View Full Version : A little help,quick please.

01-14-2011, 04:45 PM
My niece`s husband is a racoon hunter and wants a short semi-auto .22 rifle for carry in the woods at night.Something along the lines of a Cricket but semi-auto.I don`t have a clue who makes such a thing but I`m going to the Dixie Gun and Knife Classic tomorrow and I told him I`d look for one.Do any of y`all know anything that could help me? Brand,price etc?I know this is short notice but I figure that if anybody knows,it will be you guys.I don`t see why he doesn`t just buy a good .22cal handgun but he hasn`t asked me for my opinion.The moron.

01-14-2011, 04:57 PM
I dont know of any semi auto near the size of a chipmunk or a cricket. Probably the closest I can think of the old tried and true Ruger 10/22.

I agree a good 22 semi auto pistol might be the ticket.

Set on a semi auto huh?

01-14-2011, 04:58 PM
My niece`s husband is a racoon hunter and wants a short semi-auto .22 rifle for carry in the woods at night.Something along the lines of a Cricket but semi-auto.I don`t have a clue who makes such a thing but I`m going to the Dixie Gun and Knife Classic tomorrow and I told him I`d look for one.Do any of y`all know anything that could help me? Brand,price etc?I know this is short notice but I figure that if anybody knows,it will be you guys.I don`t see why he doesn`t just buy a good .22cal handgun but he hasn`t asked me for my opinion.The moron.

to find the ol remington nylon 66 made in the early 60's. we sold dozens of them, weighs about 4 pounds sold back then for around $50. They made over a million of those guns I think they quit making them in the early 90's.. you might even try ebay or amazon.com

01-14-2011, 04:59 PM
Oh GSG makes a rifle and pistol version that looks sort of like an MP5 in 22.

The rifle version my son has but to me it would seem a little bulky and heavy for **** huntin. The pistol version might work ok.

mr surveyor
01-14-2011, 04:59 PM
Marlin Model 60

01-14-2011, 05:01 PM
That would be good. They are long but very light, tube feed mag, holds 18 I think. Not expensive but they work real well and accurate.

Good choice Surv!

mr surveyor
01-14-2011, 05:13 PM
here's mine:)



01-14-2011, 05:30 PM
Nice, you got a lot newer one than I had. Mine was blued with a birch stock. Other than that it was close. Put of lot of 22's thru it and had it a long long time. Gave it to a coworkers son. He digs it I'm told.

01-14-2011, 05:40 PM
His big gripe is that his present .22 gets tangled up in vines and limbs while he`s chasing the ****.That`s the reason I think he`d be better off with a pistol.I wonder if spelling it with a "k" will make it past the censor.Nope.Geez,saying raccoon is like saying oppossum.Just don`t feel right coming out of my mouth.

mr surveyor
01-14-2011, 05:43 PM
then, a Ruger Mark II would be ideal... I prefer the 22/45 style as the grip angle is more similar to my standard carry guns.... extremely reliable and very accurate... right outs the box. The MKII models are occassionally found, but one may have to settle for the newer MKIII model (extra safety crap built in)

01-14-2011, 06:07 PM
Back in my reckless youth and '**** huntin' days, I carried a .22 semi handgun (Colt Woodsman) in a holster so I had both hands free for fightin those vines and branches and sliding down ravines and creek banks, and climbing up out of them. yep, I wanted both hands available.

01-14-2011, 08:52 PM
'****-- just had to try it. c00n--that worked.

mr surveyor
01-14-2011, 09:15 PM
I can't believe we have such a silly grammer nanny here. That is just unbelievable:confused:

01-15-2011, 09:29 AM
After you catch 'em you got to eat'em.
Great barbequed.
Possum's good too.


mr surveyor
01-15-2011, 10:56 AM
Actually, I like grilledcoon and bakedcoon.... haven't cooked it in many years though. Now, on the other hand, possum is way down on my list of desired meals... but I would have no problem eating it if circumstances demanded.

I hear some people eat snails, raw fish, goat's eyeballs, dogs, cats.......

bone appateet (that there's French according to my grand daughter that knows some French kids)


01-15-2011, 11:16 AM
Guess I better look that word up, I been using that bonerpetite when I was seeing if the french girls was looking for a good time.

Maybe thats the parlevoo a humma humma word. I get em mixed up.

01-15-2011, 11:30 AM
The spell-checker/censor thinks Kahr is a misspelled word, too, and I really don't understand why that electronic PDA/phone thingy is censored... Bl@ckberry!

Wynn :)

01-15-2011, 11:43 AM
Henry survival rifle is about as light, compact, and handy, as you'll get for a .22 autoloader.

The only problem is the rear sight is mounted on the receiver, while the front is on the barrel. The zero WILL change each time you remove the barrel.

01-15-2011, 11:59 AM
It's not a rifle but it has a laser and will fit in most pockets... minus the fingernail care attachment.

Wynn :D

01-15-2011, 04:04 PM
All jokes aside, the Henry is a good choice, if you don't mind the fact the zero changes. My money would be better spent on a 10/22. Great rifle that one. If you can talk him into a pistol, the MKII or even the MKIII is a great choice. None of them will set you back much over 200. I know that around here the 10/22 is 189.95 at Wally World of all places. Accurate little buggers too. I took mine out about three years ago just playing with it was shooting clear thumbtacks on white paper at 50 yards off the bench. I have taken my scope off since then, but I like the irons better than I did the scope that would not hold a zero.

01-15-2011, 04:41 PM
never had one, but they tell me the Henry rifles are all very well made AMERICAN MADE . Is that true??? It's a name that just doesn't stick with one as maybe a Wincester, Ruger, marlin..

01-15-2011, 04:45 PM
Ruger also makes the charger a 10/22 rifle in hand gun form.
Browning has the Buckmark another tack driver.