View Full Version : P380 Slide Release Pin removal

11-05-2009, 05:28 PM
Have cleaned my 380 about a half dozen times and my PM9 3 times, but each time it is tough to get the pin out on either. With one hand I can't seem to hold the slide still and lined up while I push the pin from the other side with the other hand. Is there a trick here or do I just have weak hands? Any suggestions?

11-05-2009, 06:17 PM
Have cleaned my 380 about a half dozen times and my PM9 3 times, but each time it is tough to get the pin out on either. With one hand I can't seem to hold the slide still and lined up while I push the pin from the other side with the other hand. Is there a trick here or do I just have weak hands? Any suggestions?

Can't speak to the .380, but this is usual for the PM9. After 2500+ rounds it's just now gotten to the point where I can sometimes push it out with my finger. Two options that work(ed) for me....hold it open and 1)whack the pin with the rounded plastic end of a screwdriver handle or 2)press it hard against a table edge. Even with that the partially popped pin may require further tool induced leverage. I think Kahr mentions something about all this in the owners manual.

11-05-2009, 07:58 PM
Thanks. Getting the pin through is hard enough when the witness marks are lined up and the internal projection on the Slide Stop can be seen through the rear half moon cutout in the side of the Slide, but my biggest problem is with one hand keeping the witness marks lined up long enough to get the pin started and the projection through the half moon. The recoil spring makes the slide move just a little where the marks do not still line up as I try to hold it with one hand. Do not know if I am explaining this correctly.

11-06-2009, 06:45 AM
Thanks. Getting the pin through is hard enough when the witness marks are lined up and the internal projection on the Slide Stop can be seen through the rear half moon cutout in the side of the Slide, but my biggest problem is with one hand keeping the witness marks lined up long enough to get the pin started and the projection through the half moon. The recoil spring makes the slide move just a little where the marks do not still line up as I try to hold it with one hand. Do not know if I am explaining this correctly.

ur not alone, very strong recoil springs to compress back and hold and a very small gun to hold that way also. Not easy but once you do it a few times you will get the hold of it. Nothing ur doing wrong IMO either..

11-06-2009, 09:08 AM
IF and ONLY IF they put witness mark on both sides of the slide then the process should be much easier. These marks are soooooo tiny the should not cause any cosmetic concern ... well... if Kahr can live with the look of the "MA-version" of PM9, everything should be possible. :rolleyes:

11-06-2009, 02:49 PM
IF and ONLY IF they put witness mark on both sides of the slide then the process should be much easier. These marks are soooooo tiny the should not cause any cosmetic concern ... well... if Kahr can live with the look of the "MA-version" of PM9, everything should be possible. :rolleyes:

u can just line up the cut out in the slide, then the pin will go in perfectly also. Those witness marks are very small indeed.

11-06-2009, 04:29 PM
No issues at all removing the slide relase pin on my PM9, Just line up the (small) alignment marks and a firm press on the opposite side of the pin and it pops part of the way out and is then easy to grip and fully remove. It takes no more pressure to remove than does the slide release pin on my S&W 39-2.

11-06-2009, 04:45 PM
Jocko, it's the removal step I'm referring to. My PM9 is still very tight and I gotta turn it over and hit it with the handle end of the screwdriver... juts like the video shows us.

u can just line up the cut out in the slide, then the pin will go in perfectly also. Those witness marks are very small indeed.

11-06-2009, 05:01 PM
The witness marks and the cut in the slide works for removal and installation. I don't think that slide stop lever will ever come out easily, Probably gonna have to tap it with something. I just have a little screwdriver that I insert under the slide stop and pop it out. works great. Just keep it of the slide portion or u will eventualyl scratch the slide.. My kahr K9 is just as hard to push the slide stop lever out also, really doesn't bother me though..

11-06-2009, 09:22 PM
Actually, I've never paid much attention to the witness marks....just the slide cut out. I was raised on 1911s