View Full Version : Come Into Bawanna's Famous Grip Emporium

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01-08-2011, 03:53 PM
Bawanna completed a beautiful set of grips for my Dad's 1911 Colt Commander. The trick was to incorporate features never seen before to accommodate a bad thumb and hand too slight to comfortably grasp such a powerful and heavy handgun.

So step right up and look at Bawanna's craftsmanship.

This is an overview where you can see the thumb accommodation. My thumb doesn't move right to press the standard release. So I got an extended paddle release which sticks way above the standard grip, and way, way above the slim grips for this gun. Of course that presents a problem in that we don't want the mag choosing when to drop, thus the "Paddle Barrier". I can slide my thumb down across the release without releasing the mag unintentionally.


These are closeups of the Paddle Barrier - Soon everybody will want one! Note how well Bawanna fit it to the paddle.



This is the often neglected side of the gun. He did another beautiful job there also.


Did I mention these are thin? How about REALLY thin!! Perfect for my hand!


I asked Bawanna what kind of tool makes all these cuts on both panels. He said each one is done by hand taking 4 cuts. I thought about at least counting the number of lines but that's too much work. I'm flabbergasted at the attention and effort to turn out such a beautiful piece of work. I told him my hands would be shaking when I got near the end whispering "Don't screw it up now, bonehead!"


Now aren't these terrific!? This wood never looked this good on the tree for sure. Here's a big applause for the man! Thank you SO much for your craftsmanship and hard work, Bawanna.

01-08-2011, 03:59 PM
Excellent job!


01-08-2011, 04:07 PM

01-08-2011, 04:15 PM
Excellent photos Old Lincoln. I'm putting you in charge of marketing effective immediately.

I think they look better in the pics than real life. I could have done a little better in the release barrier, couple rough spots but hopefully only your grip maker wil know for sure.

Thanks for the kind words.

01-08-2011, 04:18 PM
never seen such beautful work and the work around that mag release is simply one of a kind. Bawanna, u truly amaze me. I should have let you go ahead and make all my wood panels for my Porsche like u wanted to do...

01-08-2011, 04:27 PM
Thanks Jocko, coming from you this is a real feather in my headdress. I'm there for ya on those Porsche panels, you just know I am.

I'm heading to my man cave now to whittle on some mesquite for jlottmc and maybe a little ebony for TD2k. I got 2 hands right?

01-08-2011, 05:02 PM
Bawanna,I never dreamed you were such an artist.Those grips are so beautiful they make my britches stick out in front.

01-08-2011, 05:13 PM
Bawanna,I never dreamed you were such an artist.Those grips are so beautiful they make my britches stick out in front.

Well my life is complete now. There is no higher endorsement than that. I don't mind admiting theres some tears welling up inside my tear ducts as I try to type this message.
It could be sawdust I just rubbed them but naw it's pure pride.

Thanks Dietrich for the glowing endorsement.

01-08-2011, 06:57 PM
Absolutely beautiful work Bawanna, never seen better!

01-08-2011, 07:10 PM
Well my life is complete now. There is no higher endorsement than that. I don't mind admiting theres some tears welling up inside my tear ducts as I try to type this message.
It could be sawdust I just rubbed them but naw it's pure pride.

Thanks Dietrich for the growing endorsement.

Fixed it for ya... :D

seriously...those are awesome!

01-08-2011, 07:22 PM
Man, those are beautiful. Excellent craftsmanship. That's some talent you have there.

01-08-2011, 07:49 PM
Wow, Bawanna, those are beautiful. You did a mighty fine job on those grips. I am really impressed. You got a real talent there. I could work on those for 10 years and not get that result. Nice work.

01-08-2011, 08:17 PM
I have many very nice wood carved grips for a few of my guns. 3 setsfor one of them alone.

Those grips are top notch. They are beautiful and made so nicely I can't really put into words how impressed I am. Your dad is a lucky man to have those on his weapon. Thats the kind of quality I am always lookig for.



01-08-2011, 08:21 PM
Thanks Recoil Guy. Actually I am the lucky one as I inherited it from my dad. I guess it'll always be dad's gun and while it's mine for now, it will be my son's some distant day and maybe he'll call it his dad's gun too.

01-08-2011, 09:03 PM
Awesome job on OL's heirloom. Great craftmanship and even more important, the heart and time you put into making such a special gun even more special. I'm proud of you...and you're hired for my MK9/K9 PPF (purchased pending funds). Here's to hoping for mounds and mounds of snow in WA so you can keep using those talents of yours. Cherish it OldLincoln (I know you will).

01-08-2011, 11:37 PM
Those are gorgeous, Bawanna! Can you make me a pair like that for my PM9? Then it would be my most beautiful gun! That's all it lacks!

01-08-2011, 11:41 PM
I've often thought if I could figure out a way to put nice wood grips on a Glock I'd have more money than Davy Crockett.

Would be sweet to have a PM with wood handles. Ahh the possibilities.

01-09-2011, 02:30 AM
Those are as nice looking as any grips ive seen custom made. What wood is that? Cocobola? I reread the 1st post many times to see if i missed it as they look better than Cocobola usually does.
Odd I was never a fan of that wood, But if thats what those are i guess i better start rethinking my position. I think it may be the glossy look and high contrast in the wood colors you usually don't see in checkered Cocobola wood.

I think you actually could make a business out of making grips to fit those mag releases as no one ive seen makes anything like those grips.

Hopefully ill still be around and not have pissed you off for some stupid reason and hope later i can get you to checker my MK grips in a custom pattern.

Again, Beautiful work Bawanna!

01-09-2011, 10:36 AM
Wow, those are beautiful! What exceptional workmanship and attention to detail. I am totally inept at woodworking, so from my standpoint the ability to do cuts like that by hand borders on miraculous!


01-09-2011, 10:48 AM
Wow, those are beautiful! What exceptional workmanship and attention to detail. I am totally inept at woodworking, so from my standpoint the ability to do cuts like that by hand borders on miraculous!


now u done it John H. Bawannas head was getting so swelled prior to your comment, that now he will have to live outside his trailer in the cold, until he can get someone to enlarge his door so he can get his head through it:D:D:D

01-09-2011, 11:03 AM
"hope later i can get you to checker my MK grips in a custom pattern"

Das Friek, when your ready for some scratching on those grips I'm ready.

I'd love to make a business of this grip thing but will never happen. Just can't charge enough to support yourself doing it all by hand. The big boys with the power checkering machines and undocumented labor can checker a set in about 15 minutes. I laugh at some of the ads, "checkering add 5$"
Takes me about 8 hours to checker a set of grip, use to take 3 times that long but I'm getting a little faster.

I'm not gonna get alot done today, headed down to the tire store to have em install a tire valve in my head. Thinking maybe right on top so it will help keep my hat on and when I wear the tin foil I can wrap it around there to secure it too.

All these nice things people sayin, Jocko's right, I'll expect a parade every time I go to town.

01-09-2011, 11:34 AM
bawanna, u mean ur not an illegal????

01-09-2011, 12:08 PM
bawanna, u mean ur not an illegal????

Define illegal?

01-09-2011, 05:04 PM
I may throw you a curve ball that'll blow your mind. I may have you pretty up the grips on my CZ 52. Do a little research and you'll see that the grips are actually part of the magazine well and have a clip to keep them in place. Those would be evil to try.:D

01-09-2011, 05:09 PM
Some are a nightmare to be sure. Even Browning High Powers have a little built in hook that holds the front in place. A challenge to get it in the right spot in relation to everything else.

I'm working on a miracle for you today, I've nearly got the corp emblems embedded in mesquite, one side is pretty much shaped. Hope to post some progress pics before the day is over with your permission.

01-09-2011, 05:33 PM
I gotta weigh in here and will attest to the fine Bawanna craftsmanship. Here’s a set of stunning Myrtlewood grips that Mr. B carved for my 9mm Colt Commander. My crappy photography does not do them justice. They fit like a glove and at the Colt’s last Steel Challenge outing it got plenty of complements. Too bad my scores were borderline comical.
I wanted a light wood for contrast and Myrtlewood is native to Bawannas stomping grounds. Did you drop one of those trees in the back yard just for my Colt? No wonder those grips cost me 2 arms and a leg (kidding!) BTW his customer service is second to none! Well done, thanks again.

01-09-2011, 06:28 PM
You still got a leg left? Hmm, have to check my invoice. I honestly don't even recall.

I shall attempt to post some pics of Jlotts mesquite, Marine Corp inlay. I question my photographic abilities and don't know how some of you do so well.

You saw the log in the round previously, now there are slabs, then smaller slabs and now pretty much looking like a grip, or close to it. Might have to make a post, think I can only add 4 at a time or so.

Got an inadvertant shot of my PM45 riding IWB in a rig I got from a member awhile back. I'm not an IWB guy but this one is working pretty well.

01-09-2011, 06:32 PM
Looking like grips.

01-09-2011, 07:11 PM
Man those look nice and that inlay is perfect. Is it true that the grip is always there and you just remove the extra wood? I dont have that artistic ability but my wife does. She confirms that that statement is true for her. She says she can see it before she starts her project so it's easy to do.

By the way, on that last pic there is that picture in the background. Is that a print of one of your previous request "can I see her picture?" Just kidding. I see you are who you represent yourself to be online. :D

01-09-2011, 07:22 PM
I'm not artistic and have no artistic abilities. Well I guess inlaying stuff in wood to make it look like it grew there might be ability but not artistic.
I can't carve a picture, if some one draws me a picture I can sometimes make it happen but design ain't my thing.

Checkering is black and white, wrong or right with a little artistic thrown in for the really good guys.

I've been burned on that same picture before. Its' been there a long time.

01-09-2011, 08:10 PM
This is something on my list of things to do. I will keep your work as a master for my future reference. Real impressive pro work Bawanna!

01-09-2011, 09:05 PM
I'm not artistic and have no artistic abilities. Well I guess inlaying stuff in wood to make it look like it grew there might be ability but not artistic.
I can't carve a picture, if some one draws me a picture I can sometimes make it happen but design ain't my thing.

Checkering is black and white, wrong or right with a little artistic thrown in for the really good guys.

I've been burned on that same picture before. Its' been there a long time.

I see. I have no design ability myself. But if someone can give me an idea I can maybe make it happen. Probably no imagination on my part in those kind of things. I always like to ask about those things. I figure I may learn something.

01-09-2011, 09:49 PM
I see. I have no design ability myself. But if someone can give me an idea I can maybe make it happen. Probably no imagination on my part in those kind of things. I always like to ask about those things. I figure I may learn something.

I guess thats where I am too, I can't draw a picture or make a statue. I was a member of a wood carving group for awhile that carved all kinds of figures and people and stuff. I just can't make anything look like anything.

I've always wanted to learn how to carve patterns, animal scenes and stuff in rifle stocks but I can never make an animal look like it's suppose to.

I've tried basketweave carving some and need to try that some more, it's more like checkering, there's a plan and a method and you don't have to be an artist to do it.

I wish I could checker metal, I just love a checkered front strap on any handgun but they get a ton to do it. They say metal is easier to checker than wood but darned if I can figure it out.

01-11-2011, 12:07 PM
Some are a nightmare to be sure. Even Browning High Powers have a little built in hook that holds the front in place. A challenge to get it in the right spot in relation to everything else.

I'm working on a miracle for you today, I've nearly got the corp emblems embedded in mesquite, one side is pretty much shaped. Hope to post some progress pics before the day is over with your permission.

Please do. I'm curious to see that chunk of fire wood cleaned up.

01-11-2011, 12:34 PM
Please do. I'm curious to see that chunk of fire wood cleaned up.

I already did, go back to page 3. Let me know what you think.

01-11-2011, 12:42 PM
Sorry, I missed that. Those look real fine, real fine. Good work on the inlay too. I may have to print those off to hang up around here, at least until I can show the real McCoy off. Thanks for that.

01-11-2011, 12:47 PM
I think they are gonna look real fine and they should look even better when I get a little oil on them, that usually brings out the colors and this wood needs oil. It's thirsty big time.

On the down side I dont think it's hard enough to support checkering. I'm gonna try some on a separate piece to see but while it's hard in some respects and will work great for a grip I think checkering might not hold up. It'll just knock the diamonds off with ease.

We'll see. I was hoping to checker all around the inlays. It might look better smooth to contrast too. We'll keep playing and I'll try not to keep ya waitin a minute longer than necessary.

01-11-2011, 02:04 PM
I keep coming to this thread just to look at the great work done by Bawanna......It truly amazes me. Those are some of the finest hand made hand gun accesories I have seen.

I just keep looking here.


01-11-2011, 02:13 PM
I keep coming to this thread just to look at the great work done by Bawanna......It truly amazes me. Those are some of the finest hand made hand gun accesories I have seen.

I just keep looking here.


Thanks man, can't never get enough back pats, it feels really good. I'm bleeding a little air out of my head via the new valve stem and I'm putting you on the list of grips to make.
Tell me what to make them for or I can just make some and you can tell the missus I got these grips, I have to buy a gun to fit them. Believe it or not I've done that successfully before for friends more than once.

01-11-2011, 02:20 PM
Tell me what to make them for or I can just make some and you can tell the missus I got these grips, I have to buy a gun to fit them. Believe it or not I've done that successfully before for friends more than once.WOW!! What a marketing ploy! Honey I got these really nice grips, aren't they beautiful? I had to stop and get a matching gun to wear with them. I know you understand cause it's like those shoes you bought and the dress to wear with them!

01-11-2011, 02:28 PM
Bawanna, you do beautiful work!!!

01-11-2011, 02:47 PM
Thank you!

01-11-2011, 02:49 PM
Bawanna excellent work those grips look fantastic you are a very talented bustard (the bird)

01-11-2011, 09:18 PM
I think that those grips will look great smooth. I have never seen Mesquite checker. I have used some other stuff, and it never took it well. From what I can see, these look stellar like they are. I was pretty sure they'd need oil, but they look wonderful.

01-11-2011, 11:21 PM
Those are some very nice grips Bawanna. You should be proud. http://kahrtalk.com/images/icons/icon14.gif

01-12-2011, 05:35 PM
Well heres Jlott's mesquite 1911 grips with Marine Corp emblem inlaid for the quality control staff to inspect. All of you that is.

I kid you not, when I went to put oil on them I swear I heard a sound like Jocko slurping down the last of a giant chocolate shake.
This mesquite stuff is some kind of dry, must not have seen a rain drop in a long long time.
On the good side, the second the oil hit the wood it came to life, not like the cartoon characters where it suddenly wanted to be pals and go out for a 5$ footlong subway sandwich but the grain and the colors jumped right out.

So far I've put 3 applications of oil on and I still hear the slurping sound so probably a couple more to come.

Jlott, PM me a mailing address so I can send these babies home.

Feel free to critique at will. If I'm overtaken with criticism I'll just lie down and think happy thoughts of the Jolly Rogers or small furry animals and after a time I'll be ok. I don't do serious or sensitive although I'm listening in to Mr. Surveyor's sensitivity sessions to see if I can benefit.

Ok bye

01-12-2011, 05:42 PM
OK you asked for criticism so here it is. They are wonderful! That wood now oiled, brings the whole emblem to life. The panel is understated putting the spotlight where it belongs instead of competing with it.

I only wish the pics were larger so I could see them better. At first I was concerned the eagle would be buried in the cutout but it looks great. Good Job!

PS: but why is the right emblem upside down? (made you look!).

01-12-2011, 05:57 PM
You did make me look. Now I'm worried that I got the pins backwards but I wrote it down and I'm sure he said anchor to the front. They are nice pins and even mirror image so they are correct or incorrect on both sides. I need a tums, now I'm worried.

I tried the photobucket thing for bigger pictures but I ran out of advil and I never did figure it out very good.

Maybe I can email them to you after awhile and they will be bigger.

01-12-2011, 06:41 PM
Well heres Jlott's mesquite 1911 grips with Marine Corp emblem inlaid for the quality control staff to inspect. All of you that is.

Grips look fantastic, B. I would not have expected any different coming from you, but then you up and go beyond my expectations! I'd be honored to own such grips, had I served in the USMC, and I'm sure jlottmc will enjoy having them especially coming from that "hunk of mesquite" he just had sitting around.

01-12-2011, 06:47 PM
Hadn't thought of that but this is the first set I've taken from log in the round to gip.

Maybe next I'll chop down the tree myself, hopefully dead and already dry so I can move right into round to slab to grip.

Or not!

01-12-2011, 06:59 PM
OK guys, here are pics you can see of Bawanna's Mesquite Grips for jlottmc. Quoting the president from the movie "The Fourth of July" to Will Smith's character after saving planet Earth, "Not Bad.... Not bad at all".




01-12-2011, 10:06 PM
Wow, great stuff! I just came in from stripping the finish off the stock of an old Savage 23A and was pretty pleased with myself. But, this is a whole 'nother level!

Actually, I would have left that old .22 alone, except there was a crack at the front of the Schnabel stock and I didn't want to break out. Since almost all the bluing is gone anyway (the inside of the barrel is beautiful) I decided to go ahead and redo. The old thing has been in the family close to 90 years. If I make it that long, maybe I'll get a makeover too.

Those grips are absolutely beautiful! Now I'm really inspired to be patient and get it right.

01-12-2011, 10:42 PM
Thanks man, can't never get enough back pats, it feels really good. I'm bleeding a little air out of my head via the new valve stem and I'm putting you on the list of grips to make.
Tell me what to make them for or I can just make some and you can tell the missus I got these grips, I have to buy a gun to fit them. Believe it or not I've done that successfully before for friends more than once.

I just signed on and looked at the thread......a new set that are as sweet as can be. Those Marine Mesquites are things of beauty.

...Im sure my wife doesn't care if I buy a gun or what reason I buy one for..... She has never complained.... ever when I bought a new weapon.....and I have bought quite a few of them. New Grips is a great reason....it wouldnt be the first gun I had that I owned new grips for before I bought the gun......I owned wood grips for my CZ PCR way before I bought the gun. Couldnt pass up the dealon the grips, bought em started looking for a gun to go with them....bought it. Cool!

Bawanna nice work!!!! This is my favorite thread.


01-13-2011, 08:15 AM
It is funny how a nice set of grips can really make a pistol's look. Even more than slide cuts, finish, etc. I love wood on guns. I have long thought some of the polymer pistol makers should figure out a way to make frames that have inserts for grip panels. They could offer polymer, rubber, wood panels to install. It would give shooters more options for grip feel, and let people add a touch of artistry to their guns. Bawanna may want to be humble about it, but he is indeed an artist!

01-13-2011, 10:50 PM
Thank you John, I've moved you up 3 places on the list, seem fair. Actually there were only 2 on the list so maybe it isnt that big a deal really?

Jlott, I have a couple pieces of mesquite that don't like it here in Washington very much, they want to go back home to Texas.
PM me a mailing address and I'll send them on their merry way. They are a little hard to part with and sure look fine on my old Colt but we'll shed a tear and put em in the box.

01-15-2011, 05:42 PM
Like I said, don't worry about sending that wood home. Those make my eyes water and my britches stick out in front. Absolutely gorgeous. I sent you the PM you asked for. Sorry folks, been real busy lately.

01-15-2011, 07:36 PM
I am a guy with many pair of plastic grips on my 1911's. Nice work buddy.

01-19-2011, 04:15 PM
Like I said, don't worry about sending that wood home. Those make my eyes water and my britches stick out in front. Absolutely gorgeous. I sent you the PM you asked for. Sorry folks, been real busy lately.

Please dont respond to this message, the lights are out and nobody is home.

This message is to inform you that your order status has changed to SHIPPED!
Shipping date 1-19-2011 AM via USPS. Hopefully delivery Friday or Saturday, good lord willin and the creek don't rise.

Thank you

President & CEO Bawanna Grips Incorporated
AKA- Fly by Night Sawdust Production.

01-19-2011, 04:17 PM
I am a guy with many pair of plastic grips on my 1911's. Nice work buddy.

We need to remedy this situation also. Plastic and 1911 really shouldn't be in the same sentence, ya think?

01-19-2011, 04:44 PM
Beautiful grips! I guess that jlottmc wanted the Marine Corps emblem to have enough relief to hurt when he shoots it... and leave the emblem on his hand. :D
I'm allergic to mesquite... found that out in Abilene, Texas. I spent almost 9 years there at Dyess AFB. We visited my navigator one night and I was barely in the door before my eyes burned and watered and my nose started running. It seems that burning that wood makes it a lot worse than pollen or whatever blows around. I was allergic to a lot of stuff in West Texas... took shots at least once a week for allergies there. I had the same problem in Merced, California, when I went there for requalification in the B52 and cross-training into the G-model after 3 years in Germany.
I haven't noticed any problems with meat cooked with mesquite wood, thankfully.

Well, I got the check, or money order, into the mail (certified) along with the FFL for my new auction win on Gunbroker:
Now the danged waiting game starts... <sigh> no credit cards only personal check or USPS M.O. and there was no way I was going to send a personal check and wait for that to clear!


01-19-2011, 04:52 PM
Actually even though they stick out a bit they seem to be in just the right spot strictly by chance to hit center of my palm and they don't interfere with my fingers on the left side. I don't think they are gonna hurt to shoot but I could be wrong.
Tried to set them as deep as I could without making the grip itself extra deep.
Guess we'll know when he gets em hung on there and shoots it.
I think I might be a little effected by it too or maybe just the dust in general, I get frustrated with a dust mask and it often gets tossed. I was a little off for a few days after these. Maybe my tolerances are down and I need to spend more time making sawdust to return it to proper levels?
Beats my day job by a long shot.

01-19-2011, 04:58 PM
He's a Marine. It don't hurt, it's Hu-rah!! A tickle at most to remind him to make it count, which is silly 'cause he's a Marine - they always make it count.

01-19-2011, 05:01 PM
When's the Shot Show over? The seller for my Springfield was out there and his wife was handling the home front. When I broke down and called them today (after no answer on my buy), I got his daughter... she sounded sweet and laughed when I said something about waiting for a new toy.

Dang! I hope that muzzle crowning helped accuracy and isn't the reason it went back into the safe after 7 rounds! After you guys' comments, I got to wondering... how much it was fired before being lightly customized... and how old are the tritium sights... just for a reference point in future replacement. I'll try those, but may want 3-dot with a square notch instead of that low "V" rear sight.

Wynn :)

Rio Lobo
01-19-2011, 05:06 PM
I've often thought if I could figure out a way to put nice wood grips on a Glock I'd have more money than Davy Crockett.

Would be sweet to have a PM with wood handles. Ahh the possibilities.


For Kahr PMs and CWs, why not? With your abilities, you could fashion one-piece wood panels for each side of the grip with a stick-on adhesive backing -- similar to the "Decal Rubber Grips" made for the Kahr pistols, but in one-piece panels for each side, instead of Decal's two-piece panels.

I've got the adhesive Decal grips on 2 of my 3 Kahr's (PM9 Blackened DLC, PM9, and CW9) and the adhesive backing holds up well.

01-19-2011, 05:31 PM
Ok, Rio. I'm putting you in charge of research and development. Hmm weren't you a John Wayne movie in an earlier life?

We'll have to make these wood panels wafer thin, don't want to bulk up our beloved PM's.

Thought about removing as much Polymer as possible in the grip area and then acraglasing panels in place but that would be a forever, no turning back application. If the wood cracked or damaged in any way, there'd be no fix.

Wynn, if you swap out those XS sights on your new toy, you let me know, I still have a couple 1911's that don't have em. Hate to waste a good set of sights. I can post pictures of my shins and you can kick em and I'll kick pictures of yours and we'll come up with a fair price.
SHOT ends thursday afternoon about 4 I believe. I have another guy going down tomorrow after a class, he'll have to do the expedited whirlwind visit as he'll only have about a day spread over two partial days.

01-19-2011, 05:57 PM
I'll definitely give you first crack at them. They are the standard, not BIG dot ones, though. That rear sight just is so alien or foreign to me.

Well, I have to get to cooking... grilled lamb chops... thick, not that sissy French stuff, and yellow rice and peas for my wife's last night off. :)


Wynn :)

01-19-2011, 06:05 PM
The standard dot is perfect on full size and mid size guns. I like the big dot on my little PM45 but my other larger guns have the standard. Little more reach with the standard dot.

Yellow rice? Hmm I'll have to ask the missus on that one.

Too darn bad you live as far as possible from me and still be on the same continent. You'd be a good place to stop about dinner time a few nights a week. Long as I don't gotta drink the grapes with ya, me and the grapes dont care much for each other. But Sheep, lamb, red meat, steelhead trout, just about anything off a grill, we're a match made in your kitchen for sure.

01-19-2011, 07:59 PM
Your area or the coastal area up there... not on the water, of course... was where my wife wanted to move from San Antonio after she retired from the Air Force in 1996. Of course, every place up there had a view and everything was higher, so SHE decided we needed to think about the Gulf Coast and lower cost of living. I wanted the Ocean and all of the waterways, so here we are... of course there are the Naval facilities for us retirees, too.
This is a much cheerier area... more sunshine per day and much less costly... kind of a lateral in cost of living from San Antonio.
No boat for 6 years and that sucks... being so close to water. I could get a square back canoe and a small motor, but I have so many expensive hobbies already... guns and shooting, stereo and video, and computers... and all of the peripherals... lots of those!
Dang! I haven been to the range since before Thanksgiving. I'm kind of afraid something will break! All of my Kahrs were working fine the last trip to the range with each. :D
I still have two more months left on my range membership... then I'll start paying per visit... cutting back. I spent quite a lot of time and ammo testing and trying to get everything working reliably and now I'm afraid to "rock the boat!"

Oh, the lamb, yellow rice and peas were great... especially with my Yellowtail Merlot. The yellow rice is easy... a Mahatma Saffron Yellow Rice. It's not expensive... needs a few pats of butter and 1 2/3 cups of water brought to a boil, then covered and the heat set to low to simmer for 20 minutes... more butter is nice. I used three FAT pats of real butter tonight. We haven't used anything but butter for many years. Every time you turn around, someone is saying one or the other is bad for you... margarine or butter. I go for taste now. I take medications (60mg Lipitor) daily to take care of the cholesterol. :D
Up in Maine, I went without all of the "bad stuff" for whole year and my cholesterol stayed about the same... with exercise, too. So screw that stuff... I'll choose taste anytime now. We did stop buying fresh Italian or French bread, though... needs lots of butter. MMMMMmmmm... wine, bread, and butter... lots of each! we used to do that in France... and then I would drive us home... a few adventures, but no major casualties, and I always got home. :)


01-19-2011, 08:55 PM
hey bwanna i have 3 1911s that need grips soooooooo wanna do them for me i would be honored

01-19-2011, 10:35 PM
hey bwanna i have 3 1911s that need grips soooooooo wanna do them for me i would be honored

I'm there for ya pal. Take your patience medication, I gotta few ahead of ya but your on the list. I'll get with ya on a little more detail when your number comes up. Actually might not be too long, I'm searching for some wood on a few and waiting to find a few guns to fit to on other so I might get a set or two to you pretty soon.
They all full size frames? You like flashy or subtle?

01-20-2011, 01:41 AM
I'm Wowed! That is some fantastic workmanship!

01-20-2011, 04:35 AM
subtle i was thinking of sonme engraving on one set i lost my brother in 06
and i want to put him on my colt

01-20-2011, 07:31 AM
OldLincoln - thanks for sharing, great pictures!

Bawanna - I consider myself a wood worker but not to the level of detail you are! What can I say but "WOW!"... very impressive work... my hat's off to you! The next time I'm in the market for some 1911 grips I'd be honored to pay you to do them.

01-20-2011, 10:22 AM
subtle i was thinking of sonme engraving on one set i lost my brother in 06
and i want to put him on my colt

Not sure what you have in mind, we could do a plate and inlay or a coin or something with whatever you want. I can't engrave or do figures as stuff, thats true art. Let me know what you got in mind and we'll make something work for sure. Count on it.
I've done a lot of remembrance pin inlays, fallen officers, that sort of thing.

mad1ben2, we'd be equally proud to build ya some. I do alot of grips that aren't 1911 also. I got a few Kahrs on the list now, done a few before. All we need is patience and some time.

01-20-2011, 07:21 PM
a pin sir would be ok with me or a inlay is just dandy

01-20-2011, 08:43 PM
I'll go one more entry here so we might get some input from the whole gang then we can switch to PM's.
What kind of pin or theme would best memorialize your brother. Something he was into, a hobby, you want his name engraved on a pin if we can find someone to make it.
I have a couple Armor of God pins that look real good in a grip. Done a few for officers.
Anything you can think up can happen pretty much. Dogs, etc. Google pins and theres lots of options.

Somebody ratted me out on my surprise for TD2K. I was gonna put some Oklahoma University pins in a set of MK9 grips. Turns out thats what she was thinking of so my surprise was a good one but crashed and burned on takeoff.

01-20-2011, 09:19 PM

You are completly wrong: you are an artist. I'm serious. Maybe you can't carve a turkey to save your life but anybody that build grips like these is an artist, end of story.

If I can afford it, I've got a couple of Smith sixguns that need some attention, so put me on your list if you would please.


01-20-2011, 09:41 PM

You are completly wrong: you are an artist. I'm serious. Maybe you can't carve a turkey to save your life but anybody that build grips like these is an artist, end of story.

If I can afford it, I've got a couple of Smith sixguns that need some attention, so put me on your list if you would please.


OK, done. Catshooter down for 2.

And thanks for the kind words.

01-21-2011, 06:40 AM
hey bwanna tell you what sir no pins no inlays how about just beauty
grips and they will always remind me of him, you dig in your mind and come up
with something i trust you on this, oh btw taking all the 1911s and the tommy out this sat

01-21-2011, 11:38 AM
Dang, the pressure is on. He trust me. Hmmm, ok but I gotta tell ya I been looking at a piece of Zebra Wood in my cave that I haven't done nothing with in a long time. Nice stuff.
Course I also got a new hunk of ebony thats just aching to be whittled on too. Ok, I'll whittle both. That'll teach em.

01-21-2011, 12:42 PM
great work! my kid is a freshman in njrotc and is trying to pick which branch: NAVY or AIR FORCE (he is a tech & math wiz and only weighs 110lbs soaking wet = not a MARINE) after high school. i smell a 1911 graduation present. good thing i have 3yrs to save up...lol.. nice work

01-21-2011, 10:37 PM
Bawanna....I was just sitting here showing my wife pictures of the grips you have made. I am so envious of your talent/gift. My wife always tells me that she would love to be able to sing really well over just about any other talent. I have always wanted to be able to take something that looks like nothing and make something from it.....just like you do with these grips. I wish I had an ounce of your skill.

Very impressive indeed. I wish I lived somewhere near you so that I could come watch you at work. Maybe some of it would rub off on me!

01-21-2011, 10:45 PM
Bawanna i gotta say the inlays you did on that 1911 look wonderful.
That had to take hours of painstaking work with a small bit, And a few good brews to steady the hands!
Awesome man!
Im keeping my eyes open for a spare set of MK grips so i can talk to ya and come up with something kool and see how far you can go, Well as far as $20 will take ya! lol j/k

01-21-2011, 11:19 PM
I've gone a long ways for less than 20 before.

revzx9r, we're on opposite ends of the country but my daughter is marrying a guy from Charlotte so I guess the country ain't really that wide.

I'll try to post some more pics if it will help keep your wife content and keep the 70 off her gotta go list.

01-22-2011, 02:22 PM
Ok guys. I just got the grips that our very own Master Grip Maker here sent back. They look better in person than in the pictures. Wow. I can't wait to mount them and see how they look. As for the EGA getting in the way, nope, not a bit. My brother had a larger one set on his Beretta that stuck out farther, it hasn't given a problem either. Seriously, these are a thing of beauty.

01-22-2011, 02:30 PM
Outstanding, I was just wondering if they had made it there today or not. I'm genuinely tickled that your happy with them and hope your not just saying that so I don't get an inferiority complex and end up curled in a fetal position on the floor sucking my thumb. (Oh I am, is that a bad thing). I'm in the sawdust again today working on some more.

01-22-2011, 03:02 PM
I may even try to post pictures tonight after I get off work, if I can kick the ole' lady in the a$$ after the kid goes to bed. No, I'm not just saying that. These grips are truly a sight to behold.

01-22-2011, 03:10 PM
I may even try to post pictures tonight after I get off work, if I can kick the ole' lady in the a$$ after the kid goes to bed. No, I'm not just saying that. These grips are truly a sight to behold.

Well, long as you got the camera out you might as well take pics kicking the ole lady while your at it.

For a small minimal fee I'm sure we could make sure that statement doesn't reach her. I know if mine heard me say that it would definitely be a trip down the stairs for me. Not a pretty thought indeed.

