View Full Version : Come Into Bawanna's Famous Grip Emporium
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04-17-2024, 06:40 AM
That's wild. Don't think I've ever seen any 1/2 & 1/2'd that way. Smoothly blended & transitioned too. Well done sir!
04-17-2024, 08:14 AM
It is a cira 1990's , don't remember the exact date, Ed Brown Executive Elite(I don't think they offer them anymore, luckily the serial number is blurred a bit, but it only has 4 digits.). Still, the most accurate 1911 I own. I had to replace the slide stop, and barrel bushing once, otherwise all original.
I used to carry it on the weekends, still do on occasion. I'm mostly wanting to go with slim grips, and was going to give the Colonel a chance to shine.
I can highly recommend the Colonel's work :cool:
04-17-2024, 08:34 AM
It is a cira 1990's , don't remember the exact date, Ed Brown Executive Elite(I don't think they offer them anymore, luckily the serial number is blurred a bit, but it only has 4 digits.). Still, the most accurate 1911 I own. I had to replace the slide stop, and barrel bushing once, otherwise all original.
I used to carry it on the weekends, still do on occasion. I'm mostly wanting to go with slim grips, and was going to give the Colonel a chance to shine. Very nice! If I ever buy a higher end one, it will be an Ed Brown. Kudos on wearing it. I don't know that I would have, being such an expensive one.
04-17-2024, 02:33 PM
The Ironwood arrived moments ago. Happened to be in the driveway so drive up delivery at the window. Straight to the shop and already slabbed one piece, I think the one second from left, looked like the best figure but one never knows until they are shaped. Kenemore, watch for a PM.
04-17-2024, 03:09 PM
Agreed on the 2nd from the left. My next choice would be 2nd from the right. I like those opposing grain directions.
04-18-2024, 12:20 AM
Agreed on the 2nd from the left. My next choice would be 2nd from the right. I like those opposing grain directions.
They are all beautiful, but I’m putting my nickel on the far-left piece. Man, if that could be turned into a set of MK grips… Sorry. I musta fell asleep for a sec, cuz I was dreaming.
04-18-2024, 12:22 AM
That's wild. Don't think I've ever seen any 1/2 & 1/2'd that way. Smoothly blended & transitioned too. Well done sir!
I agree, Bird. Just…beautiful. That’s all I got. I’ve never seen a half & half, but now my mind has a new standard.
Great work, Colonel!
04-18-2024, 06:52 AM
They are all beautiful, but I’m putting my nickel on the far-left piece. Man, if that could be turned into a set of MK grips… Sorry. I musta fell asleep for a sec, cuz I was dreaming.
I bet the Grip Master could turn your dreams into reality Wlf!
04-18-2024, 10:34 AM
In backtracking I found that I did slab the far left, I'll see how it turns out. I was hesitant to spend the dough on this wood but didn't take into account there were 5 pieces. I feel pretty good about it now.
Sadly I don't have access to an MK anymore and I'm not sure these pieces are quite big enough for Kahr grips. Might be, I'd actually thought of that.
I need to track down an MK for a model I guess.
04-23-2024, 05:25 PM
Lets talk for a minute about Tisas grip bushings. Never occurred to me that I hadn't swapped the bushings since new. Soooo, today after whittling a set of grips in one day, in near record time and super thin, I had to swap to thin bushings. How tight were the factory bushing you might ask. Mother of mothers, they were ungodly tight. They must use an impact wrench/ or more likely super loctite. After the first one absolutely refused to let loose, I hit them all with Kroil, a miracle penetrating oil that usually solves all the world's problems. To make a long story a bit shorter I had to use vise grips on all but one. And the slim bushings threaded in nicely but didn't want to screw down flush to the frame. So I just made a little more room in the grip to accommodate, made sure they were good and snug and called it good.
I don't recollect ever having so much struggle. I've fought a few that were staked in but these were tough.
Any how after whittling some Ironwood for Ken, I just had to have some for myself, stuff is gorgeous, decent to work with, kind of like Coco Bolo in that it kind a makes you loopy. I even wore a mask for a little bit. I gotta thank Ken for turning me back onto Ironwood. I'll be looking for more.
So here's what my Tisas is wearing today.
Ken if you send me your email address, I'll send a picture of yours which I'm hoping will get in the mail tomorrow or Friday. Wife gets home mid day tomorrow. Just ain't right that you don't get to see em first unless you don't care, then I'll post em here.
04-23-2024, 05:35 PM
Dang man! You got the right piece of wood that time for sure! 2nd from the left piece as previously discussed?
Lol about the bushings. There’s a reason why the Carry I’m working on is fully disassembled, but the bushings. Everything I’ve been doing, I’ve done with the bushings in place. Can’t say it’s the first one like this though. But yeah, totally agree. They almost weld them in there. Yours is looking phenomenal!
04-23-2024, 06:14 PM
I can't say for sure which piece it was now, been handling and drooling and figuring, so I'm kind of confused. Each piece does get me 3 slabs so 1 1/2 sets of grips. The piece left over from this set, isn't far off from the piece left on the last one so should be a decent match. 1st and 2nd set here are book ended so just the saw blade removed from in between. Doesn't always mean a lot as you'll see when we post pictures of Ken's. I love em but they sure look different right and left.
04-23-2024, 06:34 PM
I’ve never been able to simultaneously look at the left side and the right side, so I personally do not care as much about that as others may. Both sides in the pics you posted have curves and opposing directions, which is what I love. That’s why I like the spalted stuff. Changes directions multiple times. I know what you mean by the boom ended stuff though. I’ve seen others mentioning that when selling scales for gun and/or knife grips.
04-23-2024, 08:26 PM
Boom? Boom? Maybe m should be K but I'm okay with Boom.
04-23-2024, 08:35 PM
Boom? Boom? Maybe m should be K but I'm okay with Boom.
Si senior! Ya got me!
Nice looking grips Colonel. Lots going on with that grain.
I can't recall for sure if any of the grip bushings on the various Tisas' I've owned as being hard to get out, but then again I always use the Challis tools before I swap them over to hex heads. I have garfed up a couple of the slotted over the years, just don't recall which guns they were on. Could have been a Tisas I guess.
04-24-2024, 05:24 AM
I don't have to see them first, you can just post them here.
Some folks do put Loktite on the bushings. Hitting them with a Hair Dryer helps.
Some replacement bushing vendors, recommend using Loktite 222L (Purple), made for screws. I sometimes use just a wee bit, apply it with a toothpick.
If you are going to change a lot of bushings, might pay to get a bushing thread tap (.236 x 60tpi). Then you can chase the threads as needed.
04-24-2024, 10:49 AM
I don't use anything as I'm forever swapping bushing. I try to avoid it when I can. Don't have any trouble with them coming loose so far. I should get that tap though just in case. I don't do much metal, I'd probably screw the threads up with the tap.
These are what I'd call medium slim. Takes short bushings and short screws. They feel good to me. Book ended but you can see the difference in the grain and color. Wood, it's wonderful stuff.
Since these are going on an Ed Brown, I used my Wilson for a model. Hoping the fit is perfect but as usual a little tweaking might be in order.
04-24-2024, 12:37 PM
Bravo Zulu
04-24-2024, 04:05 PM
I agree with WOW
04-24-2024, 04:06 PM
I am betting that those bushings were installed with RED LOCTITE. Try heating next set like that.
04-24-2024, 04:58 PM
I hope there is a next time. I thought of the heat but didn't follow thru. I think on closer examination, your right in that it was some sort of thread locker. There were strands visible. I'm ordering some of the Challis bushing tools Dao recommended. Watching the video it seems like a sure fire way to get them out. I'm not totally on board with the hex head bushings. They do make thin and ultra thin but one has to allow for that in the grip. They may work fine with any grip but I'm not certain. Besides if I get the bushing tools, then get the hex bushings, I'd never have a use for the tools again. Would fit right in with a lot of other stuff I got around here. Still might get the tools, half man can't have enough tools right?
I thought I'd be done with them after a couple of uses too Colonel. But now, later, after a dozen needs they've paid for themselves. Haven't stripped off the slots ever. Oh, and the hex head bushings come in slim and standard. Same with the bushing tools. And I have to correct you on something, ALL men can use all the tools they can put their hands on.
04-24-2024, 06:44 PM
The finished grips are super luxurious! Ed Brown? Wilson? Yer a fancy dude for sure! Man I can't imagine what you might have that you haven't even told us about.
04-24-2024, 07:05 PM
Ken has the Ed Brown, I have the Wilson that I got a super deal on or I'd never have one. It's very early Wilson and not one of those that start at 4000 bucks etc. Still you can feel the quality just holding it. Wish I could carry a govt size 1911 easier, I'd wear that one all the time. Commander length makes all the difference to a full time sitter like myself.
04-24-2024, 07:16 PM
Ah, gotchya! Yes, I'm sure any "grade" of Wilson would be great to have and hold, or so I've read many times. I know what you mean about the full size... If not for the thumb safety, and the size thing, I'd carry a long slide. Might as well go all the way and be super cool! 😁
04-24-2024, 08:58 PM
Huh? You don't like a thumb safety?
04-24-2024, 09:23 PM
Huh? You don't like a thumb safety?
I love 1911’s, but do not carry one. Best dang guns ever at the range, for dressing up, etc. BUT.. I’ve been through an adrenaline dump, pull a gun on the bad guy scenario. As a result of that, I do not trust that in that situation I would be capable of switching off the safety. I only carry double actions for this reason alone. I want to be able to only have to do 3 things. Unholster, point, pull the trigger.
Do tell Bird, do tell. But only if you're comfortable about it.
04-25-2024, 12:07 AM
I've seen the elephant twice. Fortunately, neither incident ended up with a loud bang. Only negative thing in my case was neglecting to put the safety back on when reholstering. Adrenalin dump indeed. And that's all I have to say about that.
Just once for me. Long story but no shots fired and the threat never saw my drawn gun. Was carrying a Sig P239 so no safety to mess with.
04-25-2024, 08:28 AM
Do tell Bird, do tell. But only if you're comfortable about it.
Road rage thugs rammed us a few times behind, then came back once we pulled off the road and rammed us in the front. Then slowly crept by drivers side, I thought to maybe shoot us, so I drew down on the driver. They both slinked down and he punched it to get out of there when they saw the gun.
Jerks. No telling what would have happened otherwise. Glad you were able to "defuse" it!
04-25-2024, 09:15 AM
Jerks. No telling what would have happened otherwise. Glad you were able to "defuse" it!
Thanks and agreed!
04-25-2024, 09:44 AM
If you have a manual safety, you have to train, train, train. I have been carrying a 1911 so long. I miss the safety when carrying something else.
Took my dog Charley Poodle to the groomer on Wednesday, whilst he was there I went over to the legion and fired a box through my K40, since I'm carrying it now. Practiced drawing from concealment a few times. Found my thumb, fumbling around looking for the safety.
After all the drills I did in the Navy, I know muscle memory is a thing. So that's where the training comes in.
(BTW, I took my 586 with me too. Forgot how accurate that thing is. At 10 yards, shooting 2" groups with the K40 (180grn), 1" with the .357 (158grn). Taking my time 1 second between shots.)
Back when I was working for a living, I tried to attend at least one, one day, training event per year. I remember one year, I did the NRA defense outside the home training. There was a so called instructor taking the class, so they could teach it later. She was shooting some model of HK, in .40 with a thumb safety. Almost every time it was her turn to run a scenario, she would forget to drop the safety. Over and over and over, was obvious she had not practiced much, with that HK.
So Bird, as they say on Jerry Springer, "I feel you, for real, for real". If you're not comfortable with a safety, carry something you are comfortable with.
04-25-2024, 09:55 AM
Back when our dept carried Beretta 92's with safety decockers, many of the officers opted to decock and then put the safety off so they didn't have to if they had to shoot. Sooo they trained everybody to sweep the safety off even if it was already off. In case an officer had to use another's gun who didn't follow that practice.
I never liked the safety set up on the Beretta. The 1911 is natural. I use the thumb safety as a thumb rest, so it's a no brainer really to squeeze it down and ready to fire.
I put a thumb safety on my 365 too. Like the 1911 it's natural and with the shorter trigger pull I think it's just a bunch safer.
For years I had issues with the trigger finger safety. I was a carpenter in an earlier life and ran a framing gun a LOT. With those first thing you do is grab the trigger and hold it down. Where you touch shoots a nail. That transferred over to guns, (muscle memory?) At least I didn't squeeze, I just put my finger on the trigger. Took me a long time to get rid of that but I pretty much got it now.
Plus one on the Beretta setup Colonel. At one time I was really into them but these days I only have one left. Never did like either the placement or the fact that on most of them decocking also left the safety on, and then you have to sweep it up rather than the intuitive way. A G model eliminates the safety but it's location is still problematic. Not that you have to carry one with the safety on, but racking the slide on them quickly can be painful. Safeties are much better when they're frame mounted.
04-25-2024, 10:13 AM
If you have a manual safety, you have to train, train, train. I have been carrying a 1911 so long. I miss the safety when carrying something else.
Took my dog Charley Poodle to the groomer on Wednesday, whilst he was there I went over to the legion and fired a box through my K40, since I'm carrying it now. Practiced drawing from concealment a few times. Found my thumb, fumbling around looking for the safety.
After all the drills I did in the Navy, I know muscle memory is a thing. So that's where the training comes in.
(BTW, I took my 586 with me too. Forgot how accurate that thing is. At 10 yards, shooting 2" groups with the K40 (180grn), 1" with the .357 (158grn). Taking my time 1 second between shots.)
Back when I was working for a living, I tried to attend at least one, one day, training event per year. I remember one year, I did the NRA defense outside the home training. There was a so called instructor taking the class, so they could teach it later. She was shooting some model of HK, in .40 with a thumb safety. Almost every time it was her turn to run a scenario, she would forget to drop the safety. Over and over and over, was obvious she had not practiced much, with that HK.
So Bird, as they say on Jerry Springer, "I feel you, for real, for real". If you're not comfortable with a safety, carry something you are comfortable with.
Totally agreed about the training. I’ve gotten all of my defensive training hours at this point into a double action that I just would be willing to invest the proper amount of time or money into doing it. I do know what you mean about the muscle memory and how I could learn that though. Fancy shooting with that 586 by the way!
Agreed also about those Beretta’s safeties being opposite and non intuitive. I see why those guys would have left them off.
04-25-2024, 10:49 AM
We transitioned to G model 40 cals after the 92's. Did solve the safety issue. Lastly they went to Glock 45's and about the time I retired they went full circle back to Glock 9's. Glad I didn't have to go thru a 4th transition, they were a pain. Getting each officer the right stuff. Now they allow the officer to choose which Glock they want. Has to be a Glock, has to be 9mm, but any of the different models. What a nightmare that must be. And they all now have Red Dots.
Happy to be home pondering all this.
04-25-2024, 01:30 PM
I've probably shot 92 and 96 series firearms more than all my other shooting combined. Never had an issue with any of their functions. Despite their design, they've always been very trustworthy and dependable and will shoot just about anything fed. All what you're used to, but in a defensive carry gun, I'd rather just be able to point and shoot. I do like a decocker for drawing down safely If you have a safety, but you don't remember whether it's on or off, kind of defeats the purpose.
04-25-2024, 02:21 PM
We never had hardly any issues with the 92 and 96 Beretta's we had at the dept. I seldom had to replace a part or anything. Some agencies apparently did have some but we got along just fine and dandy.
Only time there was a big concern was when an officer cleaned his gun and took the grips off. He knocked the trigger bar spring out and didn't notice it. He went a couple weeks before a range day. He got 1 shot and then had a paperweight. I had found the spring in the training room but it was before I went to Beretta school and I didn't know what it was. I kept it at my desk cause it looked like it was important.
The instructor at Beretta class did a session for the State Patrol where they were doing shooting and drills and such. After the class they all cleaned their guns before leaving for home from all parts of the state. Like he said, there's always one guy that is meticulous and the last one to finish. That guy came up to him and had 17 trigger bar springs he found in the bottom of the solvent tank. He was there a long time trying to call all those troopers to tell them their gun was worthless until they came back and got them or replaced them. He was a good guy, stayed in touch with him for several years.
04-26-2024, 10:34 AM
04-26-2024, 10:44 AM
We never had hardly any issues with the 92 and 96 Beretta's we had at the dept. I seldom had to replace a part or anything. Some agencies apparently did have some but we got along just fine and dandy.
Only time there was a big concern was when an officer cleaned his gun and took the grips off. He knocked the trigger bar spring out and didn't notice it. He went a couple weeks before a range day. He got 1 shot and then had a paperweight. I had found the spring in the training room but it was before I went to Beretta school and I didn't know what it was. I kept it at my desk cause it looked like it was important.
The instructor at Beretta class did a session for the State Patrol where they were doing shooting and drills and such. After the class they all cleaned their guns before leaving for home from all parts of the state. Like he said, there's always one guy that is meticulous and the last one to finish. That guy came up to him and had 17 trigger bar springs he found in the bottom of the solvent tank. He was there a long time trying to call all those troopers to tell them their gun was worthless until they came back and got them or replaced them. He was a good guy, stayed in touch with him for several years. The way that spring fits on the trigger bar, I'm not quite understanding how that could keep happening. I never had that issue with any of mine...................
