View Full Version : Constantly changing grips?
01-12-2011, 10:24 PM
If this is in the wrong section, I apologize...
Does anyone else change the grips on their pistols? My PM9 goes from A-Grip to a Hogue Handall, to an inner tube, to stock. My Sig P220 goes from factory, to a Pachmayr sleeve, to Hogue finger groove wrap arounds. I usually change the grips about once every few months. I get used to the grip, and crave something different, so i'll switch it up. I've never noticed it affecting my handling or accuracy of any of the guns. I dont know why I do it.
It's most noticeable on my Sig. I love the way those Hogue finger grooves feel. After a few months, I go "ehh..." and then i'll go back to factory. Boy, they're thin, tight, and sure feel good. Then, maybe i'll throw on that Pachmayr slip on. Ooooo nice 'n soft and sticky. Feels great!
Anyone else do this? I cant imagine its the best idea in the world, but I also havent had any negative effects be it speed, accuracy or handling etc... I just crave change. :o
01-13-2011, 04:35 AM
If this is in the wrong section, I apologize...
Does anyone else change the grips on their pistols? My PM9 goes from A-Grip to a Hogue Handall, to an inner tube, to stock. My Sig P220 goes from factory, to a Pachmayr sleeve, to Hogue finger groove wrap arounds. I usually change the grips about once every few months. I get used to the grip, and crave something different, so i'll switch it up. I've never noticed it affecting my handling or accuracy of any of the guns. I dont know why I do it.
It's most noticeable on my Sig. I love the way those Hogue finger grooves feel. After a few months, I go "ehh..." and then i'll go back to factory. Boy, they're thin, tight, and sure feel good. Then, maybe i'll throw on that Pachmayr slip on. Ooooo nice 'n soft and sticky. Feels great!
Anyone else do this? I cant imagine its the best idea in the world, but I also havent had any negative effects be it speed, accuracy or handling etc... I just crave change. :o
like McDonalds, Burger Kind, hardees. gotta try different burgers to find what you like. go for it, It's allso fun as you know..:yo:
01-13-2011, 10:21 AM
I do it alot myself. It's like having a new gun when you can't afford one. I'm an addict so when I don't have enough marbles for a gun I buy a flashlight or mags or bullets which is a contributing factor for not having money to buy a new gun in the first place.
Probably why I started whittling out grips too, store bought is expensive.
01-13-2011, 10:49 AM
I have 13 hand guns [including the 9mm & 380] and all have the factory grips, some plastic, some wood, and one rubber. I even have some 'slip ons' and other grips I've bought, but I've never bothered to install them. I suppose the grips don't make much difference to me.
01-13-2011, 11:34 AM
Once I find a grip I like, it stays on the gun.
01-13-2011, 02:45 PM
It is not at all uncommon for guys to keep changing things in the shooting sports. It is very common in archery where guys change sights, arrow rests, releases, broadheads, etc... Constantly looking for something newer and better. I know one guy who changes intentionally because he has target panic so bad that the change of equipment makes him concentrate on the change. Once he gets used to the change, his panic gets worse again and he needs to change to something different again. I have kept the same bow and accessories for the last 11 years, because I like to adjust and adapt to the tools at hand. Everyone is different.
I don't change my handgun grip, at least not yet. I've stuck with Agrips so far. However, I have changed guns for deer hunting. In fact, now I own a TC Encore, so I can keep the same gun to get used to the feel, etc...., but change the barrels around from muzzleloader, shotgun, rifle, etc... It is all dependant upon the hunting season and where I hunt (rifle country vs muzzleloader season vs shotgun country vs turkey season vs squirrel hunting with the 17HMR, etc...). It is all fun. Diversity is good. However, I do recommend you keep the same woman...otherwise this kind of change can get REALLY expensive and cut into your handgun grip change allowance...haha!
01-14-2011, 08:08 AM
only thing i've done to my pm9 is add a pearce mag extension grip and thats only because i think i can draw faster with it.. my only other carry is a glock 22 and ive never felt the need to add anything to it.. i have a few "shooting" pistols ive added grips to make them better for long term shooting but i want my carry pistols to be as light and consistent as possible.
those slip on grips make me nervous: i used to play competition paintball and had some issues with slip on grips slipping around too much. but then again, paintball paint is oily and that probably didnt help the situation
01-14-2011, 08:45 AM
Since 1911's are like AR's they both are like Barbie's for grown men.
I keep 2-3 sets of grips i swap out per my mood for each gun.
One reason is you can buy them cheap on Ebay and also you can afford to screw a set up experimenting with different looks and patterns.
My MK9 has the wood grips and its possible during the summer i may go back to the thinner black plastic to help hide it a bit better in thin material shorts.
Would be nice to find a set cheap and send them to Bawanna and let him go wild and see what he comes up with.
IMO grip thickness will cause grip changes faster than the texture and what its made of will. Thickness gives the gun more of a change in how a gun feels, Thats why people swap slip-on grips so much.
Today my main fullsized 1911 is wearing Bocote grips with many coats of oil on them as my black and pewter set is getting its screw holes beefed up as they were made from a cheaper soft wood and one reason i only paid $15 off Ebay.
But i enjoy doing the work.
01-14-2011, 02:44 PM
If this is in the wrong section, I apologize...
Does anyone else change the grips on their pistols? My PM9 goes from A-Grip to a Hogue Handall, to an inner tube, to stock. My Sig P220 goes from factory, to a Pachmayr sleeve, to Hogue finger groove wrap arounds. I usually change the grips about once every few months. I get used to the grip, and crave something different, so i'll switch it up. I've never noticed it affecting my handling or accuracy of any of the guns. I dont know why I do it.
It's most noticeable on my Sig. I love the way those Hogue finger grooves feel. After a few months, I go "ehh..." and then i'll go back to factory. Boy, they're thin, tight, and sure feel good. Then, maybe i'll throw on that Pachmayr slip on. Ooooo nice 'n soft and sticky. Feels great!
Anyone else do this? I cant imagine its the best idea in the world, but I also havent had any negative effects be it speed, accuracy or handling etc... I just crave change. :o
I haven’t given much thought to changing the grips on my PM9... as we are still enjoying the throws of honeymoon bliss. But I do imagine there will come a time when the remembrance of these early days and the excitement and emotions that followed will overpower my fragile sense of loyalty and, like you, I will crave something different. Perhaps my first departure will be a Hogue wrap around, or maybe an A-Grip, or any of the myriad of choices that will satisfy the desire to fondle my PM9 with new courtship and “feels great!” excitement. It is comforting to know, as you pointed out, that there have been no negative effects in performance, Thanks for pointing out that craving change can be a good thing. :D
01-14-2011, 08:14 PM
DriveMyKahr, isn't that kinda like (beastiality) bestiality (sic)? Bawanna, is that kind of a relationship legal?
01-14-2011, 09:51 PM
I think it's ok in certain areas mostly in the southern hemisphere I believe.
I've learned I love the feel and function of Hogue rubber grips. I'll get Hogue grips or a Hand-all for any gun I own if available. Right now I have a wrap around with finger groves on my P220 and the K9 came with a factory set. Once on I'll use them until they need replacement or become damaged.
01-15-2011, 08:34 AM
I think the feel of the Pachmayr on my sig 220 is great. The only issue I have is that it's been on the gun for a total (on and off of course) for about a year, and already shows signs of wearing and tearing. The hogues are great, and the handall jr. is what is on my pm9 90% of the time.
I like my Kahr grips, and leave well enough alone.
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