Know it's been done before, what do I got to lose but a perfectly good stock.
Anyhow it went well, only a couple short days. Photo evidence.
The last one there was a little devil on my shoulder as I considered the butt plate. I think it was Bird screaming polish it!, polish it! I thought naw, I'll paint it. You can see who won.
Got a good fit on the channel and much more manly looking.
04-12-2022, 08:02 AM
She looks fit for plinking Colonel. I love that heavy barrel. I still have 2 of the 10/22’s I “built” last year sitting since sighting in the scope’s (only at 25 yards). They are the all metal one’s too. I put on swivels, slings, rails, scope, did the “bolt release mod” and installed the extended mag release on both. Guy at my gun range had 10 of the Ruger BPX 25 round mags and sold them to me at a great price, so those are all loaded up. I figure that if SHTF, my wife and son can have these slung across their backs, carrying 5 of those mags loaded in their sacks, with AR9’s in hand and a full size 9mm each in a thigh holster. I’ve got ‘em outfitted best I can should the need arise. : )
04-12-2022, 08:03 AM
But, sadly that boating incident.... :(
Looks great Colonel! What did you use to open up the barrel channel? I think you made the right decisions on both the butt plate, and the stock. I have one thumb hole stock, on a pellet rifle. I swear every time I pull it out I have to figure out again how to hold it. Granted I don't use it often, and it's my newest rifle, but still. Pick up yours and instinct kicks it to help you put it to your shoulder without having to think twice about it. You done good.
04-12-2022, 10:32 AM
I think the BPX is the one that comes with the Charger? I couldn't remember what they were called. I need to look for a couple before the hi cap mag ban goes into effect here (AGAIN).
I get you and a fella calls himself EricRedBeard over on the knife forum mixed up all the time as you well know.
You were the devil on the shoulder screaming polish it.
04-12-2022, 12:07 PM
If anybody has an old standard 10/22 stock laying around they want to part with reasonable I'm always looking. It seems since I started looking as usual, everything tripled in price. There has to be 1000's out there, everybody puts an aftermarket stock on and the original languish in the closet.
I might even doll it up pretty and send it back. Just something to play with.
I wish I did. Sadly I settled on a Remington 597 when shopping for a .22lr long gun. It shoots fine and dependably but I've wished many times I'd gone with the Ruger. My 597 does have a synthetic stock on it, and while that sounded good at the time I like the looks of a wood stock better.
04-12-2022, 01:48 PM
Looks great Colonel! What did you use to open up the barrel channel? I think you made the right decisions on both the butt plate, and the stock. I have one thumb hole stock, on a pellet rifle. I swear every time I pull it out I have to figure out again how to hold it. Granted I don't use it often, and it's my newest rifle, but still. Pick up yours and instinct kicks it to help you put it to your shoulder without having to think twice about it. You done good.
I have some barrel channel cutters somebody gave me many moons ago. I've done a couple complete stocks from scratch, swore I'd never do another as it take forever and talk about steps that can ruin it. My best I did for my brother in law, a laminate block. It turned out real nice. Took me a year or more, no more of those.
This mod is pretty easy as the barrel has no taper, just a straight tube. I'm finding out today I didn't remove enough wood out at the front, so it's not really free floated like I want so I'm fixing that now, another slow process with a lot of drop in and take outs to see if we're gaining.
Have I mentioned that you and Bird far outdo me in patience? I love working with my hands, and am fairly good at it, but while I've never been diagnosed with ADHD I don't like repetitive tasks. I'm always looking forward to the next thing and sort of becoming bored with the current thing. I don't thing I'd do will with barrel fitting. Actually I'msure I wouldn't :D
04-12-2022, 02:48 PM
I actually don't mind most repetitive task, I don't like change usual although I like doing new projects and stuff like that. What I have a low tolerance for is stuff that I see as a waste of time. Like some of the projects the missus brings up. She comes up with some very good stuff now and then but in between there's a few where I'd accomplish more taking a nap.
This was her last good idea which I labeled as waste of time but worked out ok making her happy. The original doors were not that bad she just wanted different and as time consuming as this was it beat the heck out of all new. Living in a mobile home all the wood is junk, the doors weren't even pressed board, but strips of wood with veneer attached. I just cut off the contoured edges and made a new frame, cut and glued all the little strips (oh what fun) after she painted and put it all back up.
A friend of mine said it made him dizzy. It's kind of growing on me but guess if you see something long enough it becomes normal? ( (
Did the same thing in the other smaller bathroom, only 3 doors on that one and the little up above deal by the light.
Now of course the sons girlfriend wants me to do a giant version to hang on the wall above her bed, even more intricate.
That looks great. It's actually something I would enjoy, if I had a need to do it. At least for one project it might be enjoyable. Any more than that and I'd grow bored. But are such things ever truly a waste of time if it keeps the missus happy? Happy wife, happy life as it were. And I'm sure you've been married long enough and are wise enough to know that!
That project took a whole lot of measuring and cutting, not to mention the framing and gluing. I like the pattern, and you and your wife like the pattern, but even your friend who doesn't so much would have to agree that you did a fine job on it.
04-12-2022, 05:24 PM
I think the BPX is the one that comes with the Charger? I couldn't remember what they were called. I need to look for a couple before the hi cap mag ban goes into effect here (AGAIN).
I get you and a fella calls himself EricRedBeard over on the knife forum mixed up all the time as you well know.
You were the devil on the shoulder screaming polish it.
I’m not sure if they come with the Charger or not. I did research before buying them. Apparently there are a few makers of high cap mags for them (some out of clear plastic), but only the Ruger BPX got high remarks for feeding. I have done a few mag dumps and they ran perfect. If can’t get any, maybe we can work something out for a few. I think I already had 3 when I bought those 10.
Maybe it’s because of my beard that you get me mixed up with EricRedBeard. I could see how that might happen. Is he the scrimshaw guy you thought was me? LOL!
Sorry to be the devil on your shoulder, but you certainly got me nailed on that! :cool:
04-12-2022, 05:27 PM
By the way, what you did to the cabinets... I agree it looks cool. Very “craftsman” style. There are quite a few of the craftsmen style homes in my area and I bet you would stay busy doing that kind of work if they caught wind. Those homeowners pay a pretty penny for that kind of stuff, wanting everything to be authentic and true to the original style.
04-12-2022, 06:25 PM
I’m not sure if they come with the Charger or not. I did research before buying them. Apparently there are a few makers of high cap mags for them (some out of clear plastic), but only the Ruger BPX got high remarks for feeding. I have done a few mag dumps and they ran perfect. If can’t get any, maybe we can work something out for a few. I think I already had 3 when I bought those 10.
Maybe it’s because of my beard that you get me mixed up with EricRedBeard. I could see how that might happen. Is he the scrimshaw guy you thought was me? LOL!
Sorry to be the devil on your shoulder, but you certainly got me nailed on that! :cool:
He was the scrimshaw guy, still haven't dealt with that yet, he's busy, starting to raise sheep. We'll work on it one of these days. It's a hobby for him but he posted some grips he scrimshawed and they looked good.
05-05-2022, 05:06 PM
Sawdust production last few days. Little mountain for one set of K9 grips. Found some wood in the shop, thought it was ebony since it was so dark but soon as I cut and smelled it, I knew it was Coco Bolo which is one of my favorites. On the plus side there's another hunk that might make a couple 1911 grips or another K. ( (
Threw some oil just to bring out any flaws etc that need further attention. Haven't decided on checkering yet as the tools are in short supply but I suspect they will get it. ( (
And stumbled on this pic so thought might as well stir it up in case there's any Karens watching. (
05-05-2022, 05:52 PM
That’s the third lion I saw today. This guy was at a sanctuary I’m hoping to do some work for.
Those are gorgeous Colonel. I received the set I ordered from Kahr today. I'll put them on the new K9 and post some pics tomorrow. I haven't even pulled them all the way out of the packaging but from what I saw they look just about like those. You do good work! Could those be finished in a shiny black? If so we should talk.
05-05-2022, 10:30 PM
To finish Coco Bolo in shiny black would be sacrilege but I got another set I'm attempting. I got the black down pretty much, need to work on the shiny and also see if they will hold up.
05-05-2022, 10:47 PM ( (
Looks more black in person but still not there. These were actually quilted maple which of course is very blonde like Birch. I got some alcohol based stain (don't drink the ****, horrible) made to make birch and other light woods dark and it sure gets it dark. I'm rather partial to blonde grips, many of course aren't. One of those things, some like flashy, some like it toned down.
Different strokes for different folks I guess.
05-05-2022, 10:47 PM
Man those grips look fantastic! Love the wood you used.
I see what’s wrong in the picture and you should be ashamed posting it. I mean, how privileged you must be, buying a new roll of paper tape when you already have half a roll!!!
Wish I had your work area. For me, it’s either on a dollar store foamy “project board” on the dining room table, or out in the garage fending off skeeters. One day I’ll get a used desk, put it in a little storage room off my garage and put in a window shaker. That day will be heaven!
05-05-2022, 10:52 PM
Actually in my own privileged defense, one roll is 3/4 wide and the other is like 1 1/2 so different. I guess I could just get 1 1/2 and when I need 3/4 I could cut it down to size so only need one roll.
I'm one boy who doesn't mind being told to go to his room. It's my happy place and the only place in the house or garage that is sacrosanct and nobody moves anything or touches anything without replacing it exactly as it were.
It's their house but the "room" is mine.
05-05-2022, 11:09 PM
Dang Bawanna, how in the world do you do what you do? If I could even drill a hole straight I’d figure it’s a good day…..You sir are a true craftsman and I envy your talent and ability to make beautiful art out of wood……..I love your workshop too, it’s perfect!
05-05-2022, 11:28 PM
Crap, made me blush some.
05-07-2022, 11:00 AM
Did some Border Terrier inlays in respect for my recently departed little buddy. This is the 10/22 I recently opened up the barrel channel on for a heavy barrel. Still need a little detail attention, they look better in person than in the picture, hate it when that happens. ( ( (
Looking at this picture, the pin actually does look a lot like Daisy the wonder dog. (
05-07-2022, 11:40 AM
I think Daisy is smiling right now!
Yep, fine tribute to a Pal
King Rat
05-08-2022, 06:27 AM
Did some Border Terrier inlays in respect for my recently departed little buddy. This is the 10/22 I recently opened up the barrel channel on for a heavy barrel. Still need a little detail attention, they look better in person than in the picture, hate it when that happens. ( ( (
Looking at this picture, the pin actually does look a lot like Daisy the wonder dog. (
Man that is awesome! Just a great way to honor a great Friend and family!
05-08-2022, 05:16 PM
Trying to make some shiny black for Dao. Work in progress. ( ( (
And what I've had on it for awhile. (
Those look old school Colonel. Profiled somewhat like the factory grips that came on my Beretta 70s. This is not my 70s, I don't have pictures of it. This is a .22 I found on the internet.
05-08-2022, 08:45 PM
Grips are looking great (as usual) Colonel. Seeing your recent works is getting me more motivated to get back to my projects. Been a few weeks since I’ve messed with anything. You seem to have been rather busy though. Lend me a cup of getter done, will ya?!?!
05-08-2022, 09:39 PM
I don't got much in the get r dun category but I sometimes get the tinker like hell mode.
Funny thing on those black grips, I made them on my K40, wanted to take a picture on the black K9 since dao prefers black. They don't fit for beans. Holes slightly off, slide release lever a little tight. I need to try hanging them back on the K40 and see if there's really a difference or what happened.
05-08-2022, 09:45 PM
Well hoping they’ll fit for you. That’s a ton of work for them not to.
I’ve just been a bit busier with work and family related stuff lately. That and it’s getting hot, mosquito weather outside. I have to run two fans right next to me when working in the garage. One facing my legs to blow em away, and one facing my upper body. Crafty suckers still find a hole in the turbulence every once in a while though. I just need some of those early eves when I’ve cracked a coldy and say “what the heck” to get back at it. Can’t wait to have a workshop/man cave that somewhat resembles yours some day!
01-15-2023, 03:44 PM
Been awhile, been making other stuff the wife dreams up for her to peddle at Bazaars and for her friends etc.
Here's a plant stand she made me build. I was skeptical but it turned out pretty decent and plenty solid for such small frame lumber. I'm a framer so on this little stuff I often overbuild stuff. I need to get over that and realize they don't have to be used as a jack stand for the truck.
01-15-2023, 03:48 PM
Finally got around to making a couple sets of Colt Woodsman grips. Friends son just joined the Coast Guard so I whittled out some Walnut and inlaid some Coast Guard pins. I made the friend a set for his also. Not sure what the wood is but it's beautiful and sadly the last chunk of that. He has 5 Colt Challengers (greedy dude, I only got 1 but it's a Match Target, envision me thumbing my nose some).
Thought they would be pretty tough but figured it out pretty quickly and they aren't that bad at all. Found one last piece of Coco Bolo which I can no longer get for some unknown reason. Gonna make another set of Woodsman while it's in my small capacity mind.
01-15-2023, 03:59 PM
And the big highlight of my year so far.....Same friend I did the Woodsman Grips for gave me his Grandfathers Trapdoor Springfield. 1873 model made in 1883. His dad who was a very good friend and coworker at the city had it. It was just stuffed in a corner of their garages for the last 50 years. It was pretty rough looking.
I like to go minimal approach. I figured I'd be sanding and reblueing or browning etc. But as I got into it, it was mostly just crud and like paint spots etc. So I went over the stock with Ballistol and steel wood. It cleaned up really good and the wood is solid and no need for any refinishing. The metal looked like a lot of bad rust but again I went at it with oil and steel wood and most of it came off, what appeared to be pitting wasn't really very bad at all and it actually looks like the bluing is intact. I was shocked. And the thing that knocked me out of my roll away chair was the bore which looked hideous as I expected with one patch thru looked like brand spanking new. Very slight reddish tint on the first patch which also knocked out the spider webs and other junk. A brush and a few patches and it's shiny as can be. No discoloration, no pitting, strong lands. I almost cried. (but that would be highly unmanly and I wouldn't admit it even if I did ya know?).
I was shopping for a few missing pieces like a cleaning rod and the hammer is broken. But realizing it's a keepsake and a wall hanger although I know it would shoot fine now. I think I'll just get a hammer, can find them for less than 50 bucks. The cleaning rods are rare and often over a 100 bucks so I'll either leave without or come up with something fake to fill the void.
Regardless I'm a happy camper. Been wanting one for a very long time.
01-15-2023, 04:33 PM
Great job on the projects, though we Navy guys consider the Coast Guard as puddle jumpers. All in good fun, of course. And that Springfield cleaned up really well. I agree, it is an heirloom for sure. Also agree with shooting it. What caliber is it?
01-15-2023, 04:45 PM
Nice work, as usual, Colonel! I bet the Woodsman owners are super happy. You really put some nice contours in there, making them look factory. As far as the flower stand goes, yeah that does look bullet proof. Can sub in as a step ladder if need be.
01-15-2023, 04:51 PM
Good looking plant stand. To your point I figure there’s no such thing as overbuilt. If it was at my house it just may end up with a plant on top as heavy as a car.
01-15-2023, 05:02 PM
Great job on the projects, though we Navy guys consider the Coast Guard as puddle jumpers. All in good fun, of course. And that Springfield cleaned up really well. I agree, it is an heirloom for sure. Also agree with shooting it. What caliber is it?
I'm pretty sure it's 45/70. But a 45 cleaning brush was quite loose. I used the next size up which I think was 480 or something. I meant to look up the bullet diameter of the 45/70 and see if was a bit larger than the standard 45.
They made a 50/?? but I don't think they did those in the 1873 model. I researched the heck out of these things years ago and I've already forgotten most of what I deciphered.
01-15-2023, 05:05 PM
Anybody out there have a take off factory Ruger 10/22 wood stock laying around they would part with reasonable? I want to do another 10/22 Mares leg. Don't have anybody wanting one at the moment but somebody mentioned a Charger not long ago and it got my wheels to turning on another Mares leg.
I used to be able to find them for 10 or 15 bucks all day long, now apparently since everyone knows I want one they start about 50.
Figured it don't hurt to ask yall.
01-15-2023, 06:57 PM
Nice work on all your projects!
Your Springfield looks a lot nicer than mine, which has a broken firing pin.
I have a replacement from Dixie Gun Works, but will have to let a smith install it - some issues with the screw on the trapdoor.
Mine does have a cleaning rod and a bayonet.
Dad bought it as surplus from the Missouri National Guard sometime in the 1920s for $1.25.
Four pages of Trapdoor parts at Dixie here:
01-15-2023, 07:37 PM
Anybody out there have a take off factory Ruger 10/22 wood stock laying around they would part with reasonable? I want to do another 10/22 Mares leg. Don't have anybody wanting one at the moment but somebody mentioned a Charger not long ago and it got my wheels to turning on another Mares leg.
I used to be able to find them for 10 or 15 bucks all day long, now apparently since everyone knows I want one they start about 50.
Figured it don't hurt to ask yall.
Both of my 10/22’s have the factory, old school stocks (metal butt plate). If you come upon a black poly stock I would trade you. But, I think that by the time we pay for shipping, might not be in our favor. Let me look something up… think I saw one for sale around here and if I can make a connection that is worth your while then that would be a good thing. Be back in a bit!
UPDATE: Sorry Colonel, that guys ad is gone. My offer stands if that’s something that would suite.
01-15-2023, 07:57 PM
Nice work on all your projects!
Your Springfield looks a lot nicer than mine, which has a broken firing pin.
I have a replacement from Dixie Gun Works, but will have to let a smith install it - some issues with the screw on the trapdoor.
Mine does have a cleaning rod and a bayonet.
Dad bought it as surplus from the Missouri National Guard sometime in the 1920s for $1.25.
Four pages of Trapdoor parts at Dixie here:
Sheez! That’s some big ol cartridges. Those guys were shootin some firepower back then! Those are neat old rifles you guys have. Not my deal, but something that would be cool to fondle. I’d always be wondering who held it? Did it see battle? How many times was the family fed dinner with it? I love history in that way. Same reason I can look at an old house or building to the point that whoever I’m with says “can we go now”?
01-15-2023, 09:06 PM
Both of my 10/22’s have the factory, old school stocks (metal butt plate). If you come upon a black poly stock I would trade you. But, I think that by the time we pay for shipping, might not be in our favor. Let me look something up… think I saw one for sale around here and if I can make a connection that is worth your while then that would be a good thing. Be back in a bit!
UPDATE: Sorry Colonel, that guys ad is gone. My offer stands if that’s something that would suite.
Bird, If you are interested, I have a black polymer 1022 stock I’ll send to you. Then, once you receive mine, you can send one of your wood stocks to Bawanna.
Let me know.
01-15-2023, 10:51 PM
Bird, If you are interested, I have a black polymer 1022 stock I’ll send to you. Then, once you receive mine, you can send one of your wood stocks to Bawanna.
Let me know.
Mighty kind of you! Ok. Let’s do it. I will PM you my info!
01-15-2023, 11:20 PM
Sheez! That’s some big ol cartridges. Those guys were shootin some firepower back then! Those are neat old rifles you guys have. Not my deal, but something that would be cool to fondle. I’d always be wondering who held it? Did it see battle? How many times was the family fed dinner with it? I love history in that way. Same reason I can look at an old house or building to the point that whoever I’m with says “can we go now”?
You nailed it Bird. It's like holding history in your hand. A coworker at the PD had one that he had all the provenance on. Knew who had it, who got it when the first guy was killed. It was the very first action leading up to Gettysburg. I got to hold it a couple times and there was documents that took over an hour to assimilate. It was so valuable he couldn't be comfy hanging it on a wall and wouldn't fit in his safe which would have been sad. He sold it to a collector who had a display area like the Cody Museum. I of course have nothing at all other than a very good friend who has passed got it from his dad and their son gave it to me. I told him I was just a foster home and he could have it back anytime. He's not really into old stuff and he's comfy with me caring for it.
01-15-2023, 11:22 PM
Mighty kind of you! Ok. Let’s do it. I will PM you my info!
You guys are awesome. I take these and make a Charger into a Mares leg. Done a few. I'll take all I can get but am tickled and happy with just one.
01-16-2023, 01:29 AM
You guys are awesome. I take these and make a Charger into a Mares leg. Done a few. I'll take all I can get but am tickled and happy with just one.
I’ll post pics of the 2 I’ve got. One is a little lighter in color than the other. Maybe different wood? Or just different stain? I’m sure a guy like you would know. Makes no difference to me which stays or goes. Both are in really nice shape, which lead me to possible overpay for them. I just could not see paying almost as much for the new ones, being that the trigger group, etc are now plastic. I read the poly stocks are a wee bit lighter, so I’m sure that if their end intended purposes are ever realized then the trigger guy or gal on my “team” would appreciate a few less oz’s!
That Springfield cleaned up real nice Colonel. Looks like you found a diamond in the rough. Must be a good feeling holding it after making it look like a treasured heirloom again! I can't imagine holding a rifle as heavy as that one up while trying to draw a bead on something. It must weight 10lbs give or take huh?
01-16-2023, 09:34 AM
Colonel, here's the 2 I have.
01-16-2023, 11:02 AM
Actually they are both almost too nice. I hate to deface a perfect stock. Actually the rougher the better for my purposes. I would say the top one is Birch which most of them are, the bottom is no doubt walnut. I've ran across a few but seems to be far more Birch. Many thumb their nose at Birch but it's very strong, some say stronger than Walnut. Just doesn't have the cosmetic appeal that Walnut does. Most of what you see on the Birch stock is the stain. Sand that off and it would be nearly white, very, very blonde. One needs to seal it before any stain or it comes out very blotchy.
I'm thinking maybe you ought to hang on to those as they are really nice. I'll keep looking for a more abused one, and I'd prefer Walnut like most everybody else.
01-16-2023, 11:46 AM
Actually they are both almost too nice. I hate to deface a perfect stock. Actually the rougher the better for my purposes. I would say the top one is Birch which most of them are, the bottom is no doubt walnut. I've ran across a few but seems to be far more Birch. Many thumb their nose at Birch but it's very strong, some say stronger than Walnut. Just doesn't have the cosmetic appeal that Walnut does. Most of what you see on the Birch stock is the stain. Sand that off and it would be nearly white, very, very blonde. One needs to seal it before any stain or it comes out very blotchy.
I'm thinking maybe you ought to hang on to those as they are really nice. I'll keep looking for a more abused one, and I'd prefer Walnut like most everybody else.
Thanks for letting me know what they are. I had no idea. Yes, given their age, I think they are both in very nice condition, which led me to grabbing them.
I already told Wlfman yes though. What should we do? I can probably find one around here by posting a wanted ad, then send that one to you? I do not want to back out after telling him yes, but I think I would have a little time and can score one before his arrives. If not, I’d honor what’s already been said. Based on what you said, I’d send the Birch then :cool:
01-16-2023, 01:20 PM
Here's a picture of what I do for a Mares Leg. The others I did were much nicer and a lot more effort. But this one works for me until I make more. (
Here's a shot of a sanded down Birch stock. I have some stain made for blonde stocks. It does make them very dark almost black, but no splotchy. Little darker than I prefer. (
This isn't the stain mentioned but several applications of a Walnut stain. I really don't like stain much, like a box of chocolate's, ya never know what your gonna get. I like decent wood and just oil. (
01-16-2023, 06:59 PM
Wow, I’m amazed at what you can do, sir you are an artist with wood, I’m so jealous because I can’t cut a straight line to save my life and forget about trying to refinish or stain something…….I’ve always wanted to be able to play a musical instrument or be able to build something with wood but it just isn’t in me but one day I’m going to figure out something I’m good at, maybe…….By the way, Mrs. Bawanna’s picture is still looking good on your work bench…….:cool:
01-16-2023, 07:16 PM
Bird, my Tupperware stock is just gathering dust, and not being used. However, I agree with Bawanna. Your stocks are great.
Bawanna, I will keep my eyes open here for any cast-off stocks, and hopefully you’ll receive one in the mail sometime soon.
Bawanna blessed me with two of his stocks in the past (before the boating accident), and I’ll jump at any chance to help get additional stocks into his hands. He does amazing work (I’ll attach photos later).
01-16-2023, 07:17 PM
I always wanted to learn how to play a banjo but too late in the game now. Forgive me if I don't mention your compliment to the missus. If she thought she was on the interweb I'd be in a heap of trouble fo sho!
You can work wood fine. If you mess up, get another piece of wood and try again. It's a renewable resource I utilize quite often. Rather annoying to spend 15 or 20 hours on a 30 dollar piece of wood for a set of grips only to end up in the wood stove though. I've gotten to where I only cry and lie on the kitchen floor in a fatal position for less than an hour now days. Guess I'm getting more used to it.
01-16-2023, 08:49 PM
Thanks for posting those pics up Bawanna, I see what you are saying about that Birch… bout near white once you stripped it. That last pic, the deep, rich red is WOWZERS! Makes that wood look spensive!
Wlfman: I see what you are saying. Turned yer little rifles into works of art. The butt plate finishing them off makes ‘em look factory. Those look like something out of a wastelands, bad guy movie. I dig that kind of stuff. The gradiation of the color/stain in the below pic is something I love to see in wood. When I say “rich” looking, that kind of stuff is what I mean.
BTW guys, before I left for work today I posted a “wanted” ad for a 10/22 stock. Came home to 3 replies. 2 are garbage (scammer, time wasters), but one sounds promising. I will hold up to my end of the bargain, one way or another! :cool:
01-17-2023, 12:18 AM
Bird, my Tupperware stock is just gathering dust, and not being used. However, I agree with Bawanna. Your stocks are great.
Bawanna, I will keep my eyes open here for any cast-off stocks, and hopefully you’ll receive one in the mail sometime soon.
Bawanna blessed me with two of his stocks in the past (before the boating accident), and I’ll jump at any chance to help get additional stocks into his hands. He does amazing work (I’ll attach photos later).
Aww it was Wlfman. I almost always forget who I did stuff for. I recall your wife added considerable to the funds when she saw it which I appreciated very much. Some friends were over on the weekend and talked about several rifles etc. They say remember you did the refinish on the stock and the guy scratched his SS number on the action, then it all comes back.
I always forget to take before pictures for some reason too. Just anxious to get into the sawdust I guess.
Thanks for posting that Wlfman.
Most any ole beater stock, long as it's not cracked would work fine for my purposes.
01-30-2023, 12:28 PM
Yesterday was a great day. After sitting in a friends garage and then his son's after his passing for around 70 years. The son gave me a previously mentioned Trapdoor Springfield which cleaned up pretty durn nice. And shockingly the bore looks brand new. No discoloration, rust, or anything bad at all.
But the hammer was broken and the screw that holds the hammer on was broke off. Someone tried to drill it out and got off center. Thought it was hopeless, so figured I'd just get a new hammer and forget the screw. Then of course that didn't fly in my mind. Figured if need be I'd just have to get a whole new lock and side plate. Kind a pricey for my side of the tracks. So then I thought I got nothing to lose, so I said to self, self, try to get that broken screw out. Well, I seldom listen to self but this time I did. Took the lock all apart thinking I could attack it from the back. WRONG. Not happening. So I went frontal again. Managed to clean up the previous attempt and create a centered divet. Tried my smallest drill bit which worked so much better than my larger attempt. After about 4-5 hours I'm plumb tickled to report complete success. The original threads and the whole shaft are completely undamaged.
So a replacement hammer and "screw" were shipped this morning.
It boggles the mind the simple little things that can make a half man's day. I was just filled with joy.
Evidence photo.
01-30-2023, 12:41 PM
Happy for ya man! Always nice to be able to lick such a challenging piece. After 4-5 hrs, you earned it. ;)
01-30-2023, 02:34 PM
Sometimes we get lucky! :cheer2:
01-30-2023, 04:11 PM
Not very often but I guess that makes the times we do get lucky all that much sweeter.