04-26-2024, 10:48 AM
I would love to have that and do it up Resident Evil style!
04-26-2024, 10:56 AM
The way that spring fits on the trigger bar, I'm not quite understanding how that could keep happening. I never had that issue with any of mine...................
I never had that issue either but the officers usually are in a hurry and hit the tank (which I seldom used unless extremely dirty) and use a brush with the solvent coming out of it, it's kind of stiff. All they have to do is hit the top of that spring and dislodge it and the spring flies out.
04-26-2024, 11:32 AM
In my experience, some are mechanically inclined, some are mechanical “Bull’s in a China shop”. Thank tha lord we have both types or we would all still be in the stone age, or dying off in mass due to safety stuff not being built in by those in the know.
I would be curious to see the results if a study was done on such things, with %’s noted about who did what and what those types of people had as a common denominator.
In this case, I would be interested to see a “before” case study on any certain Police force, then one “after” on that same police force after application of diversity, inclusion, equity, equality of outcome, or any of the other changes that we are seeing entities such as law enforcement or corporations actually applying to their previously smooth running operations.
04-26-2024, 01:22 PM
I got booted out of a lot of diversity classes. My worst subject was profiling. I was good at that, I'd be a great asset at airport screening.
04-26-2024, 01:40 PM
I got booted out of a lot of diversity classes. My worst subject was profiling. I was good at that, I'd be a great asset at airport screening.
I probably woulda been booted too! 😉
04-28-2024, 10:31 AM
So here are the grips at their final home. The grip bushings have been in place close to 30 years. The bottom one's came right out, top one's required pliers. A little frustration getting those out.
So when I went to install the Colonel's new grips, the one on the safe side, was a little resistant. I just "snapped" it in place. Apparently my thumb safety is about .100-.125 longer than the one on the Colonel's Wilson.
A small piece at the plunger "snapped" off. Completely my fault. Should have took more time. Anyway, I took a sharpie and colored in the piece that broke off. No one except us chickens will ever know.
They look great. I applied a light coat of renaissance wax.
Colonel, as they say, the check is in the mail.
Well...for some reason cannot upload photos. I resized them pretty small. No errors, just nothing.
Will try again on Monday.
Looking forward to seeing the pics Ken. The Colonel, he does good work!
04-28-2024, 04:29 PM
So here are the grips at their final home. The grip bushings have been in place close to 30 years. The bottom one's came right out, top one's required pliers. A little frustration getting those out.
So when I went to install the Colonel's new grips, the one on the safe side, was a little resistant. I just "snapped" it in place. Apparently my thumb safety is about .100-.125 longer than the one on the Colonel's Wilson.
A small piece at the plunger "snapped" off. Completely my fault. Should have took more time. Anyway, I took a sharpie and colored in the piece that broke off. No one except us chickens will ever know.
They look great. I applied a light coat of renaissance wax.
Colonel, as they say, the check is in the mail.
Well...for some reason cannot upload photos. I resized them pretty small. No errors, just nothing.
Will try again on Monday.
I expected the plunger piece might be an issue. Not really since it was so thin snapping it off would have been easy. Can never tell making a grip on my gun how it's gonna work on somebody elses. I tend to go overly tight too which I should probably avoid more. It was just linseed oil on the wood so should match back up just fine. I've even just used gun oil for a tiny spot. Hoping they fit well other wise.
Were they thin enough for your liking or would you prefer thinner yet. Usually I leave a little hump to cover that plunger tube so there's a little more wood. I kind of messed up and failed to do that. Some prefer not to cover the tube, I'm partial to wrapping it a bit. With some of the long thumb safety it just doesn't work.
Remember there's a satisfaction guaranty that goes both ways. If your not happy I'm not happy. Well I'm happy but not real happy ya know?
04-28-2024, 06:40 PM
Well I used up all but about 2" of that nice piece of Bolivian Rosewood I had. Old commander, long retired now, asked me for a shadow box for his badges. Wanted it small and not deep. Most of the ones I have seen are far too big.
I'm more a framer than a finish carpenter, used to soft wood when building stuff beside grips. But it turned out ok. Has a hinge so it opens sideways. Names changed to protect the innocent.
04-29-2024, 05:26 AM
04-29-2024, 05:34 AM
04-29-2024, 09:03 AM
Nice grips Ken!
I'm happy, much thinner than the Wilson's, and they are purdy too. Like I mentioned, I put a thin coat of wax on them. Feel really good in the hand with the half checkering. I guess I could have gone with plan, since the front and back are checkered. When I bought it, it came with traditional double diamond checkered grips in Walnut. Still have them some place.
04-29-2024, 10:44 AM
That looks like a good fit. That's how I often times have to do the safety plunger. Worked out just fine. I guess I should have figured that the Ed Brown would have an extended safety but it's ok.
04-29-2024, 12:56 PM
I'm liking that half checker................
05-07-2024, 07:54 PM
A little hiatus from the gun handle hobby. Retired officer is getting a new grandson and his wife asked if I could make them a cradle apparently after she saw one I made for our grand kids. Kind a snowballing, got one done, then wife suggested one for a neighbors daughter who is having a baby about the same time, now she suggest one more and she could sell it online somehow????? Kind a fun and gets easier after you figure the first one out.
I'm gonna shorten the throw on the first one so it don't have quite as much swing and get it a bit higher.
05-07-2024, 08:27 PM
Nice grips for sure Ken!
Wow! That cradle looks fit for a king!!!
05-08-2024, 04:07 PM
That's a nice job. I believe you could sell those easily....................ever make one of those trash can/waste basket bins that tilt open?
05-08-2024, 04:50 PM
That's a nice job. I believe you could sell those easily....................ever make one of those trash can/waste basket bins that tilt open?
Not sure what that is? I use the fireplace or the burn pit.
05-08-2024, 06:00 PM
Well I see the shop is open and pumping out 'da wood! Very nice!
05-08-2024, 06:31 PM
Not sure what that is? I use the fireplace or the burn pit. Some of them tilt out like this one. Some have a top that opens, some have a door that opens. The nicer ones are made of hardwoods. Cheaper ones are pine or plywood. I have a burn pit but with frequent no burn warnings, I usually only burn in the cold months. We have to get a permit which is free. My taxes don't pay for refuse pickup in a township, sp I pay to have it picked up. Four garbage and one recycle per month. For what I pay it's pretty reasonable. If I took it to the local dump, I'd have to pay $4 a garbage bag and who knows with recyclables. Robbery........................
05-08-2024, 07:02 PM
Well I see the shop is open and pumping out 'da wood! Very nice!
I have that sign framed in old cedar wood and hanging on the door. Pretty cool.
05-08-2024, 07:14 PM
Some of them tilt out like this one. Some have a top that opens, some have a door that opens. The nicer ones are made of hardwoods. Cheaper ones are pine or plywood. I have a burn pit but with frequent no burn warnings, I usually only burn in the cold months. We have to get a permit which is free. My taxes don't pay for refuse pickup in a township, sp I pay to have it picked up. Four garbage and one recycle per month. For what I pay it's pretty reasonable. If I took it to the local dump, I'd have to pay $4 a garbage bag and who knows with recyclables. Robbery........................
I could make that. No room for it here, we put a trash can under the sink. Actually two. One for stuff that burns and one for stuff to the dump. We don't get pickup so go to the dump when needed. Usually make it a couple months.
05-10-2024, 10:30 AM
So, all this discussion about Desert Iron wood, caught my attention. Per many points on the internet. Hickory is the hardest wood, native to North America.
I have encountered many tools with Hickory handles. Why has it not been used for gun grips, knife scales, revolver stocks? Not pretty enough?
Great question Ken. Availability maybe?
05-10-2024, 12:49 PM
I've made several grips with Hickory. Like other woods it can be really plain or sometimes look pretty cool. First set was for a fella down in Texas, groping for his name but memory is failing. He said he'd send me the wood.
I got a box about 16'' x 16'' square. He'd took a full round off his wood pile and sent the whole thing. At first I didn't have any idea how to work that. Wife was working for a trucking/mill company and they had one of them big band saws that cut whole logs. They sliced it into 1/2'' slabs. I still have a little bit of it around, not sure where it all went. As I recall I put a Marine Corp emblem in that set. Probably pictures around here someplace.
05-10-2024, 01:07 PM
My bad, it wasn't hickory I was thinking of it was Mesquite.
05-10-2024, 07:59 PM
Hickory…Mesquite… I haven’t had the slightest thoughts on BBQ in at least 2 days, but now yall got me hankerin!
06-11-2024, 04:20 PM
Whittled out another set of handles for my MRI 1911U. The factory grips were nice size wise but a bit course for my taste. Guess I'm getting picky or something. The Armor of God pins felt a bit thin which is surprising as I generally like thinner the better.
Made a couple in between but just weren't right. These are some spalted maple that I stabilized myself quite some time back. Found a couple pieces hiding. So far I think I've found the size that will work. Should be good to help handle some of the boom.
Been kind of sidetracked making Baby Cradles. Made one for my daughter years ago, now my son and his wife will use it. Old coworkers wife saw it and wanted one for their upcoming grandson, then found neighbors on both sides have daughters that are having babies all about the same time. September due dates I believe. Must have been something in the water? So wife said make sawdust.
06-11-2024, 05:06 PM
Those are nice as can be! I do love me some spalted maple. What’s with all those yungins being born at the same time? That happens down here 9 months after major hurricanes. In fact, my son was conceived during one.
06-11-2024, 05:12 PM
Those are nice as can be! I do love me some spalted maple. What’s with all those yungins being born at the same time? That happens down here 9 months after major hurricanes. In fact, my son was conceived during one.
After years of in depth research and data collection, I'm firmly convinced that babies are caused by airport toilet seats. Not the ones on the airplane but the ones in the airport. All three of mine happened after we took or picked up somebody at the airport. Following all this information, when my wife said she needed to go tinkle, I told her to hold it, we'll stop at a gas station. So far it's worked. Now days they don't let you into the gates so we just pick folks up outside so no worries.
Those are very nice Colonel! I see you've taken a liking to the flat, magwell bottoms on them. The character of those grips is top notch.
06-11-2024, 06:05 PM
After years of in depth research and data collection, I'm firmly convinced that babies are caused by airport toilet seats. Not the ones on the airplane but the ones in the airport. All three of mine happened after we took or picked up somebody at the airport. Following all this information, when my wife said she needed to go tinkle, I told her to hold it, we'll stop at a gas station. So far it's worked. Now days they don't let you into the gates so we just pick folks up outside so no worries.
We got hurricane babies and ya’ll got airport babies! Good thing you got that figured out in time. ;)
06-11-2024, 07:02 PM
Yeah, might have been the Waltons of the NW.
06-11-2024, 07:04 PM
Those are very nice Colonel! I see you've taken a liking to the flat, magwell bottoms on them. The character of those grips is top notch.
I generally like to taper the bottom, only because it makes the grips appear thinner when looking towards the mag well. On the Officer size the grip is short so I actually utilize the whole grip. A taper wouldn't hurt anything but I thought I'd try it squared off.
06-11-2024, 07:43 PM
I like them. Look good.
06-11-2024, 08:16 PM
I generally like to taper the bottom, only because it makes the grips appear thinner when looking towards the mag well. On the Officer size the grip is short so I actually utilize the whole grip. A taper wouldn't hurt anything but I thought I'd try it squared off.
I sure wish I lived close enough to you for a visit. I have some small tweaks I’d make to the typical on 1911 grips, which I really do believe others would also appreciate. But one thing is for sure, your plunger coverage would be a must. Love the way you do that on some of them I’ve seen (and one of them I own).
06-12-2024, 12:08 AM
The extended thumb safeties kind of mess that up. End up with just a tiny section over the plunger tube. What kind of small tweaks you talking about. If it's top secret and you'd have to kill me I don't need to know that bad.
PM me if it's safer.
06-13-2024, 10:47 AM pg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=mOGLndu93qEQ7kNvgFFIdNo&_nc_ht=scontent-msp1-1.xx&oh=00_AYBhgxUQZ-sQlXomKLeOFrtrXNfdRJRFl5a-XLtJwKB1FQ&oe=6670D7A9
06-13-2024, 08:26 PM
The extended thumb safeties kind of mess that up. End up with just a tiny section over the plunger tube. What kind of small tweaks you talking about. If it's top secret and you'd have to kill me I don't need to know that bad.
PM me if it's safer.
No need to be secretive, Lol! I think I need to send you a pic of a 1911, with no grips, and an outline drawn in. I kinda explained it when I posted up about pouring those acrylic grips (which I still need to get to), but am not sure if that was a good enough explanation. I will post up a pic, or pics, hopefully soon, to see if it makes sense. Thanks man!
06-17-2024, 05:46 PM
Another damp and cool day and my neck is messed up for some reason (aggravating) so I did light duty and decided to try another elk antler set of grips. Everybody knows I'm not the least bit smitten with stag, antler etc grips.
Anyhow since the MRI 1911U had been living on my belt for that month plus I decided to try yet another set for it.
My dress isn't completely blown up but I'm gonna run them for a bit and see how it goes. I got them nearly thin enough to please but in doing so had to remove a lot of the bark that gives stag the character. The left side somehow I kind of faked it and it's not bad, the right side not so much but we'll see. They also lack enough material so I don't get anywhere near complete coverage. Enough to work with no issue but I like to cover front to back real close if I can. Still got more antler so maybe some day the right piece will work out.
06-18-2024, 05:04 PM
The antler is definitely growing on me. Looked a lot better the morning after. Still feel good. Might be ok.
06-27-2024, 11:30 AM
Another attempt at Elk Antler, not sure I posted before. Rescheduling the Dementia test.
Slightly thick for my personal taste.
06-27-2024, 11:54 AM
Nice pieces you used though (bone color, amount of bark). What happens if you try to go thinner? Lose the bark?
06-27-2024, 01:03 PM
If I thin from the back, frame side the grip gets narrower and narrower. Usually they are already borderline not wide enough for full coverage as I like and I think your partial to also.
When you thin from the front side of course your removing the good stuff. I don't know how the big outfits do it, revolver and auto grips with full bark and coverage. Must have a supply of large antlers with very little marrow.
Nice to see ya post, you been quiet for quite a spell.
06-27-2024, 04:15 PM
If I thin from the back, frame side the grip gets narrower and narrower. Usually they are already borderline not wide enough for full coverage as I like and I think your partial to also.
When you thin from the front side of course your removing the good stuff. I don't know how the big outfits do it, revolver and auto grips with full bark and coverage. Must have a supply of large antlers with very little marrow.
Nice to see ya post, you been quiet for quite a spell.
That all makes sense. I bet you are correct on the others starting with bigger stuff. Sounds like there's really no other way. I pet you could make some killer micro grips though (P238,P938, Mustang, EMP, etc) using the smaller stuff.
Yeah, have not been on here to much, or anywhere much lately. Son home from college, busy season at work and have not messed around with my pistols in a bit. I need to get some motivation on the projects again. Been to laxidasical and low on the p and vinegar to be honest. Thanks brother! Nice knowing you noticed! 😂
07-12-2024, 10:28 AM
Interesting old SAA ivory grips out of Mexico.
Too bad some vaquero “vato’d” them up with a crude repair to hold the broken one piece together.
Nice vintage color though.
07-12-2024, 11:30 AM
Vato'd or not, those are gorgeous. The stories they could tell?????
And stories going back to how far? I can easily see them as having been on a gun back in the Wild West days. Assuming they'd fit. I know nothing about revolvers. Especially old ones.
07-12-2024, 02:15 PM
Pretty far - those ivories came off a Colt 1851 Navy conversion.
They didn’t clome close to fitting it, as they were obviously made for a single action Army “Peacemaker”.
07-12-2024, 03:29 PM
I have an 1851 Navy.......guess I need a Peacemaker? Or maybe a pacemaker.
07-12-2024, 05:43 PM
I have an 1851 Navy.......guess I need a Peacemaker? Or maybe a pacemaker.
My pacemaker is a deep concealment device…
Wasn't the Peacemaker "The Gun that won the West"?
07-12-2024, 08:47 PM
No, that was the Winchester 1873.
07-12-2024, 09:05 PM
Love those grips. Underside reminds me of some of the cross cut mammoth 1911 grips out there. I bet they would look amazing mounted on one polished and/or with some engraving. WOWZERS! 😲
07-19-2024, 11:08 AM
Lessen learned yesterday at the range, once again all to myself. I broke out the much loved lastest MRI officer model and lo and behold it was locked up. Could barely rack the slide, trigger pull was insanely hard. I was totally perplexed. I've been carrying this thing around for quite a while now. What the heck ya know?
So I played with other stuff, broke out the Tisas commander for backup, brought a holster for it also only to find out I somehow didn't bring a magazine even though I knew I'd laid them out. So went to the Sig 365 which I also brought a holster for but found it fit fairly well in the MRI holster.
I get back to the camp and immediately try to figure out the MRI.
Long story short I took the grips off and it worked fine. There was plently of clearance on the bottom of the thumb safety but just a tad tight at the front where it went up over the thumb safety tube. The slide cleared the safety so I assumed all was well. Not enough. Safety has to go all the way off which is a good thing. So I broke out the leatherman file and filed a little antler away on the front, actually quite a bit and hopefully back to the range today with a much happier ending.
Not sure what the heck, cause I usually function check a bunch before I call it good and it worked fine. Shifted a bit maybe, can't say but we're back on the track.
Bloody hot over here. Had a container of water on the bench at the range under cover and by the time I took a drink it was too hot to drink. Oh well. Happy days.
07-19-2024, 03:00 PM
Lessen learned yesterday at the range, once again all to myself. I broke out the much loved lastest MRI officer model and lo and behold it was locked up. Could barely rack the slide, trigger pull was insanely hard. I was totally perplexed. I've been carrying this thing around for quite a while now. What the heck ya know?
So I played with other stuff, broke out the Tisas commander for backup, brought a holster for it also only to find out I somehow didn't bring a magazine even though I knew I'd laid them out. So went to the Sig 365 which I also brought a holster for but found it fit fairly well in the MRI holster.
I get back to the camp and immediately try to figure out the MRI.
Long story short I took the grips off and it worked fine. There was plently of clearance on the bottom of the thumb safety but just a tad tight at the front where it went up over the thumb safety tube. The slide cleared the safety so I assumed all was well. Not enough. Safety has to go all the way off which is a good thing. So I broke out the leatherman file and filed a little antler away on the front, actually quite a bit and hopefully back to the range today with a much happier ending.
Not sure what the heck, cause I usually function check a bunch before I call it good and it worked fine. Shifted a bit maybe, can't say but we're back on the track.
Bloody hot over here. Had a container of water on the bench at the range under cover and by the time I took a drink it was too hot to drink. Oh well. Happy days.
Glad you were able to get out to the range! Keep saying I’m going to go. I think my couch is a little too comfortable!
To bad you ended up at malfunction junction. I heard it’s hotter than Hades there and that left is right. Might explain the water and the lock up. Good thing you got it figured though. Gotta be careful gettin grips off of those dudes wittlin ‘em out in their little man cave shops. They can be rather wiley types.
At least you got to shoot some. I made the mistake of only taking 1 or 2 guns on 2 different occasions. New guns that I knew little about. Short range visits, but still had to pay the fees (they only charge me $7 being a veteran). Between getting stuff together, driving there, etc… at least 1.5 hrs wasted. I know how ya feel!
At least it was an easy fix Colonel. Let us know how it runs tomorrow. Does antler by chance swell or shrink according to temperature? As you said, it wouldn't take much to prevent the safety from completely deactivating.
08-06-2024, 12:15 AM
A very generous member here sent me a set of I believe SAA ivory grips. Very, very old. To me they are gorgeous and I knew I had to figure a way to hang them on a gun.
So I tried a Ruger Blackhawk and gosh durn they are close. I need to add just a tiny little piece of ivory to the front to fill a gap but otherwise they might be close enough.
I'll have to ponder weather I will shoot it with them on or not. This one is just a 22 so probably ok. I sure don't want to mess them up. Very heavy, dense good ivory.
08-06-2024, 03:43 AM
Those are a pretty close fit. If anyone can get them looking good, it would be you. Fancy looking lil 22!
08-06-2024, 12:42 PM
Shouldn’t be any problem with the .22.
I wouldn’t with the .357 though….. no telling if they’s crack or come apart.
They’ll look great if you add some of the scraps to fill in the gaps.
Can the backs/insides of those be stabilized with something?
08-06-2024, 01:43 PM
Can the backs/insides of those be stabilized with something?
Inside the Ruger grip frame at the heel there is a little pin that both panels snap onto - for stabilizing the grips.
08-06-2024, 03:11 PM
Alas they won't work on the Ruger. The mounting screw hole is directly in line with the main spring. I got the pin hole drilled and everything fitted only to discover the main spring. Pondering another way of holding them on.
I was just gonna run them with the gap at front. Figured the gap is less obvious than an add on piece but still working that in my infinitely small mind too. It ain't over yet.
Sorry AB, I meant to stabilize the material itself. Like a liner of sorts that would help to keep the ivory from splitting or fracturing.
08-06-2024, 03:12 PM
Can the backs/insides of those be stabilized with something?
They actually feel pretty solid. No flex. I kind of checked that before I did anything.
Ken L
08-06-2024, 06:24 PM
If you were to get those grips to work on something, methinks it would scream for some engraving to compliment the ivory. Make it into a real BBQ gun for sure!
08-06-2024, 08:02 PM
If you were to get those grips to work on something, methinks it would scream for some engraving to compliment the ivory. Make it into a real BBQ gun for sure!
Agreed! I’m hoping to take up engraving once I retire. I have watched more than a few vids on it and am hoping I can pull off something decent. While I do love 1911’s, I think engraved revolvers look cooler than engraved 1911’s. Something about those curves! I’m curious to see what the Colonel does with them grips. What a nice gift!
I agree on the engraved revolvers looking better Bird. There's just something "right" about them.
08-17-2024, 07:18 PM
Have a friend from over at the lake who has a family ancestors civil war rifle. It's in really good condition. He brought it and showed it to me a couple years back. I asked him this year if he had a case built for it and he said he hadn't had time. Priorities are obviously seriously messed up.
Anyhow I whittle out a display case for it. I'm more of a framer than a finish carpenter but it turned out fairly decent.
This is a modern replica of mine for trial and error although the dimensions are near identical. I'll try to remember to get a picture when he brings it over to pick it up. He has the powder horn, bullet sack and bullet molds that were with it. A real piece of history for sure.
That looks real nice Colonel. You going to add some way for him to hang his powder horn and bullet molds in it? He does have a great piece of history. And he could add to it with provenance since there is still a whole of that info out there and available.
08-17-2024, 11:49 PM
Yeah, we're hanging all the accoutrements in the case with the rifle. He also has all the provenance for it, literally pages of it, I looked thru that also. Kind of anxious to see the thing again. It was nice.
10-11-2024, 03:36 AM
It's really nice! I wish I were an artist too.
12-15-2024, 02:58 PM
Been a long time since I whittled out a set of grips. Been out making sawdust with larger stuff. Been cold and even with pellet stove a little chilly. Decided to spend time in my room. Love being told to go to my room.
Anyhow, a friend who is a real outdoor guy like to hunt mushrooms, antler sheds, all kinds of stuff. Sometimes on these forays while not hunting game, he's ran into bears.
So he decided to get a Springfield Ronin in 10mm. He had a Glock 10mm which he liked but decided to step up.
So it only seemed right that I should make some handles with a bear on em. My checkering tools are getting dull and it's taking a long time but we're still scratching away.
Shown on my MRI 1911.
12-15-2024, 03:26 PM
Those are cool! Good job as usual.
12-15-2024, 06:02 PM
Looking good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very, very nice Colonel. If I was your friend I think I'd buy me a Glock 21. Probably more dependable in the long run. With a higher capacity to boot. And then you could pass those grips along to me :D
12-15-2024, 07:14 PM
He had a Glock, not sure why he wanted the Ronin, although I don't blame him, I want a Ronin too. Don't think I'd want a 10 but maybe. Guess it shoots good.
I can whittle out another set of bear grips anytime.
How about a set of smooth Compact Magwell grips? Non-ambi and standard thickness. Got any really purdy blanks laying around?
12-16-2024, 12:24 AM
I don't have any blanks. I got some hunks of wood to make blanks. This bear set was made with Honduras Rosewood. Kind of pretty stuff. Have to see what other good stuff I have left. Use to have lots, pretty bottom of the barrel now. Need to get some more I reckon.
Well, when you find something you're happy with I'm sure I'll be happy with it to. Saw away!
Since I have either factory front strap checkering or checkering I did myself all of my Compacts have grippiness front and back. So these grips won't need any checkering. Just some sort of finish to seal them, and make them shiny :)
Thanks Colonel!
12-16-2024, 06:42 PM
He had a Glock, not sure why he wanted the Ronin, although I don't blame him, I want a Ronin too. Don't think I'd want a 10 but maybe. Guess it shoots good.
I can whittle out another set of bear grips anytime.
How about a Grizzly bear with 3 cubs on one side and a Polar bear eating a fish on the other? Just wondering.....:typing: [to help on wood shortage use plywood]....
12-16-2024, 07:59 PM
How about a Grizzly bear with 3 cubs on one side and a Polar bear eating a fish on the other? Just wondering.....:typing: [to help on wood shortage use plywood]....
I thought of that. Great idea.
12-24-2024, 11:49 AM
Okay....need to add some emblems to my NEW TO ME Sig P220 Carry 45. I want my 220 to look like my 226. Upper is 226, lower is 220 carry. Also got some G10 grips coming.
The jeweled grips were made by Bawanna. I haven't had them off the gun since I got them from him. But then his latest pair showed up today and I had to mount them up.
Unfortunately my lack of skills as a grip maker are only exceeded by my lack of skills as a photographer. Fortunately for me, he has skills! Thank you Colonel, you will have mail this week.
01-04-2025, 03:36 PM
Looks like they fit the mag well pretty good. Enough clearance for the thumb safety.....wasn't thinking, I should have put some jewels in. I know you said no checkering, must have thrown me off. That's Honduras Rosewood, pretty stuff. The jeweled grips look good, kind of forgot about those.
Nope, these are just right. Didn't want jewels on this set. So you done good. I wasn't sure what tree these were from so I'm glad you told me. Pretty hard species?
01-04-2025, 07:10 PM
Plenty hard, nice to work with though. My checkering tools are about used up but I might make another set and throw some checkering on them. I think I got enough wood for another set or 2, maybe even 3 if I'm lucky.
01-22-2025, 09:36 AM
Ahhhh that's what i'm talking about! Another great job by the GRIPMASTER! :Amflag2:
01-22-2025, 09:47 AM
Thanks, Jeepster. I always forget to take before and after pictures. Used to do that but now days usually forget.
02-03-2025, 07:24 PM
I found me a piece of glass out in the shop and like most things I sat back (actually I always sit) and thought what I could do with it. So I ended up building me a little display case to hang on the wall. Then of course I had to ponder what to display in it.
That was the easy part.
Today I added a little sticker that jeepster sent me, thought it was a nice touch.
How about a closeup of those grips with the dog on them Colonel?
02-03-2025, 10:13 PM
I only have the one half. I made those for a Sgts stepdad back in the day. Great guy only met him once or twice as he lived in California. Gave me a nice target 22 rifle much later. He was into German Shorthairs and the Sgt asked me to make those. Said he actually cried when he got them, either I did a bad job, or he was really happy, not sure which.
Anyhow he passed away a few years back and the family gave me the one half and kept the other half. (
02-04-2025, 12:11 AM
Down right purty I'd have to say! Oh, both the display case on the puppy grip.
They are special. Great idea of putting the one you have in the showcase you made. Keeps the guy alive in your memories, looks great, and shows just how good you are with your hands. Great job!
02-04-2025, 11:26 AM
:yo: Nice job................
02-12-2025, 12:08 PM
Finished checkering some Honduras Rosewood for my Tisas last night. Was curious what it would look like. I'm happy with the checkering but think it looked nicer smooth. Showed the grain more.
Have enough for another set or two so guess I got something to do when I find the time.
Here's a set of smooth ones you made for me out of the same wood Colonel, and while the grain shows up a bit more those checkered ones are still very, very nice!
BTW, my set was a little too thick even for me. So I put them against my disk sander and shaved about an eighth inch off each of them. They're more of a standard thickness now and the fit my hand much better. But the cool thing about that wood is that I didn't have to do anything to them other than put a little FP-10 gun oil on them to make them look exactly as you see them in the picture. Good stuff that Rosewood.
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