01-22-2011, 03:41 PM
Meh, that can be arranged. But then I have to get the dog to take the pictures, and that didn't work so well last time I tried it.

02-05-2011, 10:04 PM
Guess this is as good a place as any for my show and tell. This is a set of 1911 grips I just finished today.

Ebony with a skip line checkered pattern. Wish I was the photographer that some of you guys are. I think I got a good camera but it's smarter than me and I of course don't know what buttons to push to make it do good things.

I'll email these to my IT guy Old Lincoln and perhaps he can make em big so they show up better. I'm gonna learn to do that someday too.

Also a shot of my new baby. Almost fits up the mag well of my double stack Para. Didn't try the Glock.
Maybe a little zebra wood for handles in the future.

02-05-2011, 10:08 PM
Bawanna those grips look great.Good job.

02-05-2011, 10:27 PM
Here's the great pics of Bawanna's current project:





02-05-2011, 10:49 PM
Very nice, very nice. I'm starting to get a little anxious here . . . I know my turn is coming. OOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooo.


02-06-2011, 04:36 AM
Very nice work. I like the magazine button relief. Checkering like that is an art form.

very very very nice

02-06-2011, 07:15 PM
Or do these grips make my butt look fat?

My wife says I'm a mess.

Both sides fitted on the inside, now work on the outside, and say a prayer before we go for grip screw holes. One slip and its back to the drawing board.

xrustyx, your day is coming.

02-06-2011, 07:30 PM
Cool. Is that a Smith? You're wife's almost got it, you made a mess not are one. Or does she know something I don't? Probably, I guess. :)


02-06-2011, 07:37 PM



02-06-2011, 07:47 PM
Cool. Is that a Smith? You're wife's almost got it, you made a mess not are one. Or does she know something I don't? Probably, I guess. :)


Its an MK9. About as much of that sawdust ended up on me as on the bench, I blew myself off with the compressor but apparently not good enough.

02-06-2011, 08:01 PM
Uh, are you making these while mounted to that gun??

02-06-2011, 08:29 PM
I'm late to the game here, and only read this last page.
I have one of those itty bitty guns and it's always with me.
And in my hand when I don't like where I am or who's around me.
The best for bad breath range and when things start to look better, I put it back in my pocket.
Mr.B I'm sure someone has asked already...but is that your wife in that picture on your bench?
just askin'

02-06-2011, 08:37 PM
I'm tempted but wouldn't really do it to him.... I could blow that wife pic up real big and in full color. But I suspect wife would not invite me to dinner (unless she had fillet of OldLincoln in mind).

02-06-2011, 08:51 PM
Uh, are you making these while mounted to that gun??

No I just put them on there to check the fit to the frame and each other. Perfect, got lucky.
I now have them slimmed down and I got the screws drilled and mounted. The scarey part is now over.
I'm hoping to get some frames where I can mount and shape them and not worry about nicking a frame now and then. Should make things way more easier.

That is indeed Mrs Bawanna in a earlier life. She's still smoking hot but not quite that smoking hot. I of course haven't changed since I hit my prime, ok thats a bald faced lie and I hate myself for even mentioning it.

Old Lincoln you got a standing invite to dinner, all the pics you've posted for me it's the least we can do. We'll not mention the photo and maybe she'll leave the filet knife in the drawer.

02-06-2011, 08:56 PM
You need a shop vac:D

02-06-2011, 09:16 PM
You need a shop vac:D

If I'd lowered the camera 6 inches you would have seen the shop vac under the bench. Applied it right after the evidence photos. What I really need is a big exhaust fan.

I wore a dust mask all day this time but I'm still tingly, hands are semi numb and kind of ropey dopey. Well maybe the Ropey Dopey part is normal.

The coco bolo juice gets into your skin, weird stuff.

02-07-2011, 05:51 AM
Old Lincoln you got a standing invite to dinner, all the pics you've posted for me it's the least we can do. We'll not mention the photo and maybe she'll leave the filet knife in the drawer

have to agree with you on that bawana. If it was not for some of the good knowledeable guys here, I could not get any phoots shown either. Just not savvy enough to learn it, or maybe to lazy to.

02-07-2011, 04:28 PM
have to agree with you on that bawana. If it was not for some of the good knowledeable guys here, I could not get any phoots shown either. Just not savvy enough to learn it, or maybe to lazy to.

I'll take that trade any day of the week and twice on Sunday (gurus' longstanding experience and gun knowledge for recent techie skills). I'm sure others would too - but we know it's not quite fair for you guys, sorry about that.

02-07-2011, 04:53 PM
Heck there you go Jocko. Your set, maybe he could start with a shiney new avatar for ya beings you never had one before.

Now if I can just come up with something to offer maybe I could get a techy on retainer too?

MikeyKahr is a techy? I don't think I knew that. You guys are gonna rule the world some day. You already know that don't ya?

02-07-2011, 07:42 PM
I would think you'd have a vac system McGivered by now.
You know, PVC suction to each cutter, plummed thru the wall so that noisey shop vac is running in your wife's sewing room.

02-07-2011, 08:24 PM
I would think you'd have a vac system McGivered by now.
You know, PVC suction to each cutter, plummed thru the wall so that noisey shop vac is running in your wife's sewing room.

Damn, have you been to my house. I actually go thru her little sewing den to get to my man cave.
I'd all but forgotten him but McGiver was my hero for sure.
My brother in law the rocket scientist tried to convince me to put my air compressor in the attic above my room so it wouldn't be so noisey. I thought that's just brilliant put it someplace where a wheelchair dude can't get at it to drain the water or adjust the pressure on and on.
My wife silver solder rings on fishing lures and I have a small exhaust fan going out the window to draw the fumes away.
I might have to try a big shop vac set up, maybe build a little shed outside my room to keep it out of the weather and just run a cord in to turn off and on. Might be a pain if a piece of sandpaper slip out of my hand and gets sucked outside. Guess I could just go get it back.....................

02-09-2011, 10:48 AM
I admire your work. I've dabbled in leather work and knife making, but have never achieved your level of craftsmanship.

Keep up your outstanding work.

02-09-2011, 10:53 AM
I admire your work. I've dabbled in leather work and knife making, but have never achieved your level of craftsmanship.

Keep up your outstanding work.

Thank you. After reading the history of your moniker in the other thread which I thank you for I'd be priveleged to build you a set if you have something that could stand some good wood. You let me know and we'll make sawdust.

02-13-2011, 10:25 PM
Here is the latest by Bawanna, a beautiful set for an MK9.





02-13-2011, 11:16 PM
Fabulous work, Bawanna - and great pictures! Thanks Old Lincoln for helping out our friend with posting. I definitely appreciate the craftmanship and hard work you put into all of these grips, Bawanna - and the background of the pics are great with all the tools and dust and "lovin'" on the wood clearly evident to all. Keep up the great job! And my wife and my wallet thank you for increating my desire for an MK9 even more!

02-14-2011, 12:18 AM
You sir are a true craftsman!

When I decide to do a 1911 build, I know who to have do the grips for sure!

If you ever feel like a real challenge though, you should try making a set of grips for the HK P7 series! :p

02-14-2011, 02:33 AM
wow, just amazes me what a beautiful set of wood grips can do to an already beautiful gun.

I can tell you I have a great pair of herretts grips for my Model 60 Smith that Bawanna refinished for me and they look better than whenI boght them. I had a set of custom slim grips made by Esmeralda for my Para Carry 9 and they wer esimply beautiful but in allhonesty, the grip work I have seen on here from Bawanna puts them to shame and that is not a reflection of their WORKMANSHIP but to me as a compliment of Bawanna's workmanship.

When he said hand made, yo can take that statement tothe bank.

Now if he could just engrave STEEL, he might just make it someday????

U guys gotta realize though that what I just said here and what you guys have said, will give this grip maker such a big head that his posts for a couple of weeks wil lbe just a rammbling of blabber,, making no sense, as he will be on a such a high from all this praise, well you get my point??

02-14-2011, 10:25 AM
Not to worry since I got that valve stem installed in the top of my head. Whenever I get a swelled head I just hit the valve and bleed off a little.

Some one Old LIncoln I believe asked how that checker was applied. Those funny looking tools on the right are what makes it happen. Wasnt thinking I should have put them out more so you could see them better.

Rotoflyr, I know some can be a bear. I have a set of Sig 226 grips to make and I'm not sure it's ever gonna happen, theres just so many confounded angles on the inside and the outside of those they are a bear. I"ve done lots of Beretta's, hard on the inside and my double stack para. The para is what got me started on grips. Nobody would make what I wanted so I finally tried it myself.

MW surveyor
02-14-2011, 10:36 AM
Man, I know my limitations. I'd take me months just to learn how to checker correctly and without messing anything up. You sir have paticeince (we need a spell checker- or at least I do)

02-14-2011, 07:29 PM
I just got my Ebony grips from Bawanna45cal and the look and fit are awesome. Great workmanship and quality. I know where to go if I ever need another set.



02-14-2011, 08:12 PM
Darn, those look really nice on that gun. I thought it might be kind of dull all black but not at all. It's a classy looking piece.
Must be a really good picture...............?

Thanks for posting that. I didn't have to bug Old LIncoln to post for me for once.

02-14-2011, 08:36 PM
I keep telling you it is a pleasure to do your photo posting, chief Bawanna! It makes me feel important, like I have something to offer.

02-14-2011, 08:39 PM
Well I'd surely have nothing to offer if it weren't for your photo posting talent. You are most definitely important and have tons to offer.

02-14-2011, 09:17 PM
Darn, those look really nice on that gun. I thought it might be kind of dull all black but not at all. It's a classy looking piece.
Must be a really good picture...............?

Thanks for posting that. I didn't have to bug Old LIncoln to post for me for once.

Thanks. I'm very happy with them.

02-14-2011, 09:39 PM
The ones he made for me are top notch, worth ten times what he charges. I also think that Mr. B. gets better with each set that he makes. Hard to do, but I think he is. Those look fanfingtabulous.

02-16-2011, 08:53 PM
I finished up a set of Cbob handles last night. My first encounter with stabilized wood. Nice looking (to me anyhow) maple burl. Neat stuff to work with, even though it's reddish the sawdust is yellow. Doesn't seem to make ya sick or loopy like coco bolo or rosewood.
Seems really durable but easy to work with. I'm liking it alot. Suppose to get some more, all I got was enough for this one set.
I'm not even gonna bother posting little pics, my #1 pal Old Lincoln will be along shortly with some big feast your eyes pics.
Let me know what you think please? I wasn't bowled over at first with the look but they grew on me really fast. I love highly figured wood, can't wait to get another hunk to make myself some.
These are headed to our fearless leader Mr Johnh iffen he like em.
Been a good few weeks for grip making. 3 sets out in 3 weeks, actually 4 and a makeover for Jocko. We're talking production line.

02-16-2011, 09:04 PM
Here they be....