On a job like that the satisfaction always outweighs the time we put into, doesn't it Colonel? Glad it worked out for you, and someone down the road will benefit when it gets passed down to the next caretaker. Good job Sir!
01-30-2023, 06:02 PM
Probably won't happen, I'm taking it with me when they nail the lid shut.
01-31-2023, 12:09 AM
Yesterday was a great day. After sitting in a friends garage and then his son's after his passing for around 70 years. The son gave me a previously mentioned Trapdoor Springfield which cleaned up pretty durn nice. And shockingly the bore looks brand new. No discoloration, rust, or anything bad at all.
But the hammer was broken and the screw that holds the hammer on was broke off. Someone tried to drill it out and got off center. Thought it was hopeless, so figured I'd just get a new hammer and forget the screw. Then of course that didn't fly in my mind. Figured if need be I'd just have to get a whole new lock and side plate. Kind a pricey for my side of the tracks. So then I thought I got nothing to lose, so I said to self, self, try to get that broken screw out. Well, I seldom listen to self but this time I did. Took the lock all apart thinking I could attack it from the back. WRONG. Not happening. So I went frontal again. Managed to clean up the previous attempt and create a centered divet. Tried my smallest drill bit which worked so much better than my larger attempt. After about 4-5 hours I'm plumb tickled to report complete success. The original threads and the whole shaft are completely undamaged.
So a replacement hammer and "screw" were shipped this morning.
It boggles the mind the simple little things that can make a half man's day. I was just filled with joy.
Evidence photo.
Bawanna, your evidence photo made it onto a a “Best-Of” mash-up.
01-31-2023, 10:45 AM
Wow ain't that something! Will I be getting hit up for autographs and paparazzi photos now? I am still kind of tingling from that victory, sure made me happy. The further I look into this wall hanger trapdoor, the more it looks like it could be a shooter?
If you deem it to be safe you should shoot it at least once. Just to be able to say that it is!
01-31-2023, 12:51 PM
If you deem it to be safe you should shoot it at least once. Just to be able to say that it is!
Agreed. I'll ponder a bit more. Hold me mommy I'm skeered. Course I could use my old shot bags and fishing line trick and shoot it from some distance away. Course if it blew up, that would be a heart breaker for sure.
But I think I'll do it anyhow.
Guess 70 years ago the original guy replaced the firing pin with a nail, which is my next trick to remove. The screw that detains the pin don't want to turn. But he shot a 410 shotshell thru the thing. Course all that tells is the nail was hitting the primer. The bore as I mentioned is pristine, so no concern there. Still don't believe that one, I totally expected a pitted rust tunnel. That made me happy too. Damn I'm happy lately huh?
Nuthin' wrong with being happy. Does the nail, I mean the firing pin, use a spring on that rifle? If so, how did he modify it to use one? PB Blaster for the win? Naval Jelly?
01-31-2023, 02:29 PM
Hey, the old school zip guns worked. Used to see these all the time at high school. Some guys actually used a piece of pipe, bent nail and rubber band to fire them.
01-31-2023, 02:58 PM
Nuthin' wrong with being happy. Does the nail, I mean the firing pin, use a spring on that rifle? If so, how did he modify it to use one? PB Blaster for the win? Naval Jelly?
That's part of what I'm trying to figure out and why I want to remove it. It doesn't move at all and I'm not sure it's supposed to move. It sticks out but is flush on the back. Looking at a replacement firing pin there doesn't seem to be a spring involved. So it could be just the super wrap from the hammer drives it enough to fire. Or Not! I'm leaning towards thinking the nail is stuck and it should at least move back and forth a bit.
A work in progress.
02-11-2023, 12:51 AM
May I present another beautiful set from The Colonel! Snakewood and a set of inset lapel badge pins! I love the perfect grip to frame fit, swirled grain and variety of colors in the wood.
The gun and grips are to celebrate being eligible to retire! I'm continuing to work LE, but this is a reminder I can move on to another career when I'm ready.
Thank you sir!!
02-11-2023, 08:28 AM
Those came out beautiful iWander! Love the wood, in the same ways as you described. Makes your K really look nice!
02-11-2023, 11:17 AM
Not sure if that's snake wood. That was the piece of Royal Walnut that came from Nepal. It could very well be snake wood, they call a lot of similar woods to ours by different names. Love the looks of it.
02-11-2023, 02:07 PM
Not sure if that's snake wood. That was the piece of Royal Walnut that came from Nepal. It could very well be snake wood, they call a lot of similar woods to ours by different names. Love the looks of it.Got it. Thought that's what you called it. Goregous regardless.
Yes indeed. The Colonel does fine work! They really dressed up your K9. case I haven't said it before thanks for serving.
02-12-2023, 12:05 PM
Yes indeed. The Colonel does fine work! They really dressed up your K9. case I haven't said it before thanks for serving.Thank you DAO. It's always been a calling and (mostly) been a pleasure.
03-06-2023, 10:11 PM
Not gun related but I whittled out a birdhouse over the weekend. Gotta make sawdust any way I can ya know?
03-07-2023, 07:47 AM
Looks great, Bawanna! Nice work!
03-07-2023, 08:23 AM
That bird house is beautiful. Belongs in the high rent district for sure.
03-07-2023, 10:42 AM
Have you ever tried Blue Bird houses? Not as fancy, but you have to make them a certain way. I have on out of #1 Cedar, that is about 20 years old. Has moss growing on the roof. The hole has to be a certain size, to keep out other birds, and you have to be able to open it, to clean out the old nest, at year end. Here in SC, they usually do three broods, the first brood helps raise the later ones.
03-07-2023, 11:09 AM
I'll have to look into that. I've built quite a few bird and squirrel houses or feeders but no plans or technology involved. I just got a piece of wood and think what can I do with this. Mostly scrap wood left over from some other project.
I got some squirrel feeders with hinged lids. The squirrel has to open the lid to get a peanut. Kind of fun to watch them. The even come an stare in the back door when the feeder is empty. Got several that will take a peanut from hand now which is kind of cool too. Grandkids really like that.
Molly the monster Mini Schnauzer don't like it so much. She's caught a few, she's fast, but twirls em around a time or two and they get loose and take off. Don't think she's a killer but she plays hard.
Our Shepherds just look at the squirrels with longing (or murder?), in their eyes. The squirrels won't come out of the trees.
03-07-2023, 06:56 PM
Our Shepherds just look at the squirrels with longing (or murder?), in their eyes. The squirrels won't come out of the trees.
Ours too (Data and Rapunzel)!
Nice Birdhouse Bawanna!
03-11-2023, 09:36 PM
Love the bird house Colonel!
02-27-2024, 05:40 PM
I whittled out a few grips, some I'd done before. Haven't done any for a long time so with the cold and feeling a litte bit lousy or maybe lazy I did some.
Got a set of K9 grips that I forgot to get in the pic.
Enjoy, see anything that blows your dress up, let me know.
02-27-2024, 06:43 PM
Hey Colonel, PM sent!
02-27-2024, 07:00 PM
I whittled out a few grips, some I'd done before. Haven't done any for a long time so with the cold and feeling a litte bit lousy or maybe lazy I did some.
Got a set of K9 grips that I forgot to get in the pic.
Enjoy, see anything that blows your dress up, let me know.
What type wood is that in the top left?
You haven't lost your touch Colonel! Lookin' good!
Did you find some new checkering knives?
02-27-2024, 07:22 PM
What type wood is that in the top left?
It's stabilized box Elder Burl. Wish I had more of that stuff, it's real pretty.
02-27-2024, 07:25 PM
You haven't lost your touch Colonel! Lookin' good!
Did you find some new checkering knives?
I found a couple at Dixie but I'm just making what I got last long as I can. Found a set on ebay. I got direct from Dem Bart, his shop was about 1/2 hour away. Think I paid 30 bucks for it. The one on ebay (used) started at 50 and last I looked it was up to 180. Absolutely insane for a tiny little file type bit on a screwdriver like handle. I use to get replacement cutters for like 5 bucks, now you can't find them and when you do they are like 30 or 40 or more. Crazy.
02-28-2024, 06:01 AM
Is the top middle antler?
02-28-2024, 12:02 PM
Is the top middle antler?
Yes. I did those quite awhile back and I think my only issue was they were a little thick for my taste. I don't know if I thinned them down or not, I'll have to check the fit again. I get mixed up sometimes on these things.
I found a couple at Dixie but I'm just making what I got last long as I can. Found a set on ebay. I got direct from Dem Bart, his shop was about 1/2 hour away. Think I paid 30 bucks for it. The one on ebay (used) started at 50 and last I looked it was up to 180. Absolutely insane for a tiny little file type bit on a screwdriver like handle. I use to get replacement cutters for like 5 bucks, now you can't find them and when you do they are like 30 or 40 or more. Crazy.
Crazy. And just plain NUTS! I guess since this whole supply chain issue and inflation started in 2021, we can all chant "Let's go Brandon!"
02-28-2024, 09:30 PM
Crazy. And just plain NUTS! I guess since this whole supply chain issue and inflation started in 2021, we can all chant "Let's go Brandon!"
That, and the corporations are guaging our spending response. I think they are saying "Well, they keep buying, no matter the price, so... Christmas bonus Ferrari's for all".
If consumers could band together, ignore what society tells us that we either must have or aren't cool if we don't have...
Ughhh, so much could be said.
02-29-2024, 12:10 AM
The biggest factor in my case is Dem Bart went out of business. There aren't many outfits that sell checkering tools. Gunline used to be reasonable but I never liked them at all, no comparison to the Dem Bart stuff. So having to find replacement cutters that folks or dealers have laying around. Dao turned me onto a nice set that's perfect for my needs but has 5 days to go and although I've already bid up to near 100 bucks I'm beat and probably will bow out. Insane.
03-01-2024, 11:40 AM
A few recent grips. The left is Wenge wood, it's checkered but shows the grain well and you really don't even see the checkering. I'm not sure what the second wood is but it's real pretty to my eye. It's slightly soft and I'm not sure they would hold checkering well or how much the wood figure would show through. The right is the same unknown wood for a early K9.
If any look like a must have let me know.
Those are all gorgeous Colonel! Did you stain them that color. The wenge woods are a darker shade than the ones you made for me with the "Armor of God" emblems.
03-01-2024, 12:48 PM
Very nice work and some pretty woods used. Somebody is going to get some real nice grips!
03-01-2024, 01:00 PM
Those are all gorgeous Colonel! Did you stain them that color. The wenge woods are a darker shade than the ones you made for me with the "Armor of God" emblems.
Just a linseed oil, no stain. This stuff is much tighter grain than I've seen before also. The unknown stuff I thought was Zebra wood at first, but I don't think it is. They all vary so much. These pieces a friend brought me. I always wrote on them what the wood was but over time, I'd cut the name off and forget to put it someplace else. Most I can tell by looking but some are a mystery.
I was trying to remember where those last Armor of God pins went, I have one or two more sets left. Somebody else asked about them awhile back and as usual I forgot who it was.
03-11-2024, 09:18 PM
Did a little fine tuning, and dug a set of Micarta out I did long long ago. Wasn't too impressed and threw them in a drawer. Dug em out and worked a bit more on them and they are starting to sing a little bit.
The others I think I posted before. I do have one set of MK grips there lower right, but I don't have an MK to borrow anymore so I don't know how the fit was or why they were in the drawer for lost grips.
If anything grabs ya, let me know.
You haven't lost your touch Colonel. Some nice grain there. That one set look kinda like a rising sun.
03-11-2024, 11:46 PM
I think I was trying to mimic Wilson's starburst. Don't think I did well accomplishing that but I tried. I don't remember how I did the little half circle inlay but they are perfect. Don't think I could do that again.
I'd wager you could. You have skills :)
03-12-2024, 09:22 AM
I'd wager you could. You have skills :)
03-20-2024, 02:43 PM
Well I think I've got a wrap on the CocoBolo grips for the MRI "U". Half checkered. As usual in my quest for shiny and flashy probably due to my fugarwi indian blood I had to add some bling. Decided on some back the blue little gizmos, the wife had.
Not sure I'm totally in love with it but so far it's humming, perhaps it will sing soon.
I also ran across my little drawer with the backs of pins I've saved from pins I've inlaid for folks or for myself. Guess I done a few more than I remember.
Brutally honest opinions semi welcomed. I'll be in the kitchen so if they suck, all I gotta do is drop down to the floor and assume the fatal position and I'll be ok after a while, really, I will.
03-20-2024, 03:05 PM
Here goes brutal...........They look nice. I think they would look better with a bit " smoother " look, if that makes any sense. I think they would have looked better with red inserts. Back to that red on a black gun thing. If your happy, that's all that matters in the whole scheme of things. They do look good though.
03-20-2024, 03:06 PM
Dude, that is so cool and soo custom! I think you know I like bling, so right up my alley! I love blue too. Someone posted that "Lady Guadalupe" special edition Colt, with the blue grips with stars and I was drooling over the grips. I don't think you are a fiber optic guy if memory serves me, but a fiber optic front site with a blue rod would pull off the grips well. Anyway, very nice job. Between the skip line and the jeweling, very nice touch!
Beretta, I don't think what you said was brutal, but you never know. He may already be on the kitchen floor. May be good for his back though, after the gravel work. 😁
03-20-2024, 03:12 PM
How did you know I was already on the kitchen floor. Crap, your saying I got down her for nothing and now I gotta wrestle my way back into the dadburned wheeled chariot.
Heck with it, I told the wife to just bring me a blanky, I'm staying down here for awhile. Then I'll use the blanky to save my knees when I climb back up.
03-20-2024, 08:44 PM
Well it was a cloudy day so after wrapping the Officer grips and spending a good amount of time on the kitchen floor in a fatal position, thumb in mouth, I decided to complete a set of K grips. My last piece of Coco Bolo large enough for a Kahr grip.
I decided to checker the backstrap as somebody requested some time back and liked it. They turned out good with one minor mystery. The little ears on the back at the top of the grip seem to have moved away from the frame a bit. They fit perfectly when I first put them on. They are solid, and not a function issue just a little thing that bugs me. Not sure what I can do to fix it, but I'll ponder it some.
These like most I post pictures of are up for grabs, trades, swap's , charitable donations. All good.
03-21-2024, 07:33 AM
Mighty fine! That backstrap looks way better than if smooth, and looks factory. If my memory is correct, a Ruger LCP backstrap looks just like that.
Sounds like a troll or gremlin may have snuck in. One with a wood ear fetish?
Colonel I think those Bul grips are fantastic! I would have no issues dressing one of my guns up like that. Great job!
The Kahr grips are very nicely done as well. You do know your way around a checkering tool. If I didn't already have wood grips on my metal Kahrs I'd be taking those off your hands to be sure. Now get off the floor, and keep up the good work!
03-21-2024, 02:39 PM
Well it was a cloudy day so after wrapping the Officer grips and spending a good amount of time on the kitchen floor in a fatal position, thumb in mouth, I decided to complete a set of K grips. My last piece of Coco Bolo large enough for a Kahr grip.
I decided to checker the backstrap as somebody requested some time back and liked it. They turned out good with one minor mystery. The little ears on the back at the top of the grip seem to have moved away from the frame a bit. They fit perfectly when I first put them on. They are solid, and not a function issue just a little thing that bugs me. Not sure what I can do to fix it, but I'll ponder it some.
These like most I post pictures of are up for grabs, trades, swap's , charitable donations. All good.
WOW.....Those are awesome! :w00t:
03-21-2024, 05:39 PM
Got a mountain of checkering cutters today from a shop I used to visit nearly every day, many years ago. Like many around here, after 40 plus years in business he's closing end of this month. Due to state requirements.......
Anyhow I asked him if he happened to have any Dem Bart cutters and sho nuff he did. He sent a picture. Said he needed to get shed of all of them. He said for a 100 clams he's send all he had. There's only half a dozen of so that I actually use now but I might try some of the finer checkering cutters. And the cutters with handles are a huge plus since they have cutters I use as well. Still on the hunt but we're back in the game for quite a spell now.
Hey that's great news Colonel ! I'd love to have you do some standard thickness grips for me like you made for your Bul, only with a full magwell cut. Blue or Red stones would work, though black hematite would be very special!
03-21-2024, 10:33 PM
I don't know what they would normaly cost Colonel, but it looks like you scored!
As evident by dao's request, I think you are on to something with the bejeweled grips. I've never seen anything like them. Now we just need to make an Ai Bawanna and an automated cnc process feeding scales in one end and grips out the other. We will rule the world!
03-21-2024, 11:04 PM
He's obviously had these a long time. Most packages are marked 1.99. And he was usually high priced on stuff. Now when you can find these cutters they are over 20.00. I think I got a super deal. He said just sell the stuff I don't use for profit but I"m not a war profiteer. Don't know how many folk cut with the finer checkering. Might post something up. Never much for selling stuff online.
I'm not sure whats required of a full magwell cut. Just leave them square on the bottom and flush with the bottom of the frame? No idea what black hematite is but if it's round or not too oddly shaped we can probably do it.
Yep, flat across the bottom, no notch for the MSH pin. Black hematite is the stuff that looks like shiny coal. It can be had in about any shape. If you want to make a set of those grips for me I can find some that would work. What is the size of the ones you used Colonel?
These are just a couple of examples
03-21-2024, 11:26 PM
He's obviously had these a long time. Most packages are marked 1.99. And he was usually high priced on stuff. Now when you can find these cutters they are over 20.00. I think I got a super deal. He said just sell the stuff I don't use for profit but I"m not a war profiteer. Don't know how many folk cut with the finer checkering. Might post something up. Never much for selling stuff online.
I'm not sure whats required of a full magwell cut. Just leave them square on the bottom and flush with the bottom of the frame? No idea what black hematite is but if it's round or not too oddly shaped we can probably do it.
Correct on your assumption of the magwell cut. “Just leave them square on the bottom and flush with the bottom of the frame” (See my posts where I was using clay to form “magwell” grips). The only elusive, or rare “magwell cut” grips I’ve seen are the one’s that have the backsides clearanced for the type of magwell that has tangs that wrap around the grip bushings.
Hematite is widely available (Ebay& Amazon) Finding them the size of what you need though, that may be a different story. There are substitutes for hematite though. Various “tite’s, as well as straight up black glass.
dao, sorry to answer his questions that are directed at you, but I’m up this late and, I know you and I are one and the same on these things (or so I think). : )
03-21-2024, 11:27 PM
Ooops, doa, ya beat me to it! ;)
03-21-2024, 11:31 PM
By the way, there are black and black pearl “bobby” pins that can have the heads snipped, and might meet the size requirements for those grip inserts if hematite can not be sourced.
