View Full Version : Some grip work i just finished.
01-09-2011, 11:19 PM
After having my 1911 back from the refinisher i felt it was missing just a spot of gleem. So poking around Ebay i found some Pewter cast Scull and Crossbones and tried to figure out how to incorporate them so they look like they were "fused" into the grip.
Ill post a pic of the gun stock first and then several with the Pewter finished grips.
Also at the very end i wanted to prove to Bawanna i never gave up and finally eliminated that gap in my MK9 Grips that always plagued me.
If you don't like the Pewter as well as the plain grips don't be afraid to say so as its not for everyones taste i don't think.
Im more of tinkerer and better at working with steel than wood, But none the less i like how these came out.
How they were done was i dremeled out a pattern i traced from the Pewter and set it down in the hole and epoxied it in with silicone adhesive "Goop" cause i love the stuff. Then after that dried i dremeled the wood wider and "banked" it and proceeded to fill the whole recess with JB Weld and let that dry. Once that was done i used a diamond type bit to slowly "un-dig" the pewter so thats how i was able to make it look like its dug up under the wood.
01-09-2011, 11:25 PM
Very nice work, I love the skull inlay. Turned out really nice.
As for the MK9 grips, you've achieved perfection and you make me so proud I just want to cry. Never give up!
01-09-2011, 11:34 PM
Thanks man, Any compliment from you is high praise.
I rarely mess with wood, The MK9 grip i had too and it just drove me insane knowing it wasn't perfect. But when i did the screw work it was easier to adjust things now i could apply more pressure where i needed it.
I felt the 1911 grip would only increase the looks but the value also, I only have $30 wrapped up in the grips and Pewter both.
I wish i could do the type of work you can do with wood.
01-11-2011, 01:04 AM
No other comments?
That leads me to one of three reasons why i think no one but Bawanna would post here.
1. Either im a jerk.
2. I made the gun uglier.
3. Both.
01-11-2011, 01:14 AM
No man, don't think negative. I appreciate your talent and the job you did, I'm simply not a fan of the design. You should see the work i went through building my powder box and it is unanimous that I'm nuts for even making it as it isn't needed. Yet I did a terrific job with both design and execution (still have painting).
That's what I see in your work. Especially the different epoxies and routing to form a relief for the medallion. I really do appreciate the almost seamless work on the wood grips.
Sorry I didn't comment earlier. You did a good job so be proud!
01-11-2011, 01:27 AM
So, does that mean im not a jerk? lol
I can take criticism pretty well, And i knew i was stepping out on this one as with the all black grips it was sleek and had an understated look.
I cant explain why i wanted the pewter inserts, But they just spoke to me.
Im happy you think i did good work tho, That means more than liking the finished product. Im more of a metal working guy and not into wood working much so its a miracle it looks as good as it does really.
I am gonna look on ebay and find another set of grips just like these came stock as the guy makes them by hand and no 2 are alike and luckily they sell cheap.
I only have $30 in the grips and pewter so im not crying if i end up hating them later.
I have a refinished set of Bocote grips ready to go on when i feel the need, As im told you can never have too many grips for your 1911.
01-11-2011, 04:15 AM
I think the fit and finish is great! It is obvious you did a great job.
I just don't like the look. I think the inlay would look nicer on a smooth set of grips.
01-11-2011, 09:31 AM
Thanks for the honesty.
Seems i did a great job but making it ugly to many people.
What i mean by that is i did good incorporating the pewter, But its not everyones cup of tea.
So is it just the "Scull" inlay makes it look tacky?
Or as mrsig says i should have used smooth grips?
Or would you have preferred a flush cut out and drop the inlay in for a tight fit, Like what you see with medallions?
At least i know not to post the pics around the net much, You guys saved me there.
I never would have thought it would have gotten such a negative response in how people liked it.
Seriously tho, Thanks for being honest.
If you weren't i would never know if my taste in some items is bad or my work looks bad.
Thankfully i need to learn more wood working skills so ill be on the hunt for some more to try out and see what i like.
Ive really been eyeballing some VZ Alien grips and Allumagrips also. But the costs so far are a bit high until i get paid again.
01-11-2011, 10:12 AM
I like it.........Its good work and something you don't see everyday.
Who ever told you you can not have too many grips is correct.
01-11-2011, 10:27 AM
Thanks for the comments, I definitely like things you don't normally see.
Especially if i do it myself and it looks nice when done and i didn't spend a fortune doing it.
Buying grips can get addictive and expensive if you don't take your time and look for good deals. Ebay has been good to me in that area.
