View Full Version : New PM9 Greetings from Left-Coast Cali.

01-22-2011, 01:53 PM
Well I am officially a part of the Kahr club. I've been reading a lot from this forum as I was still doing a lot of homework for my ccw firearm. Yes, some county's here in left coast Cali are actually starting to finally issue permits. Anyway, I thought I'd share a couple of pix of my new addition that I finally picked up this week. :biggrin1:

I've memorized Jocko's breakin notes so i'm itching to take'er out to the range soon. ;)

I'll update notes of my range time. Hope all goes smooth. Any further tips are appreciated. Thx!


[*1st Range trip update*]
Well, just came back from a very busy local indoor range.
- The Kahr PM9 shot very tight groups at 7yds.
- Had 3 FTF out of 250 rounds of WWB ammo (FMJ). So i'm hoping next trip it will be flawless.
- My hand hurts now :) ha! That front strap is pretty aggressive after a couple of hundred rounds, but considering what it's for, this is a non issue for me.
All in All, I was very impressed with the accuracy of this gun. Obviously not a range gun, but definitely an awesome gun for its intended purpose of being my CCW now. Will try other brands of ammo next range trip. Thanks for the tips and advice.

[*2nd Range trip update*]
Went to the range the next day and ran another 220 rounds WWB (fmj) and this time it was flawless. Not one hiccup and continued to shoot tight groups at 7yrds. I'm getting use to the grip and feel very confident about this gun by my side. Great little gun.

01-22-2011, 02:27 PM
Now that you're hooked with that little pop gun, get yourself a P45, and a PM45. Shoot them till they know how much you love them, rinse and repeat. Welcome to the asylum.

01-22-2011, 02:45 PM
Thanks for the welcome Jlottmc!

01-22-2011, 02:48 PM
humm, an all black PM9, what more could one ask for and nite sights to boot. Welocme aboard and just shoot it likeu stole it and report back. take your time with it. Rome was not built in one day. Kahr triggers are looooong but oh so smooth, just takes some trigger discipline. remember it is what it is a very close and personal defense gun that will save your life..

01-22-2011, 02:52 PM
Thanks Jocko! Will do.
I had a tough time going back and forth between the Bitone & BlackDiamond. Both were pulling at me but in the end, well, you know. ;)

01-22-2011, 02:52 PM
Welcome from a couple states north of ya.

You might want to put a hogue grip on or a innertube. The grips can sometimes be a little aggressive. Some like em as is. Just know that if it's not comfy there are options.

Let us know how she runs for ya, very nice picture and a very nice gun.

01-22-2011, 03:10 PM
Thanks Bawanna45cal,
I'll definitely consider this. I'm not recoil sensitive since I'm use to shooting my G36, but it does have some extra real estate (a little bit) over this kahr as far as hand grip goes. We'll see how it goes. This is my first Kahr and pistol of this size.

01-22-2011, 03:14 PM
Not really recoil related. The grip surface is just a bit aggressive to most. You want a solid grip on these things and just putting the squeeze on it can bite ya. Course you can tell that right off holding it. If you squeeze and it feels ok no worries your good to go.

01-22-2011, 05:09 PM

Congrats on your new PM9. I just got one recently myself
and I love it. Not one bobble, just like the other Kahr's
I've got.

Nice pics. I especially like that one showing the sights.

good shooting dxr


01-22-2011, 05:30 PM
oops did I mention there is an excellent tutorial in the kahr tech section. called

Kahr lube chart, it is awesome

Propper prepping of your new kahr, It is awesome also and might save a few head aches to.

01-22-2011, 05:34 PM
The PM9 has been described as "the little gun with the big bite".Man,ain`t that the truth? Congratulations on a fine purchase and for getting your concealed carry permit.We`re all happy for you.

01-22-2011, 10:20 PM
<small update on my range session this afternoon on post#1>

Thx DXR & Dietrich!
Jocko, Thx again. After the range, cleaning and lubing. The slide actions is definitely a lot smoother now. That long trigger pull took a few to get use to but like you said, Oh so smooth! ;) Love this lil gun.

01-23-2011, 04:56 PM
- Had 3 FTF out of 250 rounds of WWB ammo. So i'm hoping next trip it will be flawless.

I'm wondering how many rounds you went through before the ftf's occurred? 3 in the first 250 scares me and I'm hoping they were all early on. I would personally be a little worried with that stat, but hopefully, as you say, the next 250 will be flawless and will make you confident in the weapon.

BTW, which county in CA gives out CCW's? I guess it is a free state???

01-23-2011, 05:14 PM
Sorry, I should have noted. I kept track. Out of my first 250 rounds, the following failed:

26th round (FTF)
62th round (FTF)
107th round (FTF)

I just came back early today with an additional 220 rounds on it. Not one malfunction. Ya! Smoother and accurate tight groups@7yrds.

Sac county is starting to issue more permits than the past.

01-23-2011, 05:31 PM
If they issue one it will be more than they have, or so I keep hearing. My hats off to you, for getting one there.