All good info Bird, no issues! Now get some sleep :)
03-22-2024, 07:44 PM
Planted a couple pins in some Sig Grips. Wafer thin and a little nerve racking but we got lucky.
03-22-2024, 08:08 PM
All good info Bird, no issues! Now get some sleep :)
I did, very soon after typing that 😁
This is what I had found when looking that stuff up. Looks to be the perfect size, but not quite hematite21025
03-22-2024, 08:09 PM
Planted a couple pins in some Sig Grips. Wafer thin and a little nerve racking but we got lucky.
You cease to amaze. Those look machine made. Nighthawk? BTW, I counted the rows between the lower grip screw and the bottom of the medallions... 5.5 each. Your measuring is sound! 😁
03-22-2024, 08:13 PM
Nice.....that out to make some one happy! :2eek:
Would these work Colonel?
03-22-2024, 09:40 PM
Would these work Colonel?
Look kind of big but it depends on what you want. For what I did they would be too big I think, but a guy could inlay they and do something around them .
If the seller accepts my bid, once I get them I'll measure and let you know the exact dimensions. I'm thinking that on a standard thickness grip they might fix in the middle. But hopefully they're smaller than that.
Founds some others Colonel. Would .12" or .20" be better?
03-23-2024, 05:19 PM
It depends on what you want to do. Either will work, the .20 would show up a bit better. If your putting several on the smaller might be in order. Depends on dark or light wood, if you want subtle or flashy.
Really hard to say. Round is certainly easier to sink in the wood and an odd shape that size would be extremely difficult.
Actually I was thinking something right along the lines of what you did for your Bul. A darker wood would be preferable. Could you put three of the .20" on each side of a pair of standard thickness Compact grips without them looking too large for that size grip?
What I'm thinking is that if you could provide the wood, checker it, and drill the holes for the stones but not attach them and ship the grips and stones back to me I could then stain the grips, lacquer them, and use epoxy to set the stones as the last step. How does that sound?
I've ordered both sizes of the stones I posted, and we could start by me sending you the stones so that you could size and position them before drilling the holes? I've got 50 of the .20" stones, and 144 of the .12" stones coming. I'd be happy to also send you some for your own use as well.
Also, I was thinking that if my guns are a bit out of spec that the grips coming to me unfinished I could fit them by sanding off any necessary wood from under the plunger, slide stop, thumb safety, and from above the magwells as needed. I will be using these on guns that are outfitted with magwells. Before staining and varnishing. And each has a different style of thumb safety.
03-23-2024, 06:33 PM
We could do all that. I was figuring on leaving the mag bottom just a tad long so you could fit to the magwell.
I just cut out a set today but guess wrong and went full size, I have enough coco bolo for one more set but it's also quite light in color, lot of yellowish to it. It's pretty and I know it will darken over time but we'll look for some darker wood.
How does cocobolo take stain Colonel?
03-23-2024, 10:06 PM
Never tried it. Almost sacrilege. It's so pretty naturally and generally dark and gets richer and darker with age, I've never thought of it.
I don't think it would stabilize very well either and really doesn't need it as it's dense and not the slightest bit dry.
Can you post a pic of the piece you have? Sorry, I did not know that cocobolo was naturally colored as it is.
03-23-2024, 11:38 PM
Coco Bolo varies a whole bunch. Sometimes pretty solid color, other times like Zebra wood. The one thing always the same is you can smell the kind of sickly sweet smell and taste it when you working it. Fingers will get numb etc. Damn I love the stuff.
All these in the picture are Coco Bolo.
The two pens were made at the same time. The one on the right I used at work every day. Probably put half a dozen ink refills in it and you can see how much darker it got from handling.
The grips I just cut out this afternoon are already darkening. The two slabs on the left will probably be much lighter after working it but will probably eventually be that dark again.
03-29-2024, 01:29 PM
Well today is Mesquite Friday. I stumbled onto a piece that was pretty nice. Thought I'd run out so a nice thing.
Pounded these out this morning. No goofs to mess me up. Quite happy. I decided to make these with standard bushings. I'd like to perfect making thin as possible with standard bushings. I hate swapping bushing out on my own guns and taking the chance of messing up the threads. We'll see how that goes.
Anyhow here's some photo evidence. Some with oil, some without, I put the magwell piece I got not long ago on for kicks as I found that with Wilson mags metal baseplates they are just about flush, so not making the gun any bigger. Always kind of confused me how people take a little gun and want to make it big, or take a big gun and make it small?????? See that alot. Just get both and don't mess with mother nature.
Anyhow not sure which pic is which so might be in random order.
One of the pictures is my hand where you can see how the wood works it's way into the blood stream, probably why I am the way I am. Don't wear gloves so scratch that idear right in the bud.
More pics in the next post.
03-29-2024, 01:30 PM
Additional pics that wouldn't fit.
03-29-2024, 01:32 PM
Mesquite is kind of soft, so these won't be getting the checkering. I checkered the grips for the guy that sent me this wood, so it can be done but probably wouldn't hold up well.
03-29-2024, 01:42 PM
I like the rugged, almost antique look of that wood. If you ever don’t like them, I’ve heard that kind of wood makes for some good bbq. Hmmmmm… bbq gun! I like the sound of that!
Seriously though, on the overall shape: I like how pronounced the plunger tube cover area is up top. I also like how they start right at the front strap.
If in the future I can ever get you to make me a custom set, those are 2 features I definitely want.
03-29-2024, 01:45 PM
By the way, that’s a pretty slim magwell. Does not add as much as some that I’ve seen. I think doa has shown us just how good those things look on these compacts. Goes well on yours too.
03-29-2024, 01:57 PM
I didn't like it at first, wrote it off as junk, it was cheap. But when it's fitted to the grip and locked down it isn't too bad. I'm not really a magwell kind of guy, never have been but I'll give it a try.
Was fixin to go shoot this thing several days this week but always got side tracked. Was gonna go wednesday but thank goodness I checked the website where I was gonna go and now they are closed on Wednesday???? Boy that would not make me happy if I'd drove the hour up there to find locked doors. Maybe late next week hopefully.
03-29-2024, 02:08 PM
That woulda sucked! Man I thought you lived out in the boonies and could shoot out of your living room window?
I do like how magwells kind of encase the bottom of grips in metal. Not really caring about their functions as I'm no competition shooter. That STI came with one stock on it and had me liking them since. It was my 1st that ever had one.
03-29-2024, 02:27 PM
By the way, for standard grip bushings, I've found this tool lately to be AMAZING at removing bushings. It's tips are thin, so they fit right into the slots. The tips are also wide, so you get a full bite. Also, given the angle (perpindicular to the frame) it does not induce slip out. I wish I had known years ago. Would have saved many a bushing. I did (on dao's reccomendation) recently get some of the ones with a head on them and tool for removal, but now that I've discovered how good this works I am good from now on with standard bushings.
03-29-2024, 02:38 PM
And there's some on Ebay:
03-29-2024, 02:45 PM
I have some bushing tips for my Magna driver. One for thin and one for standard. The thin one works equally well for both. Fits down over the bushing so it can't slip off.
I might get one of them 4 way jobs. That would be handy on some trigger guards with the screw inside impossible to get with a screwdriver. Never could figure why they ever did them that way but many did.
I'm kind of in the boonies but still in kind of a neighborhood. Used to shoot once in awhile, still legal but so many houses around now with falling over left liberals living in them, if I shot much they complain and they'd probably make it NOT legal. About 2 blocks down the road it the boundary and can't shoot down there.
I light one off now and then to test something or just feel a desperate need for a boom, but not often.
03-29-2024, 03:16 PM
Wish I had known about those tips at least. Sounds like they’d work just as well. I think you’ll like this offset deal, if you get one, in situations like you mentioned. I recently had to get an old screw out of my tub up under the spigot. No way it was coming out with anything other than this tool. Turn a quarter turn, run into the spigot, flip the tool so the head was coming in from a different angle, then get another quarter turn and repeat.
Too bad about them liberals around you. They sure can ruin a good time. Only time I ever light something off is on the 4th or New Years, but do it in a fashion that’s like a pack of crackers going off. Way to dense around here and plenty that have displayed flags or signs that tell me we would not get along.
Guys I know it's a relatively expensive investment ($59.98), but if you make it you'll never have to worry about messing up your grip threads, or ruining a bushing again. If you go one step further and buy a few sets of their hex head bushings I promise you'll never regret the money spent, and you'll be hooked.
FWIW I always break my bushings loose with a tool, and then back them out by hand. And I screw them all the way in by hand before torqueing them down with a torque driver. That way you cannot cross thread a bushing (or a bolt).
I don't use loctite on my bushings because torqueing them to spec keeps them in place, and because I have hex head bushings on all of my 1911s I can use the same o-ring over and over again without tearing it up. The slotted bushings will tear them up after two or three uses. And as a self-admitted grip wh0re I can't afford to use a new set of o-rings every third or fourth grip change.
03-29-2024, 04:34 PM
I did buy a set after you mentioned them. I just have not used them yet.
03-30-2024, 10:04 AM
I use Loctite purple on occasion. It's for screws. Not bolts.
Harrison is my goto for 1911's, well worth the money.
He also sells bushings with hex heads. Less likely to screw up. Plus a 12.00 tool for them.
03-30-2024, 10:25 AM
I use Loctite purple on occasion. It's for screws. Not bolts.
