View Full Version : Used Brass Buy

01-20-2011, 08:34 PM
A fellow in the 1911.com forum sells used brass and is well though of there. After reading reviews on his stuff I PM'd him and ended up receiving about 3300 9mm casings today for $71.30 or 2.4 cents each. That's better than $130 for 960 45 ACP casing or 13.5 cents each. I guess it's good to learn about the one you are buying from before handing over your money.

He said they are from a police range and just looking at a few there appears to be a lot of Speer. Other brands to such as Win. I put them (28lbs) into a sturdy bucket until I get around to them.

01-21-2011, 06:58 AM
:) Make a batch and test them in all of your 9mm guns.

01-22-2011, 05:28 PM
I've cleaned and punched a hundred of the 9mm brass I bought and they look very good. The guy said I could mention his name here so I will. He is Egliderider (http://forums.1911forum.com/member.php?u=86699) on the 1911.com forum (the good forum).
About Egliderider
Location: Florida
Interests: Shooting & motorcycle riding
Occupation: Mechanical Engineering

I bought about 3,300rds 9mm for $69 delivered. I paid via PayPal and paid his $4 fee, but that's better than the money order stuff. His quantity is based on the USPS Flat Rate box and he really packed this one. He said it would be about 3,000 but adds extra to cover and rejects.

He sells a lot of 45 on the 1911.com forum, and also has .223 on hand currently. I may have got his last 9mm but he seems to have good access so go to 1911.com and drop him a PM.

If looking for used brass he is worth the chance by my experience and others on the 1911.com forum.

PS: Egliderider's email is: mforcade@tampabar.rr.com

01-22-2011, 07:37 PM
Wow, that was fast.
The guy loads some 45s and a week later starts hoarding a different caliber brass:eek:...3300 at a time:cool:

Mr.B you can start charging him now, no more free hits needed, he's hooked.
He'll need some more guns soon, to shoot this stuff through.

Almost time for me to start my legendary(on another forum) reloading question thread.

01-22-2011, 07:46 PM
Wow, that was fast.
The guy loads some 45s and a week later starts hoarding a different caliber brass:eek:...3300 at a time:cool:

Mr.B you can start charging him now, no more free hits needed, he's hooked.
He'll need some more guns soon, to shoot this stuff through.

Almost time for me to start my legendary(on another forum) reloading question thread.

Thats what I was thinking too. I think I'll send him an invoice? Naah, not gonna do that. I don't do the invoice thing.

Your two timing us on another forum? I'm a one forum man myself. Don't want to spread myself too thin, besides it's a full time job watching Wyn, and Jocko and Dietrich and Jlott and all the rest including yourself.
I just know they are plotting on me. I can feel it in my hearing aid. Talking about me and stuff ya know? Or I guess I could just be picking up FM.

01-22-2011, 08:55 PM
good deal, good link, thanks

01-22-2011, 09:19 PM
Well, here's the story. I had about 30rds of shot 9mm and thought about getting some more, like about 100 more. I saw a bag of 100 in a sports store for $10. Doing the math made that seem expensive - $100/1K. So I was just fiddling around and found a thread on brass which led me down the wrong path. Seems that 2.4 cents ea sounded like a good deal at the time. I know, I'm just so weak I can't resist a good deal.

I've been thinking about rehabing 2K of the 9mm and see if I can sell it. What does prepped brass sell for anyway? What would be good is to have someone split sales with me for brass. He gets them and I prep them. That would keep me out of trouble.

As for being hooked, I am. But I figure I'm almost done with the big stuff. I have 45 & 9mm brass and the dies. All I need is small primers & bullets but I can parcel them in now and then.

As for payment to Bawanna, he's done so much for me I wouldn't know where to begin. It's more than giving me an almost complete press set up and a set of grips that obviously have many hours of careful hand work. It's more than the good advice and encouragement. It's the hours of joy I've found in doing something, even the offshoots into building a powder box and brass catcher.

My son came by last night and looked over everything. My wife was with us when he said "It looks like you've got a new hobby." Wife said "It's more than that, he's having a ball!", and that's very true.

As for two timing with other forums, in those terms I am a genuine polygamist with many forums, way more than 10. But this one is my favorite and the one I always come home to. I visit others for specific things, like hearing aids, medical stuff, CA gun laws, banking, application programming, and a few gun forums.

01-22-2011, 09:29 PM
It was Tilos I was refering to as a two timing forum runner. Now I find your a cheap forum whore. I think my heart is breaking. You might as well move to Utah where you can have multiple everything.

Far as the stuff goes I get just as much satisfaction giving it to you as you do getting and it just keeps getting better knowing that your actually doing something with it and getting some use out of it.

01-22-2011, 10:11 PM
Wow, I've been called many things but never a "Cheap whore!" It's not my fault, but caused by my unfortunate computer upbringing. There was this beautiful madam called "CompuServe" that originally lead me astray. Well, there was a thing before her but I can't even remember her name. But CompuServe made it too easy to stray off the path of righteousness and slumber on the dark side.

She had rooms for special uses like "databases", "languages", and many more. She laughed when I couldn't stay away and I knew my life would never be the same. All this information, from all over the world, and I could access her whenever I wanted. Soon I wasn't sleeping but finally tearing myself away only to hear my alarm calling me to work.

I looked like a bad road with bags hanging under my eyes, and people began to talk about me. I told them I could quit anytime I wanted and they'd nod "sure you can". Thing was I didn't want to stop. She made me feel good and powerful. I knew things about databases that kids wouldn't learn in 8 years of university. Hah! I had it all! But she had me. She was kind to me as long as I came back to her. When I was able to refrain for a day, I was chastised by other addicts for being away.

Finally CompuServe left me, just threw me away when she was through with me. I was lost for a long time but eventually heard the siren call of another beautiful madam calling me into her warm embrace promising to be more than Compuserve. I felt alive again!

Next more madams were calling me, more than I could embrace no matter how hard I tried. I became saturated, overloaded with information although much of it was unusable. I started getting strange email from people I didn't know offering me free software and free magazine subscriptions. Next was free credit cards in the mail, and everybody seemed to know me and treated me special - I was one of the few selected for this special offer! They finally recognized me for the special person I was!! Yes, signed up for them all. Hah, I'll show the world!!

Then it was all too much to keep up with. I discovered that I was owned by the creatures of the internet. I began to withdraw, receiving email telling me they missed me and won't I come back if they give me this one time only really special offer?

Withdrawal was very difficult but I slowly began to get a handle on it. Eventually my many friends who wanted to give me so many special opportunities began to slip away. I recovered more time and began to be more selective where I spent my time. I realized I'd never be able to have only one site no matter how special and dear it was to me, so I limited myself to a few - seeking quality not quantity. Then other users would ask me a question and I'd research it and discover one more quality site. When I found myself with too many I'd prune my list.

Now with a new hobby consuming me, I've added several sites to further my education. Concealed carry is a heavy responsibility so I undertook it like college having several concurrent classes covering law, guns, holsters, ammunition, strategies, scenarios, and much more. This is good, will save our lives, real American.

Now reloading is my new adventure, like entering a brave new frontier. This new life has pushed the old one out with little pain. This one will save us money and train me to be better at defending our lives by practicing more.

So you see, I may be a "loose lurker" but maybe not a whore. How about a reformed whore? Well, even if I am one, it's not my fault - it's obviously George Bush's fault!! Everybody knows that!

01-23-2011, 07:28 AM
I resemble that remark, and realy got bored with the 3 or 4 geezers vultures that lurk on that other site.
They pick apart everything you post and eveything they post starts with "geezer speak" like I've had my XX press for 30 years, years ago, I've been loading XX years,etc.
I usually never read past the geezer speak or even look past the poster's name, even though I am one too.
I think, most still doing this are "mature" people and most of the younger world with an active social network have moved on to Facebook,Twitter, Myspace, etc.

When I pass geezers because they are going slow, I've noticed it's not because they are texting:eek:.

just sayin'

01-23-2011, 10:26 AM
I guess every forum has a personality. 1911's are an old design and has a lot of old admirers as do the 1911 forums. Glocks are a new design and has a lot of young admirers as does their site. I visit there occasionally, but skip a bunch of threads about dating advice, which pimple cream works best, do you shave yet, just got my first car, you know that typical kid stuff. And like typical kids, if it ain't Glock it shouldn't exist.

I'm more comfortable sitting around a pot belly stove than bright city lights, so old timer talk doesn't bother me. I guess it shouldn't at my age. I was doing a brain exercise this morning naming all the presidents I can personally remember. When I can remember saying I'd vote for Ike if I were old enough I realize I go go back a ways. I like my 1911 but like the new stuff too.