But it seems this set of grips is a "live and learn" set, Even tho they aren't many peoples cup of tea i still like them rather well myself. Just because i didn't make something everyone likes, Doesn't mean im taking them off.
We all have different taste in what we like, And once i get to the point im tired of looking at them ill put another set on.
01-11-2011, 10:28 AM
Grips are like portraits, some love a certain picture and some dont. Negative feedback as far as the look is not a bad thing. Many would love to call those grips their own. If they blow your skirt up, it's a success.
Now when people criticize for unsightly gaps or poor workmanship, then you suck and theres no getting around that. Shoddy is shoddy.
Everyone is different. I've found that some like suttle understated and some like bold flashy.
I'm amazed at response to skip line checkering even. I love it, I think it looks great, some hate it and dont want it.
The skull is nice to me in that it contrast well with the background, but I lean toward flashy and bold.
As far as you being a jerk, I don't think so but maybe we could create a survey to determine what everyone thinks?
Maybe I'm a jerk too?
01-11-2011, 12:47 PM
I like the Jolly Roger there, I just have but one 1911, and that is getting some special grips cut for it as we speak. I may end up getting the stuff to have Bawanna make another set for my brother now. I'll never get enough money to play again.:hurt:
01-11-2011, 03:07 PM
No other comments?
That leads me to one of three reasons why i think no one but Bawanna would post here.
1. Either im a jerk.
2. I made the gun uglier.
3. Both.
Well DasFriek I don't know if you are a jerk but I think the gun got uglier, at this point you should sell it to me at a deeply discounted price so I can spare you the pain of having to look at it.
No need to thank me that's just the kind of guy I am. ;)
01-11-2011, 03:09 PM
Dang, thats a most generous offer, wish I'd thunk of it first. You guys are wicked quick, I'll tell ya.
01-11-2011, 06:30 PM
Ill admit it adds some "flash" and didn't turn out as subtle as i really wanted, But its hard to tell the size of things until you get them in your hands.
I suppose im not a jerk and people were just being nice trying to not make upset by saying they didn't like the outcome.
I guess its like Wilson Combats polymer framed 1911, No one likes it but they wouldn't turn it down if it was given to them as a gift.
Its probably a great gun for all i know, But its not for me either.
cgo99- I have $2k in the gun so ill sell it for half price of $1k, Then you can be laughed at for buying a $1k used Taurus 1911.
Im still shopping for grips cheap on Ebay, I got my eyes on some Allumagrips right now if they stay low enough.
But i may take some pics with my Bocote grips on it so it looks better the next time i post a pic of it.
01-11-2011, 06:39 PM
Real nice !!!!
The skulls are a nice touch for an undercover gun. Most BGs know what the local cops carry and would never guess the skull grips for a cop gun.
The wood grips on the MK9 are nice looking too
Das...You did do a fantastic job inlaying those skulls, its professional work.
On the other side of the coin....(I know, sorry but its the first thing that came to mind when I saw the grips)
If I remember correctly from your other posts.....That 1911 is your primary carry gun?
Having "Death Heads" on your defensive pistol. Did ever consider how you would explain the reasoning for them or how they might alter the perception of you in court should you find yourself the defendant after having to use the pistol in a real situation?
01-11-2011, 07:40 PM
It looks like you did a nice job, just not my style. IMO the original stock picture looks better.
If that is what you like run with it, it is your gun and it honestly doesn't look bad, just not my style.
01-11-2011, 11:48 PM
Well im no cop, Nor a BG either.
Just your somewhat normal ccw owner.
I do like the wood grips on the MK alot, They give a bit better grip to hold onto without being overly large.
I don't so much believe in what a court would say about my grips as the scull and crossbones are more pirate related than anything.
Its also the universal sign for "Poison" so i can say it reminds me of the danger the gun can create if not handled properly.
Id be more worried if i had all the "Punisher" grips you see on Ebay.
I know they aren't for everyones taste, But the whole gun was done around my own tastes and likes of how i think my perfect 1911 would be.
Its just like cars and engine preferences as no one will ever agree whats best, But the owner is the one who has to like it and that is all that counts.
But its always nice to please everyone with a mod, But as i just found out it doesn't always happen that way.
I am looking for some VZ Alien or Operators to add to it next.
01-12-2011, 12:42 AM
Yeah you can tell them you really liked "Pirates of the Carribbean" and just thought it would be cool.
Just One Shot
01-12-2011, 08:47 AM
I'm not a skull fan but I can appreciate the craftsmanship involved in your project. Good job!
01-12-2011, 09:58 AM
I guess its grips that only a mother could love.
I think i actually spent about 10 hours in work getting them set in there just right.
Why i like the Jolly Roger i dont know, Ive always liked stuff some people find weird.
Im still grip hunting, But everything i see is kinda flashy even tho its subtle.
VZ and the Alien and Operator grips in G10 i like alot.
And Hogue has the slimline Alumagrips with Tactical half checked black grips.
But whats odd is im also leaning towards a set or Ergo checkered rubbered grips as i have them on my RIA CS Officer and they work very well and are all business.
I figure i have flashy with the pewter set so a plain work grip may be best to add now.
01-12-2011, 10:28 AM
Many who haven't endeavored into inlays and some of this other stuff don't grasp how much time is involved. I know exactly what your talking about when you say you got 10 hours into those inlays. It's time consuming business. When I first was teaching myself to checker it would take me 30 hours or more to make and checker easy grips and with not perfect results. The time consumption has improved immensely but 8 or 10 hours for a set of 1911 grips is still pretty common. Throw in some curves like the inside fitting of a Kahr or Beretta some of the tough ones and lots more time.
The big outfits with CNC machines can stomp em out like M & M's but doing them by hand with the tools the average Bawanna has takes a little longer.
I think the done by hand and attention to detail is appreciated more by the beholder though.
Why for me it's best to keep it hobby status and fun, not a business and deadlines.
Gotta go now, it's a snow day for me which means sawdust. Gonna try and put a wrap on those mesquite slabs for jlott. Couple hours we'll be ready to weld the pins in and start feeding them oil. I think in my own biased opinion they are gonna look swell with some oil on em.
If not theres nothing like a little mesquite to make a barbecue sing...........
01-12-2011, 11:24 AM
bawanna,know what you mean by checkering. Have never checkered wood,but have checkered a few 1911 front straps. The first one I did seemed like I would never get it finished. Didnt turn out as well as I would of liked, but worked for me.
01-12-2011, 11:43 AM
I wish I could checker front straps. Many here say they aren't wood guys, I guess I'm not a metal guy. Wish in my youth I had pursued more metal knowlege, course in my youth they didn't have the nice machines and stuff they have now days.
I guess it's like construction they have electricians and plumbers because us carpenters just don't have time to do it all.:19:
Teach me to checker metal and I'll teach you how to checker the California redwood forest.
You think this old dog has time to learn one more new trick?
01-12-2011, 11:50 AM
I wonder if skip line checkering started with a fella like Bawanna, who started to checker a set of grips and then started sipng the veno alot and checker some more and then more veno, and then all of a sudden his is so over venoed, that he starts checking a different pattern and knows not why. HENCE THE BIRTH OF SKIP LINE CHECKERING. \
Just an observation, I might be off on the "veno" stuff, beer would be a good substitute or Jack Daniels also. us Italians kinda stick to our "veno
. as we make barrels of it in our basements..
01-12-2011, 11:55 AM
I had a horrible experience with a bottle of Annie Green Springs in my youth and have hardly touched the graped ever since. The bed still spins sometimes just thinking about it. I was truely praying for death for several days.
As for the beer and Jack Daniels I'll still partake periodically in controlled quantities. I wake feeling poorly enough of natural causes I feel no need for poisoning myself. I do get bad hungovers.
Probably true on the birth of skip line though. It's actually amazing how things seem to go so much faster just skipping a line now and then.
01-12-2011, 12:24 PM
Probably true on the birth of skip line though. It's actually amazing how things seem to go so much faster just skipping a line now and then.
exactly, that's how I feel about not using SPELL CHECK. !!!
01-12-2011, 01:42 PM
DasFriek (
Senior Member
Very nice! I also like the Benchmade and your choice of bullets.
01-12-2011, 02:51 PM
Im always up for a new adventure and trying something ive never done and try and learn a few things along the way.
earle8888- I like that Benchmade alot, Unfortunately i cant legally carry it in Ohio since its an automatic. But i carry a manual Benchmade as to me they are just tools and not fighting instruments.
The bullets i keep in a spare mag for home defense, You don't see them very often unless you reload. But they are Speer Lawman 200gr +P Flat nosed and they do pack one heck of a punch. Im saving some back for woods carry when i go to WV where i have family as black bears are starting to get acquainted there.
I also went and ordered a new set of grips, As for some reason i felt i messed up the subtleness of the guns looks.
I was looking at Alumagrips and VZ grips and then i thought "Why am i looking at more flashing grips" when thats what generated the not so favorable comments.
So i went back to what i like on my working guns, Ergo grips. I picked up a set cheap off Ebay and should have them in a few days. 3 sets of grips should give me enough choices for one gun :)
Not my gun, Just a pic i snagged off the net.
01-12-2011, 03:36 PM
Au Contraire weedhopper. Not all responses were negative and no bad responses on workmanship which is always important.
I think it's just a taste issue. I'd wear em proud myself but you can never have to large a wardrobe for that special gun whatever it is.
01-12-2011, 08:52 PM
I think you took that comment a little wrong, I merely meant negative comments in regards to taste. Really they aren't even negative, But just not peoples taste like you say.
I possibly should have worded that better.
I was looking at Alumagrips and VZ grips and then i thought "Why am i looking at more flashing grips" when thats what generated the not so favorable comments.
Were on the same wave length its just i don't put things into words well.
There are times i don't want the grips pulling looks away from the gun due to being so flashy as the pewter grips ended up.
So i took all comments and used them, Even when i say some were negative. This made me realize i needed to step back a bit and go more simple with the style of the next set i buy.
I too like different looks as every set of grips can drastically change how a gun looks.
I just felt i needed to dial it back a bit so people seen the gun in the same light they did before.
01-13-2011, 03:46 PM
Bawanna45 checkerinf front straps is not that hard,just takes at lot of time and harder to fix if you mess up. hardest part is getting the line strait, then it just a mater of working the file slowly. As for wood,give me a wood project and Im sure to destroy or hurt myself :7:
01-13-2011, 03:54 PM
heh Bawanna, ever seen any of Esmerlda grip work. She made me a set for my Para Carry 9 called thins and her work was just awesome. to be honest though your work is just as good, maybe slower than hers, ad I don't know how much equipment she has either, as she claims all hand done. she ain't cheap either but she is damn good. She just makes the 1911 stuff and did my Para but I had to sendmy plastic factory grips to her for duplication. Boy I loved that gun but I just didn't have good luck with it. Their LDA trigger as u know is just unbelievable. IMO even much better than kahrs and that takes alot to..
01-13-2011, 04:12 PM
Ive heard of her and she does beautiful beautiful stuff. If she's making a living doing this which she apparently is she's barely charging enough.
It's a little misleading too on the hand made comment as on the home page you see her with a power checkering tool which is run off a dental engine of some sort. Nothing against that, you still need to know how to checker and I'm sure it takes awhile to learn how to run it. BUT, she can checker a set of 1911 grips in maybe a half hour where it takes me 6 or 8 hours.
Since she wanted your old plastic grips, shes no doubt got a duplicating machine that will make a wood copy of your plastic lickety split. Another time killer for me as my duplicator is a Simons file and sometimes knives.
Again not putting her down, she's very well known and she does top notch work and I'd be proud to own anything she makes. In fact just looking at her sight I saw a couple I'd love to have myself.
Then of course she's about a 1000 times better looking than me so I might as well go back to school and learn to weld or something.
01-13-2011, 04:19 PM
I seen that checkering tool to. I guess hand made to her means it is in her hand...Her thins were super n my Para Carry 9. I see she now makes J frame grips which she never did afew years ago. I realy think her prices are very reasonable.
Her looks doesnt ijmpress me, so if u think she is 1000 times better than u hav eto be one ugly sob!!!! I bet you even dress in the dark. I can understand that now..
01-13-2011, 04:24 PM
We have another bingo. The darkness and lack of mirrors can be your friend. She's only perhaps a 3 on my scale too but I was trying to make up for my transgressions against large boned women on another thread and was trying to make amends so to speak. It's all part of the sensitivity sessions me and Mr. Surveyor are attending. Speaking of beauty or lack there of, where the heck is our friend Wyntrout lately. I shall investigate.
I see Esmerelda also makes Hi Power grips which I believe is a new thing for her as well.
Those revolvers can be a real challenge to fit sometimes too, lots of different angles and places to fit that all show even the slightest boo boo.
01-13-2011, 04:29 PM
I think a 3 is even alittle high for her. Personaly I would take the horse she rides home before her!!!! Course if she would just stay home an carve grips and make ol jocko big bucks, so he can maybe buy another Harley, then I would move her up to a 9. She would be a real hit in Sturgis riding in on her new Indian motorcycle. Does the term Biker Bi-ch come into play here maybe?
01-13-2011, 04:44 PM
It is one beautiful horse, thats for sure. I was reluctant to mention that for fear I might set Dietrich off. His meds have been working pretty consistantly of late and I didnt want to mess that up.
Be nice for her to visit with her horse and the Indian motorcycle and let me try that checkering machine out. They are brutally expensive and just the cutter heads are like a 100 bucks. No idea how long a cutter would last but I would hope a long time.
She's apparently doing well for herself and my hats off to her for what she does.
The beauty of the machine is one pass and your done, cut the next line and move on. With hand tools its 3 and sometimes 4 passes and even some touch up afterwards sometimes depending on how much you love the recipient and how perfect you want them.
01-13-2011, 04:46 PM
All i gotta say is:
Yes i need sensitivity training and maybe even anger management, But i know i don't need no fatties!
Why do i sound so mean? Well im 6'4" 275lbs given most girls are shorter my equal would be 5'7 and 400lbs and could you even imagine that scene? Or better yet a video?
Id just close my eyes and pray its over soon.
Esmerelda isn't bad looking from what ive seen, But i have a feeling those pics are 15 years old or more. But she does make great grips and i wont take good work away from anyone.
Back on subject i don't see how true hands on piece by piece fitting and modifying parts any gunsmith makes a dime with all the tools and time involved.
Ive seen full on custom 1911's that were being sold for $3500 but in reality if all the time was included it should have been a $6000 gun.
I think the only way to make money in the gun business is to be automated as much as possible. Look at VZ grips, I bet they have very little time involved in the actual making of one of thier grips as its done on machines. But if it was done by hand it would double in price. So even at $60 a set they are doubleling their money being automated.
Doing it by hand they may make $10 if they doubled the price too $120 when all the time is added up.
01-13-2011, 05:23 PM
Exactly right. Most people just won't pay those big numbers when you can buy a machine made whatever thats nearly as good or sometimes even just as good for a fraction of the cost.
Many times when I hear someone griping about the price of something, whatever it is, a ball point pen, or a paper clip, I'll ask em. I'd like a 20 of those, how much would you charge me to make 20 paperclips.
Take the simplest thing a new house key. Start from scratch raw materials. How much to make me a house key? Puts things in a whole new perspective. Make 50,000 of something on a machine it just might pay.
Gunsmiths have to have a passion for what they do and they have to charge if they want to live on that occupation. Your in business to make money.
Thats why I leave my grip thing in hobby mode and just take a contribution when offered. Even at a 100 bucks a set, I'd probably not be making minimum wage, not even close. so I might as well keep it fun. And if I was on the other end I'd be hesitant to pay a 100 bucks for grips myself so there has to be some truth here. I'm certainly not gonna hurt any of the big outfits with competition, thats for sure. But I still like making them.
My inlays are what usually separates this boy from the real gun men. Not many will inlay whatever you might dream up.
Like your Jolly Rogers there, call up Hogue, or Esmerelda or anyone and see if they'll inlay those pewter pins for ya. Probably won't happen.
01-13-2011, 05:40 PM
Bawanna, IMO your still the man who can make grips walk the walk and talk the talk. I was not as u know trying to put you into competition with esmeralda. I just broght her name up because I had a par made from her some years back and it was excellent work.
I still would rather have the horse though!!
01-13-2011, 05:54 PM
Understood Jocko although I'm a bit sensitive to that walk the walk line.
I was mostly trying to justify her prices more than anything. You pay for quality in most cases or settle for something less.
Maybe I could use that as a banner if I ever make a website (yeah right). Quality for something less!
I'd rather have the horse too. Good looking horse flesh.
Gotta a bull riding deal this weekend, usually just local boys but I enjoy watching em. Last one a local personality was riding around on a pretty painted horse. (not really painted, ya know, just muliti colored kind of camoflaged if the background was right). As he rode by I offered him 500 for it. He came back and said 500 a leg!:eek: Probably worth it too.
01-13-2011, 07:38 PM
ur dog is prettier than esmeralda by a score of 9 to her 3.. sorry about the walk the walk thing but u know what I mean to...
01-13-2011, 08:47 PM
ur dog is prettier than esmeralda by a score of 9 to her 3.. sorry about the walk the walk thing but u know what I mean to...
Well walk the walk does have a much better ring to it than roll the roll.
10-25-2014, 05:03 AM
I absolutely love those grips!!!
I own a Taurus PT1911 AR (stock) and I am also x-navy and I love pirate system skull n bones graphics.
Please tell me you are selling them or where I may obtain a set of my own .... thank you
Jeff Lubar - Fort Lauderdale, Florida
10-25-2014, 12:34 PM
Navy, the last post in this thread was in 2011 and that's about the last time DasFriek posted. I feel badly that I didn't notice his absence.
There a bajillion sources for 1911 grips similar to this. Any supplier of gun parts will usually have tons of options.
So many I can't even wrap my fingers around anyone specific.
Big bird
10-26-2014, 04:13 PM
Very cool!
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