View Full Version : Robbery thwarted

01-17-2011, 03:22 PM
One for the good guys!:cool:


'Nuff said!:yo:

01-17-2011, 04:27 PM
Well, did he get him?

01-17-2011, 05:52 PM
The clerk hit the BG with all 3 shots, BG is now doing time. That info was in the comment area below the video. You ought to read it, some of the comments are hilarious. Lot's of 2nd guessing the clerk, and crying about shooting the BG with a baby so close, and people even saying the clerk should be in jail for putting people in danger. Plus a lot of "what if-ing". Bottom line, the clerk probably saved lives if not in that robbery, perhaps in the next one the BG pulled. The BG was wounded and is now doing time. More of our tax dollars going to waste. Too bad he made it to the hospital.

01-18-2011, 06:23 PM
I'm not so sure about the shots after the BG was leaving. The video's not great, but it looks like at least one as the BG is running away (not so brave when the "victim" fight back, eh?). Couldn't tell from the video; was the BG armed? That would make a difference.

01-18-2011, 08:09 PM
There is a comments section under the video. There are 222 of them expressing different points of view, ... interesting how so many people viewing the same video have such a wide range of opinions.;) IMHO the range in this case varies, metaphorically speaking, from that of a sheep to a lion.
The BG had a gun and was in the process of an armed robbery. He should if he thought about it at all, reasonably expect that anyone with a firearm who has an opportunity, will attempt to kill him, not detain, apprehend, wound, subdue, or warn him.
When one is in mortal danger, as in this case, you shoot to kill, ... anything short of that puts your life in peril. Robbers leaving no witnesses is common place these days. When the BG turns his back, you have the advantage. Don't squander it, be a Lion! He may simply barricade himself and return fire, or grab a hostage outside and return, etc. If the BG is put down permanently, your chances of going home to your family safely increase dramatically.:cool:

01-19-2011, 10:39 AM
I couldn't see from the video if he was armed. I guess the reaction of the lady clerk should have clued me in. Like I said, makes a difference (at least to me).
If BG's weapon is drawn, you're stupid to try to detain him. Pulling a weapon there and not shooting likely makes things worse.

I like the way he concealed things until drawing his weapon. He gained the tactical advantage, and he was standing next to his co-employee (not as if he was hiding behind her).

01-19-2011, 11:38 AM
I also agree that the clerk with the gun was really cool about it. He waited to draw his weapon until passing behind the other clerk. He then moved past the female clerk firing and catching the BG unaware. ;)
In the comments section you'll read that the armed clerk is a defensive firearms instructor!:D He had Speer Gold Dot HPs loaded in his .40 Glock, before he "loaded" 3 of them into the BG. The BG collapsed in critical condition just outside the door ... he recovered and is incarcerated.
We all hope we don't end up facing an armed BG; if we do, we should strive to perform as this clerk did.:yo: