View Full Version : PM9 vs. Bodyguard 380
01-13-2011, 09:26 AM
Here's a comparison photo of my wife's new S&W Bodyguard 380 next to my new PM9. I paid $ 750.00 for the MA compliant PM9, plus $ 129.00 for the CT laser. She paid $ 342.00 for the BG380 with integral laser.
Very nice! How does it shoot in comparison?
01-13-2011, 10:00 AM
I was considering the Bodyguard semi prior to my purchase of my PM40, but wanted a more substantial caliber. It is a very nice little gun for the price and I probably would have purchased it over the 9. Now I know what the PM40 with CTL would look like side by side against the Bodyguard. You could actually slide the PM back toward the bevertail of the Bodyguard a little to match them up size wise. Nice gun.
01-13-2011, 10:27 AM
to me it is all about caliber over size!! I own 2 380's never carry either one..
01-13-2011, 12:05 PM
OH BOY - There is going to be some fun over that response better not let the little lady at home here you say that! Haha. Truth is - SIZE MATTERS TOO! That's why we like the PM40 so much. The right size in the right caliber. Some things we like small (like a Bodyguard or PM40), but others...well, I'll refer you back to that little lady...haha. Reality is that Caliber AND Size both matter. But if you don't care about caliber as much, that little bodyguard is a nice size too...but to each his own. I didn't buy one because I could get a PM40 in approx the same size package. (Focus was on Caliber AND Size.) However, in my opinion that Bodyguard looked to be "one of" the nicer 380's out there. The reviews on it are still coming in.
01-13-2011, 12:11 PM
I'm bedazzled by all the levers running down the side of it. Looks like theres enough length there to add 3 more levers if they wanted to.
Its sad that the government feels compelled to create laws to protect ourselves from our own stupidity.
It is a nice looking gun though over all. I truely hope it works splendidly for your wife and that she never once has the need to use other than fun times practicing at the range.
01-13-2011, 12:46 PM
I'm bedazzled by all the levers running down the side of it. Looks like theres enough length there to add 3 more levers if they wanted to.
Its sad that the government feels compelled to create laws to protect ourselves from our own stupidity.
It is a nice looking gun though over all. I truely hope it works splendidly for your wife and that she never once has the need to use other than fun times practicing at the range.
indeed to damn many levers for me..:33:
01-13-2011, 12:51 PM
I checked the Bodyguard out at the gun shop and thought that was a nice little gun (haven't shot it yet) but I have the same problem with it, to many safeties and levers for my taste.
I mean they are probably great for a home gun specially if there are children and other people in the house but not for a pocket gun, hell these days a can't even remember why I walked into a room never mind witch lever is witch in a life or death situation. For me a pocket gun should be point and shoot.
01-13-2011, 01:07 PM
...and probably for most people under stress (w/o practice).
But I'm curious why you think the government requires all those levers? Is there a law that requires a safety now? Or are you referring the CA and MA requirements?
If I've got them ID'ed correctly, laser switch, take down lever, slide release, safety, and the magazine release. It seems like the safety might be the only device that some may not appreciate. Others will like it no matter where they reside.
I was referring to CA and MA, (they have governments too). But the rest would probably jump on the its for your safety bandwagon too given half a chance which I don't intend to give them.
Sort of like helmets and seatbelts, they are wise good choices but they aren't happy unless they make it law to require them.
I've often thought that would be a good get rich scheme. Invent something, then have the government make it a law that everyone has to own one.
01-13-2011, 01:10 PM
i think when gun companies today make a gun, they intend to make it complaint with all 50 states, so there for we are seeingmore levers on the gun and cocking indicators etc .
Kahr is one of the very few making guns with no safety, but lately we have now seen two models from kahr that are complaint now in Ma and komifornia. I look for more models to be offered like this from kahr, which is OK with me as long as the keep the originals in their line...
01-13-2011, 01:51 PM
40 years ago whenI sold guns all semi's had a safety on them. times have changed.. I tyhink especially a woman would like to have an external safety on a semi. Mentally they feel better about it than just keeping the finer out of the trigger area. I hve not seen the new PM9 complaint model but personally I could live with the external safety but Ihate that butt ugle LRI and all that damn printing on the top of the slide.
Heard today on fox news that the Glock 19 is selling like hot cakes!!! Go figure!
01-13-2011, 01:53 PM
I seldom disagree around here but I believe they would make a safety version just for those two states. There's a lot of people in those 2 states alone who even though they suffer from an over protective government deserve to have Kahr and / or Seecamp quality guns as much as the rest of us.
There would certainly be a market everywhere else for the safety version for the reasons you mention.
Anyone with half a clue would realize that a Kahr doesn't need any kind of safety other than the finger and between the ears to be completely safe. I suspect those who demand the safety other than the government mandated folks in CA and MA put them in a drawer and never shoot them.
I helped a lady pick out a pistol years ago. As I recall it was an HK she really liked. Took her to the range got her going, told her to practice etc. The family moved to another state. My son visited them a couple weeks ago and they went to shoot in the back yard, (gotta love Idaho).
