View Full Version : Apathetic lot?

Spank the Monkey
11-06-2009, 06:07 PM
Are we as gun owners generally apathetic when it comes to the Second Amendment & politics in particular? I've always been surprised by the number of shooters I have contact with that just don't seem to care! Apathy or complacency? Now what will happen because of the tragedies in Ft. Hood & FL? What do y'all think?

11-06-2009, 08:53 PM
Are we as gun owners generally apathetic when it comes to the Second Amendment & politics in particular? I've always been surprised by the number of shooters I have contact with that just don't seem to care! Apathy or complacency? Now what will happen because of the tragedies in Ft. Hood & FL? What do y'all think?

What I think is that's a rather strange opening question to members of a forum dedicated primarily to compact handguns designed specifically for CCW and self defense.

Spank the Monkey
11-06-2009, 09:05 PM
Not trying to preach to the choir... just looking for some honest, frank discussion about the issues that affect us as gun owners. If not here, where? If that's a strange question, so be it.

11-07-2009, 09:55 AM
Well there is the "Fudd" type shooter. I know they exist because I have met many of them over the years. Their hunting firearms are perfectly acceptable, but when I mention I shoot handguns and "assault weapons" they respond "what do you need them things for???" I have some bluntly tell me they will support bans on all such weapons because "they won't ban our hunting guns anyway".

I do think that attitude has shifted given how extreme the anti-gun movement has become. When they openly advocate banning shotguns and .22s, they tip their hat in ways even a Fudd has trouble ignoring. We must always endeavor to keep our fellow sportsmen educated that their right to keep and bear arms is the same as those of us who shoot defensive firearms.


Spank the Monkey
11-07-2009, 10:32 AM
^ Thx for the articulate reply. Looks like you've coined a new term... Fudd shooters are excatly who I'm thinking of. It's an irony that we all take some things for granted until they're gone. I also agree that we're seeing far more polarization regarding firearms. I've found myself less tolerant of the 'anti's' or "Fudd" rhetoric the louder it gets. It's challenging to convince people to change their views (to my views, of course) on heartfelt and emotional issues regardless of intent, especially when mass media is doing their best to vilify guns & gun owners.

11-07-2009, 09:51 PM
Are we as gun owners generally apathetic when it comes to the Second Amendment & politics in particular? I've always been surprised by the number of shooters I have contact with that just don't seem to care! Apathy or complacency? Now what will happen because of the tragedies in Ft. Hood & FL? What do y'all think?

I hear what you are saying but I do not think you are seeing what is going on under the first layer of skin. Gun owners are not apathetic or complacent. Most walk softly but carry a big stick. Look at the states that allow CCL. They can not keep up with all the applications. Look at the ammo manufacturers. Months behind production. Look at the firearm manufacturers. All types of firearms selling like hotcakes. Look at which cable news outlet is kicking the others butt. I think that speaks volumes. No; gun owners care a great deal.................Well, at least that's how it appears to me.

11-08-2009, 07:28 AM
My concern is that all the shootings that occur in this country will galvinize the anti gun folks even more against guns. We are in real danger here, we know the nut cases will not stop shooting folks no matter what laws are passed and we must remain vocal to the rights of gun owners.
I wonder if a national movement to require all states to issure CC permits after a standardized training course would help?

11-08-2009, 12:51 PM
Most gun owners that I know are passionate about their right to keep and bear arms but like every other group of people, there are some that only give lip service and no elbow grease.[ God,I love the Fudd shooter reference.] Some folks will always be content to let others call and write their elected officials and do the leg work neccessary to get the job done. I consider myself successful if I can just get a few of these slackards to join the NRA every year.Keep plugging away friends.We`re our only resource.

11-08-2009, 01:50 PM
I think that there is a great deal of political apathy among American gun owners. Many pay their NRA dues every year and expect that this will defeat all attacks on our freedoms without any further involvement on their part. If they're asked to write a letter to the editor or to simply sign a petition, they sometimes balk.
I even know some who don't even bother to vote. :31:

I'm convinced that apathy is as great a threat to gun ownership as enmity. Possibly greater.

mr surveyor
11-08-2009, 04:18 PM
There's no doubt that political apathy exists in some circles of firearms owners, particularly those that only read such magazines as "Field and Stream" and the like. These folks tend more to the side of the environmental issues they believe are critical elements in protecting their once a year visited duck habitats, and often considerably less concerned with gun ownership in general. They are the same folks among us that believe that "no one should need to own an 'assault rifle' or a magazine of any type that holds more than 10 rounds". My guess is that these folks are not to be automatically considered apathetic, but often vote with their hearts in a way that may be diametrically opposed to the 2A crowd in terms of general ownership and availability of certain types of firearms. Living in a small town (under 12k) in NE Texas, I don't see many of the Ducks Unlimited crowd (no insult intended), but alomost all of my friends and associates hunt, fish, make frequent trips to the range, reload, etc. And at least half have carry permits, and excercise that right daily. And, every one, to the last man/woman are very active in political discussion as well as at the polls. I have noticed though that obtaining a concealed carry license does tend to make one much more observant of the political climate, as well as one becomming much more protective of retaining that right.

Unfortunately, we are often our own worst enemies when it comes to 2A rights in general. We often, in our ranks, find ourselves making the same anti-"assault rifle" comments, as well as slamming "Saturday Night Special" firearms. Even the use of the phrase "high capacity magazines" tends to have evil connotations. As long as we, as firearms owners and supporters of the Second Amendment fail to recognize that our rights to Keep and Bear arms is not restricted by someone else's defination of "need" or a certain quality of the product, we will still remain in disarray and promote a certain degree of apathy.

just my opinions


11-10-2009, 08:03 PM
Here in Mass. where we have very restrictive gun laws, I see lots of gun owners who ***** and moan but do nothing to help support those who fight for our 2A rights. We have a great organization called GOAL (check out their website) that is constantly working on legislation to improve the plight of all Mass. gun owners. Cost $30 yr. They don't inundate you with mail, e-mail or phone calls. And fewer than 2% of gun owners here support them financially or with an occasional letter to our lawmakers. My buddy likens these non-participatory folks as like the character in Animal House....I may get this wrong but some of you will know the scene...where Kevin Bacon is being spanked and his reply is " I want some more, please." Why should they pass better laws when the people they affect don't care enough to stand up for themselves and seem content with the spanking? :banplease: