View Full Version : P9 FTF Question

01-19-2011, 09:59 PM
I'm new to Kahr products and have a question...a question that I never dreamed I would have to ask about a pistol I purchased for self defense. Nonetheless, here's the issue: I recently purchased a used P9 from a reputable dealer. There was very little evidence that the weapon was fired much despite that fact that it is likely an older vintage (thanks to a thread on this forum…I think the gun was made in 2001-2).
I ran 100 rounds of factory ammo (WWB FMJ) through it today and was shocked to realize that the slide stop engaged after virtually every trigger pull forcing me to manually rack approximately 90% of the rounds! That’s right, I had to rack the slide every 9 rounds out of 10!!

Any suggestions?

01-19-2011, 11:23 PM
The slide stop may have been installed wrong. There's a little spring that needs to be installed on top of the slide stop so that it pushes it down. If it was installed incorrectly, the spring may be pushing it up. I'd remove it and reinstall.

01-20-2011, 05:54 AM
no doubt the slide stop was installed wrong.

Do what jackblack73 stated.

Remove the slide stop lever, now look at that little springhy thing and you will see the tip end of it. Now look at your slide stop lever, see that little nub sticking out. Look closely and you will even see a slight groove in that little nub, that is where the springhy should end up . Put a dab of grease on that nub and also around the back side of the spring. Now insert the slide stop lever with the lever at about 3 oclock and push forward, you will hear a snap even to let you know it is in correctly. . You more than likely did no damage to the sprighy either so it shold be ok. I would say to you to go to the kahr tech section and hit on PROPPER PREPPING OF YOUR NEW KAHR and it will describe to you even more. Also if you pull up the kahr tech section and about the 8th thread down you will see CW45 (and other poly fixes) by GB6491. That is absolutley the best photo essay you willever find and it shows that little springy in detail. Do these two things and you will be more than good to go..

You have a fine gun, just wasn't put back right..

01-20-2011, 06:34 PM
thanks for the great feedback to my issue. I looked at the recommended posts and decided to investigate the theory that the "spriny thing" was incorrectly installed. I removed the slide release and found NO SPRING.....we may be onto something here. The thread: CW45 (and other poly 45): issues and fixes showed a screw and spring mechanisms. Mine doesn't seem to have a hole for a screw. I coun't find an exploded view of the P9 so I don't know what it should or shouldn't look like. See pic attached.

What now gentlemen?

01-20-2011, 06:49 PM
That looks like a trip back to Kahr to me. Hard to tell by the picture but the screw hole don't look good and no screw and spring is of course not good.
You may be able to just order a new screw and spring but it might be tricky getting it threaded in correctly and solidly.

Tucson, don't bow out so easy either, your suggestions were solid. The thumb is more often than not the culprit. Easy to do for sure.

01-20-2011, 08:58 PM
get it back to Kahr and they will turn it around quick for you, for a trouble free gun.

01-21-2011, 04:19 AM
thanks for the great feedback to my issue. I looked at the recommended posts and decided to investigate the theory that the "spriny thing" was incorrectly installed. I removed the slide release and found NO SPRING.....we may be onto something here. The thread: CW45 (and other poly 45): issues and fixes showed a screw and spring mechanisms. Mine doesn't seem to have a hole for a screw. I coun't find an exploded view of the P9 so I don't know what it should or shouldn't look like. See pic attached.

What now gentlemen?
That looks to be an older P9. Kahr used a different spring and pin before going to the current spring, washer, and screw setup. I've never seen the older setup in person, but in photos the pin looks to have been pressed in and the spring is a different shape compared to the current one. The hole in the frame for the spring end is also placed differently: the current style has the hole above and to the right of the pin /screw hole, while the older one has it below and right of the pin/screw hole. See the photo in post #8 of this thread: http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?t=480391 to see how the spring and post should look installed on the OP's P9.
This will definitely require a call to Customer Service. I would venture to guess a trip back to Kahr for repair (possible upgrade?) is in order unless they have spare parts for the old style on hand and they are user installable (as I'm not really sure how that pin is installed).

BTW, welcome to the forums tcnite :)

01-21-2011, 06:03 AM
Before going to the trouble and great expense of shipping the gin back to Kahr, I'd buy a screw and spring first. That's about $5 versus $50 plus repair costs.

Only after trying that and if for some reason you can't repair the gun,(the screw hole is mangled for example), then I'd send it back.

It's only a screw and tiny spring... not rocket science.

That looks to be an older P9. Kahr used a different spring and pin before going to the current spring, washer, and screw setup. I've never seen the older setup in person, but in photos the pin looks to have been pressed in and the spring is a different shape compared to the current one. The hole in the frame for the spring end is also placed differently: the current style has the hole above and to the right of the pin /screw hole, while the older one has it below and right of the pin/screw hole.

My '02 P9 has the screw and tiny spring hole exactly as shown in the above photo.

01-21-2011, 06:48 AM
My '02 P9 has the screw and tiny spring hole exactly as shown in the above photo.
So, the spring is secured by a screw in that style. Interesting, comparing the OP's photo and the one I linked to seem to suggest (at least to me) something other than a screw, but there was really no definitive way to tell. FWIW: here's a comparison photo of the old (left) and current style:

01-21-2011, 07:01 AM
The difference I see in my '02 and your photos is that the screw in my pistol is slotted and I have the spring shown on the left. A mix of old and new?

01-21-2011, 07:06 AM
the photo on the left is the old and it was merely a push in plug, then they went to a #6 torx screw and it has been ths way ever since. Not sure why they made the change other than the plug looked like hell ,,, but it worked... What owners have to realize is that plug/screw merely holds that spring
in place, it is not there to tighten that spring in place, so SNUG is good and leave it be after that. Best to just not mess with it anyhow, as u think it is loose when you insert your torx tool in that little ass screw but indeed what your doing now is STRIPPING the threads right out of the polymer grip by OVER TIGHTENING a screw that will never tighten in the first place.

I just can't say it enough. LEAVE THAT LITTLE FOKKING SCREW ALONE!!!

01-21-2011, 08:07 PM
Thanks for all the great feedback and advice. I spoke to KAI and they have agreed to take a look at it and "may" cover it under warranty (this would be great considering it's an old gun. I'm at the hospital now (wife just delivered 3rd son!!) but will sent the gun off soon. I'll post the results of the gunsmith's findings/recommendations.

Again, thanks for your help!

02-02-2011, 06:14 PM
So here's "the rest of the story"....I sent my P9 off the KAI and just got a call back from the gunsmith. He indicated that my gun was, indeed, an earlier model as evidenced by the outdated slide-lock spring and several other parts. He stated that he would, as a matter of standard practice, replace said outdated parts and promply return the gun to me......free of charge!!

Obviously, I am excited about having a virtually "new" gun at no cost and I will certainly be buying more Kahr products in the future!

Thanks to all of you for your feedback and guidance.

02-02-2011, 06:24 PM
Congratulations on the 3rd son. How bout some pictures?

Maybe some of the returned Kahr with #3 holding it maybe on his little tummy. Grips probably not developed enough yet.

02-02-2011, 07:31 PM
So here's "the rest of the story"...

I'd be interested in hearing exactly what they did to your gun, new style spring or old?, pin or screw... and how it all works after you do a range test. Maybe my 2002 P9 is due an upgrade as well. Please keep me appraised as to how everything functions.

02-20-2011, 09:05 PM
FINALLY got to take the rehab'd P9 to the range. Put 100 rnds through her with not one hiccup. Took it apart for quick cleaning afterwards. The gunsmith did upgrade the slidestip spring assembly to the new style (with screw). Very satisfied!!

02-21-2011, 05:31 AM
That's good news. I might just go ahead and order a new spring as well, just to "update" my P9.