She proudly brought out her pistol and my son said all the bullets were backwards in the magazine. Guess she didn't practice much.
Not sure why I even mention this story, guess it just popped into my head and if I don't act quickly I'll forget ya know.
01-13-2011, 02:36 PM
Took her to the range got her going
sure I bet you did!!!!!!
01-13-2011, 03:49 PM
Probably took her to the range...then forgot about the rest of the getting her going part...haha.
01-13-2011, 04:10 PM
It looks like a decent enough gun. I prefer the clean lines of the P380. I should say here, I'm not a fan of lasers. I just feel I don't want to count on something other than myself.....with my luck, I'd need to use the gun and the laser battery would go dead causing me to then rely on what God gave me to begin with. Also, caliber is more important to me than overall size. That's why I went from a .380 to a 9mm. I don't want to carry anything smaller. But hey, to each his own.
01-13-2011, 04:12 PM
Probably took her to the range...then forgot about the rest of the getting her going part...haha.
I don't think anyone should impune Bawannas least until we hear from the lady herself.:typing: If that happens, all bets are off.
01-13-2011, 04:18 PM
I agree with ya on all counts kahrseye including the impuneing my reputation whatever that might mean.
Sound it out? Imp = little Pune- little ing- well I guess I still don't know what it means but I'll look it up.
I'm also with ya on luck, I got enough stuff running on batteries in my life without a laser added to the list, lets see chair, hearing aid, van lift, van doors, van seat, power drool cup emptier, flashlights, the list goes on.
I would like to get a laser just for the practice factor. I do have one on my wifes little SP101 22 that I always bring for new shooters. The laser never lies. (long as the battery lives)
01-13-2011, 05:29 PM
I agree with ya on all counts kahrseye including the impuneing my reputation whatever that might mean.
Sound it out? Imp = little Pune- little ing- well I guess I still don't know what it means but I'll look it up.
I'm also with ya on luck, I got enough stuff running on batteries in my life without a laser added to the list, lets see chair, hearing aid, van lift, van doors, van seat, power drool cup emptier, flashlights, the list goes on.
I would like to get a laser just for the practice factor. I do have one on my wifes little SP101 22 that I always bring for new shooters. The laser never lies. (long as the battery lives)
:w00t: My wife always keeps plenty of batteries on hand.....:behindsofa:
01-13-2011, 07:41 PM
I checked out a Bodyguard .380 somewhile back, and I think the 3 levers are a take down lever, slide release and safety. Almost bought one, I was kind of dazzled by the built in laser, but ended up with my CW40 instead, not quite as concealable, and no laser (for now) but much more firepower. I just don't feel properly armed unless I have at least a 9mm, particularly in winter when bullets have to penetrate so much more clothing. Of course it's sure better than throwing rocks. It's probably a great little "summer" gun.
01-13-2011, 07:47 PM
had they not made a PM9 Imight be carrying my Kahr P380. or my model 60. the 380 isnice but just ain't a 9...
01-13-2011, 08:34 PM
Laser Battery issue - Honestly guys, the CTL batteries last months with daily use and maybe even a year if used less frequently. Crimson will replace them for free. From my experience, they go gradually, so you know they are on their way out, especially if you check them everyday before you place the gun in your pocket. The batteries last 40 hours of continuous on time. That's alot of on time, so the worry of battery dying is almost nill.
Because it is an accessory to the iron sights, you still have iron to sight, or point shoot. All the options are still there, but you ADD an option by having the laser there too. You can still point and shoot, or use the front sight, or use all the sights, PLUS you have a BONUS with the laser dot. NOT having a laser because you are concerned about the battery is a handicap once you realize that the laser is an added benefit, another useful tool. Saying you don't want to be handicaped without a functioning battery puts you where you are now...without the laser. My advice is to put one on and try one for awhile until you get used to seeing it WITH your sights OR with your point shooting. You don't know what you are missing until you try it, but you are missing out without it. Watch the CTL DVD and you will be convinced.
I can not speak for the Bodyguards laser which is made by another company. It needs to be switched on and off with a side button. I feel it is better than no laser, but the Crimson Trace Laser is actuated by grabbing the grip...automatically. No separate externa side button to remember to switch on. With the CTL you grap the grip and the laser is on. Bodyguards laser is nice because it is built in and this brings confidence that it won't shift. It is a nice little gun. But I agree with those that want more than a 380...with my choice being a 40.
01-13-2011, 09:03 PM
I owned a Bersa .380 once and I really enjoyed it.Nice handgun and it never gave me any problems. It was relatively easy to conceal but I couldn`t make myself feel comfortable about its` stopping power.Then I saw a Kahr PM9 in my favorite gun store.I went home,did some research and took the Bersa and all the .380 ammo I had back to the gunshop and did some horse trading.I have never regretted it, nor have I ever felt the need to buy another .380. I have absolutely nothing against them,mind you,but I feel much better armed with a 9mm.When Mrs.Dietrich decided to get her concealed carry permit I figured she`d like the .380 but she went with a S&W 642 instead.She used to wrestle mules at the state fair so I didn`t argue with her.
01-13-2011, 09:11 PM
:w00t: My wife always keeps plenty of batteries on hand.....:behindsofa:
Not touching that one.
01-14-2011, 08:58 AM
i live in mass and safeties & loaded indicators are required on new pistols but the bottom line is if the attorney generals office says no, then the gun isnt allowed to be sold in MA.
this new s&w looks great and the price is reasonable. my wife and younger brother are taking their ltc class soon and this s&w might be what i buy for her and he has been eying the new ruger lc9 cuz its in his price range.
i think a more fair comparison of the bodyguard would be against the ruger lcp and the kahr p380. to compare a 380 to a 9mm isnt really fair
01-14-2011, 09:54 AM
I agree Josh, the 380 is in a class by itself, just like the 9 is in it's class and the 40 is in it's. My choices of the 380 are the Bodyguard and the Kahr model. They are the two models I compared in that caliber. The Bodyguard is much more affordable and comes with some very nice features which are not included on Kahrs. The Bodyguard is a nice lightweight compact 380. The 380 guns should not be compared to other calibers if the 380 is the caliber of choice. However, we all realize that it's natural for guys to throw in their 2 cents on caliber and that only confuses matters.
01-14-2011, 10:22 AM
Not touching that one.
Methinks that might be the reason for the batteries. :biggrin1:
01-14-2011, 12:27 PM
Methinks that might be the reason for the batteries. :biggrin1:
nicely put... :boink:
01-14-2011, 12:50 PM
I'm probably the only one here that likes to have a manual thumb safety, but then I grew up with HP's and 1911's, so I'm used to them. Of my 13 Pistols only four don't have one - PM45, P220, LCP, and XD45 [grip safety].
I also like the take down lever instead of a pin, but that may be my long time SIG usage showing. The button that I would eliminate would be the laser button along with the laser itself. I don't care for them, and would not buy the gun because of it.
01-15-2011, 12:35 AM
Almost talked myself into a 380 for poket carry! Went to gun show got to try the PM40 in pocket......I was sold!!! PM40 is heavier and bigger--BUT--it is 40 S&W, much bigger difference.
01-15-2011, 11:03 AM
I have a Seecamp .32 for deep concealment purposes. I leave the safety off and since it's a part of the trigger and very small, you don't even notice it. It's a very clever design.
My wife just applied for MA LTC. As soon as it comes, we'll be hitting the range to try out a bunch of different stuff. She's kind of leaning revolver since it doesn't have a lot of buttons and levers on it.
01-15-2011, 12:36 PM
I have a Seecamp .32 for deep concealment purposes. I leave the safety off and since it's a part of the trigger and very small, you don't even notice it. It's a very clever design.
My wife just applied for MA LTC. As soon as it comes, we'll be hitting the range to try out a bunch of different stuff. She's kind of leaning revolver since it doesn't have a lot of buttons and levers on it.
seecamp is one well made nice peace. But for me that caliber just sucks, about a step above the 25 and about 4 steps below the 380, which is as low as I would go..
01-15-2011, 01:59 PM
seecamp is one well made nice peace. But for me that caliber just sucks, about a step above the 25 and about 4 steps below the 380, which is as low as I would go..
Yeah, I carry my PM9 most of the time. However, the Seecamp is still better than not carrying. Sometimes I really do need to be super discreet. ;)
01-17-2011, 09:44 AM
Yeah, I carry my PM9 most of the time. However, the Seecamp is still better than not carrying. Sometimes I really do need to be super discreet. ;)
i agree 100% a few well placed .32s will stop anyone. especially when you consider the close range most shootings happen in. ive wanted a seecamp for a back pocket carry for a while now as i have come to the reality of the fact that any bullet is better than no bullet. my pm9 (w/ thumb safety that i too use) is my primary carry and i seldom carry my glock .40 anymore even though i know the glock is superior, the pm9 is just much more comfortable to conceal.
01-17-2011, 11:36 AM
I almost did the same thing by deciding on a Bodyguard 380 or even a 9. However, I also decided on the PM40. Nothing against the 380 or 9. I just wanted to settle on one caliber I was confident in. Personal choice. The Bodyguard is a nice little piece. So are many of the 9's out there. They just are not 40's and the PM40 is just as comfortably concealed as the PM9 is.
01-17-2011, 11:43 AM
Yeah, I carry my PM9 most of the time. However, the Seecamp is still better than not carrying. Sometimes I really do need to be super discreet. ;)
that point at all. almost like a big rock is better than no rock. I use dto carry for years a NAA mini revolver. It was cool but today just the thought of pulling that thing out would be my totally last resort and I mean totally. When I look at some of those lineman in yesterdays NFL games, I probalby would choose to leave it in my pocket. Although I have rounded the front site off alot , so that after I shot the lineman with 5 round sout of my mini revilver that when he shoved it up my a-s it won't hurt quite so much.:D I think seecamp already rounde doff their front sight!!!!
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