View Full Version : Hickok45 PM9 Second Round

01-18-2011, 04:26 PM
hickok 45 makes a second round video with the PM9, good things to say.


01-18-2011, 09:22 PM
This video will change your mind about the PM series being intended only as a close range self defense gun. 80 yards is not close range. The capability of the PM series is obviously well beyond what many folks can shoot it. In the right hands, the PM is amazing. Inspiring and motivating. Check this video out!

01-19-2011, 10:12 AM

Yes, the PM9 is definitely a lot of gun in a small package.
In making it small, Kahr did not shrink it's shooting

Being a big Glock fan, Hickok45 has said that he wished
Glock would build pistols like the PM9 and P380. But
he obviously likes the Kahrs and shoots very well with

On this video he wakes up a steel plate with a PM9 --
I would love to be able to handle my PM9 someday
as well as he does here --




01-19-2011, 10:57 AM
Cool, interesting videos. Both serve to motivate me and encourage me that this type of shooting is very "possible". I am sincerly excited by seeing them and they make me want to shoot. What is interesting is that it shows me that it is not necessary to port the barrel to shoot that accurately and quickly. TECHNIQUE and GOOD PRACTICE. Thanks a bunch for sending us these videos. They dispel ALL of the negative giberish I read about the PM being difficult to shoot; too much recoil; too much muzzle flip; unreliable; inaccurate at longer ranges; intended only for the typical close up self defense distances; need for porting; etc... They make me love the PM series even more than I did before. The videos are much appreciated. TX.

01-19-2011, 11:16 AM
Hickok could probably shoot accurately at 100 yards with a Bersa. While the Kahr is without question a shooting machine it takes a man like Hickok to make it sing like that.

What one man can do another can do, if he has the time, patience and desire. A nice range like he has is beneficial too. I envy and admire this guy immensely.

Hickok rocks!

01-19-2011, 11:24 AM
It had never occurred to me that the PM9 could be accurate at that far of a distance.Man,did I ever make a good purchase when I got mine!!Thanks a ton for the video.

01-19-2011, 12:18 PM
Suddenly, after watching these videos, I am just as much an expert as anyone....haha. You should see me and my 3 yr old grandson after we watch spiderman. We are quite a dangerous pair. However, I always get to be the bad guy and lose to the hero. I hope shooting my PM40 won't be like that for me from now on...haha.

01-19-2011, 05:07 PM

Yeah, if anyone tells you that a PM9 is "too tough to handle" tell
them to hitch up their panties and watch this young lady
shoot a PM9 ---




01-19-2011, 07:23 PM
It is definitely a pleasure to see hickok45 shooting like that, it shows the real potential of the PM9 but God knows I need a lot of practice to be anywhere near that level of shooting.

01-19-2011, 08:55 PM
I'm inspired. I have a smaller steel plate, I'll have to give it a round with my PM40.

01-19-2011, 09:45 PM
Hickok 45 is quite the glock lover and was really impressed with the SR9c in a recent "test" at long distance work also.
He has some different methods for sure, like not using his pinky to grip any gun whether there's room for it or not.
That may have contributed to his ability with shooting the PM9 so accurately.

That little hill/bump up in the middle of trigger guard on the PM9 rubs my finger during the trigger pull and is annoying for me.
What is that bump for anyway?...anyone know?
just askin'

01-27-2011, 07:35 PM
I really dig hickock 45s approach to his work! :cool: Really nice range, as well as shooting performance :D

I think the bump in Kahrs trigger guards is just a styling cue. It's more of a problem in the P380:( ... all models have it.:)

01-27-2011, 07:44 PM
I shoot a CW45 and thought I did a fairly good job at it, but my much better shooting brother-in-law was making the steel plate sound at over 60 yards with it. I couldn't hardly see the target from there. He's always been a good shot but shooting like that says alot for the CW45. Even a marksman couldn't hit anything with a sub-standard firearm.

01-27-2011, 08:48 PM
Thanks, if that's what it is, a visual thing to ID the brand, I could do without that annoying feature.

I wonder if a little heat would allow some re-shaping:confused:.
Try in on your 380 and let me know how it worked out;).

You could get an FFL and make a good living removing that bump.