Harrison is my goto for 1911's, well worth the money.
He also sells bushings with hex heads. Less likely to screw up. Plus a 12.00 tool for them.
Good info Ken. Having the right parts, and the right tools, sure can make a difference! The Challis stuff was what dao had reccomended too.
03-30-2024, 01:24 PM
Well the GRIP MASTER worked magic some awesome upgrade medallions to my Custom P227 Sig 45ACP. :amflag:
03-30-2024, 02:36 PM
Looks nice on there jeep. Grips look like G10?
03-30-2024, 02:44 PM
Yup....G10 Hogues...from Sig.
03-30-2024, 04:05 PM
Yup....G10 Hogues...from Sig.
Not sure what was on there before, but those make it look like one of the higher end (Legion) Sig’s.
03-30-2024, 04:06 PM
Can't make out the medallions on the grips jeep
03-30-2024, 08:24 PM
Ah, the Legendary Sig Nighthawk! Very nice
03-30-2024, 09:24 PM
I'm biased of course but I thought they turned out pretty nice. The grip in that spot is wafer thin, thankfully the pin isn't very thick. Worked out pretty well. Wasn't thinking I should have sent the yellow pencil along with them. Jeep always sends trinkets (which I love) so I was trying to think up something on my end.
The hematite didn't show up today Colonel. Hopefully it will be here Monday and I can send some on up to you.
Hematite came in Colonel. They look small to me, and the larger of the two have flat bottoms. I'm not sure we could get them to stick to grips well, being flat. What do you think?
04-01-2024, 08:46 PM
Flat is good generally. I epoxy them in and try to make the hole as snug as possible. I assume the top is kind of dome shaped. Won't know for sure till I see one in person.
Yep, the tops are faceted and look like a jewel set in a ring. The backs are flat and seem to have a gold-ish foil covering them. I'll send some of each up to you, you can keep any you don't use for whatever you decide to make for me.
04-04-2024, 11:34 AM
Not sure what was on there before, but those make it look like one of the higher end (Legion) Sig’s.
There wasn't anything on them before. No medallion, just solid grip. They do feel good even not being on a gun.
04-04-2024, 12:42 PM
There wasn't anything on them before. No medallion, just solid grip. They do feel good even not being on a gun.
I do like the look of the rough textured G10’s, such as those that I put on that Tisas, but the smoother one’s like his do feel much better in hand.
Great job getting those medallions in there. Looks factory.
04-04-2024, 01:28 PM
In hindsight I don't know what I would have done if it was to replace a medallion. Would have been real hard to get the old one out as there just wasn't much material around that pin. Pretty thin.
04-04-2024, 02:35 PM
In hindsight I don't know what I would have done if it was to replace a medallion. Would have been real hard to get the old one out as there just wasn't much material around that pin. Pretty thin.
The saint of grip makers was looking down on you that day my son. Others in the same situation had failed, but you persevered. :rolleyes::D:D:D
04-04-2024, 03:20 PM
He is known as the GRIPMASTER for a reason!
04-04-2024, 04:14 PM
04-04-2024, 04:40 PM
I'm far more generally referred to as the Wood Butcher, but grip master has a nice ring to it, kind a rolls off the tongues.
04-04-2024, 06:31 PM
Decided to checker some High Standard grips I made a while back. This is the one found in a wall during demo. Pretty nasty shape but all there. Cleaned it up and cold blued, there were not grips but she has some now. I shot it a couple times out back to check function and it works fine.
04-04-2024, 06:33 PM
Decided for grins to put a couple of the stones Dao sent me for his grips on my MRI grips. They look pretty good. If there's enough I might just add them to mine.
04-04-2024, 07:54 PM
Decided to checker some High Standard grips I made a while back. This is the one found in a wall during demo. Pretty nasty shape but all there. Cleaned it up and cold blued, there were not grips but she has some now. I shot it a couple times out back to check function and it works fine.
I remember you showing that one, and thought you did it real justice, but do not remember where you said it came from. Thats a crazy cool story! Making grips where there are none must have taken some serious measuring, fitting, etc. Grip Master it is then! And the grips look nice. I would be willing to bet that somone with that gun would much rather have the grips you created out of nothing rather than what it came with (probably black plastic)?
04-04-2024, 07:57 PM
For what it is worth, I was working at the PD at the time, an officer brought it to me from the construction site. I ran it and it was not stolen and obviously left there a very long time. Since it was basically just parts, somehow I ended up with it. I'm happy about it working.
04-04-2024, 07:57 PM
Like I said before, this is unique. If you are just funning, let's keep it a secret. But, I think if you post these on the 1911 forums you might get busier than you want to be. Never seen anyone else doing that and you know we all want unique!
I think I like the blue better than the hematite :D
04-06-2024, 05:04 PM
Got some wood yesterday. Ordered online. Real pretty stuff, painful to the wallet but it is pretty. What price pretty right?
Bolivian Rosewood, Honduras Rosewood, and a hunk of plain ole Walnut.
Already cut out a set for Dao, went with the Hunduras as I liked the grain, my pretty brand new unfired MRI Officer is looking a little dusty but she'll clean up. Hoping for some trigger time this week, see if my wrist can handle it.
04-06-2024, 05:07 PM
NICE! :w00t:
04-06-2024, 06:44 PM
Yep! that piece in the middle looks very interesting with a darker color and tight grain…..That’s going to make for some fine looking grips…….
Gonna keep me guessin as to what mine will be made of huh? I like it! :)
04-06-2024, 09:16 PM
Gonna keep me guessin as to what mine will be made of huh? I like it! :)
Lol! I can't tell you how many times I zoomed in on each piece of wood in those pics, imagining the grains in the different sections, canted left, right, up, down and how they would look. This coming from a guy who can't afford new grips right now. 😔
Digital window shopping for a not yet existing product 🤯
04-06-2024, 11:09 PM
Those are yours in the picture. I'm awaiting further instructions via PM on how you want to proceed. I put some oil on for grins and it helped immensely.
As Bird mentioned, when I could go in person to a good wood store, there might be a 6' piece of beautiful wood but with one little spot smack in the middle with phenomenal grain pattern. Have to buy the whole piece just for that little section.
Sometimes the grain don't stay the same once you cut it too.
04-07-2024, 10:10 AM
Do you think CHECKERING would spiff up these grips? I might try some bluing on the gun too....:madgrin: Notice I wear my glove so as not to tarnish the finish.:D
04-07-2024, 11:08 AM
Looks like they were already checkered, perhaps I could just touch them up a bit without ruining the patina? You plan to use Birchwoods Casey Bluing or maybe Vans?
04-07-2024, 11:19 AM
I like a challenge, but…
That was actually a new gun. That somebody tried a new coca-cola refinishing technique on :D
Colonel I really really like the grain in those grips!
04-12-2024, 12:13 AM
Another officer set fresh off the bench. Really pleased with the wood and the skip line checkering. Just a tad thick but hoping I get used to it, if not I'll go thinner.
04-12-2024, 02:58 AM
Very nice! Love the checkering!
04-12-2024, 07:29 AM
Those look great. Very nice.
Those are beautiful Colonel! Looks like those sharp replacement cutters you bought are paying off. Had you done skip line checkering before?
04-12-2024, 09:12 AM
They are very purdy.
Do you, make thin grips? Every try Ironwood?
I have been thinking about getting a slim set of Ironwood grips for one of my Gov't models.
04-12-2024, 10:03 AM
I've done a lot of skip line checkering, many folks don't care for it and a lot of people that checker don't like doing it. I don't understand why. It's no different than regular checkering. This wood checkered really nice. So far I've only used one new cutter for final touch up. Hoarding the rest. Still need to find some single cutters but I'm ok on the doubles for quite a spell.
Kenemoore, I did a lot of Ironwood (also called Epay?) in the past. It works pretty well but lord help ya if you get a splinter in your paw. Hurts instantly and everything stops till you get it out and it still hurts for a while.
I'm not sure if I have any left around or not, I'm thinking the just might be. I'm a devout thin grips guy. This last set I did on standard bushings hoping that I could use the officer size for a model without always having to take the bushings in and out all the time but I'm not sure it's gonna work. I got another set, same stuff I'm gonna try to thin more. If that fails, we'll just swap bushings. Wish I had an old beater officer frame to use as a model so I'm not risking my carry guns so much to scratches and piles of sawdust etc.
Send me a PM on what you're thinking on your Gov't model, models?
04-12-2024, 10:07 AM
Very nice! Love the checkering!
I saw a set a fella did on Fakebook where he left that border on the front and back and kind of liked it. So tried it myself. Funny I'd never seen that before. Guy was a relatively new checkerer and as usual a few kind of razzed him but they looked great to me and I kind of stole his border idea. I usually just run the checkering off the edges which is of course easier, you don't have to worry about crossing the line or overruns as the good guys call them. I got lucky and had zero on this set. That normally don't happen to me.
If you decide those fat grips aren't for you Colonel, well, I know a guy who likes them :D
04-12-2024, 10:51 AM
If you decide those fat grips aren't for you Colonel, well, I know a guy who likes them :D
I thought of that and they might work with the magwell too. I did bevel the bottom but might still work.
04-12-2024, 10:52 AM
I saw a set a fella did on Fakebook where he left that border on the front and back and kind of liked it. So tried it myself. Funny I'd never seen that before. Guy was a relatively new checkerer and as usual a few kind of razzed him but they looked great to me and I kind of stole his border idea. I usually just run the checkering off the edges which is of course easier, you don't have to worry about crossing the line or overruns as the good guys call them. I got lucky and had zero on this set. That normally don't happen to me.
After looking at this last set you made I finally went and watched a "how to" video. I think it was a Brownell's and he did a rifle stock. I now understand why you have so many different files, etc and now understand that it is quite the time consuming process. I see what you are saying about the border and understand about the over runs as he cleaned them up on the edges in the video. After watching that video, I have even more respect for what you are doing to go from a hunk of wood to a finished set! :cool:
04-12-2024, 10:57 AM
Time consuming a lot like wearing your fingers to the bone polishing I imagine. I had a set of checkering tools long long ago that I could never figure out how to even use, until I saw in a book or something.
Just takes patience I guess. I never had that back when I had legs (actually not much patience now neither) and that's the main reason I was able to learn it. While everyone was out hunting, fishing or stuff like that I had time at the bench. No regrets although I'd love to have legs for about a month, I could get a lot of stuff done around the place.
Ah, I hadn't noticed that they were beveled. Probably wouldn't look "right" above a magwell. Drat.
04-12-2024, 11:36 AM
Time consuming a lot like wearing your fingers to the bone polishing I imagine. I had a set of checkering tools long long ago that I could never figure out how to even use, until I saw in a book or something.
Just takes patience I guess. I never had that back when I had legs (actually not much patience now neither) and that's the main reason I was able to learn it. While everyone was out hunting, fishing or stuff like that I had time at the bench. No regrets although I'd love to have legs for about a month, I could get a lot of stuff done around the place.
That patience stuff comes and goes with me. Hence some of them sitting unfinished for so long.
i'm often surprised by what you say you do get done while in the chair. Cutting wood, shoveling this and that. Not sure I would. A lot of stuff goes undone around me anymore just because of back pain. I would have to say you have more get up & go in you than I have. Wasn't that way when I had a good back
Nice you found the books and ran with it. When I say/think, "what did we do before the internet", your example is the answer.
04-12-2024, 12:17 PM
Ah, I hadn't noticed that they were beveled. Probably wouldn't look "right" above a magwell. Drat.
Actually I don't think it would look that bad. I think I left enough that the wood would still be above the magwell. I could actually taper it down to fit the magwell and recut the checkering. I might try seeing what that would look like with my POS clip on magwell just for grins. I'm working another set and the standard bushings just won't let me get thin enough, so slim bushings back in and the sawdust begins.
Wife is going on a cruise with a girlfriend for a week and a half starting tomorrow, so I'll have plenty of bench time although she does have a few things she wants me to build for outside. Planters and such.
All this if I don't starve to death. She stocked plenty of grub, I just hate taking the time to cook, or in my case heat up or whatever the box says to do.
04-12-2024, 12:27 PM
Actually I don't think it would look that bad. I think I left enough that the wood would still be above the magwell. I could actually taper it down to fit the magwell and recut the checkering. I might try seeing what that would look like with my POS clip on magwell just for grins. I'm working another set and the standard bushings just won't let me get thin enough, so slim bushings back in and the sawdust begins.
Wife is going on a cruise with a girlfriend for a week and a half starting tomorrow, so I'll have plenty of bench time although she does have a few things she wants me to build for outside. Planters and such.
All this if I don't starve to death. She stocked plenty of grub, I just hate taking the time to cook, or in my case heat up or whatever the box says to do.
Lol! You just described me & my wife's relationship. “You do…, here’s the cooked food” (insert many laughing emoji’s). Luckily, if I don’t always get my part done, she still does her’s. My body fat % is testament to that. :D I’m either blessed, or cursed and don’t know it.
04-12-2024, 04:32 PM
Here's a shot of those last grips with the slip on magwell.
04-12-2024, 04:34 PM
I got some super slims just about done today. I'll probably have em done before close of business. When exactly is close of business you ask? Could be today, or maybe tomorrow, or perhaps even next Saturday, wait that's tomorrow, maybe Wednesday.
My wife just spent a few days up at her Mom's in Monroe. She stocked me up with food before she left. While I can cook I too would rather spend my time in front of the bench than the stove. She's going up again at the end of the month so I'll be on my own again for a few days, and then maybe one more time in May. Her Mom is getting to the age where she would be better off with someone around, and the sister that lives in Monroe is going on a well-deserved vacation. Her and my BIL do the heavy lifting so far as my MIL is concerned so we try to help out when we can, while living ~120 miles away.
Just my personal taste Colonel but I like grips on a magwell to be flat cut, with no pin cutout. And even flat cut without a magwell. They just fit my strong hand better that way, and look better (to my biased eyes). That being said those skipline grips you made look very nice with or without the magwell, the quality and workmanship just shine through.
04-12-2024, 05:42 PM
Here's the last set for awhile, need to let my neck, eyes and shoulder have a bit of a break. I'm gradually building back up to where I can fiddle with grips for longer periods without being crippled. Wait, I already am.....?????
Need a little clean up and fine tuning on the pin, looks worse in the picture than it does in the hand, hate it when that happens. I'll probably leave these smooth. With the front strap checkered, the grip is good. They are about half the thickness of the skip lined last set. Just feels better to me, we'll see what it's like when we light it off. The thicker grips might help spread the recoil a bit maybe.
04-13-2024, 10:57 AM
I love the skip line one’s, but also vote smooth on the AOG set. Very nice lines in that wood!
The Colonel sent these up to me today. Like 'em as much as I do?
Thanks for leaving them a little long Colonel. I took just a smidge off the bottom of each, and relieved the left a tiny bit to clear the thumb safety. Used my disc sander and barely had to touch them to it. And you got them to the perfect thickness for me!
04-13-2024, 04:44 PM
Ya know a Blind Hog gets an occasional acorn. Glad I got it right. I think them stones show up better than I thought they would.
04-13-2024, 05:13 PM
In the pics at least, the stones show as silver”ish”, pulling off the hammer and barrel hood. Then the dark graining in the grips pulls off of the frame & slide. Can’t “come together” much better than that IMHO.
I read into what you said about a lil trimming. I’d MUUUUCH rather that than one’s that come up short this way or that way. Sounds like you scored the perfect set. The Grip Master strikes again! Happy for you dao! I know that having the grips just right makes such a difference when I’m dressing mine. Congrats my friend!
You done good! Expect something from me in the mail this coming week Colonel.
Thanks Bird. Something about a red grip on a black frame that brings out the best in both. The jewels are OK but the grips are where he hit the homerun. I have to say that I still like the red stones he used in his better. But he used what I asked him to, and I like them just fine. They feel great in hand too. :D
04-13-2024, 07:04 PM
I think the stone is basically clear. There's like a foil or something shiny on the back which is what shows up. They are like plastic or glass. I put one in that was flawed and they fit the hole so well I couldn't get it out, so I took a tapered awl and just tapped it a bit. It shattered and came out easily so I could put another one in.
The ones on mine were actually Blue. I caught hell for getting a red wheelchair when working at the PD. They wanted to know why I got Fire Dept red.....So lean towards blue these days.
I can easily pop those silver ones out and put in another color. I don't know what the wife has around. Thats where the blue came from. I don't think she had red that I recall but could probably get some.
Glad you had a disc sander to remove some wood at the mag well, I left quite a lot and that's usually a tough area to fit, I use a file and going across the grain can be difficult. I have belt sanders but when I'm going for the perfect fit, I try to avoid the power tools. I've found they make it faster and easier to screw up all the hours one has into them.
No, I don't want to change these. I was thinking you had red stones, forgot that you had blue. Regardless I like these just fine. But thanks for the offer!
I barely touched the bottoms to the disc sander, and went back in my workroom to check the fit. Took me three times to get the left one, and twice for the right one, because I took so little off each time. I touched up the sanded area with FP-10 which is what I use on my guns for cleaning and lubricating. I really like the wood you used too! Thanks for doing these, they are very classy and make the DW look great.
04-15-2024, 10:27 AM
Currently sporting WC Starbursts standard thickness, thinking Ironwood, would look nice. As you can see the bluing is all gone. Had this pistol for almost 30 years now. My wife almost divorced me when I bought it. (I could not upload photo's from my PC via PM, not an option, URL's only)
21191 2119221193
04-15-2024, 11:31 AM
Very nice Ken! I love the tone it has taken with some of the blue gone. I'd be proud to have that one! Is that an R1 Enhanced?
I too like the looks of it now. Good honest wear always looks nice imo.
04-15-2024, 12:36 PM
It is a cira 1990's , don't remember the exact date, Ed Brown Executive Elite(I don't think they offer them anymore, luckily the serial number is blurred a bit, but it only has 4 digits.). Still, the most accurate 1911 I own. I had to replace the slide stop, and barrel bushing once, otherwise all original.
I used to carry it on the weekends, still do on occasion. I'm mostly wanting to go with slim grips, and was going to give the Colonel a chance to shine.
04-15-2024, 01:02 PM
That's a beautiful gun. I'm breaking out the polish to work on some shine.
04-16-2024, 11:54 PM
Never one to leave well enough alone and being as yesterday and today were wet and windy hence man cave days. I went back and revisited the 3rd or 4th set of MRI grips with the Armor of God pins.
Decided to checker them after all. Couldn't completely decide so I did regular 20LPI on top and Skip lined the bottom half. These are uber thin and I think they will live on it for some time. Still haven't got around to shooting it yet but it's time will come.
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