02-16-2011, 09:16 PM
Wow. Very nice, very, very nice wood/grips. Yer makin' me anxious here Big Guy. My turn must be approaching.


mr surveyor
02-16-2011, 09:24 PM
WOW.... I'm getting real close to deciding what grips I want on the Kimber now.... and that photo in the background seems to be ever present... I think it's a subliminal sales gimmick....it works:D

02-16-2011, 09:33 PM

those 1911 grips are SICK!!!!! I love them!

02-16-2011, 09:50 PM
Wow. Very nice, very, very nice wood/grips. Yer makin' me anxious here Big Guy. My turn must be approaching.


Mr. Catshooter, do you know how to check your PM's. I've sent a couple inquiring about information. We're there for ya pal and I hate to keep folks waiting but I don't even know what you got. My notes say a couple revolvers that need attention. All I got.

02-16-2011, 09:52 PM
Old Lincoln, you post some darn fine pictures. They don't look that good in the camera, don't hardly look that good on the bench.
Nice work.

Thank you.

02-16-2011, 10:03 PM
Aw shucks, Chief, twern't nothin!

02-16-2011, 10:34 PM
Best I've seen yet, Bawanna. And that's really saying something with the wonderful work you've shown us previously. If our fearless leader for some ridiculous reason does not want those grips, I got dibs to be first bidder. I know, I know - definitely not geared for my PM9. But those grips are so awesome and you did such a wonderful job, I'd literally buy the gun just to get those grips, no doubt about it. You can pencil me in for what I'll be requesting for my upcoming MK9 (one day). That, and then I'll have to head over to TN to get the job that xRustyx got done too.

02-16-2011, 11:25 PM
Here they be....


Wow, excellent wood and craftsmanship... and you've got me jonesing for a Dan Wesson as well.

02-17-2011, 08:00 AM
What can I say but many, many thanks! Those look absolutely amazing. My C-Bob will be honored to wear them. Fantastic photos too! I better clean up the C-Bob before they get here so the grips do not look like they are slumming to be on my gun. ;) It gets carried a lot and babied little!

02-17-2011, 10:44 AM
You're right Bwanna, you did send me a PM. I would've known if I'd'a checked! I PMed ya back.


02-17-2011, 11:55 AM
I cant say enough cool stuff about what a great job you do!


02-17-2011, 03:02 PM
I better clean up the C-Bob before they get here so the grips do not look like they are slumming to be on my gun. It gets carried a lot and babied little!I think I know what you mean. When I saw Bawanna's CBob my jaw dropped a little. I know I could never own one because it's too pretty to shoot. That's the pickle I had originally when I had the Colt Mustang. I wouldn't carry it because I didn't want it to get dings.

02-17-2011, 03:30 PM
I think I know what you mean. When I saw Bawanna's CBob my jaw dropped a little. I know I could never own one because it's too pretty to shoot. That's the pickle I had originally when I had the Colt Mustang. I wouldn't carry it because I didn't want it to get dings.

I carry it every day. I really don't baby it but I don't use it to hang wanted posters either. Don't drag it behind the truck on a string. A little wipe down now and then and she stays real pretty. I of course test driving those handles for evaluation purposes. Sad that you have to keep em covered up.

I'm kind of glad to hear Johnh doesn't baby his, will be a good test to see how well this stuff holds up. I think it will hold up well but won't know till its rode a few miles.

Like xrustyx told me he's thinking of putting his under glass since it's so pretty. Everything he did to that MK can be done again down the road if it ever starts to wear. Look at his before pictures. I think it would hold up just fine in a good holster.

02-17-2011, 03:58 PM

This isn't my '17. But I like the way the grips fill in a little just behind the trigger guard. Mine has the bottom rear corner slightly rounded. I fitted a pair of factory Magna's and I can send 'em to ya when you're ready to start.

My Spider Senses are startin' ta tingle!!!


02-17-2011, 08:45 PM
Here is the latest by Bawanna, a beautiful set for an MK9.





Well some extremely sad news this evening at the Bawanna Grip factory.:( xrustyx reports these MK9 grips do not fit his GC sn MK9. Hard for me to type thru the tears running down my face but I'm trying to man up and get thru this. I built these on a GA sn MK9 so apparently its a little older and different than his. :(
Gonna see if theres a way to modify them to work after I see a picture but these could be up for grabs if anyone has a early MK9 let me know.

02-17-2011, 08:49 PM
Hey, I'm really sorry big guy. They look so nice perhaps you can mount them in a frame because they really are a work of art.

02-17-2011, 08:57 PM
Hey, I'm really sorry big guy. They look so nice perhaps you can mount them in a frame because they really are a work of art.

Actually the guy I borrow the gun from to make grips might like em but I figured I'd check with the gang here first. He's a really good buddy but we're Kahrtalk pals here. I've been trying to talk him into selling me the gun but if it's that early maybe I need a newer model.

I'm just sick that we got ole xrustyx all jazzed about these and then they don't work. Poor guy even offered money for my efforts even though they didn't work, a sure sign of mental anquish and trauma.

Guess there's some different variations in the frame we dont even know about. I figured GA to GC things wouldn't change much. For the second time in my life I was WRONG. I think the first time was in 1968 or maybe 67.

We'll get thru this, we truely will.

02-17-2011, 08:59 PM
Let's see, that first time was when you "thought" you were wrong but turned out you weren't, right?

02-17-2011, 09:02 PM
Let's see, that first time was when you "thought" you were wrong but turned out you weren't, right?

Crap, I told you about that before huh?

02-17-2011, 10:42 PM
Suppose to get some more of this wood soon. I don't even have any to make my own with. When I get some I'll make a couple sets and we can both fondle pretty wood while we await the big check.

02-19-2011, 07:52 PM
Well once again some sad news from the bawanna grip factory. I went to range today and thought I'd take that last set of Cbob handles for a test drive to see how they worked baby butt smooth. They worked fabulous up till the second magazine when bad things happened.
I'll let the pictures my partner Old Lincoln will post tell that story. I also included a picture of my bench so everyone would know I cleaned it up alot in preparation for gun cleaning.
I've got a plan 2 already in my head for the next set. I gotta make em work, they are just too pretty to scrap the idea. I'll make it work.
Well I'm off to the reloading thread and then a sad, very sad Dear Johnh letter. Sure glad I broke em before I sent them, he'd have had bad thoughts of me forever.

02-19-2011, 08:50 PM
What a bummer! Like they say "Bad Break." A little duct tape and it'll be okay.



02-19-2011, 09:54 PM
Not to worry I'll get a handle on this. I think I just made them a little too tight. Looking at the picture I like the side that didn't break better. I'll try to get enough so I can get both sides to match a little closer if I can.

I'm gonna start autographing the inside too. Hmm, wonder what I should write in there.

02-19-2011, 11:32 PM
I'm gonna start autographing the inside too. Hmm, wonder what I should write in there.

How about "Obama in 2012"? :rolleyes:

Way to keep your head up and gear up for the next attempt. I almost teared up when I heard/saw the news. I forgive the cbob though.

02-20-2011, 10:53 AM

Too sad. Please definatley sign them. But I'd rather not 'Obama in 2012' if you don't mind. :) Clean bench! Very nice. That looks like a Gerstner box over on the right, is it? I've lusted after one of those for years and years. Never could bring myself to spend the money though.

Old Linclon,

What the hell are you thinking? You can't use duct tape for a repair like that! It has to be bailing wire! Sheesshhhh. Some people's kids.


02-20-2011, 12:14 PM
Hey, whatever will "get'r done!" If you run out of ideas just visit thereifixedit.com (http://thereifixedit.failblog.org/).

03-07-2011, 06:39 PM
A nice package arrived a the house today. It was a set of grips from that famous old grip maker...., Bawana45Cal! :eek:

They are Coco Bolo and are for my Auto-Ordnance Presentation Grade 1911. They are absolutely stunning! I sent a couple of pics to Bawana and maybe he will post for all to see. I have not yet figured that part out yet. If he does post them, You will quickly note that I am not a photographer! :D

BTW, if you are looking for a really nice 1911, I would strongly recommend the AO Presentation Grade as advertised on the main page. It is a sweeeet gun! (sorry for the commercial!) :cool:

03-07-2011, 06:50 PM
Great news. I was kind of wanting to tell ya I sent them but kind of wanted to surprise ya too. I take it they fit to your satisfaction?

That's a hell of a gun to live up to with wood.

I best go check my home email and see what I can see.

Glad they got there anyhow.

03-07-2011, 08:11 PM
I sent a couple of pics to Bawana and maybe he will post for all to see.

Glad to hear uncle B got you set up with some sweet Cocobolo grips, WMD. Enjoy them, I'm sure they look fabulous on a fantastic gun. But for crying out loud, you sent the pictures to my favorite uncle!? For what, to post?? The man is a master whittler no doubts, but sending him pics to post is like sending jocko .45 or sending jlottmc some 9mm - they just don't mix.:cool:

03-07-2011, 08:24 PM
No truer words have ever been spoken. Alas I have sent them to my go to IT specialist Old Lincoln and requested him to post em big for all to see.

They really do look good if I do say so myself. I might be just a tad bias as I've spent a little time bonding with them.
I just love that gun too. I'm looking around the house for Peter so I can konk him on the head, rob him to pay off Paul and then steal the money to buy a presentation grade for myself.

I was very much afraid them grips wouldn't live up to the gun but I think we done alright. Least ways they look great from my house.

03-07-2011, 10:05 PM
At last, something for me to do!! Makes me feel useful.



mr surveyor
03-07-2011, 10:11 PM
WOW.... fantastic!

03-07-2011, 10:13 PM
You are darn useful. And now your directly related to WMD too. Them grips on your commander came from about an inch away from these on the same piece of wood. That was pretty much the end of that piece for useful good grain stuff. Time to start looking for more with good figure in it.
Since the stabilized thing isn't perfected we'll stick with real wood.

You somehow seem to post way better pictures than I send you too. You gotta be fixing em somehow. You da man!

03-07-2011, 10:16 PM
That's sure a pretty 1911! It's giving me a fever really bad. I haven't had a severe case of the wants for quite awhile but this has been on the burner. These pictures lit the burner and things are starting to boil.

I'm not gonna be myself for awhile now, I can feel it in my bones.

03-07-2011, 11:05 PM
WOW.... fantastic!

That's exactly what I said. Word for word. Great job, uncle B, once again. And looks like I'm gonna have to call auntie to hide the wallet again.

03-07-2011, 11:19 PM
That's exactly what I said. Word for word. Great job, uncle B, once again. And looks like I'm gonna have to call auntie to hide the wallet again.

Actually I traded the wallet to Peter the last time I owed Paul. So the wallet is out of the picture. Auntie is gonna be genuinely PO'd if I pull one of these off. Could be the worst beating I've received in months.

Somethings are just meant to be and I'd take a good licking for one of these.

I was gonna get a MRI someday just cause but this one hits me in a soft spot, ok ok I got lots of soft spots but I'm gonna start working out. Maybe Jillian from Biggest Loser can come over and beat me up and make me puke an get me back to my lean mean carousing machine status, or not!

Not an endless supply of these left either. 7 more if that and they are gone.

