View Full Version : P vs Cw

01-15-2011, 02:27 PM
I just though I would share this: gunblast.com/Kahr-45s.htm (http://gunblast.com/Kahr-45s.htm)He feels the same way I do, and hopefully this will help anyone who is undecided in choosing between these two. I have been very pleased with the performance of my CW40 and never considered the P40. Hope you enjoy his review, I find that he is very objective and fair in his reviews.

01-15-2011, 02:43 PM
Thanks for posting. That was very informative. I was bit surprised the P45 wasn't more accurate and showed less velocity than the CW45. Makes me glad I went with the CW40 over the P40 and had extra dollars to spend on accessories. I like Gunblast and they have influenced a couple of my purchases, after checking with other resources to see if they reach the same conclusion.

01-15-2011, 02:47 PM
Good info that one.

01-17-2011, 10:47 AM
Gunblast provides very useful unbiased information in their reviews ... I like 'em.:D

01-17-2011, 11:04 AM
Thanks for posting. That was very informative. I was bit surprised the P45 wasn't more accurate and showed less velocity than the CW45. Makes me glad I went with the CW40 over the P40 and had extra dollars to spend on accessories. I like Gunblast and they have influenced a couple of my purchases, after checking with other resources to see if they reach the same conclusion.

I could understand why it would be no more accurate than the cw45, both guns are dead nuts accurate. I have a hard time buying less velocity, as normally one of the features of polygonal rifled barrels in an "increase" in velocity.

I tend to like to go with the opinions of this kahr forum people who have owned and shoot alot of kahrs etc. Notning wrong with GUN BLAST, they do seem to try hard to be fair and balanced. I just tend to rely on guys who shoot um like they stole um..