View Full Version : Question for you helpful NC people.

01-20-2011, 09:35 AM
I've bought no less than 8 guns in 10 months using the same FFL to either find from their suppliers or pay a steep transfer of 50 dollars per gun. So on guns 6,7, and 8 I have had to call these guys 3-4 times each time to get them to fax their info to the seller for FFL. It's ridiculous and last night I politely said I would find somebody else. So is this pretty much the norm with other FFL people to have to badger them? Does having a CCW in North Carolina take them out of the equation altogether or is that only for Face to Face transfers? Thanks fellow North Carolinians.

01-20-2011, 10:04 AM
I'm not from North Carolina but that sounds very familiar all over. The FFL dealers are just doing business and the waiting anxiety and impatience isn't a part of their day.
When I buy like on Gunbroker I like to get things done and handled within an hour of the end of auction. I always have to stay after the FFL and I don't hesitate to go somewhere else if they drag.
Here a CCW doesn't eliminate the FFL and I seriously doubt it is there either. A seller can't send a gun to anyone who isn't a FFL to receive it.

There's lots of dealers out there, when you find a good one take good care of them. I try to buy from my locals often as I can to let them know I'm not circling around them but if I can save a couple hundred, no way I'm not gonna do what I gotta do. Money just isn't that plentiful.

01-20-2011, 11:14 AM
You might look into some of the smaller dealers. Funny, but we have a place here that sells guns out of the back of a beauty shop. They only charge $20 for a transfer or special order. Very nice people to deal with. Too bad the ATF has run so many of these "Mom and Pop" type shops out of business.

01-20-2011, 01:09 PM
In North Carolina you still have to go through a FFL if you want to order a handgun.On private sales the buyer must present a valid handgun permit or concealed handgun license to the seller.$50.00 seems sort of high.If you are near Raleigh or Garner try Jim`s Gunshop on Woodland Road.This guy has a small shop in a converted garage behind his house.He usually has about the best prices around and I think he only charges about 25 or 30 bucks for a transfer.Woodland Road runs off of Old Stage Road.I lived in Garner for 26 years and bought several guns and other items from him.The last handgun I bought from him was a Glock 36 for $500.He`s a super nice guy and it`s a great place to swap lies.

01-20-2011, 01:30 PM
In North Carolina you still have to go through a FFL if you want to order a handgun.On private sales the buyer must present a valid handgun permit or concealed handgun license to the seller.$50.00 seems sort of high.If you are near Raleigh or Garner try Jim`s Gunshop on Woodland Road.This guy has a small shop in a converted garage behind his house.He usually has about the best prices around and I think he only charges about 25 or 30 bucks for a transfer.Woodland Road runs off of Old Stage Road.I lived in Garner for 26 years and bought several guns and other items from him.The last handgun I bought from him was a Glock 36 for $500.He`s a super nice guy and it`s a great place to swap lies.
Thanks for the clarification I wanted to make sure that was right so I could just cut out the middle man if possible. My particular middle man in Wilmington just is becoming more of a hassle each time to get it done. Had they sent a simple fax when I asked on Monday instead of me calling 3 more times on tuesday and wednesday I could be shooting my new paid for MK9 elite right now instead of it just now shipping today and arriving Monday. That's just plain rude. It's not like they are doing it for free.

01-20-2011, 06:13 PM
$50 is too high, and I know who you are buying from due to past conversations. If I can make a suggestion, I have had success in the past with Pawn USA. They only charged me $20 a few years back. The other option would be Tiller and Lanier. I have heard that they are well priced too.

It is ridiculous to have to chase it down where you are paying that high of a fee. Take it elsewhere.

01-20-2011, 07:00 PM
I'm sure that this has been discussed before but can someone explain how you sell/buy guns online using a FFL dealer. I've never bought or sold a gun online and am just wondering how this works

01-20-2011, 07:25 PM
I'm sure that this has been discussed before but can someone explain how you sell/buy guns online using a FFL dealer. I've never bought or sold a gun online and am just wondering how this works

You purchase from a site like gun broker for instance, paying the seller just like any other purchase on ebay. The seller will ask you to have the FFL send the seller a copy of their license. The seller ships gun to FFL and you go there to pick up gun paying FFL a fee between $20-50 usually.

01-20-2011, 07:31 PM
When you sell a gun to an individual it has to go to a FFL licensed dealer. The transaction, sale price and all that is between you and the buyer. The buyer gives you a name and address of his local dealer who receives the gun. The buyer goes to the dealer and fills out the paperwork just like he's buying from his dealer but only gets the transfer paperwork fee. Usually 15 to 35 bucks.
Some FFL dealers will accept shipments from individuals. Some won't in which case you have to take the gun your selling to your local dealer and have him send it to the buyers dealer. I don't think there usually a fee other than the shipping or handling cost to ship for the shipping end of it.
If your buying you just pay and then provide your dealers name and address where you want to pick up the gun. I always let the dealer know it's coming and he'll also know because he usually has to mail or fax his FFL info to the seller or sellers dealer.
It sounds like a can of worms and it is but it's really not that tough when you break it down. The downfall is dealers who aren't customer oriented and delay information or shipping or whatever. That's why you gotta stay on top of them and make it happen.

01-20-2011, 08:04 PM
Thanks alot for the info, I have not ventured into deals on gunbroker yet