Gone without Bawanna having one, that should be criminal. Totally unacceptable. I'll have none of that.

Of course dear, gotta go vaccum now before I turn down the bed and massage SWMBO'd feet.

Peace Out.

03-08-2011, 05:42 AM
a gun that nice and with such super looking grips deserves to be held up by a MONT BLANC instead of a "pencil"

03-08-2011, 06:23 AM
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Rarely have I seen any as pretty.

03-08-2011, 07:58 AM
You still have some of that Mesquite right? The pictures you posted don't do those grips justice.

03-08-2011, 10:20 AM
I got a lot of mesquite left and it was in my minds last night. Might have to whittle out another set.

If only my hands and my body could keep up with the plans in my head, we'd be doing fine.

03-08-2011, 10:28 AM
a gun that nice and with such super looking grips deserves to be held up by a MONT BLANC instead of a "pencil"

It was a new #2 pencil at least. That same thought crossed my mind. Mont Blanc must be a famous pen maker or something huh?

Maybe related to that Bon Jovi guy that made me look so incredibly dumb.

03-08-2011, 10:39 AM
I finally got another response from the wood processor in Iowa. I asked him about my cracking two sets of grips and if this was common. Here was his response.

We didn't process the wood you used. Maple is a great candidate for processing. Someone made it to hard, leaving it brittle. That's a fine line that cannot be crossed. We've got additives in our formula that create long change molecules to retain flexibility in the wood.

He has a box elder double dyed blank that I'm gonna try and order. Black and Gold. Real pretty.

03-08-2011, 01:25 PM
Thanks to Mr. Bawanna for the great work on the grips! Thanks to AO for the great work on the gun. 100% American made, Custom built with each part hand fitted to the gun (not an assembly line gun) and an absolutely beautiful Royal Blue finish accented in nickel. Even though the pics look good (thanks Old Lincoln!), they still do not do justice to seeing the gun first hand.

It is a deal! Sorry again for the commercial but I really like this pistol! :D

Rio Lobo
03-09-2011, 12:45 AM
I finally got another response from the wood processor in Iowa. I asked him about my cracking two sets of grips and if this was common. Here was his response.

We didn't process the wood you used. Maple is a great candidate for processing. Someone made it to hard, leaving it brittle. That's a fine line that cannot be crossed. We've got additives in our formula that create long change molecules to retain flexibility in the wood.

Well, there's the problem. Their additive created "long change molecules" -- instead of long chain molecules -- to retain flexibility. For example: the durability and strength of polymer instead of ordinary plastic. They should know the difference. :crazy:

03-09-2011, 10:19 AM

Well, there's the problem. Their additive created "long change molecules" -- instead of long chain molecules -- to retain flexibility. For example: the durability and strength of polymer instead of ordinary plastic. They should know the difference. :crazy:

So this is real stuff he's talking about. I just want like that drink they advertise, I just want better stuff.

I have a couple chunks headed my way with an invoice in the box, made my day when he said he'd just ship it out. Not cheap this stuff but small price to pay if its drop dead gorgeous and BETTER STUFF.

03-19-2011, 03:49 PM
Well the first set of grips out of the new "better stuff" from Iowa are done. I sent them to Old Lincoln to work his magic and make them viewable. I'll post here in my usual thumb size portraits in case he's laying low.

This stuff was totally different to work with. Where the first stuff worked like balsa wood, this stuff was like steel or at least ebony. I do all the shaping with a hand file so you know where I've been for several hours.
I think they turned out awesome. Hoping to build myself a set to call my very own. A grip makers gun is always the last well dressed gun in the neighborhood.

03-19-2011, 03:58 PM
Bawanna,those grips do look great

03-19-2011, 04:01 PM
I like the PINK grips better..

03-19-2011, 04:06 PM
Here's some of the enlarged pics:



03-20-2011, 08:39 PM
I'm on the prowl for some pink koa from Havaii. Just for my pal Jocko. I'll keep it in stock just for him.

Reminds me a friend went to Hawaii and asked a local if it was pronounced Hawaii or Havaii, the local said Havaii. He thanked him and the local said your velcome.

I think I set an all time speed record today. I made another set nearly identical to those pictured for myself. Yup MINE, all mine! After sticking those pictured in a box I just said I got to have my own.

I broke my usual protocol and took everything out to the garage with the bench belt sander. Saved about 4 hours or so of filing. I over sanded in a couple spots, the price we pay for speed, most wouldn't even notice but they look darn near as pretty and will do just fine for me.

Show and tell at work again tomorrow.

03-20-2011, 10:23 PM
Looking like grips.

Beautiful work. You are a true master.

WRT those Marine Corps panels...can you make them with the U.S. Army symbol?


03-20-2011, 10:27 PM
Beautiful work. You are a true master.

WRT those Marine Corps panels...can you make them with the U.S. Army symbol?


Not exactly sure what US Army symbol your talking about but probably so.

I'm working on a Tinker Bell inlay in Pink Hawaiin Koa for Jocko.

Tell me what your thinking of and we'll see what we can whittle out.

You ain't related to Billy Ray and Miley are ya?

03-20-2011, 10:28 PM
Hey uncle B, great job with the grips, those look absolutely fantastic again. Hopefully they'll have a longer half-life than the original DIY'ers. Those farm folk sure do know what they're doing, I may just have to make a stop in there and take a look-see for you. I'm definitely a big fan of the black and gold, looking forward to seeing the pics tomorrow.

03-20-2011, 10:35 PM
Hey uncle B, great job with the grips, those look absolutely fantastic again. Hopefully they'll have a longer half-life than the original DIY'ers. Those farm folk sure do know what they're doing, I may just have to make a stop in there and take a look-see for you. I'm definitely a big fan of the black and gold, looking forward to seeing the pics tomorrow.

You lost me, (not hard to do) pics of what. The second set I did today? They look near identical to the last ones I posted. Course no two are exactly alike. Chuckle......There are many Box Elder stabilized grips but these Box Elder stabilized grips are MINE. Just a little Full Metal Jacket humor for ya.

I've already discovered they are completely impervious to drool.

Be cool if you did stop in there. Check it out, maybe fill up a truck with cool wood. Stuff ain't cheap though, I kid you not. That one little block in the pictures 1 1/2 x 1 1/8 x 5 = 32 bucks. Get 3 slabs out of it. If he added another 1/8 to the thickness I could get 4 each, that would help things out immensely.
Oh well all it gets me is "The Look".............Get that "T" yet?

03-20-2011, 11:54 PM
The pics I was commenting about were the first set you made of the black and gold from the new batch you got from corn country a page or two back. I was at a conference and gone for a few days so I'm still playing catch up (After two plus days I was over 600 posts in the hole), so I'm a little slow. Sorry for the confusion.

I wasn't actually talking about the second set you made today, although I'm sure they're just as pretty. The lens on the webcam I had installed in your mancave was foggy and fully covered by sawdust, so I couldn't get my daily fix of BawannaDoesWood.com today. Such a waste that I didn't get to see you sand and whittle today, especially after that recurring $49.99/month fee kicked in. I'm not sure what jocko does with all the proceeds, must be aiming for another Porsche or industrial-size refrigerator out in his mancave or something.

I'd be game to take a look around and see what all he has going on in his shop, if he's open to it. Maybe pick up a few pieces that are extra special and set aside for their exquisite value. I'm sure he'd be willing to up his cut size 1/8" if you asked extra nice. Wonder if they add any ethanol to the slabs?

You lost me, (not hard to do) pics of what. The second set I did today? They look near identical to the last ones I posted. Course no two are exactly alike. Chuckle......There are many Box Elder stabilized grips but these Box Elder stabilized grips are MINE. Just a little Full Metal Jacket humor for ya.

I've already discovered they are completely impervious to drool.

Be cool if you did stop in there. Check it out, maybe fill up a truck with cool wood. Stuff ain't cheap though, I kid you not. That one little block in the pictures 1 1/2 x 1 1/8 x 5 = 32 bucks. Get 3 slabs out of it. If he added another 1/8 to the thickness I could get 4 each, that would help things out immensely.
Oh well all it gets me is "The Look".............Get that "T" yet?

03-21-2011, 07:46 AM
I just love those swirly looking woods, with all that pattern to the grain. Very, very pretty!

03-21-2011, 10:19 AM
I just love those swirly looking woods, with all that pattern to the grain. Very, very pretty!

I'm awful glad to here that John. They left for the land of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer this morning. Specifically your house.

Listen to Jocko and shoot em like ya stole em and don't baby em. Want to see how they hold up. I'm doing the same with mine.
My son said he thought they were the nicest set I've ever done, no higher endorsement than that. He's been criticing me for a long long time.

Mikey, I'll be sure to blow the dust off that camera lense if I can find it, must be hid well. Hate to waste that monthly fee.

03-21-2011, 10:35 AM
Those golden swirly ones look like some of the pictures from the Hubble telescope, only real close up... really stunning! :cheer2::third:


03-21-2011, 03:43 PM
Beautiful work. You are a true master.

WRT those Marine Corps panels...can you make them with the U.S. Army symbol?



Check out this pin. If its the symbol your thinking of it would work. 3/4" will fit pretty well.

I don't see the actual pin any place. It would be much more challenging by itself but we'll give it a whirl if thats your preference.

03-22-2011, 06:18 AM
You can also try www.medalsofamerica.com They have a bunch of stuff for all branches. Mine came from a Marine dedicated supplier.

03-22-2011, 07:48 AM
Fantastic! I will get some pics posted on my CBob. Being 10mm, it may be a pretty good stress test. It can be a handful with the warmer loads. :D

04-03-2011, 03:34 PM
Okay guys, here are the glamor shots of my CBob 10mm in her new clothes. My daughter officially pronounced them very pretty when I first opened the box. I ran 100 rounds of what I would call mid-level 10mm loads through her yesterday and saw no issues. I would say they are 10mm rated. :D

Many thanks to Bawanna for his awesome work! You are the king of grips in my book. Anyone who has not gotten in your queue to get some grips better do so quick before the word gets out on the Internet as a whole. You may have a loooooong line of customers stacking up! ;)



04-03-2011, 04:16 PM
Looks good John. No higher endorsement than your daughter saying they were pretty. I don't see any cracks so thats a very good thing.

I've kind of been stalling looking for more of that stabilized stuff but I think now it can be considered good to go.

Thanks for posting the pics, they turned out real good.

04-03-2011, 06:12 PM
Oh my... now that's really nice.... Good job, Bawanna.

04-03-2011, 06:31 PM
Oh my... now that's really nice.... Good job, Bawanna.

I'll have to take a picture of mine and have you post em for me. At the risk of plagerism I could take Johns pictures and post them as my own. They are near mirror image. Out of the same piece of wood, same gun, mines a 45although his looks shinier, maybe mine needs a cleaning?

04-03-2011, 08:07 PM
Send them over & I'll getter done!

04-03-2011, 09:26 PM
Send them over & I'll getter done!

I'll do it maybe tomorrow. The feverish swede is between me and the camera and I'd rather take on Cujo with a butter knife than risk an attack to retrieve the camera.

My efforts to reclaim my castle apparently are not progressing in a positive manner.
Castle needs a makeover anyhow from stem to stern so not sure why I even give a rats backside.

Dietrichs mention of the axe sounds like a potentially good plan.

04-04-2011, 01:32 PM
Here's Bawanna's pics:





04-04-2011, 01:55 PM
Darn OL, you post some nice pictures. They always look better in your pics.

The Navy grips are for another member here. Need another few hours checkering and they will be headed out.

Turning out pretty nice at least to me. I did manage to mess up some grip bushings switching from slim to standard but that's an easy fix. I even used the proper tools, just sheared em off.

That will teach me to use my WWII duffle bag 45 for making grips I guess.

04-04-2011, 01:59 PM
Your CBob grips look all bumpy which is cool and should help the gripping. Are they really?

04-04-2011, 02:03 PM
JohnH I'm sure can attest to this but they are smooth as a babies backside. We're talking glass smooth. A couple times I've panicked on mine thinking I saw a crack but it was just that wild grain pattern.
They are very very smooth.

I'm usually a checker till your hand bleeds guy but after making Johnh's who wanted smooth I found that with the front strap checkering I didn't need checkering on the grip for a good solid hold.

This stuff will checker but it will be a long hard row to hoe I fear. I did a little section, it'll be nice but slow and hard on cutters I think.

04-04-2011, 03:04 PM
Could happen. I don't mean to be paranoid but I just gave a narcotics dog a bite of my sandwich. (mad as she is she still made a lunch?) I'll watch the dog for a bit and look for ill effects.

Man shouldn't have to walk around on egg shells in his own castle.

04-04-2011, 06:23 PM
Bawanna', your grips look like something from the Hubble Telescope photos of nebulae or whatever. It even looks like a few alien faces peering out at us! COOL!

I think my K9 grips are perfect... the factory ones, but I'm close to ordering Laser Grips (LG460) from the Gun Source for $245.99 plus $4.99 shipping for the whole order. That $50 CT coupon offer may be too hard to pass up. New Trijicons and now LGs??


04-04-2011, 06:29 PM
You don't carry your K9 much but it would be a good training aid and I know you keep it handy for a shower gun or someplace handy.

I have a set on the wifes 22 SP101. They are nice. Spendy things but nice.

I've toyed with the idea of the CT's on my PM45 but just don't want to give up the holsters I have and the XS sights work dandy for me.

04-04-2011, 06:42 PM
When you look really close you see all kinds of odd things in those grips.


04-04-2011, 06:50 PM
I see "E.T.", a "Gray", and if I let my wild imagination go... b00bies and all manner of things!!

Just below the center b00bie is a hand with a ring on the index finger... left hand... spooky!! And, there seems to be a snake with that hand coming from the rear of its head... wild grip material!


04-04-2011, 06:54 PM
I went ahead and ordered those LGs and a Galco IWB holster for the K9 with a retention strap.

I don't know if there's an LG that will fit the SA Champion... that would be a great setup.

I didn't ask Wifey, but then I rarely do for such "minor" purchases.


04-04-2011, 06:57 PM
I kind of see it too. I also see a bunch of husbands faces looking up from a boiling caldron, begging, let me go, let me go, take the insurance money.

Bury me with my toys. You can have the Beagle. Wow, my minds obviously running amuck.

Maybe I could peddle those to shrinks. Look at this and tell me what you see.
I see ******* and ring fingers. Who can say who's right and whos deranged.

I look around me and I see dumb people and they work here and they don't even know they are dumb.

Oh the nurse is here to take me back to my room. Thank goodness for all the padding, really adds to the acoustics for sound quality. Not worth beans for banging your head against the wall.....................

04-04-2011, 07:19 PM
Yeah... the tell me what you see deal could fill books... some people are tripping or have really weird imaginations.... I know that I'm not the only one.


04-04-2011, 09:33 PM
Woo Hoo! The Anchor grips look great. Can't wait to get them. :D

04-04-2011, 09:54 PM
I see "E.T.", a "Gray", and if I let my wild imagination go... b00bies and all manner of things!!

Just below the center b00bie is a hand with a ring on the index finger... left hand... spooky!! And, there seems to be a snake with that hand coming from the rear of its head... wild grip material!


Wynn's gotten into the liquor cabinet again. I don't see no booobies, nor a "Gray" whatever that is. I could possibly make out a ring on an index finger. As for the snake, well...maybe I need a few more to start :2eek: things "straight". Great work again on the grips, they sure do look pretty. My wife's not a big fan of the black and gold, but because she's not a shooter yet, her opinion does not count. Coming, dear.

04-04-2011, 10:06 PM
Hey! NOW I have. I just had sardines, crackers, olives, and cheese... with my wine... Yellow Tail Merlot... Consumer Reports # 1 "inexpensive" Merlot. It's my "staple" wine... for everyday use since I first tried it in 2004 at my 40th H.S. Class Reunion. It's time to go to Total Wine and resupply. I'm down to only two 1.5-liter bottles. My wife has eleven + bottles of her staple... Inglenook Cabernet Sauvignon... 1.5-liter bottles. She drinks a lot more than I do. After her job she needs a little help winding down. She goes through a 1.5-liter bottle about every 2 1/2 days! I just have a little with dinner or SUPPER, as we used to say in the South.

04-04-2011, 11:47 PM
Wynn's gotten into the liquor cabinet again. I don't see no booobies, nor a "Gray" whatever that is. I could possibly make out a ring on an index finger. As for the snake, well...maybe I need a few more to start :2eek: things "straight". Great work again on the grips, they sure do look pretty. My wife's not a big fan of the black and gold, but because she's not a shooter yet, her opinion does not count. Coming, dear.

Makes me want to fall on my sword. I'll seek out some other varieties of wood and see if we can't please the missus. (like that's possible on a regular basis.)

Did she like the red stuff that cracked? Maybe it would remind her of her mood when she's angry, ya know seeing red and all.

I'm taking this on as personal challenge. Mrs MikeyKahr can be pleased and I won't rest until that happens.

04-04-2011, 11:48 PM
Woo Hoo! The Anchor grips look great. Can't wait to get them. :D

I can't wait to send them but sadly it's gonna be a few more days. Need a few more passes over the checkering and off they go.

04-05-2011, 12:23 AM
Bawanna, you got a bunch of sawdust in your hair? I have a feeling that you've been sanding and whittling a bit this fair evening. Much better than what I've been doing.

And don't you go falling on your sword trying to please my missus, my friend. About the best thing you could do to get in her good graces is to relieve me of my Kahrfever - and you don't want to go doing that now, do you?

But you may be onto something. Maybe she's bored and sick of me shooting and polishing up my lonely piece of tupperware. :lie: Maybe she'd be a lot more happy if I invested in some nice, shiny wood and steel to play with? :lie: Plus night sights, she would really dig night sights. :lie: Hey, a guy can dream, right?

Speaking of which, o guru of giant sequoias, has anyone been crazy enough to make night sights out of metal instead of tupperware? Or is this an example of me just thinking crazy thoughts while I'm visiting my local candy store? I was fondling and playing with some beautiful 1911s over the weekend (sorry sweetie) and I couldn't help but think why would someone want to put plastic on such a beautiful piece of steel and wood if something nicer was available? I know, I know - it's cost effective. And probably a whole lot easier to put on. But wouldn't it be nice to have some matching steel sights (if possible) on some of the higher end guns? Maybe with a super narrow thin-film coating so they can be placed and sighted in nicely without damaging anything. Has that already been thought of and done and I just am such a newb and infant to all of this and haven't been seasoned enough to see it? Let me get back inside my cave now.

04-05-2011, 01:02 AM
Please pardon me for jumping in here, but Bawanna will probably confirm that the night sights on his CBOB, like mine and those on my other night sight equipped 1911, are made of metal. Yes, they have been chemically blackened, but are steel none the less. In fact when the bluing wears off, you can see the shine. Mine occasionally need a little touch up with cold bluing. ;)

No need to ask for pardon from me, TucsonMTB - I'm glad you did, as you were helpful to answer my question so I don't lay in bed the whole night wondering! I must not be hanging around the right 1911s, I guess. Here's another question, then (sorry for the threadjack, uncle) - is there a reason why they chemically blacken the sights apart from it making the night sights shine and show the best relatively speaking? Are there some that forego the chemical wash and keep the shine? Maybe I should go Google instead of bothering you fine folk. Forgive me for being such a newb to all of this.

04-05-2011, 01:28 AM
:faint2: Good night....and thanks!

04-05-2011, 10:03 AM
I can't wait to send them but sadly it's gonna be a few more days. Need a few more passes over the checkering and off they go.

No problem. They look great in the pics and I'm sure they will look much better in person.

04-05-2011, 01:24 PM
Uh guys, I color adjusted that close up pic to show the martian. Since some are imagination challenged, I scribbled lines around the grey mother with her human child. Look harder and you will see her.


04-05-2011, 01:38 PM
Nice work. I hate to even mention it but that is one ugly baby. Martian interbreeding apparently.

The mom's kind of smoking hot though.

04-05-2011, 01:45 PM
Yeah, must be that twinkle in her eyes, wait - OMG, that's the martian look of death!

04-05-2011, 01:48 PM
Yeah, must be that twinkle in her eyes, wait - OMG, that's the martian look of death!

I knew it and I looked right at her without eye protection. I'm a goner.

04-05-2011, 05:59 PM
Since some are imagination challenged, I scribbled lines around the grey mother with her human child. Look harder and you will see her.

O yeah, I see them now. :music: NOT!!

04-05-2011, 06:03 PM
O yeah, I see them now. :music: NOT!!

You don't see the little baby in a fetal position? His/her little eyes, nose and mouth. Little knobby knees in front?

The hot mom is not quite as distinct but I see it. Perhaps I'm lonely?

04-05-2011, 06:19 PM
Sigh.... This one's for Mikey!


04-05-2011, 06:23 PM
Sigh.... This one's for Mikey!


I told you not to post those nudie pictures of me (check out that mustache Melissa) I sent ya by accident. Your scareing the women and children.

04-13-2011, 07:34 PM
Got my new grips in today and they are fantastic. Great work and attention to detail. I can't wait to show them off to my friends.





04-13-2011, 10:12 PM
Very cool. Thanks for posting those. I see the screws on the one side even lined up the same. WMD turned me onto that. The right side not so much??

Looks like they fit well.

How was the thickness. In the heat of sinking those pins I kind of spaced on the thickness. Are they ok?

04-13-2011, 10:22 PM
The thickness and fit are fine. The stock grips were squared off and they didn't extend above the plunger tube. The new grips are notched so they go above the tube. I had to lightly sand down the notch a little so the grip left side grip would fit.

I guess the RIA is a little different on the dimensions. It took me about 2 min with a dremel tool and a sanding disc.

04-13-2011, 11:48 PM
The thickness and fit are fine. The stock grips were squared off and they didn't extend above the plunger tube. The new grips are notched so they go above the tube. I had to lightly sand down the notch a little so the grip left side grip would fit.

I guess the RIA is a little different on the dimensions. It took me about 2 min with a dremel tool and a sanding disc.

Most grips I've seen they just cut em off below that plunger tube. I like to make it look like I put a little effort into it and bury it. I think it looks better, takes a little longer but worth it. Kind of depends on extended safeties and stuff. WMD had a plated real pretty plunger tube so he wanted it not covered.

The letters on those pins are above the wood but no matter how tightly I gripped I didn't feel them hurting my hand in any way. Let me know how they feel when you shoot it.

04-15-2011, 11:16 AM
I like the way you curved the grip over the plunger tube also. I've squeezed the grips hard also and don't feel the letters will be a problem.

04-15-2011, 12:00 PM
I've considered that part of it as well although I've never ever had a plunger tube come loose before but it obviously can happen, your living proof of that.

I'll have to include that in my catalog as a reliablility enhancement. Good stuff.

So far my catalogs up to almost half a page. Still a little thin, need filler and propoganda. Maybe I should regroup and call it a leaflet instead of a catalog?

I guess I better get after building you some reliablility enhanced grips for that Cbob. Since I got it's twin I got a good model to work on. Don't want that baby letting you down when the chips are falling.

04-15-2011, 12:56 PM
I've made several half checkered grips. I think they look nice and they are especially good when you have a wood that loses it's look when checkered. The checkered area is where you need it and the smooth gives a nice contrast and shows the wood grain. Haven't found too many around here that care for it.
It's like skip line checkering, I love it and think it looks great, but many don't care for it either. Lots of different taste I guess.

I've also made slim grips and stepped up the area to go over the plunger tube. So you get the slim feel but still cover up the tube. I'll see if I can find a picture of that. I think my small Para I did that way.

Those are nice looking handles thats for sure.

I'm blushing to be considered in the same heap as the top craftsman but I'm working at it.

04-15-2011, 01:16 PM
I don't have my associate Old Lincolns email here at work, thought I did but heres a small pic of my chiefs grips where I took slim and stepped up over the tube. Couldn't find a picture of them on the gun. I'll try to remedy that too.

04-15-2011, 02:42 PM
I'd rather mess with mother nature than fool with JMB. The man was my hero and an honest to goodness genius.

I sure hope he's pleased with my little thin grip tweak. If he ain't happy I'll never do it again I swear.

04-15-2011, 06:06 PM
Well heres Jlott's mesquite 1911 grips with Marine Corp emblem inlaid for the quality control staff to inspect. All of you that is.

I kid you not, when I went to put oil on them I swear I heard a sound like Jocko slurping down the last of a giant chocolate shake.
This mesquite stuff is some kind of dry, must not have seen a rain drop in a long long time.
On the good side, the second the oil hit the wood it came to life, not like the cartoon characters where it suddenly wanted to be pals and go out for a 5$ footlong subway sandwich but the grain and the colors jumped right out.

So far I've put 3 applications of oil on and I still hear the slurping sound so probably a couple more to come.

Jlott, PM me a mailing address so I can send these babies home.

Feel free to critique at will. If I'm overtaken with criticism I'll just lie down and think happy thoughts of the Jolly Rogers or small furry animals and after a time I'll be ok. I don't do serious or sensitive although I'm listening in to Mr. Surveyor's sensitivity sessions to see if I can benefit.

Ok bye

Bawanna thought you might appreciate this....These are the grips that you made with the new Commandor Length 1911 4.25 inch barrel that jlottmc got as an EARLY 10 year anniversary present from me. Anniversary is in August and October. Will explain that one later.

04-15-2011, 06:12 PM
Very very nice! Does the extended slide release and thumb safety clear or does he have to do a little tweaking.

Is that a Springfield? Kind of looks like a Springfield logo on the back of the slide.

Looks great. Thanks for posting those.

Now I need an Army guy. Got the Marines and the Navy. Guess we need Air Force, (Wyn?) Coast Guard and the Seebees too huh?

PS- Will you marry me? I figure a May wedding? I'll send ya my wish list for early presents?

04-15-2011, 06:39 PM
Very very nice! Does the extended slide release and thumb safety clear or does he have to do a little tweaking.

Is that a Springfield? Kind of looks like a Springfield logo on the back of the slide.

Looks great. Thanks for posting those.

Now I need an Army guy. Got the Marines and the Navy. Guess we need Air Force, (Wyn?) Coast Guard and the Seebees too huh?

PS- Will you marry me? I figure a May wedding? I'll send ya my wish list for early presents?

He actually had to do a little tweeking but not much. Mainly on the bottom and the top to accomodate the release. It is actually a Metro Arms. He's never heard of them, but he is on his way on home from the gun range now and LOVES the gun. It shoots very well from what he says.

04-28-2011, 03:53 PM
I just realized I didn't post pictures of my newest grips from Bawanna. He made some for me and incorporated my Chief's anchors.





04-28-2011, 04:02 PM
Actually you did back a page there Eagle but I'm glad you did again, I never get tired of looking at those.
I had to go look by the way I couldn't remember either. My memory seems to be jumpin a cog or two lately.

I need to be more diligent about keeping photos of some of these for my scrap book. I get going and sometimes forget, theres that memory thing again.

Just so everyone knows, especially Kahrson at the moment. I just sent a set of K9 grips to Willieboy for his new K9. He got them today and advises they did not fit. SOOOOOOO, I need to figure out if my K40 is the difference between the K9 or if once again I have an early K40 versus a newer changed frame K9/40. Thats what I discovered on the MK series. There is the GA series (early) and then everything else including the elite is the GC series and all the same.
Soooo, now I need a newer version MK and a newer version K9 apparently. I do know a guy here with a K9 but I'm certain the grips for his were made on my K40???? CAll me confused once again, and bummed too.
Thanks Eagle once again for posting those, you rock!

05-02-2011, 06:47 AM
Them thar is purty. I want some for my K40.

05-02-2011, 07:59 AM
Actually you did back a page there Eagle but I'm glad you did again, I never get tired of looking at those.
I had to go look by the way I couldn't remember either. My memory seems to be jumpin a cog or two lately.

I need to be more diligent about keeping photos of some of these for my scrap book. I get going and sometimes forget, theres that memory thing again.

Just so everyone knows, especially Kahrson at the moment. I just sent a set of K9 grips to Willieboy for his new K9. He got them today and advises they did not fit. SOOOOOOO, I need to figure out if my K40 is the difference between the K9 or if once again I have an early K40 versus a newer changed frame K9/40. Thats what I discovered on the MK series. There is the GA series (early) and then everything else including the elite is the GC series and all the same.
Soooo, now I need a newer version MK and a newer version K9 apparently. I do know a guy here with a K9 but I'm certain the grips for his were made on my K40???? CAll me confused once again, and bummed too.
Thanks Eagle once again for posting those, you rock!

If it helps Bawanna I can send you the wood grips I got From Kahr. I can temporarily put the stock grips back on. Just let me know.

05-02-2011, 10:21 AM
If it helps Bawanna I can send you the wood grips I got From Kahr. I can temporarily put the stock grips back on. Just let me know.

Let me do some research first Kahrson, making a grip from a grip isn't alot of fun. Just too hard to tell if it's gonna fit at all let alone perfect the way I like em. We shall seek a solution.

05-02-2011, 10:28 AM
Let me do some research first Kahrson, making a grip from a grip isn't alot of fun. Just too hard to tell if it's gonna fit at all let alone perfect the way I like em. We shall seek a solution.

Sounds good. Keep me posted and Thanks!

05-07-2011, 06:56 PM
First, let me say that you do beautiful work, Bawanna. Now for the questions. Can you do slender grips that are about half the thickness of regular grips? Also, do you only work with certain woods or could I choose a wood and you order some?


05-07-2011, 07:15 PM
First, let me say that you do beautiful work, Bawanna. Now for the questions. Can you do slender grips that are about half the thickness of regular grips? Also, do you only work with certain woods or could I choose a wood and you order some?


I can do slender, I'm not very slender but I can make thin grips. See Old Lincolns grips very first post for which he started this thread. I'm dazzled how big and how many people have looked at this thread. I'm promoting him to advertising and media specialist.

Your new SIS probably has standard grip bushings which limit how thin we can go but you could install slim line bushings and go much thinner.
You can absolutely pick whatever wood you find appealing. Certain woods can be good or bad. Generally hard wood is good especially from a checkering standpoint. Some woods with alot of pattern or figure (not to be confused with slim or thin) lose that look when checkered, some work just fine so that's a factor.
Stabilized wood which I have limited access too but getting better thanks to other members here is good stuff. Very durable. Still experimenting with the checkering but it's suppose to checker nice.
Feel free to run possible wood favorites. I've played with many but of course not nearly all. Still discovering new wood all the time.

05-07-2011, 07:48 PM
Yes, Old Lincoln's grips are very thin. That's what I need for my small hands. So far, the woods I am thinking about are

Spalted Maple


Maple Burl


Amboyna Burl


Have you used those or have any on hand?

05-07-2011, 07:59 PM
I think I have some of those Amboyna Burl grips on my Makarov. A beautiful wood to be sure.


05-07-2011, 08:02 PM
That certainly looks like it, Willieboy. I don't want them checkered all over, but something like yours.

05-07-2011, 08:19 PM
I have some spalted maple which came from my advertising and media specialist once again Old Lincoln and hes says he doesn't have a purpose. It needs to be sent to get stabilized.

I have some Box Elder Burl stabilized that looks similar to the Maple Burl. You can look at JohnH's grips to see that.

I have it on my Cbob a clone of Johns only his is a 10mm and mine is 45. I have enough for one more set and I think I can get more without problem.

05-07-2011, 09:51 PM
Yep, John's grips look awesome. Sending you a PM.

05-08-2011, 08:31 AM

I think they also call this ambrosia maple. I have a peppermill made out this. It is a simply gorgeous wood. Grips would look very nice made out of this I'm certain of that.

05-22-2011, 07:04 PM




Heres some pics to continue to practice my newfound picture posting skills.
Perhaps entitled what I did on the Rapture Weekend.

These are for Melissa. Spalted Maple stabilized. First time checkering on stabilized wood and it went fairly well. I'm somewhat concerned with the quality of the stabilization. It acts a little like the first stuff I had that I found to be brittle and not treated all the way through. It does seem to be flexible so I'm hoping I'm wrong and it works fine.
Thought I'd share them with all since I wanted Melissa to see em anyhow.

Got into some Micarata for MW Surveyor too. Not very far. Weird stuff but if it works I think it's gonna be a great new medium. The dust is fine and brutal and gets everywhere. A vacuum system is gonna be an absolute must.

05-22-2011, 07:18 PM
nice wrok bawanna, really is, ur very talented.. Now don't fall outta ur chair because ol jocko gave u a rare compliment either. Bank it for it might be your last one from me!!

05-22-2011, 07:28 PM
Bawanna! Those are going to look great on my Colt! That's just enough checkering so that they shouldn't be slippery and the wood pattern is still visible. You're the man! :D